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Fandom RWBY: A Grimm Dawn

Theophany Exousíes
Interaction: Orin Orin Britt-21 Britt-21

In the midst of the gathering. The girl's belongings are scattered across as she leaned over the ground, as soon as she got them back in the bag. Upon closer look, most school supplies she owns are in the shade of purple and violet. There are a few noticeable books with rather interesting titles. A thick and old red hard-bound book called "Mira's Guide to Atlas Computers", a thin comic book titled "The Twilight Prince" with cover art of a rather handsome young wolf Faunus boy in green clothes, and a damaged book covered book called "Beauty of Mistral" looks like this was soaked in water due to how wrinkled the book looks.

Both students knelt to assist her. No murmurs seem to have escaped their lips. Letting the two pick up her Items for her, her cheeks were rosy pink, her head tucked back into her red varsity jacket, those familiar with Vale's more elementary school for future Grimm hunters can identify that it has the emblem of Signal Academy, patched in the back. "Th-Thank you." She mumbled; twiddling her thumbs in silence as the two finished gathering the Items she clumsily spilled. The two has already had already guessed, more like identifying her name based on the casing of her eyeglasses.

"Yes, hello. I'm Tiffany... It's nice to meet you too, Anubis and Flora." Tiffany looks down at the boxy black colored console and eyeglass case in her hands. "I'll watch where I am going next time, I'm sorry I was in your way." Anubis was audibly low in volume but overall doesn't seem to appear in a bad mood. Flora was sweetly smiling and her attention and care made her hug her bag. She simply shook her head with a reply "No, I'm okay thank you." In an attempt to match Flora's flawless smile, her's became awkward and crooked.

Location: Beacon Courtyard

Mentions: Anyone in the courtyard

Interactions: @Britt-21, @Vagabound Spectre, @Neptunes_Beard

Ray didn’t think the people who taught at a school for future hunters where some old, out of shape slobs who were way past their prime; but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t surprised that the instructor, who was currently chasing him, was having no issue keeping up, “Of course, on my first day I am being chased by a freakin’ track star.” He says to himself looking back at said instructor. However, looking ahead he noticed the deeper he ran the more bodies started to populate the courtyard which gave him an idea and he smirked, “Alrighty then, time for some evasive maneuvers.”

Ray ran towards a group of students, probably introducing themselves to one another, and instead of going around them he found a opening just big enough for him and he jumped through it, “Sorry!” He called back to them not knowing if bumped into them or not but continued running anyway. Seconds later the instructor would run around the same group yelling at him to come back. Ray jumped over benches, zig zagged around groups, and continued running through groups, all the while apologizing to them if he felt he bumped into them. mean while, the instructor, who was catching up in the beginning of the chase, seemed to fall further and further behind. He was fast but it seemed he wasn’t used to chasing someone through a crowded courtyard.

Ray took a quick glance behind him noticing he had a good amount of distance between the instructor and himself, “Alright, time to blend in.” he looked around and saw a group of three students, probably just as new as he was, standing in a circle, “They look fun,” he says before approaching them. “Yo,” he says casually walking up to them, “Mind if I borrow you guys for a sec?” before they had a chance to answer he took a spot beside them, pulled out a map of Remnant and held it out in front of him in a super obvious attempt to hide himself. he then says, in a exaggerated Sitcom nerdy voice, “And if we take a left here, we should reach the auditorium, no problem! but if we want to go sight seeing I suggested we visit the library!” He ignored the obvious weird looks he as getting from the others but seconds later the instructor, who was breathing hard, stopped in front of the group looking around.

“Where the...” he looked at the group, “Have you students seen a student run by here? He's about your height.”

“That way, Sir.” Ray said keeping the act up and points to a random direction; making sure the map was still covering his face while doing so. The instructor looked at the direction "not Ray" was pointing and sighed before he took off. Ray gave it a couple of seconds before he put the map down and sighed, “Not how I expected my first fifteen minutes to start in Beacon," he took a step back and turned to face his saviors, “But you guys did save my ass so there is that.” He held out a fist towards the group with a welcoming smile, “Names Ray, and I owe you guys big."
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Beacon Academy - Academy Courtyard

He was half-sarcastic when he answered, be even so, this guy couldn't just be guessing everything about what he was thinking. He wasn't that easy to figure out and the guy sounded too awkward to be a scammer. Thankfully, it was only his semblance, which gave Itzal some relief knowing that the other Faunus couldn't just read his mind, only his emotions.

