RWBY Beacon Academy


Elder Member

Welcome to Beacon Academy.


Character Sheet


Race: (only need specify if your character is a faunus)

Physical Description:
(a picture and short physical description)

Background: (at least 1+ paragraphs)

Personality: (at least 1+ paragraphs)

Skills and Talents:

Combat Ability:
(must include physical strengths along with semblance)




Liked = Accepted

  1. Erika Fayt (@Metaphysics )
  2. Azure Snow (@HoneyBear-Kat )
  3. Saphir Leone (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
  4. Ambre Sienaerde (@StarrySkyofLostSouls )

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Name: Erika Fayt

Race: Faunus, Lion

Physical Description:


Erika is a lovely young woman. She is Five feet, 4 inches tall and weighs about 115 pounds. She has silver-blue hair that goes down to her back, and yellow/black cat eyes. She is in possession of both cat ears and a cat tail, matching her hair color.

Background: Erika is a Lion type Faunus, born to parents who love her dearly in the forests outside Mistral. Forsaking the usual, civil type of living, her family moves from location to location, hunting off of the land and going without real assistance from the outside world. Erika was taught to live, breathe, and hunt from a oyung age, since the females of the clan are the ones who do the majority of the fighting. When a screw up caused most of her village to be wiped out, The rest of her clan were forced to seek help, which was a massive blow to their pride. Erika, hellbent on improving her skills as a Huntress. Pre-beacon, she was undergoing training in Mistral, transferring to Beacon out of hatred for staying in one place to long.

Personality: Erika has a serious ,aloof personality... mostly because she still isn't used to being around so many people, and prefers quiet places. She isn't the best team player because of this. Growing up outside cities, she had limited access to technology, so she doesn't understand most of it and it bugs her to no end. She is family minded, caring for her parents and those that have earned enough respect to be considered as much. Once she picks a cause, she is loyal to it, almost way too stubbornly.

She has a love for fighting and enjoys 'Search and Destroy; type missions, most likely because of the familarity of them, as she enjoyed hunting beasts and Grimm with her clanmates. This may have given her a slightly sadistic personality on the battlefield, as she pursues a target to her fullest extent, and her brain whirrs to life faster than anything.

Skills and Talents: Enya is the one to call if you need help surviving the wild. She has an entire lifetime of experience when it comes to foraging, making camp,and hunting. Thus, she is also an excellent tracker. AS her clan didn't have much in the way of entertainment, she is a talented singer.

Combat Ability:

Erika is a focused, to the point Huntress. She chose a lance because it's the best weapon for both offensive and defensive use, and she is skilled at turning one into the other with ease. As she uses a lance, Erika prefers slashing type attacks, usually around mid-range. Over a decade of hunting experience has given her a tactical mind, and keeps an eye out for potential openings. Another good aspect of using a lance is that it allows ease of escaping to a longer range, where she can switch to her Sniper Rifle. He rpreferred methodd of combat is forcing the enemies to defend, then punishing them for it.

Erika's Semblance is Kinetic Energy. Erika turns all forces of movement or interaction into a stored up force. She can keep this energy for herself, increasing the power of her physical attacks, or transfer it to a portion of her body, such as her legs, increasing movement speed. She has the option of releasing some wth each attack to increase the sharpness, or unleash a blast of energy at the target. The use of dust will determine the element of the blast/ attack used.. The more energy she spends the greater the force of the impact.

Weapon: Gae Bolg

A medium ranged lance, bladed on both ends and sized, it's height as tall as she is. It is a silver lance with black inlay, made to catch the light and reflect it. It's so shiny one can see their reflection in it at a mere glance. Both ends are connected to a chain that she can activate to release like a grappling hook. By pressing a button, the blades retract and turn to form a Sniper Rifle, a scope poping out from within it.

Ethics: Enya will not attack someone she respects, or a member of her family. Beyond that, anything is fair game to her, as she hasn't grown accustomed to standard ways of living.... indeed, she enjoys a good chase.

Goals: Raise enough money to restore her clan so they don't have to worry about dealing with other people anymore.

Name: Linnae Cyan

Physical Description:


Spiky blonde-brown hair frames Linnae's heart-shaped face, and teal blue eyes glint, usually cheerfully. She's a formidable height of 5"10, towering over most.

Background: Linnae was the youngest child of three, born to a financially-adept family. Her parents were the entrepreneurs of a major Dust Company, and were often away on business trips and vacations, leaving them no time to interact with their children. Despite this, Linnae lived a relatively peaceful life, apart from the usual sibling rivalry shared with her second oldest sister, Zeal. Neither Linnae nor Zeal quite got along with their oldest sibling. Part of the reason for this was because the boy was never at home to interact with his two younger siblings, as his parents found him being trained to take up the family business more important then getting to know his siblings. While their brother was being trained in business and politics, Linnae and Zeal occupied themselves with their families main product - dust. Both girls developed interest in such physical activities as sports and combat. Linnae and Zeal both quickly developed a fascination with the many weapons dust could be stored in, and their amazing effects. Eventually, Zeal's semblance, which helped her to to manipulate the effects of dust, was discovered by her parents, who quickly sent her away to a training academy. And the 8-year-old Linnae was suddenly all alone. At the age of 9, Linnae discovered her semblance on accident, while experimenting with some of the many weapons that littered her fathers laboratory. She was quickly sent to one of the many training schools to prep her for attending Beacon Academy when she reached the age.

Personality: Linnae is far from the nicest character around, she's hot headed, impulsive, and extremely violent when someone has the nerve to challenge her. She is kind to most of the time and would often go out of her way to help her friends but is often aggressive towards boys. Linnae is easily flustered and would often respond to such situations with a book or, if nothing heavy enough is available, a kick to the face. Despite often showing her tough side the blond is actually quite fragile and can easily be hurt by the actions or words of others and, more often than not, herself. When it comes to her friends she tends to be protective while also being somewhat of a teaser.

Skills and Talents: Linnae is stronger then most, due to her intense physical training from a young age. She prefers fighting from a distance, though she's also quite capable of holding her own in hand-to-hand combat.

Combat Ability: Linnae's semblance is wind, a quite useful semblance in battles with the fan-like weapon she totes around and the task of flight. She is also able to turn up to two body parts at a time to wind, a quite useful power in the tactic of dodging enemy blades.



Linnae received her weapon at a young age as a gift from her beloved uncle. Because of this, she is quite adapt in the fans multiple uses. On top of the weapon ,numerous needles so tiny they appear invisible to the naked eyes attach by a equally tiny string. When Linnae swipes her fan at an enemy, and at the same time presses a button located near where her hand rests on the hilt, viciously sharp needles sharp enough to cut through a watermelon detach. Linnae also uses her semblance with the fan, giving it numerous capabilities. Swinging her fan at an enemy with enough strength and power has the effect of sending them hurtling in the opposite direction. The fans second battle transformation is that of a rail-gun resembling weapon. Two dust chambers attach to the weapons front, making it capable of hurling elemental projectiles, as well as allowing Linnae to cast dust crystals by hand.

Ethics: Unlike her family, Linnae strongly believes that everyone, from faunus to humans, were created equal, and deserves the same degree of respect.

Goals: Wishes to become a well-known huntress.​
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Name: Yuri Kennomura

Physical Description:


Yuri is a 5'7 male who looks very feminine no matter how you look at him, he prefers to be thought of as a female. He has violet hair which is normally tried back but if let down it reaches to just past his shoulders. He is normally seen with glasses on as he requires them to be able to see. He might look slightly less female if he wore male clothing but he simply prefers to wear female clothing saying that "Its much more conformable than what males wear."

Background: When he was much younger he and his younger sister were attacked by an Ursa. Yuri was unable to do anything to stop it and when they both thought they would surely die a Huntsman arrived and killed the Grimm. After this he decided he would become a Huntsman and protect those who couldn't protect themselves so he attended Sanctum for three years graduating early mostly due to luck. Instead of immediately applying to Beacon he prowled the streets and outskirts of Vale taking on thugs and any Grimm he came across with his trusty Rejector until he was convinced by one of his former teachers at Sanctum to apply to beacon because they were worried about his safety hunting Grimm and criminals without complete training. Although reluctant to apply, he was accepted and begrudgingly attends.

His family is a relatively wealthy one on par with the Schnee family but he hates having his family image pressed upon him and dresses like he does. He rarely informs others of his familial ties. He is constantly at odds with his father who expects him to take up as head of the family although Yuri refuses to have any part of it because he would rather help people than be treated like the rich man he is.

Personality: Yuri is easygoing and normally keeps to himself because of this the friends he does have are good ones. He keeps his cool and lazes about mostly, but he is easily angered and doesn't do much thinking when upset, charging into bad situations without considering the consequences. If asked why, he would tell anyone he's at Beacon training to be a Huntsman because "I got nothin' better to do." When in reality he feels an obligation to protect his little sister whom he was unable to defend when attacked by a Grimm when they were younger.

Skills and Talents: He is very fast on his feet and even faster when using his weapon, he would trade speed for strength

any day. He also has very high agility making so that if he does throw his weapon he can normally get it beck fast. He can also be very manipulating towards males who don't know really he is a male, using what would be called a 'females' charm to charm them

Combat Ability:

He fights using the ancient art of sojutsu better known as simply spear wielding. He focus on speed over strength and he would much rather be able to get several hits in rather than just a strong one. He prefers to fight at closer range as the only long ranged offensive capability he has it too throw his weapon leaving him defenseless until he picks it back up.

