RWBY Beacon Academy

HoneyBear-Kat]Yay! Thank you! I shall be making my Chara profile right now :D [URL=" said:


Character Sheet


Azure Snow

Race: Faunus (Fox)

Physical Description:

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Height: 4'11

Faunus Traits: Ears (white), long fluffy tail (white), enlarged canine teeth, canine behavior, heterochromic eyes (as seen in pic)

Body Type: Feminine, mature, curvy, and flattering.

Body Structure: Thin and seemingly delicate


A life like almost every other Faunus. The outcast, looked down upon, tossed aside, ignored, etc. However, unlike most of the faunus population, she didnt grow up in poverty. She wasnt especially wealthy either. Just an average family. average faunus family. But the torment and hurtful words she recieved from the outside world kept her from being outside. She spent her time in doors, avoiding the teasing and taunting of other human children (sometimes adults). This resulted in a very naive girl, knowing nothing of the world.

Her mother was a huntress and every now and then returns to her former profession when help is needed. Azure liked that. Her mom was like a hero. Ridding the world of grimm and other foul things. She wanted that too. The little fox faunus worked hard to get into beacon and when she finally recieved a notice she was in, she was happier than ever!


Very, very, very quiet. Much like a fox. Shes more of a thinker than a talker. Shes quite clever and witty at times. Some people think shes mute when introduced at first. Her lack of words only come from her shyness and insecurities. She keeps her composure on the surface, seeming tranquil and graceful, but on the inside shes totally different.

She has a very kind and giving heart, and a special place in her heart for the ignored, the ridiculed and the broken. Although her timidness keeps her from speaking to others, she'll take the first step in talking to someone if she feels they need the company or care from someone. Shes also quite naive, it may come off as clueless but its the complete opposite.

There is another side to her. Her canine certain times (or when seeing certain things) she gets a dog. Shes loyal and will always have your back even when it puts herself at danger. Shes eager to please and will do anything to make others happy. A good companion, who would never leave your side in the face of danger.

Azure can be a little...dreamy. She spent most of her time alone and because of that, is always in her own little world. She slips from reality in the most inconvenient times and soon finds her self lost or distracted. Another biproduct from being alone is her speech. She speaks much like a logical computer would. She doesnt have much experience in conversation with people...

Shes a bit odd...

Skills and Talents:

Most are aquired from her Faunus genes...

stealthy: a mixture of her silence and small stature makes her easily over looked, which proves to be an advantage on the field...

keen senses: such as her sense of smell and hearing

speed: her small body frame makes her quite hard to catch, small person, small target. Just slightly quicker than the average person, nothing fancy.

agility: as a child, she took part in a lot of activities, her favorites were gymnastics or acrobatics, making her quite nimble from years of practice.

Combat Ability:

-Physical Endurance: what she lacks in strength she makes up for in endurance. She can take an insane (almost humanly impossible) amount of hits before it really starts to effect her. However, the harder or more lethal the attack the harder it becomes to shrug it off.

-Semblance: "Enraged" or "Beserker"

Azure is a very peaceful person. She will avoid conflict if she can. Even after being picked on for her race, and being ridiculed, shes managed to be rather tranquil and forgiving.....or has she? Because of her almost pacifist like nature, she sometimes hesitates her attacks or her attacks are weak. There fore, in many cases she relies on her semblance. "Enraged" allows her to channel all her burried anger, hurt, and frustration into her fighting. She becomes more forceful, aggressive, more of an offensive fighter, and quite frankly...a little scary. Especially to those that arent used to seeing her this way.


-she takes more risks and sometimes acts irrationally with out thought, potentially putting her into more danger than she already is

-it has long lasting effects and sometimes even after the fight is over shes still in an "Enraged" state and can sometimes pose as a threat even to comrades

-its sucks the life out of her. It critically drains her energy. She becomes lethargic with headaches occuring randomly.

-Aura*: a dark blue; with a lot of concentration, she can channel her aura into a physical and tangible state. Her aura allows her to create a blue-transparent shield (kind of like Ren in the show). The bigger the shield, the more energy she takes.

Note: uses it very rarely, almost never


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Top image: her melee weapon, the pistols combine to form a large trident

Bottom left: dual pistols, theyre rather large in order to form a long trident

Bottom right: this is just to show the motion she has to do to "unravel", for lack of a better term, her guns, so that they extend and can be put together into a trident. It was designed so that the weilder only needs to do a flick in the wrist.