"Okay.... Next time, start with the semblance, 'kay?" Itzal requested. "Where I come from, guy walks up to you talking like they're trying to read your mind, you're either about to get robbed, stabbed, or inducted into a cult or something."

Turning his head to the red-headed woman who didn't seem all that keen speaking to him yet did so anyway, he let out a slight scoff. "Well, apparently we're all early," He mused before turning his head back to the monotone Faunus he was dealing with before. "And I wouldn't say I'm miserable. Just... not from here, don't know anybody, that sort of thing."

Of course, that was somewhat of a lie. Well, it was true. He didn't know anyone and he wasn't from Vale. However, Itzal supposed that part of him did feel quite out of place among the others present. It almost felt like he was from a different planet with everyone else being so excited and bright. Then there was him, using this as an alternative to a grim situation. Perhaps if he grew up with a family of some kind, he might be the same.

'Okay, that's way too much self introspection for one day.' He internally shook his head free of such thoughts.

"Trust me, I will be much happier when we get beds and breakfast," The Faunus said, stretching his arms overhead briefly before resting them idly behind his head.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes
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Interaction: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Location: Courtyard

Old habits die hard. Almost immediately after being dropped off by his transport ship, Corvo saw it fit to quickly find an elevated point of the beacon academy to perch on. Since it was his first day, he might as well take the time to get used to his surroundings, namely the roofs of the large compound. From his current vantage point, he could spot a few good positions to snipe from in case the academy was under siege. The young man took a deep breath and sighed before sitting down, fully aware that he was being ridiculous, even by his standards. The likelihood of this prestigious academy becoming a battlefield was exceptionally low. Perhaps the real reason he's pretending to care about such trivial matters was because he didn't want to face the real challenge that was in front of him. Socializing.​

Finally mustering the motivation to confront this "trial", Corvo took out the scope of his rifle and used it as a spyglass to see who would be an appropriate "target" for his attempt at building a rapport. From what his mentors thought him, and the books he read back at home, first impressions were important, and once fumbled, recovery can be exceptionally difficult. He had to be careful, decisive, and meticulous in how he approached people. He likened it to firing your first shot during a hunt, which was most of the time the most impactful since after that, the beasts would be alerted to his presence.

From his scope, he could see a small group of students congregating and socializing with each other. Seeing them do such things so easily made him envious. Eventually, his eyes way lay upon a lady carrying a large weapon. "Yes...she will make an excellent target.." Corvo thought to himself, getting up from his perched position and beginning to free-fall downwards from the tower. Picking up exceptional speed with his free fall, two large black wings sprouted from his back allowing him to swiftly shift towards a gliding motion. The silhouette of a winged humanoid flew over the group of people in the courtyard, like an avian circling a location for its prey before eventually zeroing in on the girl with a large weapon that resembled a suitcase.

Here it was, the moment to strike was now. After hovering above the girl for a few seconds, he slowly descended downwards eventually landing gracefully on the ground right in front of her. his wings retracting back into his body. It was only then he realized...he did not know what to say to her, leading to an awkward stare for the first few seconds. Eventually, his eyes would wander toward the girl's weapon, giving him a quick idea to save himself mid-fumble.
"Your weapon has piqued my interest." He broke the silence with a rather unusual statement before realizing that he probably should have introduced himself first. "I am Corvo Avanius. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.." He gave a respectful bow, one he had seen in a few tv dramas. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate in this occasion but he figured he couldn't go wrong with it.
D. Seto
In Beacon Academy Court Yard

Giving a small head nod to the response he got it was good enough for him.He was not the most well traveled guy out there.Not going out of his way to learn to much outside the family business.But now that he is here he probably should try to.” That’s fair for my knowledge of most clothing growing up was just casual wear and whatever was around at the time .”

Seto was rather surprised by the tackle or rather accidental crash that the new arrival had made her entrance. So much so that he took a couple of steps back. Putting him on edge a bit. Almost making dive to the ground to avoid being hit himself. When the new person a faunus got up and introduces themselves as Livi he went back to his relaxed posture and walked over to the two of them. So he can address them both.

Slightly confused and somewhat entertained about what the girl in the blue dress just Myst Teal had just said something st. Seto could not help but inquire what she meant by it.