Yuri's semblance is somewhat a double edged blade. If it was given a name, it would be called "Overclock", which allows him to force his body to produce adrenaline at a higher and longer rate than a normal body should be capable of. Resulting in higher reflexes, movement, and striking. However, a normal body is not meant to be pushed beyond its limits, and therefore the stress of the physical acts start to damage the body. The sure sign that Yuri's body is starting to be damaged, is when his right eye starts to bleed, akin to crying tears of blood in appearance. Which is only about a minute of consistent overclocking.


His weapon of choice is a Rocket Propelled Charge Spear (RPCS) called The Rejector. It is a gigantic, metal spear whose blade has Dust powered rockets on the side. The use of the rockets are to improve the speed of both the user and the spear's speed when thrown. There is a button on the spear's handle that activates the rockets.

The rockets have a 10 second interval, stopping the rockets' activation after 10 seconds. The rockets can also be reversed by using a switch near the activating button. It is also durable, able to withstand a Death Stalker's stinger and claws. Yuri uses Sojutsu, a fighting style in ancient Japan that uses spears, on The Rejector.

When not in use, the handle shortens, the rockets enclose and leather straps appear from its back, turning into a giant backpack.


Ethics: He believes that everybody has a chance to be classed as equal and that nobody should be judge because of what they were born as or look like.

Goals: He wants to make sure nobody has to go through what he did when he was younger. (Wishes to protect the next generation)
Name: Cetra

Race: Human

Physical Description:


(He doesn't have the kanji on his head.)

Cetra is a thin, pale boy with auburn hair and pale blue eyes. His eyes are often surrounded by black rings due to his inability to sleep normally.

Background: Left on the doorstep of a rich family who had gained their fame from criminal activities, Cetra's past is shrouded in mystery. The only connection to hid parents he has is a note addressed to Cetra telling him his name and that they would meet again when Cetra was the most powerful hunter in all of Remnant.

Cetra was also left with a necklace which he wears constantly. The necklace appeared to be the only reason the family had taken Cetra in, though the father refused to inform Cetra why.

As he grew up, Cetra was treated cruelly by his "family". The father seemed to hate him for unknown reasons, the mother despised his dreams of becoming powerful and the violence that came with that dream, and their children simply hated Cetra because he was different. Remaining indifferent to the family, Cetra focused on becoming stronger and getting into Beacon Academy, seeing that as the next step to becoming the strongest being in Remnant.

Cetra is very quiet, only really speaking when he has to. He never smiles, feeling that he cannot be truly happy until he can meet his father and mother when he becomes the strongest in Remnant. He is very driven towards his goal and doesn't let anyone stand in his way.

Despite his inability to experience true happiness until his task is completed, Cetra does have the tendency to grow fond of people he deemed as good, though he would never testify to this out loud. He finds social situations very awkward and tend to avoid them. He is mostly indifferent to others, though he mostly avoids taking an active part in social interactions because deep down he has a fear of others, mainly being a fear of rejection by others and being left alone. He isolates himself so he doesn't have to feel the pain of others isolating him.

Skills and Talents:

Combat Ability: Cetra is a deadly fighter who relies on his strength and endurance in battle. He has the ability to deliver frightening blows and take a lot of punishment. Cetra lacks a lot in speed, however, often weighed down by his weapon.



Ethics: Cetra believes in perfecting himself and becoming strong enough to take anyone. He can obsessively fixate over this from time to time, as he feels becoming the perfect fighter is why he is alive.

Goals: Become the best.


"Hello~ I'm Theon Reed."


"I am a faunus, a fox one. Not that I care really. Faunus, normal, what's the difference?"

Physical Description:


(My pic~....gave up on hands)

"I have a rather unique apperance. Cool but my opinion at least."

Theon really does have a unique apperance. Rather than being a faunus that has ears OR tail, he has both fox ears and a tail. His ears and tail are black with white tips. He has black hair that falls messingly in his eyes with bright green eyes, light tan skin. The real 'uniqueness ' comes from his clothing attire. Theon has a black shirt that has no sleeve on the right side and on the left side the sleeve cuts off at the elbow. On top of that is a white hooded vest that is almost never buttoned up. His right arm has a long sleeved black, fingerless glove then on his left arm is a white fingerless glove. Around his waist rests a half white half black scarf that seperated his shirt from his pants. His pants are white with the right side stopping at the knee and followed by black 'stockings'. His left side stops right above the ankle to a black sock. Ending this is his white shoes. Also his symbol rests on the back of his vest.


The symbol X3 the 'black' has a redish tint and the 'white' had a gold tint


"Hmmmm...There is not much about my past that is really interesting. "

Theon was raised in a family of White Fang members. Naturally his father raised him in combat for the war to come...however Theon never wanted to join a war. He never cared. Even if people yelled in his face he has always been more focused with himself then the outside world. He kept up the White Fang act for years though so his father would teach him the ways of combat and dust use. day...Theon just left. Right before his first grand Faunus rebel mission, he 'ran' away.

He never cared much for his uptight, super faunus religious family. No. They were just a bother to him. Always yelling, always getting on him, always trying to force stuff upon him. Well he was through. Did he care that for a bit he had to live on the streets? No. All he had to do was get an accepting job Find a nice cheap place to stay at. It was certainly hard due to what he was but he managed it. Then, he found he had no real purpose in this bland life of his.

About a few of being a Hunter really hit him. As he listened and read about a few things he found that this could be something he could do, with his experience and such. Becoming a Hunter was just too interesting to pass. It could finally give him something to do, a purpose. Who knows, maybe he could find a even bigger purpose in life. A bigger, more interesting adventure.


"Hah, I've been called many things for the way I am..."

(Due to possible change of the originally planned personality, i'll try to keep this short.)

Theon can be mistaken of having a multi personality disorder when you truly get to know him. It goes with his whole theme, he is either dark and ruthless or light and kind. Normally his 'kinder' side shows. Meaning a teasing, somewhat friendly side. However once things dissolve into a battle the 'fun' Theon you know will change into one of a more darker, 'psychotic' form. Truth be told that is just how he is. A merciful ruthless person. No disorder of any sorts. In his 'kind' mood there is obviously something darker hidden beneath. He's a Yin Yang sort of person. With his Yin state there will also be Yang, a friendly smile covering a irritable feeling. Same goes with Yang. Though he may be ruthless at times there is also a hidden compassion. It's all a jumbled mix between the two X3

He may seem very selfish in thing, which he is, but in some ways he cares for others. A free individual who will give you a direct response to almost anything. If you make a dumb comment he will point it out. If you act a dislikable way then Theon will rudely make a comment with a smile on his face. He's not one to take crap from anyone. A smile almost seems to be permanently on his face, may it be small or big. It fits though for he is truly a are free person. He doesn't care for the raging wars of faunus and people, if you bully him for his ears he'll either ignore you or joke along with you. But if you continue the teasing you might get a boot in the face.

Really, you either like him or hate him.

Also, he really doesn't have any connections to people. Though he may be talking away to people there is no ties bounding him to anyone. Family, friends, no one. Maybe his team, whomever they may be, will finally be those ties he is missing in life. (Throughout rp he may change and there will most likely be more to his personality.....and...A LOT of changing. Really I wouldn't pay much attention to this for throughout the rp the changes may be drastiv. Just keep that image of him being a Yin Yang sort of person.)

Skills and Talents:

"Skills skills....Naturally I have enhanced senses due to being a faunus. I am rather quick and flexible if you could call that a skill. Strength is medium for me. Im neither stronger nor weaker than others. My strength resides within my semblance which I'll explain later. On a lower note I don't do it much I can play a piano rather well too....Art is a side hobby of mine. Both are not very useful for combat, I know, but its more"

Combat Ability:

"Combat Ability, skills, close enough. As I noted before I am build for speed rather than blunt force. In battle I dodge around rather than full on attack. Ive been taught to first find an opening before striking. That and the more you get your opponent to attack you the more they will tire resulting in you becoming eventually stronger than them. I admit that I am very skilled in the use of swords and bow which is why my weapon is the way it is. Dust I am skilled with when it comes to my bow. Fire arrows, ice arrows, so on. Even arrows of light and darkness with my semblance.

You want to know my semblance?...It's hard to explain. Some call it 'Demon's skin' and 'Angel's cloak' though I don't have a specific name for it.

This ability of mine can be served as an offensive or defensive skill depending on which 'skin' I use. What I mean skin is that my semblance coats me with some sort of energy revolving around light and darkness.

My 'Angel's Cloak' is obviously a more defensive boost. I am surrounded by a golden-white energy that gives me abilities as in a speed boost, reaction time boost, and I can use a temporary energy shield of light to block any attacks. During the use of this there is said to be the faint image of 'Angel' wings on my back. Though mainly defensive I can use this to form 'light arrows' for my bow.

The 'Devil's skin' is the offensive one. Surrounded in a black-red glow my strength and durability is increased. Also during this my blades are coated in a dark red glow which increases their sharpness then strength. I can also form arrows or darkness with this. Also like the 'Angel's cloak' I have 'demon' wings on my back.

I would love to be able to use this freely but unfortunately I can only use them every other day. If I use one today then it will be a day or two before I can do it again...depending on the amount of time it is used. There is a limit of about ten minutes for the strain on my body can be very damaging.