"A broken heart can be revived and beat greater than when it first came into the world. With time, careful mending, and an abundant amount of compassion, anyone can smile again."

Shes a big believer in second chances. Even though, that idealology has turned against her in the past (results being she was betrayed or taken advantage of). She believes each life is precious and should be treated royally. Seeing people happy makes her happy. Some may think that makes her foolish, but she follows her heart none of the less.


To show that even the most unlikely or broken of people (wether they be faunus, human, ignored, neglected, abused, etc.) can become something as great as a Huntress/Hunter.


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Except its navy blue.

(*things i added)

Ah, the Destiny reference! I am a proud owner of The Last Word and I love it!
Me too!

I couldnt think of anything else xD

Because im so original x3

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HoneyBear-Kat]Me too! I couldnt think of anything else xD Because im so original x3 Oh and thanks for accepting :D [URL=" said:
Well Hawkmoon is my weapon, but it's nothing like the one in the game xD Oh and I don't accept. That's Azalea :)
Aw poop well now i feel stupid xD

And now im going to edit it out xD
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Aw poop well now i feel stupid xD
And now im going to edit it out xD

Name: Saphir (Sa-fear)"Sphinx" Leone

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Faunis (Lion/owl mix breed)

Appearance: Saphir has lion's ears and a tail that match his bright golden hair, and while his ears are easily hidden in his crazy hair his tail is often stuffed down his pant leg. His wing however are a different story. Having inherited them from his Owl faun is mother, he has many other traits passed on from her. Most are internal and deal more with his demeanor and reflective personality but the physical traits that snow are his brilliant white wings black marking on the tips. The wings are alway hidden under a cloak as Saphir finds his patience tested when he has to answer questions and deal with added prejudice.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.61d8e753c3474f819c5d2edba6219e5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.61d8e753c3474f819c5d2edba6219e5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dominance: Essentially the aura equivalent of an adrenaline rush, Dominance is an ability that boost Saphir's amount and control of his aura. He can manipulate it how he likes channeling it through everything from his sword to his body. When channeling his aura through his sword it evolves as well as in its entirety (including the gun on the guard) growing in size and sharpness it is often used to clear an area quickly as that is what it is most useful for.r

Weapon: Vindictus and Sanctuary (Nicknamed the archangel of storms)

Vindictus (Called Angel at this point): (Before aura enhancement. The pistol guard seen here is Sanctuary before Saphir's semblance use enhances it.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e9fdd4385b9c943b95de2477df331312.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e9fdd4385b9c943b95de2477df331312.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vindictus: (After Aura enhancement)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c05019a776196c8af4844eccfb6d09ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c05019a776196c8af4844eccfb6d09ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sanctuary: (after aura enhancement)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.d62edc9d3ebbf0470b2e7de263440944.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.d62edc9d3ebbf0470b2e7de263440944.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A large sword that has a removable pistol on the guard. This pistol while part of Vindictus is called Sanctuary. There is a trigger connected to the handle of the blade that will send a signal into the gun itself so that Saphir can fire it without actually removing the gun from the blade. The sword does use dust in certain attacks utilizing both wind and lightning dust the blade will conjure a small storm around itself which Saphir manipulates to his will. Sanctuary will shoot bullets consisting purely of electrified and pressurized air that are more effective than typical bullets. The bullets work like those shot from a rail gun punching holes in the target that will grow due to the wind the bullet picks up.

Bio: Born into a family of traditionally Proud lion Faunis, Saphir and his parent have always been considered outcasts. Originally for his father breaking tradition and marrying a non-lion and in fact owl woman. Then it was compounded when they had the audacity to "sully" the bloodline by actually bearing a child. From the very start Saphir outshines expectations, being the first known halfbreed Faunis to actually survive. He did more than that Pugh as his life progressed, growing beautifully as his genetic code somehow adapted and adjusted beautifully to allow for both his lion and owl blood to benefit him. With a set of bright white snow owl wings and the tail and ears of a lion Saphir makes a dazzling and fearsome impression when not hiding his features under cloaks hat or other such clothing. Saphir was eventually permitted (although begrudgingly) to learn to fight among his numerous cousins with the aspiration to become a hunter. After years and years of training and developing his incredible strength Ssephir has proved himself to his clan and has won over the elder who arranged for him to take the Beacon entry exam. Passing in the highest margin he has gained entry and is currently traveling eagerly to his new home.