“I don't know if you were talking to me Miss Wulfric or both of us .I believe it was I apologize if I got your name wrong.” Looking at Livi trying to look friendly.”The name is Domino Seto if you couldn’t guess.But I don’t think I’ve ever been called puppy since I was a kid.”
Trying to repress the embarrassing childhood memories .But looking back at some of them not all of them were that bad .”But regardless of any of that, it is nice to meet both of you, Miss Teal and Miss Wulfric. An if you don't mind me asking what made you decide to come here? But please don't feel pressured to answer.Extending his n hand out this time to both of them.

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Myst teal
beacon courtyard
Mentions: Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Megilagor Megilagor

Why would she call Seto a puppy when someone who was far more a puppy right here. Livi was a canine faunus and Seto was just a normal human like Myst herself. She did wonder why he had been called puppy before, but she also wondered what she had said to make him think she was talking about him over introducing him. He had been right behind her right? Myst really was a bit confused how she had not been clear about what she had said.

" I was talking to Puppy not Seto " Myst said trying to be clear in her own way she still wasn't exactly speaking normally. While Seto was being formal about calling her miss teal she just had the name seto stuck in her head. She likely would forget to call him by his first name as his last name just stuck out so much more that it became stuck to him. This was like how Livi was now puppy in Myst's mind. The question of why she was here was a complex one. She didn't really have the big dreams of the other hunters. Hers was a simple reason, but perhaps it was very different from others in its own way. " People get hurt " She said which to her explained that she wanted to heal people, both those that fought and those that didn't. She wasn't to interested in the fighting of grimm but the healing of what they had done.
Octavius "Oct" Halbervi
Location: Beacon Courtyard

Interactions: Fairfax Fairfax RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun TreasureSniper TreasureSniper

Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

An aroused-humored "ha" escaped his first interaction's lips confirming his approach had been one of a correct nature. Good, it meant he could in fact get to know these strangers in paradise as they all sharpened themselves for the roads ahead. It seemed she found his attire just as curious an oddity as he found hers, though to be fair her's had a more natural claim to normal attire he supposed before he gave her once over a soft smile as she gauged him. Once the exchange of prompt gestures was complete he was given a name to match her up to, Claret Garnet. He would add her down as the first of many hunters to note in his studies. Unfortunately though before simple talk could convert to banter another girl one of a periwinkle color scheme with a notable cloak, and arm guard bonked right into Claret's weaponry without fair warning.

"Are you, and your ally in need of medical ointments or bandages," he asked rather lackluster for what had transpired as his sleepy eyes snapped to the victim of the scenario. Just as well a bit concerned like his conversation partner he did attempt going a bit further in aid in case it was needed. He hadn't expected a student to have a pet as he tilted his head at the falcon, but he had heard some people did in fact have animals that were able to throw in the gauntlet of combat maybe this was one such bird. He would love to sketch a picture of the girl in a falconer pose to add to his notes of the potential of this girl and bird duo. However, that was a request for a future time. Just like he would need to ask that well-eared faunus if he and Miss Claret had prior dealings as he had given her quite a positive look of approval upon her leave of absence after giving him a time frame.

"Hmm something nears," Oct expressed as he turned away from the two ladies having heard a strange change in the whistling of the winds as well as any sharp natural responses of the falcon would as well no doubt react to. The answer rescheduled itself as a student midair using an intriguing semblance creating surreal wings.

As what could only be described as a ninja outfit mixed with mages garb the new arrival had a somewhat edged appearance, but the landing itself was rather graceful to watch even warranting a small clap from an approving Oct as he was entertained by the showcase of one's ability honed clearly with practice. Yet what was supposed to be without a doubt a versed moment of introduction turned into an awkward silence... more than expected even for Oct. As such when the boy turned an eye to Claret's weapon Oct gave her a look a bit in confusion until Corvo finally spoke followed by a bow one would see in old televised dramas like the ones his mom liked.

"Seems I picked a popular one. My apologies for chaining in reaction this crowd towards you," Oct lightly joked to Claret as he kneeled down to offer Periwinkle a hand back up. As he did though his study of the ravened boy continued...maybe he was really shy... or has social anxieties? Another intriguing individual had shown up clearly Oct would need to order more notebooks and sketchbooks at this exciting rate.

"Oh look at the symmetry of this glove you can tell by the fiber count and strap placement a lot of attention went into making this... Is this perhaps custom made," Oct asked being immediately drawn to the craftsmanship of the Periwinkles falconer glove.