On the better side of things I can use the arrows of light and darkness freely, just in weaker states than if I were in one of my 'skins'. Adding to the fact of light and darkness slashes that I can emit from my blades. I may slash from far away and sent a streak of razor sharp light at your direction. Again, not as strong as could be and also this needs to be watched too. Limits limits...what we could achieve without them."





"I call them Sin and Virtue. Odd names but it is really fitting with their apperance. They are twin, fraternal I guess, blades. Sin is black with a white hilt and blade. The wing has a red hue. Virtue is the opposite, white with gold details, a black hilt and blade. The wing has gold coloring. Sin and virtue connect at the hilt to form a bow. The arrows are created from dust and semblance as described before. Oh, they also, when jointed at the hilt, can be a double blades spear."


"My Ethics huh? Well I believe the past is the past and there is nothing you can do about it so move on with your life. Don't judge a book by its cover blah blah blah..Oh, I never hold grudges. Perhaps for an hour to a day but never for to long. I believe that there is too much in life to hold grudges. If you hold a grudge how are you ever going to move on in life? "


"Goals.....truth be told I don't have any personal goals. Well...besides being a hunter. You can say I have really no motivation in life and looking for something."
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Name: Chet Deadman

Race: Human

Physical Description:


Chet can be considered a behemoth of a man. He is 6'4'' and weighs 255lbs.

Chet's story is a rather boring one. Chet was born to two loving middle class parents in Vale. Chet's parents decided that they only wanted one child, so Chet grew up an only child, getting anything he wanted(within reason). Before long Chet decided he wanted to be a hunter. He was sent to Signal academy where he hand forged his weapon and learned how to fight monsters. After Signal he applied to Beacon, where he is now heading to become a full-fledged hunter.

Personality: Chet's a quiet guy, he never really says much. He's quite friendly though and never does anything to harm anyone without reason. He sometimes goes out of his way for a friend. This can be considered a fault as Chet can be taken advantage of in this way and may neglect his own needs because of it. Chet can be quick to temper if he feels his friends are threatened. Chet has a few quirks, he uses snaps to communicate sometimes, not really explaining himself.

Skills and Talents:

-Immense Strength

-Excellent Chef

-Surprising Agility

-Skilled at Mending Clothing

-Functional Janitor

-Inherently Athletic

-Crack Shot

Combat Ability:
Chet's specialty is swinging a large sword around like a children's toy. Chet is light on his feet and quick. Chet isn't the fastest runner, but he's capable of changing directions faster than most people half his size. Chet is also capable at range as he can fire a weapon with peak efficiency. Chet's semblance is Strength, meaning when he taps into it he becomes strong enough to lift huge weights, and also destroy extremely tough things with his bear hands. This has an adverse effect on Chet, it can cause Chet to snap and become a raging monster until he falls down due to fatigue.



This weapon is called Rush. This weapon is a .50 Caliber sniper rifle that can also be wielded like a Great Sword. Chet is capable of one handing this weapon effectively with his semblance.

Chet knows that what's right for his friends is what's right for him, nothing more, nothing less. Chet is fueled by the belief that he was put on the face of the planet to defend others and put an end to evil in the world.

Chet wants to be a hunter. To that extent he also wants to protect the people of the world and offer guidance to future generations of hunters. Aside from that, Chet wants add more skills to his "Housekeeper Repertoire."
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Name: Anise Feathering

Race: Human

physical description :


She is skinny and frail looking, has acid green eyes and long waist length auburn hair.

Background: Both her parent were amazing hunters and she longed to be like them. She just want the adventure, the excitement and the ability to protect the people she love and care about. Her parent are still alive,but retired they had their fill of adventure and encourages their daughter to become a huntress, which she is working hard to achieve and won't stop until she does. Before she transferred to Beacon, she went to Signal and created a very unique weapon to fit her fight style. It was multi-dust weapon called Slicer.

Personality: Anise is quiet girl that is shy around new people. She get nervous about things in certain situations. She loves animals and is very respectful to faunas. Despite her nervousness when she is fighting she is very serious and calm. She can think quickly and get out a situation very easily.

Skills and Talents: Anise is a quick think and faster on her feet and faster with her semblance. She is also very acrobatic and flexible and also extremely good in close combat with her weapon.

Combat ability: Her semblance is using glyps, which she uses to increase her speed, block attacks by using a barrier that doesn't hold for long and jump and move around in the air. She can also use it as a platform to stand in the air.

She is fast, deadly and accurate with her weapon. She mostly used her speed to move around and dodge attacks. She uses her barrier ability to block heavy attacks. She uses the platforms a when she wants to move around in the air and confuse her enemy.

The dusts on her weapon, only works when she makes contact with the enemy or object. Like if she want to freeze the ground she need to stab the ground. Or if she want to paralyze someone she need to hit the person. She can change between dusts very easily during battle.

Weapon: Her weapon is Slicer. A multi-dust weapon that is a blue boo-staff with black markings. The boo-staff can turn into katana, scythe and spear. The blade changes color when she switches dusts.

Ethic: Be kind to everyone and treat them with respect. Don't judge people because they have their own reason to do things. Have gun and work hard.

Goal: become a hunter like her parents.

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Name: Miliana Anderson

Race: Human

Physical Description:


Background: Miliana's life was boring and uneventful for most of her life. Her family was the same, one mom, one dad, an older brother and a younger sister. Her parents worked for the Schnee Dust Company, their position not too high but not too low, just plain and average. Her brother was not really different, wanting to do the same job their parents had. Her sister is still too young to know what she wants, but it's most likely the same as her brother. Only Miliana had a different dream. Ever since she could remember, she had always wanted to be a Huntress. Even though they risk their lives on a daily basis fighting Grimms, she still found the idea of being a Huntress wonderful. In fact, she didn't even find the Grimms terrifying or horrible like most of the kids her age, and some adults of course. The Grimms maybe the reason she wanted to become a Huntress. She wanted to see one up close, not to fight them, but to merely observe. Of course she knows she'll have to fight them, but still, she find it disappointing to kill those fascinating creatures.

So naturally, Miliana was overjoyed when she found out she had a Semblance. It was the first step of her fream to being a Huntress, her first step to seeing a Grimm up close. She entered Signal Academy, hoping to one day get into Beacon. Of course when that day came, her parents were naturally proud, although they were concerned for their daughter's safety. But knowing this is her life's dream, they supported her decision to go to Beacon.

Personality: Miliana is a cheerful and friendly person, although she is quite quiet at times. She is really helpful and kind, a really reliable person. Though she may not be the most talented person around, she is certainly determined and spirited. She is also quite curious, often too curious for her own safety (she even jumped from their roof just to find out if it hurts or not, which resulted to her arm being in cast for a month). But despite all these qualities, she can be very lazy, especially on cold days. She can also be quite mischievous at times.

Skills and Talents: Her memory is amazing, she is able to see an image in her mind with almost perfect detail as long as she's seen it once. She is quick on her feet and very agile, she also has an excellent hand eye coordination. She is also quite skilled when it comes to instruments and her voice is oh so wonderful. She loves to draw and paint, and she sometimes indulges in writing.

Combat Ability: Miliana is most comfortable when fighting with her own weapon, but it doesn't mean that she's a pushover without it. She is great at hand to hand combat, mostly because she got into a lot of fights when she was a kid. Her speed and agility is great for dodging and attacking, but she can be quite sloppy when it comes to defending. She is quite good when it comes to long range, though she has only tried it in target practices, she doesn't own a bow or a gun, so yeah, it doesn't help her out that much.

(Semblance is still WIP)

Weapon: Valkyrie's Retribution (

Valkyrie's Retribution is a pair of katana which can change into a whip. In sword form, the blade is only one and a half feet in length. It has a chamber near the hilt of the sword where a special dust round can be loaded. When loaded, it can be released through a tube that runs along the blade as it's swung, allowing the user to make ranged swipes enhanced with properties depending on what kind of dust was loaded.

The blades can separate into multiple sections connected by a cord. At full length there's about a foot of cord between each blade section, giving the user much longer range in melee, plus the ability to do actions like wrap around body parts to trip, disarm, or otherwise annoy opponents. Normally the whip can be released by swinging the blades and letting it extend naturally, however if a special cartridge is loaded, then the blades can be shot forward very quickly, which is excellent for surprise attacks among other things. The blades can also be retracted fairly quickly with a small motor to draw a tangled opponent closer, or even possibly to use it like a grappling hook to reach high ground.

Ethics: WIP

Goals: WIP


  • Name: Jinie Rosevier

    Appearance: Jinie has red unruly hair reaching to her shoulders. She wears a short black leather jacket and a white shirt inside. She wears shorts and a striped knee-high socks and rubber shoes adorns her legs.

    Race: Human

    Personality: Jinie is a rather tomboyish person. She is quite unsociable due to the fact that others immediately judge her to be a delinquent due to her looks. She finds it hard to express her feelings properly and when in trouble, may end up resolving the conflict through a fight. Despite having a sharp and independently violent personality, she is actually friendly. If treated nicely, she will respond in kind. She is loyal and affectionate to her friends but like usual, finds it hard to express it.

    Ethics: She is friendly and loving to her friends in her own way. She generally does not care whether you are a human or a faunus but if someone poses a threat to her or her friends, then she can be rather cold.

    Goals: To become a huntress and have true friends
Name: Katsuro Daichi

Physical Description:
Since it seems the barrier of well-known anime character's is down, I'll use an old favorite.