Personality: Saphir is a very quiet and self-aware young man, who only breaks away from that when angered or when using dominance as the protective and demanding nature within breaks out. Saphir also has a deep burning rage that while well handled can still boil over when Saphir is stressed causing him to say and do things he doesn't mean.

Ethics: Saphir has had to deal with discrimination his whole life and honestly he has grown from it, spreading kindness and joy he works to make the world a more equal place.

Goal: "My goal is to make the world better, in anyway I can."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.613fd1b5aff9b2c5c925cf38aaac94e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.613fd1b5aff9b2c5c925cf38aaac94e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ambre Sienaerde

Race: Owl Faunus

Physical Description:
(a picture and short physical description)

Ambre has long brown hair that ends at the small of her back, she has multiple feathers laced in her hair as well as silver-white bangs. She has what most people consider, large childish eyes, despite her eyes being yellow and having seen more things then most can imagine. She use to have lovely brown and white speckled wings before she cut them off because she couldn't deal with all the pain and torment they caused for her as a child especially in a place where Fauni were oppressed and constantly looked down upon; Especially Avian fauni. She's roughly 5'2 and doesn't let her height give her a disadvantage.



Ambre never really knew her parents, since the day she was born and first opened her eyes, all she had ever seen was red and white. She grew up on the streets of Vale and was put in whatever foster homes would accept her, but no one wanted a tiny little owl faunus. The kids at the foster home weren't very kind either. She was often bullied, abused, picked on and pushed around by mostly all the other kids at the foster home, even some of the other fauni picked on her. The owner of the foster home and it's employees mostly turned a blind eye to this since they didn't care. She eventually couldn't take it anymore and cut off her wings. She tends to try to avoid contact with any fauni she comes across because of her past and tries to avoid humans as much as well.

Personality: Ambre is very quiet, distant and tends to be a bit cold towards others, but that's because of what happened to her in her past, and talking to people, means trusting them, and forming a connection with them and she doesn't trust anyone but herself because that's what she learned is that she can't trust anyone but herself in life. She is however very observant of other people but sometimes can be quite oblivious to people's interest in her since she doesn't think she's all that interesting and would rather be a wall flower.

Skills and Talents:

Ambre surprisingly knows how to play the piano very well and also knows how to sing but she would probably kill you if you ever mention it to her. She is an avid reader and can often be found reading or studying the stars at night since night time is her favourite time since she loves to go on walks in the middle of the night because it calms her nerves since she hates being inside sometimes because it makes her feel claustrophobic.

Combat Ability: (must include physical strengths along with semblance)

She is very agile and stealthy, she is almost silent whenever she walks, or approaches


"Dancer of the Wind", her semblance usually activates whenever she's in a fight or is about to go into battle, the wind will start to move and listen to her command so long as it has to do with controlling her lances. Her semblance also would have been related to her ability to fly but since she no longer has wings she can't use her semblance for that but she does glide and move around like she is dancing on the wind.



Melee Weapon: She carries three of theses in her case bag on her back.


Long range Weapon: Her lances all collapse and fit together to form a FN SCAR.

She manages to summon and control her lances with the help of her semblance and her weapons each have their own separate names despite all looking the same aside from roman numericals engraved in the handles along with their names in french. The first one is known as Liberté, the second one Ciel and the third one is called Vol. When they form together into her Scar, they come together to say "Vol Libre dans le Ciel"

Ethics: Ambre is always focused on her studies and really has no interest in interact with others unless it's forced upon her by the teachers.

Goals: "To just become the best I can be... I don't need someone else's help with that..."
apoliseno said:
Ah, the Destiny reference! I am a proud owner of The Last Word and I love it!
How could anyone be so rude to say something like that ._.

And yus it did die

Im still in love with destiny :D
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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]How could anyone be so rude to say something like that ._.
And yus it did die

Im still in love with destiny :D

[/QUOTE] slowly withered away for me.
As it did for most cx ill admit i havent played it as much as i used to, now that the DLCs arent as fresh anymore. But its good pass time for me and there are just certain qualities of it that i like that i feel other games seem to lack. There are games that are similar but...idk...Destiny just has that something to keep me coming back xD
Metaphysics said:
I ALREADY USED IT! On the other hand, there's another RWBY rp that's just getting started AND needs more people. It's called RWBY: Shadows of Grim...err well, something along those lines
Alterius said:
RWBY: Shadow of the Grim...afriend of mine is running it. Alstromeria and Carnation.
Yeah. I've already fought one of their OCs, gained a bit of respect from another, and made another break his "I'm a buff and intimidating badass" routine for a few

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