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AIMG_8447.jpeg Emile Forrest

Location: Beacon Courtyard

Interactions: Neal ( Tiguidi Tiguidi )

Mentions: N/A

“Nah, it’s fine. Just caught me off guard. It was an honest mistake.” Emile gave a reassuring smile to the girl. Her nervous chuckle seemed genuine, so she probably wasn’t an enemy or cop. Emile breathed a sigh of relief. What interested him was the fact that she could see the color of one’s aura without needing someone to activate it. “That seems like a useful semblance to have.” He thought to himself. “It’s nice to meet you too, Neal. I might switch between the two names depending on the situation.” He said with a sly chuckle. “You can tell me when it gets annoying, I’ll stop.”

As Neal pointed out the new arrivals within the courtyard, It made him realize how little his worldview was. But maybe that was a good thing. Attending this academy is a sign of how big the world truly is, seeing all these people from different walks of life. Neal’s sudden inquiry snapped him back from his daydream, as he looked to the coliseum-looking structure nearby and the students gravitating towards it. He sat up from his relaxed position to get a better look. “I guess so. We still have some time to kill, so there’s no need to rush. I’m sure the time will come when we need to be there, but for now let’s relax.” Emile went back to his relaxed position as he took out another apple. “So, Neal. What brings you to Beacon?”


Alstro Edelweiss - Beacon Academy Courtyard
Interactions: Itzal ( EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen )

Alstro felt a strange sting in the back of his head, it was familiar yet distant, it was something he felt in Atlas occasionally when others recognized that he was a Faunus. He looked around a bit, but it really could be anyone due to the crowd being quite busy and plenty of people gazing around almost randomly. It was hard to ascertain exactly who it was, especially if it's someone who's left the area already. He shook his head a bit and stopped thinking about it, it was going to be inevitable to run into people like that no matter where you go, as long as it doesn't become too distracting, it was not a big deal.

"I see......It's quite crowded here, so I might not be able to identify certain feelings too accurately. If you say you're not miserable, perhaps that is the case, but oftentimes what people say and feel can be very different, people really are the same everywhere on that front." Alstro's eyes narrowed a bit as he said without too much emotion. The other student clearly seemed a bit stressed, but Alstro considered the fact that he might be the one stressing him out in this case. "I have nothing against it, I'm too used to it already, and it can be helpful sometimes."

Alstro took a step up closer to the other cat faunus and lowered his voice, while looking at the red-haired girl who passed by them earlier. "...For example, I think there's a chance that the redhead from earlier might be...uh, racist? But I'm sensing a lot of those signals right now, so it might not be her, or well, not only her." Alstro whispered quietly while pulling his hood up tighter, and then stepped away. Vale and Beacon was more accepting of Faunus than Atlas, and the school's rules generally frowned upon discrimination, but just because they aren't acted upon doesn't mean they aren't being felt.

"But, it's not a big deal. We all have feelings we can't help, so there's no shame in being racist as long as they know to keep those things inside their head. At least that's what I've come to accept." Although still slightly deadpanned, Alstro almost seemed to chuckle (or it was a rather weird scoff) at the end of the sentence. "It's still rather annoying though, it pricks my skin like crazy...more so if they find out that I'm-" He continued to mutter to himself before trailing off, realizing they didn't really have a proper introduction yet.

"Oh, right. My name is Alstro." He then pointed to the hood that he was wearing, "I hope you find some happiness here, even if you're not miserable as I think you are."

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Delphyne Hemlock (Delphy)
Location: Beacon Academy coliseum
Interaction: Teel Finback( Pacificus Pacificus )

Not recognizing the fellow Faunus' discomfort with her presence, Delphy continued on with the conversation as she happily shook his hand briefly. "Nice to meet you as well. Why yes, I am a snake Faunus. Thank you for asking. People in the past have mistaken me for being a Lizard Faunus... that is until I bite them. It doesn't take long after that for them to realize they were incorrect," Delphy made a balmy laugh. She had meant for this to be an obvious joke, but the manner of which it came out was in a reminiscent way that made her statement very much questionable in its validity.

While she spoke she had noticed his sharp teeth, launching into her own questions by evenly asking, "And are you a Shark Faunus? I do not think I've ever met one before. Tell me, are you able to unhinge your jaw as well like snake Faunus? Also how often do you need to regenerate your teeth? Mine fall out and regrow every couple of months-" She suddenly stopped herself by daintily putting a hand to her mouth with a serene giggle and said, "Oh, pardon me. I am getting ahead of myself. I should probably start with simple questions, correct? Let me start with this, what are you looking forward to here at the academy Teel?"
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Teel Finback. Training Arena. Interaction: Maeve Valor Maeve Valor

Teel cocked a weary eyebrow when she told him about biting people. He knew he'd probably meet interesting people at beacon, so he didn't really know why this caught him off guard.