Katsuro stands at 5 feet, 11 inches, and a muscular build to add to the intimidation. He doesn't, as the picture suggests, wear a cape and no shirt. His normal attire consists of tight black pants and the following jacket:


He, however, habitually takes his jacket off.

Background: Katsuro came from a well-known family. Being the firstborn, there was a certain expectation to how he should act. Katsuro, however, wasn't a fan of listening to people and living a life dictated for him. As a child, he did many things his family didn't approve of just to prove that his life is in his hands. His younger brother was the picture perfect child. He played the rules of their family perfectly, and quickly became the family favorite. Katsuro, however, became quite fond of leading his own life. So, in a not-so-unseen revelation of his personal interests, decided he would train to become a hunter. He almost immediately got into training school, and eventually managed beacon.

Personality: Katsuro prefers to lead, and he's good at it. Even when he's not in a lead role, he tends to follow his own rules and tell people what to do. He's not exactly understanding of everyone's feelings, and somewhat believes if you don't think he's right, you're wrong, but it's gotten him this far. To sum up his personality from his perspective: He knows that he's doing, either follow him or leave.

Just so you know, Katsuro is a new OC of mine, so I won't really know what his personality is going to end up being. He could be the complete opposite of this, I'm not sure until I get into a groove with him. Until further notice, this is what his "unofficial personality" is. Once I begin role playing, I will quickly settle upon a personality and I'll edit this to fit.

Skills and Talents:
Katsuro is very aware of two distinct skills he has: He's quick on his feet, and he has keen eyes. This helps with recon and getting close to his enemies.

Combat Ability:
Katsuro's speed is one of the main reasons he likes fighting up close. He can easily dodge any attempt at attack from close range, and punish his enemies for creating an opening. His speed also helps him get away from enemies and retreat to a safe distance for him to use his weapon in Sniper Rifle form. His keen eyes helps him support teammates by finding hiding enemies, as well as being able to scope areas out easier and being a good lookout. His semblance empowers him to become an extremely good fighter through the means of instinctive strikes and blistering speeds. His semblance helps him at close range by allowing him to move quicker and being able to tell where an enemy's weak spot might be and striking it quicker than most can think. His semblance helps him at long range by allowing him to aim and fire his Sniper Rifle quicker and with more accuracy than he would otherwise physically be able to.

Weapon: Katsuro's weapon was self-made, and is very intricate. It has four forms, each one used for a different style of fighting.

The weapon's first form is dual knives:


Katsuro took this weapon design and modified it so that the original handle was removed and instead the center piece became the handle. He holds each knife by putting his pinky and ring finger in the socket between the two blades and his point and middle fingers go on the opposite side of the long blade, and he wraps his thumb around the bottom.

The weapon's second form is dual pistols. The gun itself comes out of the handle of the daggers. The blades of the dagger sit under the barrel of the pistol.


The weapon's third form is a halberd. This form comes about when Katsuro combines his two daggers. The long blade of one goes inside the long blade of the other, and the thick blades are on either side. The shaft of the halberd is formed from the barrels of the pistols, after they've attached to each other and extended.


Katsuro took the thick blade on the bottom and replicated it on the other side.

The weapon's fourth form is a Sniper Rifle. This form is the result of Katsuro combining his two pistols. The barrels combine and extend to create a free-floating sniper barrel. The handle of the front pistol slides back and lays flat along the bottom of the Rifle, providing a place for Katsuro to place his left hand. The two thick blades are attached underneath the upper receiver of the sniper rifle, where the barrel meets the body of the rifle. A special function of his Sniper Rifle is that he can pull a pin on the side of the rifle body backwards and the barrel retracts into the body of the rifle, allowing for the use of the blades on the bottom to be used without the risk of hitting the rifle barrel on other objects. Another feature of this pin is, once pulled back, he can either lock in into place, keeping the barrel retracted, or he can let it go, causing the barrel of the rifle to slam out with enough force to break bones.

Katsuro's weapon uses dust bullets in Dual Pistol and Sniper Rifle forms. It can also, like Weiss's rapier, have dust flow onto the blade to specialize it's attacks. However, dust cannot cover the blades while the weapon is in a firearm form.

To Katsuro, everyone is the same, faunice or otherwise. If you listen to him, you're alright in his book.

His only goal is to live the life that he creates for himself. So far, that's becoming a great hunter.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/stuff.png.fda53d8bf00a622e0ce300d94b7f1f7f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/stuff.png.fda53d8bf00a622e0ce300d94b7f1f7f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


He is a faunus, a mutt to be exact.

Physical Description:







is a shorter guy who is quite muscly, probably because he is a boxer. And by that I mean like the fighter. He has lighter brown skin and long black ears insides colored a dark blue for style reasons and his massive busy tail in the back is of a golden color. He almost is always carrying a backpack and has a collar on around his wrist mostly but puts it loosely around his neck sometimes. He also always wears finger-less combat gloves whether they are actually his weapon or if they are just a dud. Thresh has distinct lines under his eyes, questionably people think they are some kind of makeup but they are part of his faunus genes he got from his parents, they could be mistaken for cheetah lines or lynx but he never says. His eyes are very alluring orange color



Fight for what you love, and always remember to have a reason to fight, a reason to keep going



past is pretty cloudy considerably, he seems to just be a normal kid, his parents are unknown and he never really knew them so he does not care that much, they left him with his uncle and ran away, they were young and stupid and had no idea how to care for him, or at least that's

the story he tells everyone but when the files of his parents come up there is no information, his uncle was well known but it says he has no siblings other then his sister and she was Threshes aunt and she was a Dust factory worker, she was non faunus. But besides that Threshes uncle was actually a well known fighter, he used to be a hunter himself but now runs a establishment to help teach kids to defend themselves, whether it be kung fu, nerve blocking or boxing. He took in


and small nerdy kids. He was a family guy and treated Thresh well even when Thresh was making trouble. The uncle taught Thresh young how to fight and saw him excel in boxing and MMA so he decided to focus on that and now Thresh is an amazing hand to hand combat fighter and knows all types of fighting styles due to his uncle. Thresh is not super well known vale itself because he was not originally from there but he is well known at his old home. He was an underdog who went up the ranks and almost beat the champion of MMA. Emphasis on almost. Right when he was about to fight his uncle was rushed to the hospital and he had to leave his fight to go see him. His uncle said one last thing before he passed 'It ain't about how hard you hit kid...It's about how hard you can get hit and keep going...kinda like how you hit me champ...I should have told you the truth..about why you were left with me but....I love you champ...and I won't let them find you...' his uncle says before closing his eyes and his arms falling lifeless to the bedside, in one a letter. A letter that would change Threshes life forever.



can be explained as a very calm individual who is really easy going and nice, not much tends to get him mad and no one really bothers him. Thresh tends to be a really nice guy who does not judge that much and tends to look at the better side of everyone then the critical side. The explain more, thresh is a really good friend to have around and tends to joke around a lot. When it comes to advice he is not all that good and tends to not give it because its more there problem and not his. Thresh tends to act very care free and fun.


it comes to fighting though he tends to always have a grin or an angry expression on his face and tends to be very aggressive and overpowering when he fights. Thresh is very agile and fast his punches normally packing some heat behind them showing he is not afraid to get up close and personal to his opponents. Other then that Thresh is best described as a nice guy, he is not one to got hardcore flirt and tends not to be mean unless you mess with him. Sometimes he can get hot headed and angry but he tends to manage his stress and anger well.

Skills and Talents:


is very skilled in hand to hand combat and is very strong, Thresh is also the fastest fighter in his old town and tends to land heavy blows that deal tons of damage to people and his gloves make him stronger. Very agile. Very good at friend making. Excellent at picking apart people and telling what they are like and how they are. Good at finding ways to make people tick. Excellent reaction times. Great at creating new dusts, well, good at combining some and such.



semblance has to do with his weapon heavily, his passive effect of his semblance is he can dual wield dust in his hands making his attacks do some crazy things and by dual wielding, I mean using two different dusts in either hand and being able to combine the dusts. His active effect is called Knockout. When Thresh is in a bad situation or takes way to much damage his next attack is a super strong uppercut where all dusts are used as he uppercuts to make a massive dust attack that normally knocks one opponent out or injures them and whoever is to close pretty badly. The downfalls to such a semblance are, he can only target one person with Knockout and his Dual wielding only lasts a bit but comes back fast, the dual wielding is not very touchy. When you look at it many might feel that Fire and Ice would be a cool combo, sadly its not because fire would burn them then the ice would just help heal the fire so it takes certain dust combos to actually work which makes thresh only use the semblance when he knows what works.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/GITS-Weapons_clip_image002.jpg.230c5e03817b01cbc1b93fcac2874d41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/GITS-Weapons_clip_image002.jpg.230c5e03817b01cbc1b93fcac2874d41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Two-Knuckle shuffle-

It is quite an odd name but to explain, Thresh has a very big bag on his back filled with all sorts of dust and he even has a collar of dust around his neck if he is in a tight situation, even inside his gloves are dust shards. Once these shards are broken and used, Thresh can turn his special gloves that control the dust to form rock hard hands made of stone or icy spikes perfect for being up close and personal. Thresh can use multiple dusts in these gloves one after the other causing him to a be a very quick attacker with differing dust blows. With such dust gloves Thresh is able to do devastating combos and get really close in fights. He can also shoot the dust out when he punches forward sending something like a ball of fire at the enemy. He is able to punch his fists together to change dust or to combine two dusts. Amazingly the gloves carry a lot of dust in them



would never hit someone who is down and weaponless, he believes in fairness and respect. Even when the enemy does not he still does. But if you try to backstab him, well. Get ready for hell.



fight for his friends and to make his uncles words stay true, to protect those who cannot fight, to fight for the truth.