"Uh, no. I can't do that. My teeth do grow back though. No limit." He gave a big smile to show off a little. Despite his innocent demeanor, an animal would probably have thought him a threat at that moment. He certainly hoped the grimm would think so.

"Ah, forgive me if I sound a little naïve, but I want to help people." he said solemnly, "...and kill grimm" he added while tapping his index fingers together.

"You?" He gestured to her.

Anubis Rhys
Location: Beacon
Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Anubis wanted to laugh, not at the girl but simply at her expression. Before he could even speak a boy ran towards them, jumping into the group with a map in hand. The boy began speaking rapidly and Anubis was utterly confused, who was the boy? Before the golden eyed hunter could open his mouth to ask the question that formed in his throat, an officer came over asking them if they had seen a student run past them. Anubis craned his head slowly between the officer and the new comer before the boy with the paper directed the officer away. Bis crossed his arms as the officer ran the opposite direction and the new kid began to introduce himself. Arms crossed he stared at the boy whose name he now knew was ray and smirked ever so slightly, Anubis wasn’t one for defying the law but even he had to admit that ray was interesting.

It was weird, Anubis liked to spend most of his time alone, reading, training, seething. Never had he once thought another person could interest him but the entrance of both Tiffany and Ray left him speechless. Is this what kids were like? His eyes trailed over to Flora slightly ‘well no’ he said mentally, all three of the people he had met were different in their own way. Flora was nice and kind, Tiffany was modest and a tad bit clumsy, and he could already tell that the boy named Ray was either a trouble maker or simply a thrill seeker. And then there was him, quiet, strange Anubis, many people in his hometown had begun calling him the ghost of Mistral due to his tendency to appear in town for whatever he needed and then not to be seen again for days at a time.

Anubis” he said with a nod whilst shoving his hands into his pockets, he wanted to ask the boy why he was running from those men but decided to keep the question in his mind. To him he had exhausted his daily word count already but knew he still had a lot more socializing to do if he wanted to make it in Beacon Academy.

NealPic.pngLocation: Beacon Academy Courtyard

Neal brushed off Emile’s nickname comment with a wave of her hand. “Eh, as long as I know which name’s meant to get my attention, I don’t mind.”, she pondered with a hand on her chin. “It takes a lot to annoy me. Just don’t go with Four-Eyes; it’s so cliche it physically hurts me.”, she added with a sly smirk of her own.

“Relaxing. That, I can get behind.” Neal pursed her lips upon being asked about her reasons for being at Beacon. She seemed a bit hesitant for a few short moments. “Err, how should I put it…? I guess I just want to do something with my life rather than just staying still in my workshop.”, she shrugged. “Surprisingly good at usin’ the things I built and I somehow worked my way up to Beacon. No ultra deep ambitions or tragic childhood that requires the kind of training Beacon offers.”, she replied with a casual tone. She didn’t consider herself a ‘prodigy’ by any means but she admittedly was surprised when she got accepted into Beacon; she knew many people who were much better than her at actually fighting so she didn’t expect to get on their level.

While she commented that as a semi-joke, she realized a bit too late that there may be, in fact, students that were less fortunate than her and had specific reasons for going to Beacon. She gave herself a disappointed mental slap in the face. Socializing was hard.

Her eyes wandered away, briefly lighting up in a lavender glow as she activated her semblance, taking a look at the rainbow-colored swarm of students that were heading toward the meeting place they were told to go to. Neal never was an artsy person but it was pretty to see all these different colors; few places were densely packed with people having their auras unlocked. But if she were to stay at Beacon, that was probably a sight she’d need to get used to.

Speaking of which, the young woman furrowed her brows as one individual in particular not too far away seemed a little… strange -aura-wise, at least. The aura itself was of a pale, blue-grey color but there was something else Neal had never seen before in someone’s aura. She couldn’t properly describe it but it felt like there was an additional layer to this person’s.

She found herself staring for a moment and shook her head out of her stupor. “Whoa, when you think you know everything…”, she mumbled. "Uh, anyway, I should return the same question. Got a more interesting reason than me for being here?", she asked Emile in return.

Interactions: Emile JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
Mentions: Alstro Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

The Faunus' smile grew more as her small doe tail fluttered much like a dog would when happy to see someone. WHY IS SHE SO CUTE!? I wish to protect her for dear life. No pun intended of course. But she is coming to Beacon which means she probably can take care of herself. ( Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre ) It was clear that cute things is what made the Doe happy, because who doesn't like to protect the cute and innocent? "You're very we-" Flora had been cut off by a man joining the group and only causing it to grow bigger. Went from a duo, now to a full fledged team I guess we're that approachable? She thought while he "Borrowed" them, hiding from what seemed to be this Instructor who rushed up to them asking about a guy who came by. Her golden eyes shifted from the man, to the boy who had recently joined them. "Oh brother..." Muttered Flora as he was immediately given directions on where the student had supposedly gone by said-student. It started to become even clearer that this man was a big troublemaker. Getting chased by an instructor when they all just landed? How!?

When he held his fist out for a bump, she lifted her hand and had gently fist bumped him in return before helping Tiffany back to her feet "You know, Ray, what did you do to even get an instructor on you?" Looking over her shoulder at him, she continued "The only people I know who'd be able to do such things is those who know how to cause trouble." ( MangoGoGo MangoGoGo ) Once back to her feet, she dusted off her skirt and knees before reaching for her bag to hold once again in her hands. Flora didn't like to leave her stuff just hanging around for too long on the ground, especially when she could put someone at risk for it. Her gaze turned to Anubis who had been standing there with his hands in his pockets and only had introduced himself. Maybe he was just uncomfortable with how Ray had barged in? Flora did not know, but hopefully one day she'd be able to learn if she became better friends to read when they were stressed or anything of the sort. ( Orin Orin )

Livi Wulfric
Beacon courtyard
Mentions: Karcen Karcen Myst Teal, Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Domino Seto
Livi slowly put her hand down, feeling awkward after being left hanging by the tall lady, Myst. She decided to break the silence with some light banter. "It's good to meet you two, Myst and Seto. Although I have to say, Puppy is a weird surname, Seto." Livi tried to hide her smirk, finding the idea of someone having 'Puppy' as their surname amusing.

Confusion arose when Myst mentioned the name 'Puppy.' Livi's gears started turning in her head as she questioned, "Wait, your surname isn't Puppy? Then who did she call pup... Wait a second, Myst, did you call me a puppy?" Livi was genuinely surprised and a bit taken aback, thinking Seto's last name was Puppy.

"I hate you for that, you know. I'm not a puppy," Livi said with a hint of pouting, admitting that it had been a while since someone had called her that. She explained, "Ok, I might be a pup compared to you two in height, but I'm not a puppy.; Besides, the last person who called me puppy has been dead for a while now."

Wanting to be called by her first name, Livi turned towards Seto and made her request, "Call me Livi. Wulfric is the surname of the man who essentially raised me since I ran from home. Or at least drop the 'Miss'; I feel weird when you call me that." She shivered playfully, implying that being called 'Miss' gave her goosebumps.

Livi shared her reasons for coming to the school, "Well, I have a few reasons to come here. First, I wanted to prove myself. The second was to come to the same school he was at and to make him proud." She revealed that she carried one of her mentor's weapons, while the other remained with him. "The other one I made with him during his last months."

She took out a photo of herself and her mentor, a maned wolf faunus, from her pocket, showing it briefly to her new acquaintances. Then, she proudly mentioned her hidden weapons, Jabberwocky and Vorpal Breaker, which were concealed inside her hoodie.

When Seto offered his hand for a handshake, Livi gladly took it and gave it a good squeeze. She responded to Myst's answer about preventing injuries with a hint of embarrassment, "Yeah, people get hurt, but we are here to prevent that. Although I might get a lot of hate from the medics based on the damage that happens when I activate my semblance. Both the opponent and I get pretty beat up."

Livi rubbed the back of her head as she revealed her frequent visits to medical services due to the effects of her semblance, showing a mix of pride and bashfulness about her abilities.
Myst teal
beacon courtyard
Mentions: Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu Megilagor Megilagor

Myst looked like she was half there as Livi spoke frowning sone as Livi said she hated her for calling the faunus gorl puppy. Still that was unlikely to to change in Myst's mind. Myst kept listening though she was only half there she heard the words and understood them but didn't completly register them as other thoughts intruded in her mind. Livi must have taken what she said as an insult instead of calling her cute.