Located on his back on his bookbag, it is blue however and not red.

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Status: Inactive

Name: Thema Zhanbene

Physical Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sister_jackson_by_yamino-d65i1eq.png.65b68a40f80577512158fc3a3be43daf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sister_jackson_by_yamino-d65i1eq.png.65b68a40f80577512158fc3a3be43daf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Thema is tall, dark, and handsome and proud of it.

Originally Sister Jackson by Yamino, from Sister Claire; sadly not Thema's battle gear.

Background: Thanks to hard work and timely investments made by her great-grandparents, the Zhanbene family counts themselves among the wealthy. Generous but calculating, her parents have invested in businesses and research by various entrepreneurs. Thema herself benefited from the connections her family made when she broke her legs in an accident. She bounced back, as children do, her recovery improved by dust-enhanced clothes working as leg braces. As rich people are wont to do. But the experience gave her a goal: bring technology that benefits Hunters and the military (like duct tape and mobile phones once did before) into the public sphere.

She was somewhat spoiled as the second child, so when she got bored with engineering school not being the challenge she had expected, she took her older brother's words to heart. "You just gonna keep coasting along? Come on, go see what it's really like for people." "People?" "Yeah. People like us. People not like us. All sorts of people at my old academy."

Personality: Thema is a highly social creature in that she enjoys the company of others and makes an effort to include others in ongoing conversations. Sometimes she tries to do this by teasing people and may go too far. Since she speaks frankly, she can get impatient with people who aren't so open and honest. She's quick to make jokes, flowing easily between baroque, faux formal tongue and casual speech. She can chat away into the night and wake up disturbingly early.

She also enjoys taking apart and putting machinery back together, but it's more fun when there's someone to bounce ideas off of. To her, the most exquisite systems are the simplest ones.

Thema has a poor gauge on the monetary value of items and materials. She tries to be generous in offering to supply materials for weapon maintenance or enhancements and doesn't always see how it could be taken as being callous or an attempt to buy others' friendship.

In combat, Thema likes silently taunting people by staying out of reach. She's otherwise a decent sportsman and openly admires when others pull off intellectual or martial feats. She doesn't toy around when faced with Grimm. She gets greater satisfaction from being on a team that pulls together more than the hunt itself.

Skills and Talents:

Highly social


Tinkering with mechanical systems (i.e. physical weapons)

High stamina and resistance to physical nausea

Sensing energies (of objects in immediate vicinity, touching distance)

Comfortable in the dark

Combat Ability: Thema prefers to observe opponents, buying time with stealth or dodging until she can determine the best place to strike. When she does close in, she shows off acrobatic attacks in an unceasing flurry of kicks, rolls, and leg grapples.

Her semblance is a more general instance of Pyrrha Nikos's Polarity, although Thema doesn't try to be subtle about it. She instead uses it to stand where people normally wouldn't (sideways on walls, upside-down from tree branches). She keeps small vials of dust to use with her semblance. Walk on water? Sure. Her semblance can also combo with gylph platforms summoned by others.

Switching to repelling allows her to deflect blows, but she hasn't learned to both attract and repel energies at the same time yet.

Weapon/Armour: "Uh, a name? For my stuff? The patent number count?" Dust-reinforced greaves and boots enhance the endurance and strength of her leg muscles. Even before factoring in her semblance, her armour significantly boosts her jump height to let her slam her full weight down on larger opponents.

Ethics: "Don't hide who you are or what you really want."

Goals: Develop and support dust research and technology for both mundane and martial uses.



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Just hoping that the RP is still accepting, so I'll leave this here. .

Rodon Chasaris.

Race: Shark.

Age: 18

Physical Description: Rodon is a tall, youth filled man reaching a not so modest height of six feet and five inches. Many of Rodon's physical features may seem off or unusual, if you were to compare him to the average faunus or human. The first being the color of his hair and eyes, each different shades of blue. Rodon's hair is a darker night blue, usually sticking up in the front like a horn on a narwhal, usually stinking of the gel Rodon has to apply to get it to keep this shape for an entire day. Likewise, the faunus' eyes are blue, yet a softer shade though they are a vibrant, sea colored set. Unlike many other faunus, Rodon's animal features are not always visible or out in the open, yet they hide in plain sight, practically. Upon opening his mouth, a row of sharp and serrated teeth are there to greet the onlookers. A throw back to his heritage. With the man also sporting a rather muscular, if not more lean build, a clear resemblance between him and the animal he draws his characteristics from can be made to those with full knowledge on him.

Rodon's typically attire is a polo shirt of either a black or grey color, the specific shade of grey varying. Furthermore, he will throw over a light jacket of some kind, rarely being seen without a jacket on his person. The outfit is finished with a dark, deep blue pair of jeans matching the color of his hair.

Background: Rodon was born in Vale, with his mother being of a faunus heritage and his father being that of a human, free from the faunus blood. The mixture of bloods had helped conceal some of the Faunus features that his mother had, in Rodon. Such as a darker completion, akin to a grey skin tone. The two had wed in secret, with Rodon's mother, Vivian, being the house maid for her husband to cover up any suspicions those around them might have. Fredrick Chasaris was a lawyer, a rather prestigious one too, in his prime. He had acquired a score of wealth over twenty years in the profession, and would often invite or associate himself with the elites that society had to offer, all over the world and the four major kingdoms. Both Vivian and Fredrick had long decided that their relationship must be kept a secret, lest both come under attack from their peers and physical harm even be risked. When Rodon was born, it became even harder. Fredrick was unable to be a proper father for Rodon, leaving the youth high and dry. He worked as a servant boy for the manor, instead of taking the role he by all rights should have. Rodon spent much of his childhood like this, learning where he could when his father wasn't attending to guests or the piles of work that he was often left with.

By his tenth birthday, things changed for the Chasaris family. Due to his public position against faunus, and specifically the group known as The White Fang, the estate was attacked. A group of eight faunus ravaged the building as Rodon was first introduced to a public school, Fredrick being there with him for this unique moment. Rodon was to attend the school in the coming months, shortly after the Summer ended. As the two returned to the Estate, their plans changed. Vivian and several other maids and butlers were butchered across the home. Resiting the White Fang had dire consequences, even if they were Faunus it would appear. Fredrick's demeaner changed dramatically after that day, arguing and fighting against the White Fang even harder then before. His desicion to move Rodon into a private school was also revoked, instead the Faunus in hiding would now be privately taught, accepted as Fredrick's son, finally. This opened new doors for the boy as he eventually made it to Signal Academy when he was old enough, and even now accepted to Beacon. Under his fathers instructions, Rodon was to mask the fact that he was a faunus, playing the part of a human. To both preserve Fredrick's own image and to make Rodon's life that much easier.

Personality: Rodon is a flexible man, easy going in a way. He's often to not truly be offended by others or put off by bad ideas. Rodon's more than capable of enjoying himself in one or more ways in most tasks he undertakes. Making it a rare phenomena that he's ever truly bored. His humor is typically darker, but it will vary depending on his mood. Rodon's able to adjust and put himself into many different cliches, he's found out, due to these laid back qualities. When it comes to combat, Rodon's neither submissive or a dominant force in the way that he won't push for the leading role, nor will he accept a weak leader. If it's a man or woman he respects, Rodon won't push them away from the position or challenge them. But if it's a person who's grating on the faunus' nerves, he won't have it. Despite the easy going demeanor, in battle or heated situations, Rodon flips the switch. Able to turn into someone willing to hurt the enemy to whatever extent it takes to subdue them, if not do worse towards 'em.

Another negative quality is his treatment towards the faunus. On his fathers orders and even a bit of a grudge of his own, Rodon will respond with great animosity towards his kin. Even if just to hide himself better, Rodon won't give them much of a break as he hounds them on their abnormalities. At times, he may go as far as to physically injure a faunus. But that is rare and few and far between.

Skills and Talents:
Like all Faunus, Rodon's able to see in the dark just fine. Adding onto that with his own more elusive blood, his sense of smell has been amplified greater. A great deal pf physical strength, inhuman, almost, helps him carry along his massive weapon. While not the best at bare hand combat, Rodon's surprisingly well at keeping up with faster opponents.

Combat Ability: Rodon's clear weakness is his movement speed, as he's unable to keep a truly fast pace going for more then ten-twenty second bursts. Though, in these bursts, Rodon's speed nearly doubles as he attempts to catch up or blitz his enemies. However, Rodon has spot on reactions and his actual ability to use a weapon is not lessened by the issue of raw speed. He's capable of tracking most speedier opponents and still fighting against them, just at a slower rate. The Faunus' strength is great, perhaps not the strongest out there, but he's more then capable to make a name for himself off of his raw physical prowess. His entire battle style is oriented by dominating his opponent with brutal slashes from his nodachi, wearing them down slowly until he's got the clear advantage in the speed category.

His Semblance helps him with this tactic, as well. Iron Skin is the name Rodon uses, it's the ability to increase his own durability dramatically to reduce physical harm. Furthering his goal of wearing down his opponents without truly weakening himself. Due to this, Rodon's not someone who can be fought to an end quickly, or will even end a fight in a few minutes. He'll drag out any match for as long as he can, just to maximize his success (If he has the upper hand,).