Myst hadn't taken Livi's hand missing the que to do so having been thinking of something else. Myst reached out as Livi talked about being a pain for medic which myst was. Myst put her hand on Livi's head between her ears and rubbed softly. " Pupy is cute " Myst said thinking more tgat livi was cute so she should be called puppy be ause that was something that matched her cuteness. It made sense to Myst to call cute things cute names. " Do you agree? " myst asked looking to seto wholesale rubbing Livis head without fully realizing she was.


Beacon Academy - Academy Courtyard
"Yeah, that might why," Itzal agreed with a brief nod, playing off his emotions using the convenient excuse provided by Alstro.

Glancing at the other as one ear twitched in his direction, he listened to what the Faunus had to say, however ultimately just made a thoughtful hum followed by a shrug of his shoulders. The situation between Faunus and Humans was different everywhere, and while there were certainly places you didn't want to be, ultimately Vacuo cared very little for such things. Aside from some pockets here and there, Itzal found that what mattered most there wasn't your race, and while he understood that other places were different, he honestly didn't feel that offended or hurt. He didn't feel some sense of unity with other Faunus just for their shared race. It just was what it was.

If anything, rather than being slighted by their opinions, he was more irked that they had the space to focus on such things. To Itzal, it was a sign of being at least somewhat pampered. He sure as hell didn't have the luxury to sit around whining about Humans. He had to have plan for each day. That was what irritated him more than anything.

"Maybe," He finally said with folded arms. "Vale sure is cozy, isn't it?"

It was more a musing than a question, almost murmured to himself. However as he stared ahead at the others gathering around the hammer woman, Alstro's voice brought him back as he introduced himself. The guy seemed honest. Too honest. Not in the "he has to be lying" way, but rather the "too nice" way.

"Itzal," The Cat Faunus greeted in turn. "And I'll be much happier once they serve breakfast."

Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes
Claret Garnet - Beacon Academy Courtyard

As the new arrival made his presence known Claret's gaze suddenly hardened, even as the friendly smile remained, for those who could know what to look out for, or had a sense of things, danger was now here. Her right hand released its grasp on Octavius's hand as the shadow of Corvo loomed ever so slightly. It was not a Grimm she said as her posture lowered ever so slightly to pick up the large green case.

Was it yet another Faunus with some sort of oddity and lack of manners? No, it was a human... How odd. She heard of all sorts of Semblances, but this one seemed able to form or manipulate parts of his body akin to birds... So, he was just someone that was testing her or an eccentric of his own right. Something Alien to her, she could forgive, or get used to, a hunter, however? She was no one's prey. Her hardened stare seemed to home in on his, as she returned the bow with a tip of her head.

"Ah, a daring young man, but I've yet to see the flying trapeze. Though you should be mindful of where you swoop, Mister Corvo... A girl might get jumpy. And ah, think nothing of it, Oct, wasn't it? He did come to see my weapon, so he would have shown up regardless. I don't mind showing it to you, however this..." Kneeling down to grab the green cannister, she hefts it up and smiles. "...is not the weapon form. Rather this is the traveling form. This is the weapon form."

With a press of some unknown button, the weapon rapidly folded out and with sounds that carried heavy thuds, indicating the weapon weighed quite a bit, she took some stps back from the other two men, and released some of her baggage in her left hand. A Heavy Machine Gun, normally crew served, or a vehicle mounted weapon, was being carried by her as if it were any other weapon. Its belted ammo glistening as the barrel briefly pointed at the avian man. Just briefly, as she smiled, shifting in between the two men. The barrle was rather long and the whole weapon seemed exceptionally heavy, just how strong was the woman that showed no skin hardly?

Hitting another unseen toggle the whole massive weapon folded and shifted, gears and plates slamming and unfolding, refolding or sliding, till a mighty war hammer was formed. Letting it rest against her right shoulder, she smiles and rolls her shoulders a little, positioning the war hammer just right.

"I call it the Woodsmen's Bane." With gloved hands, she triggered another folding and sliding of the weapon, turning it back into the traveling form. Now without the hostility to her eyes, she picked up her baggage, with a slight kneel. "Though I do think we all should get underway soon. Though Corvo, yes? What exactly did you do and come from? I caught some of your shadow."

Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Fairfax Fairfax TreasureSniper TreasureSniper
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In Beacon Academy Court Yard

IMG_1025.jpegTaking Livi’s hand in exchange. Seto decided to comply with her request about her name. “Sure I can do that Livi I did not mean to come off as weird I forget that people aren't for that sometimes. I'm also sorry to disappoint you on my surname as much as it would amuse you.” Letting a smirk cross his face briefly before looking over to Myst afterward. ”If you want me to drop the formalities and just call you whatever you prefer.”

Hearing Myst’s answer all he could do was nod in agreement with it. “That's fair.”It was a short and simple one but it had a lot behind it. Then Livi gave her answer to it.” That's an understandable one everyone would want to try to be like their mentor in some way. I hope you are successful in it.”After listening to their reasons Seto felt he should go ahead and give his own for being here.
“But since I brought it up I will return an answer to the question.” Lifting his metal hand to them. I want to become a better and stronger version of myself to prevent things like this so they don't happen. “ Then briefly tightening it with anger for the people who got him to this point have not been caught. Before opening it back up and grabbing his necklace to calm down while showing it to them. It looks like a pretty little black stone.
“I don't want to be that kid I use to know. “Putting down the hand slowly back into his jacket pocket. “So we pretty much all came for the same reason.”Laughing off everything that happened at the fact that it happened.

Then Myst asked a question about the nickname for Livi. He just gave his honest answer.” While I will not argue that she is cute. I usually just go with whatever name fits them best.”Then he started thinking of other nicknames based on her semblance. Like the name of a color followed by Explosion or nova. A grin formed on his face as he thought about more names like that. At least until he saw someone who seems to be a teacher making a fuss about something but since it didn't concern him he figured it was fine.

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Location: Beacon Courtyard


Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21 , Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre , Orin Orin

For a moment, Ray just stood still, his fist still out. His expression did slightly change when the other male known as Anubis didn’t reciprocate the fist bump and just put his hands back in his jacket pocket. However, his expression did change back to the welcoming smile he wore before. Obviously, Anubis and his stoic demeanor meant the “Fist Bump Code” or “FBC” for short, didn’t apply to him, and he could respect that, “Anubis, huh,” Ray says slightly lowering his fist, “Sick name.”

Unexpectedly, the green haired girl and the other one with glasses did return his gesture and his smile widened, Two out of three, I’ll take it he thought to himself. The green-haired one began to speak as she stood up helping the other girl, who he swore he recognized but couldn't remember where, to her feet. Accusing him of being some sort of troublemaker or at least someone who knows how to cause trouble and as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t hide his smirk, “I wouldn’t call it ‘knowing how to cause trouble’ per say.” he starts, “More like; finding myself in precarious positions from time to time.” he flashed a knowing smile.

Ray couldn’t help but chuckle when the question was finally asked, and judging by the very faint reaction Anubis gave he could guess he was curious too, “Well,” he started rubbing the nape of his neck, “The story isn’t as exciting as you would think,” he starts, “Let's just say, I got caught somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be and was escorted out and threaten with detention.” he took a quick pause to look at the three of them, “Can you believe it? Detention on the first day? Crazy, right? So, I made a break for it.” he finished his sentence with a shrug as if what he did was purely logical, “Like I said, not as exciting as you might think.”

He then waves his hand dismissively, "Ah, but enough about me," he says giving the other three a quick once over, "What about you guys? I figured you guys looked like a bunch of fun people, and judging how you didn't 'turn me in' to the instructor, I'm guessing I was right."
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While Corvo felt a small sense of embarrassment at first, his face would betray no such emotion, remaining stoic as always. In his mind, he was worried that he may have engage this conversation a bit too aggressively. However, the girls actions would put such thoughts to rest.

Silently, he watched in bewilderment as the suitcase-like object transformed into a large gun powerful. Just by watching the way the girl handled the weapon, he could already tell that she was someone that was use to handling such weapons despite how seemingly unwieldy it was. Overall, he was not only impressed by the weapons designs and forms but also its wielder.

"An interesting choice of for a name.." In truth he knew not what such a name was referring to but nonetheless he had to admit that it sounded "cool". Her next few sentences and line of questioning were intriguing to say the least. It was almost as if she had notice his killer focus on her from earlier.

He didnt really see a point to hide his origins, after all he wasnt doing anyting illegal for the most part. "I am a Grimm hunter from The Flock." Surely someone like her would hear some news on the escapades of professional hunters like them. Their bird-like themes and qualities were a staple among their members.

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