Weapon: The Nodachi blade, measuring at four feet long, with three of those feet belonging to the deadly weapon with an overs ized hilt, making it hard to fully grasp. An heirloom gifted to Rodon from his father, with certain enhancements made, the Nodachi's blade most memorable quality in it's true form is the three feet of steel. When swung, there's a mechanism that allows the Nodachi's blade to break apart into multiple forms, held together tightly by a series of razor sharp wires. This allows the Nodachi blade to take on a more whip like quality, allowing a mistrike to be turned back around with less effort then before, striking the person with now a sharp steel whip measuring twice the blade's length. This can be undone simply with pressing a separate mechanism on the hilt, drawing the sword back together.

The third form of the Nodachi, the part that was added only in recent times is the cannon. The requirement for this is to sheath the blade and grab it from the opposite end, showing the enemy or intended target the hilt. With a third mechanism, the end of the hilt will open up and allow the packing of different dust weaponry to be put inside. Usually it's the fire, as to help further propel the ammunition. The cannon is a devastating long ranged weapon, Rodon's primary answer to opponents who are out of his regular range and too quick to catch.

Ethics: Rodon's not as clear cut as many might initially take him for. While he isn't out to inherently protect people, he won't hesitate to do so. A certain distrust of Faunus and a hatred of the White Fang makes his judgement around others of his kind questionable, as he is prone to picking on them. However, he rarely will be pushed to injuring them or anyone else heavily unless there's a good reason for it. He has more control over his emotions then that. He's warm and kind to most humans upon first meeting them, eager to get to know them better. Though, he's also not too deterred from meeting others if he's been rejected or ignored by a few people.

Goals: Rodon's end game goal is to become a Hunter and specifically target the White Fang, mostly for revenge but also out of a feeling of justice that needs to be brought down on them. After that, Rodon's not entirely sure what he would do. The idea of clearing away other pockets for humanity (and by extension, Faunus,) to live and thrive in is an idea he's played around with.
Name: Weyland Aspero

Nickname: Wey, Grimm

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Weyland stands at a rather upsetting 5'8, with a lanky build, however he seems excessively weaker than he actually is judging by his appearance alone; his hair is unkept and unruly.

Background: Weyland lived his life as nothing but a mere paper boy and orphan, his upbringing was nothing special; but the tales and legends he left in his wake upon turning 14 up till now are rather interesting tales. The primary reason he got into Beacon Academy was because of a news story about a Nevermore tearing through a pack of Beowolves that had previosuly been headed to attack a nearby rural town with a young boy riding on the Nevermore's back, which was Weyland, age 15. of course the article neglected to mention anything about Weyland going into a 3-day coma afterwards and waking up dazed and confused. The second and less widely-known of his stunts to gain some popularity was when he made an Ursa Major barge into an arena during a sparring match against a team of four hunters in a rural town, naturally they weren't skilled, and had to put in great deals of effort to eliminate the Ursa Major, nevermind the fact that Weyland would occasionally dash out from the cover of the Grimm's spikes and attack one of the Hunters. he's not close to the level of a professional such as the all-star huntress Pyrhha, but he's certainly a contender.

Weyland's past is somewhat dark, primarily because of the way he was able to master his Semblance at such an early age, being pitted against packs of Boarbatusks bare-handed when he was young, he quickly learned to activate his Aura and use his Semblance when pushed to the brink, this rapid growth in ability and potential also caused another, significant side-effect; the formation of Hope and Despair, Hope being created so Weyland could maintain his humanity, and Despair so that he could draw upon his primal instincts and will for self-preservation to survive.

Personality: Cold and calculating is something that could sum up Weyland in a single phrase... well... sort of..

Weyland consists of two very distinct and different personalities; aptly named Hope and Despair, Hope is a softer, more straightforward persona that is often seen in company, a generally normal human being that acts, speaks and treats people normally... Then there's despair, a cold, sadistic and often silent persona with a cunning edge that never truly reveals anything; only offering misleading clues, this attribute extends to even his combat style, often using his Aura and Semblance to hide among and control Grimms, when it comes to other people, he shows and holds no restraint, often admitting and talking about Hope's feelings for other people and Hope's opinions on others when he's in control. Despair also shows no care for human or faunus life if he's distracted, and often watches people fight desperately, then finally offers his aid if they are on the brink of despair, hence his name.

Additional notes: Weyland has named his weapons after his two personae, and each persona only uses the weapon named to them

Skills and Talents:
Weyland holds onto an un-ending resolve and odd fearlessness, though it's rather easy to mistake such a trait for recklessness, which is ironically also another of his traits; he's focused primarily on Grimm's due to his semblance, and is capable of identifying and strategising a way to target and eliminate a Grimm. His skill with scythes is painstakingly powerful, but he refuses to use both at the same time; often using momentum as a way to deal his greatest degrees of damage.

Combat Ability:
Shadow King~ Shadow King is a semblance that allows Weyland to control and manipulate up to two Grimm at a time, it requires him to come into contact with a grimm's crest beforehand however, and is mentally tasking; often meaning that his standard movements slow down significantly. It works via channeling electrical impulses directly to the Grimm ho comes into contact with, giving him free control of them at a maximum range of 500 feet; the link usually only can last a maximum of ten minutes on the stronger grimms such as Ursa Major and Nevermores.

Weapon: Hope & Despair (Aptly named after his two personalities, they're no more than simple scythes, however the blades vibrate at unnatural speeds, ripping through most materials and igniting some surfaces if in contact for sufficient time



Ethics: N/A

Goals: Super Stardom- Grandiose power

@Azalea The little demon Aspero, bows to you; hope it's not asking to much but can you give me a quick recap of what's happenin?
Name: Daemon Rhaenyr

Race: Human

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Daemon wears a black cloak at all times.

Background: Daemon's father died before he was born. His mother never told him about his father, only saying that he was a great hunter. Determined to learn more about his father, Daemon dedicated his life to becoming a hunter also. But, as he grew older, he also grew quieter, and began to fear learning what his father was like. So, he altered his plans to just being a hunter, as he had no idea what else to do. The only passion he really had in life was playing the lyre he'd made.

When Daemon realized that his semblance was the ability was to teleport, he spent all the time possible working to master using it with his sword in battle. With his life now entirely devoted to training, he lost interest in spending time with family and friends, until he was finally allowed to attend Beacon Academy. As he is now very talented in combat, he does not worry about that. Instead, his main concern is how he will deal with socializing in this academy.

Combat Ability:
Daemon is gifted with natural strength, speed, and combat abilities; this is only added to by his life of training.

Weapon: Daemon wields a two-handed sword, which he named Blackfyre. It is made of obsidian and can combust whenever the wielder desires.

Goals: Daemon jsut wants to be a hunter. He isn't sure of what else to do.
((I wasn't sure if I was still able to join or not, so I'm sorry if you're no longer accepting.))

Name: Jay Tyler

Race: Bird faunus (Blue Jay)

Physical Description: Black hair cut into a pixie-bob, small pointed nose, light blue eyes, round face, almond shaped eyes, 5'8", (wings: -closed- -spread-; just use 'blue jay wings' in google image search if you need to look at more pictures)

Background: Jay grew up in Vacuo and lived most of her life there. Upon the request of a family member, she decided to apply to Beacon after graduating from primary school. The chances of her getting in were slim, but she was overjoyed when she received the letter telling her that she made it. She packed her bags and moved to Vale to be in the school of her dreams. She tries herd to stay in contact with her family but school work and missions can take a large toll on your personal time. She studies hard as she has a fear of being taken out of the school for any reason. With her large wings, it's hard to hide being a faunus, but she has thick skin and has learned to deal with it.

Personality: Jay is a very sarcastic girl, making it hard for her to make friends. She often feels as if the whole world is out to get her because she is a faunus. It's not unusual to see her locked away in her dorm, reading some work or doing homework alone. She can come off very cold and introverted, but once someone does manage to become her friend, she becomes the nicest person ever. She thinks that avoiding contact with people will help her even though it does the opposite.

Skills and Talents:
Can remember any event that she was there to witness; very good with puzzles/riddles

Combat Ability:
Very quick (especially when flying); can fly very quickly, but only uses it in combat as it can be very destructive in confined spaces; usually uses her weapon, but is also trained in basic hand-to-hand combat; Semblance: Making herself seem like she belongs (can be seen as just 'sneaky', but she can walk into nearly anywhere and state that she belongs without question. This is very good with missions where her group has to infiltrate enemy quarters).

Weapon: Jay made her weapon to symbolize her wings. They are almost like darts, but with certain abilities. The 'wings' of the dart are colored and styled after her own wings, making it a very unique weapon. These darts can cause different things. The six types of darts are poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze, and basic darts. She has named the darts "Blue Wings" after their appearance.

Ethics: Jay will always stand for what's right, even if she doesn't choose the right choice herself at times. She as a hard time standing up to her peers, though, even if it is something she strongly disagrees with.

Goals: Jay's goals are simple. She wants to be a huntress and defy the things that people have used to stereotype faunus for generations.
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Mihile "Milo" Lucard

Physical Description

Milo stands at six feet in height, and weighs about 170lbs of almost exclusively lean, flexible muscles. All of his features and muscles are incredibly defined, since he barely has any body fat at all, and his skin is almost a sickly shade of pale. His jawline, as you might expect, is also very sharp and his high cheekbones are obvious on his thin face. Matching his skin's hue, his eyes are a colorless grey, pitch black hair is usually long enough to hang down and cover at least one of them.

Whether it's because of some sort of mysophobia, disfigurement, medical condition or maybe just preference, Mihile always has bandages covering his mouth. He is reluctant to remove them, but isn't impossible to convince. Baggy clothes that cover up most of his body makes up the entirety of Mihile's wardrobe, almost as if he doesn't want people seeing his skin. Black gloves, other random strips of bandages covering visible skin and scarves are regulars on his face. The color scheme never leaves black, white and red, as he seems to have some preference for these colors.


Milo was born and destined to be nothing more than a city boy. He had a loving middle-class family composed of a mother, a father, an older brother and an older sister, which cared for him deeply and only wished the best for him. That is, for the first five years of his life. You see, Milo was always a drawn-back kid. His parents suspected he was autistic, but whenever they brought him to a psychologist they always answered that he was nothing more than slightly troubled. He'd grow out of it. That's what his parents keep telling themselves, at least. His father was an engineer, a real smart guy, and he'd learned to trust his instincts. Now when it came to Milo, his instincts scared the crap out of him. Almost from the moment he'd been born, Milo's father had been disturbed by his very existince.

His mother, who was a veterinarian at the time, had a lot of pets living in their home. Birds, cats, dogs, chinchillas... The list went on. Occasionally one or two would go missing, but that wasn't unusual. They contacted the authorities and warned them if it was a dangerous animal, then went out to find it, and usually did before anything could go wrong. That's until after Milo's fifth birthday. Animals were still going missing, but this now they wouldn't find the animal nine times out of ten. They would just be gone. For the longest time, Milo's parents were incredibly perturbed by this. Why had the animals started disappearing completely? That's when they made the connection.

Milo had grown old enough to walk, talk, and think. His parents immediately turned their attention towards him, and started asking him if he'd seen the animals. Mihile, of course, told them that he hadn't seen them since they went missing. They decided to believe this. I mean, after all, he was just a kid, right? Why would a kid ever hurt animals like that? Especially the cute ones, the cats, the bunnies. They kept telling themselves this, until one day a pigeon disappeared, and soon after it's disappearance they found two feathers from it stuck in Mihile's clothing. At this point, they were scared of what their child might be doing. Mihile kept denying that he had anything to do with them, and seeing as all they had to go off of was a couple of feathers in his clothing, Mihile didn't receive any punishment of further interrogation. His family's morale, however, was failing.

By the point he was 8, Milo was almost completely alienated by his family. They'd stopped eating food at the same time, and he was lucky if he got some leftovers. His siblings avoided him like the plague, and his parents were reluctant to talk to him. Before this, Milo had just been quiet and drawn-back, but now he was turning bitter and aggressive. He regularly got into fights at his school, and whenever he was asked why he did it he would simply respond "Because it seemed like fun." His parents once again tried to enlist a psychologist to help the boy, but the psychologist gave up after a couple of weeks saying: "I just can't find anything wrong with him."

As he hit puberty, Mihile grew more and more independent. Now he hadn't been dependent for a long time, but he started disappearing during evenings, and coming home only when he wanted to. He started dressing in ways that most people around him called strange, but he didn't care. As a matter of fact, he seemed much happier than he ever had before. His father thought that maybe he'd finally grown out of whatever the earlier stage was, but after a long casual conversation between the two Mihile's smile faded, and he told his father that he was bored of the conversation, and that he should shut up less he wanted to be shut up. It didn't help that Mihile regularly exercised and kept in a really good shape. His father never had time for anything like that, so even at the age of 13 Mihile was much stronger than his father.

He managed to get into Signal Academy. He hadn't had a record of being a troublesome child since he was 10, instead he seemed like he was the most ambitious and least troublesome student there was. Nothing really happened to him during these years. His cheery attitude was still there, but loaded with some sort of nihilistic aggressiveness was lying beneath it all. After he graduated from Signal Academy, he immediately continued to Beacon in hopes of furthering his studies.


Milo is nihilistic, but has an incredible sense of self-preservation. He used to enjoy causing pain, but his interest in that faded with the years. He still enjoys fighting and the like, but isn't as likely to punch someone in the face on the smallest justifications. He seems to very much enjoys life though, as he's incredibly happy and giddy all the time. The venomous and sometimes rude nature of Milo has surprised people on many occasions, especially since he's mostly portrayed as the perfect example of student. He isn't very likable to most people, but there have been cases where someone gets charmed by his strange sense of humor.

As for the seemingly crazy part, Milo doesn't actually have any disorders. He's just very strange. That is to say, he at least doesn't have any official disorders. During the past 9 years of his life he has regularly caused pain to himself to increase his toughness. Things like slamming his shins with wrenches, piercing his skin deeply with needles, etc. Usually he keeps this very tidy so that nobody can see the wounds. He's also very read up on human anatomy, both to know his own and other humans weaknesses, but also to make sure he doesn't permanently hurt himself with his self-mutilations. He hasn't developed any immunity to pain yet, but he's very good at ignoring it.

Milo has never been very successful in creating lasting relationships with anyone, seeing as most people are either scared of him or hate him for his behavior. He never opens up to anyone or forms legitimate bonds, therefore his personal life consists of only him. The same thing goes for romantically. He's had his romantic encounters before, but they either realized how screwed up he can be or had some other happenstance divide them before it blossomed into anything lasting.

Skills and Talents

Milo is both very strong and very agile, able do some pretty astounding things just using his hands and feet. After hours upon hours of practicing moving around he's developed a very good body coordination as well as high stamina. One of the few things he was actually born with a talent for though, was his amazing memory. He seems to recall things that nobody else does, and once a name has been given to him he never forgets it. He's also a very good acrobat and contortionist.

Most of Milo's early abilities were gained from practicing on his own, but he was also taught by proper instructors at Signal Academy. He's very proficient at handling large swords in a surprisingly quick manner, as well as dodging blows, moving swiftly and reacting quickly. Hand-to-hand combat is one of his natural talents and fortés as well, but it's not that effective without any gaunlet-like weaponry.

Combat Ability

Milo's semblance is to regenerate incredibly quickly. As a side effect he's practically impossible to tire while his semblance is active. Since his bones and muscles are able to regenerate very rapidly, this allows Milo to use his muscles to 100% instead of the human 20% limit while the semblance is being used, but this of course at the cost of immense pain.


Mihile's weapon is a very large chainsaw-like sword which's top is a razorsharp blade, making it less useful for stabbing. Despite being so large, it's light enough to still make it a somewhat convenient weapon.


Ethics isn't exactly Mihile's favorite word, mainly because he barely has any. He believes the world is only what you believe it is, and that ethics are therefore nothing more than a social construct. He doesn't just kill people for fun because of that, but he certainly doesn't think anyone has any specific right to being alive.


Due to his way of viewing the world, Mihile is actually incredibly scared of being at other people's mercy. Therefore, instead of devoting his life to becoming an amazing hunter, Mihile only wishes to become so strong that he doesn't have to fear anything or anyone.

(Oh yeah, you still accepting? :P )
Character Sheet

H?i Murakami

Race: Human

Physical Description:

Background: H?i comes from the darker underground sects of Vale. He and his associates experimented with Dust and other shady dealings in the day and ran illegal fighting clubs at night. He regularly participated in these fights and honed his skills further in relying solely on his body in combat. The only weapon he has are the gloves that passed through his family for generations. The gloves are infused with an old dust made from the base fire type. They produce smoke when activated but don't do any damage without combining it with a proper Semblance use. Otherwise it is just dark smoke that comes from his gloves. Once he discovered his Semblance, he immediately began to forge school records and bought some classy clothes to fit in to Beacon. He's tall and usually walks around with a little smirk while remaining outwardly apathetic to conserve his Chi/Qi resources. Since making the decision to pursue being a Huntsman, he's left behind his shady dealings and is determined to make this his new life.

Personality: H?i is mainly outwardly apathetic while remaining good humored. Most emotions he has will be in his own thoughts. H?i doesn't look like he's unhappy all the time, rather he carries a constant smirk around on his face. There are times when he'll stare quietly at something when he's thinking or just remain silent in social situations until its necessary for him to input to the conversation.

Skills and Talents:


Wing Chun and Tai Chi like fighting




Combat Ability: H?i maintains his physical condition of flexibility, speed, and slightly above average strength and endurance. He prefers to fight defensively and attack with explosive speed and strength after manipulating his enemy into vulnerable positions. He can fight aggressive though and rush into a fight. His weapons are his gloves fists. The gloves are infused with a type of dust that can project a smoke-like aura and projectiles. His semblance is based on rage and malice. If he crosses a certain threshold of either, his mentality changes depending on which emotion is activated. Malice is always avoided as he can't control it. Rage simply increases his strength and makes him reckless, meaning he disregards being attacked and simply keeps pushing forward with his own attacks.

Weapon: His gloves

Ethics: Has no problem fighting if challenged but prefers not to initiate or antagonize. His moral compass is otherwise somewhat skewed in other areas. He has a sense of what's right and respect for others, unless he's been crossed by an individual.

Goals: learn to control his semblance fully. Entirely leave his criminal past behind. Make his family proud.
Name: Ethan Drake

Race: Human

Physical Appearance:


(Yeah I know, 'Kirito ripoff.,' make fun of me now.)

He is a little taller, standing at about 5 feet 10 inches tall. He has unkempt, yet straight shortish black hair with emerald green eyes and a stern facial features. He possess a lean and athletic build, more like that of a runner. When not in school uniform, he wears a black leather jacket over a dull grey longsleeve t-shirt with black, loose-fitting cargo pants and black tennis shoes.

Background: Born in the kingdom of Vale as an only child, his life wasn't always easy. Even as a child, he was expected to be a great student and earn high marks in his schooling before Signal. While at Signal, his parents pushed and pushed him to do better with his academic work, leaving little time for combat practice. This struggle was noticed by one of his teachers at Signal. This teacher tutored Ethan after his studies were complete, teaching him in both the way of the sword and marksmanship with a weapon. This extra schooling helped him successfully craft a weapon that combines the two styles he was taught. After his four years at Signal were completed, he had graduated near the top of the class. His parents encouraged him to apply for Beacon to become a Huntsmen, a feat they never accomplished.

Personality: Ethan has had little time to develop many social skills, as nearly all his time at Signal was spent focusing on academics or combat, but he still made a few friends while he was there. He often shows his kinder side to his friends or strangers, attempting social interaction, nonseriousness, or just plain acting friendly; however, there is a darker side. On the outside, he may appear friendly and social, but the lack of many friends or a larger social life has left an emptyness on the inside, something he tries to fill by putting on a facade. Even though there is this hole inside of him, he tries to be friendly towards others to see if a real friendship can fill that hole.

Skills/Talents: Ethan is a skilled learner, often analyzing a situation to determine an appropriate response. Given his physical build, he is one of the more fast and agile students, being quick with his feet and hands. His hand eye coordination is on point, given the nature of his fighting style. Even though he doesn't show it, he has an artistic side in drawing and singing.

Combat ability: Due to his analytical skills, he often scans the situation that he has been presented with and will choose the appropriate response to deal with the threat. Fo example, if he is faced with a one on one confrontation, he would use his speed and agility to try and exploit weaknesses in his enemy, using fast, precise, and hard strikes. This style is further enhanced by his Semblance: his ability to, for a very brief time, use his aura as a power up to enhance his speed.



His weapon, name of Hawkmoon, is a combination of a katana and a lever-action rifle made from lighter-weight materials so it would be easier for him to use. He often uses the weapon with one hand as the lever on the hilt gets in the way of a proper two-handed grip. The lever will lock up with the push of a pin so it doesn't come out of place while Ethan uses the weapon as a sword. He has a custom made quick-draw sheathe on his back when he carries the weapon around.

Goals: To become a Huntsmen capable of matching the Grimm to protect the few he holds close to him. He also strives to mak friendships that will help him finally fill that hole of lonliness he feels inside.

Ethics: To uphold proper classroom behavior while in class, to work hard to achieve goals, to never surrender to the forces of evil, to hold friends in a high place.
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Name: Grant Versous

Race: Human

Physical Description: (a picture and short physical description)


Background: (at least 1+ paragraphs)

As a child, Grant has always been made fun off by other children because he looked like a girl. This was because of genetics and he happened to be born with a very...very feminine figure. As he grew older so did his feminine beauty to the point where all his clothes were feminine in nature. He sought out to remedy everyone's views of him by training and eventually being able to lift massive weights but that only lead to more not having friends and being called a tomboy. He now joins Beacon in order to prove his worth as a man.

Personality: (at least 1+ paragraphs)

He is very tenacious and tough, often roughhousing and getting into sometimes pointless fights. However he is very sensitive and will cry when his feelings get hurt enough and when angered, he will proceed to strangle the target of his ire. In all seriousness he is pleasant to be around with and if someone he knows is injured he comes off as a tad motherly, which he will then try to remedy but will end up failing so.

Skills and Talents:

Making his voice sound deeper(because his voice is feminine as well)


Hair Styling

Mastery of his shield

Combat Ability: (must include physical strengths along with semblance)

Strong enough to lift his giant shield, he is a force to be reckoned with in terms of brute force. His speed is high due to his small feminine stature and so is her flexibility. Hisr Semblance renders his entire body immovable and reduces the pain he feels.

Weapon: Giant Shield Rho

A massive five petaled magenta shield with sharp golden edges. This Shield is tough enough to withstand several powerful attacks. He can use the edges to cut or use the chamber full of Dust in its center and bash someone and cause an explosion.


Let them break their attacks on my shield before I break their backs.


To be acknowledged not as a man but as Grant the best feminine looking Hunter.​
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Yay! Thank you! I shall be making my Chara profile right now :D



Character Sheet


Azure Snow

Race: Faunus (Fox)

Physical Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.afbe06f8a15bd9f69c20c31a1c06f625.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.afbe06f8a15bd9f69c20c31a1c06f625.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 4'11

Faunus Traits: Ears (white), long fluffy tail (white), enlarged canine teeth, canine behavior, heterochromic eyes (as seen in pic)

Body Type: Feminine, mature, curvy, and flattering.

Body Structure: Thin and seemingly delicate


A life like almost every other Faunus. The outcast, looked down upon, tossed aside, ignored, etc. However, unlike most of the faunus population, she didnt grow up in poverty. She wasnt especially wealthy either. Just an average family. average faunus family. But the torment and hurtful words she recieved from the outside world kept her from being outside. She spent her time in doors, avoiding the teasing and taunting of other human children (sometimes adults). This resulted in a very naive girl, knowing nothing of the world.

Her mother was a huntress and every now and then returns to her former profession when help is needed. Azure liked that. Her mom was like a hero. Ridding the world of grimm and other foul things. She wanted that too. The little fox faunus worked hard to get into beacon and when she finally recieved a notice she was in, she was happier than ever!


Very, very, very quiet. Much like a fox. Shes more of a thinker than a talker. Shes quite clever and witty at times. Some people think shes mute when introduced at first. Her lack of words only come from her shyness and insecurities. She keeps her composure on the surface, seeming tranquil and graceful, but on the inside shes totally different.

She has a very kind and giving heart, and a special place in her heart for the ignored, the ridiculed and the broken. Although her timidness keeps her from speaking to others, she'll take the first step in talking to someone if she feels they need the company or care from someone. Shes also quite naive, it may come off as clueless but its the complete opposite.

There is another side to her. Her canine certain times (or when seeing certain things) she gets a dog. Shes loyal and will always have your back even when it puts herself at danger. Shes eager to please and will do anything to make others happy. A good companion, who would never leave your side in the face of danger.

Azure can be a little...dreamy. She spent most of her time alone and because of that, is always in her own little world. She slips from reality in the most inconvenient times and soon finds her self lost or distracted. Another biproduct from being alone is her speech. She speaks much like a logical computer would. She doesnt have much experience in conversation with people...

Shes a bit odd...

Skills and Talents:

Most are aquired from her Faunus genes...

stealthy: a mixture of her silence and small stature makes her easily over looked, which proves to be an advantage on the field...

keen senses: such as her sense of smell and hearing

speed: her small body frame makes her quite hard to catch, small person, small target. Just slightly quicker than the average person, nothing fancy.

agility: as a child, she took part in a lot of activities, her favorites were gymnastics or acrobatics, making her quite nimble from years of practice.

Combat Ability:

-Physical Endurance: what she lacks in strength she makes up for in endurance. She can take an insane (almost humanly impossible) amount of hits before it really starts to effect her. However, the harder or more lethal the attack the harder it becomes to shrug it off.

-Semblance: "Enraged" or "Beserker"

Azure is a very peaceful person. She will avoid conflict if she can. Even after being picked on for her race, and being ridiculed, shes managed to be rather tranquil and forgiving.....or has she? Because of her almost pacifist like nature, she sometimes hesitates her attacks or her attacks are weak. There fore, in many cases she relies on her semblance. "Enraged" allows her to channel all her burried anger, hurt, and frustration into her fighting. She becomes more forceful, aggressive, more of an offensive fighter, and quite frankly...a little scary. Especially to those that arent used to seeing her this way.


-she takes more risks and sometimes acts irrationally with out thought, potentially putting her into more danger than she already is

-it has long lasting effects and sometimes even after the fight is over shes still in an "Enraged" state and can sometimes pose as a threat even to comrades

-its sucks the life out of her. It critically drains her energy. She becomes lethargic with headaches occuring randomly.

-Aura*: a dark blue; with a lot of concentration, she can channel her aura into a physical and tangible state. Her aura allows her to create a blue-transparent shield (kind of like Ren in the show). The bigger the shield, the more energy she takes.

Note: uses it very rarely, almost never


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.5c4ae4d5d436be8170d1c134a6293831.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.5c4ae4d5d436be8170d1c134a6293831.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Top image: her melee weapon, the pistols combine to form a large trident

Bottom left: dual pistols, theyre rather large in order to form a long trident

Bottom right: this is just to show the motion she has to do to "unravel", for lack of a better term, her guns, so that they extend and can be put together into a trident. It was designed so that the weilder only needs to do a flick in the wrist.


"A broken heart can be revived and beat greater than when it first came into the world. With time, careful mending, and an abundant amount of compassion, anyone can smile again."

Shes a big believer in second chances. Even though, that idealology has turned against her in the past (results being she was betrayed or taken advantage of). She believes each life is precious and should be treated royally. Seeing people happy makes her happy. Some may think that makes her foolish, but she follows her heart none of the less.


To show that even the most unlikely or broken of people (wether they be faunus, human, ignored, neglected, abused, etc.) can become something as great as a Huntress/Hunter.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.e8418d02ae2d233458aa3377c28d0c2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.e8418d02ae2d233458aa3377c28d0c2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Except its navy blue.

(*things i added)



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