
New Member
Okay, so here are the current team allocations:

Team Two:

Seven - Lead





Team Three:

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Name and Rank: Anthony 'Vector' Miyasato, Sergeant First Class


Age: Early 30s

History: Most of Anthony's file has been classified. Only two things on his file that wasn't classified were his callsign, 'Vector', and his occupation; Reconnaissance. Anthony is also known for his precision and accuracy, making him a first class Sniper as well. He is also not really one for conversation and is more of a man of action.

Likes: Chocolate, Old Fashioned Guns (Like back to World War II)

Dislikes: People who trash on America and Japan, Puffer Fish, Poorly Made Knives


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/473px-Umbrella-vector.jpg.18f45ea7dfb97ea8b94507cc160f0d5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/473px-Umbrella-vector.jpg.18f45ea7dfb97ea8b94507cc160f0d5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 473px-Umbrella-vector.jpg
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Name and Rank: Keith "Seven" Hudson, Sgt. First Class With Honours


Age: Early 28

History: Keith's been around the block: had his fair share of being tossed around, but now he's finally gotten himself in a spot in the team as the leader of the cleanup crew instead of the punching bag. How he managed to survive an alien attack on the Halcyon Competitive Wind unarmed is still under debates to this day. The same is said as to how he was capable of flying a pelican without fuel back to UNSC space during the Insurrection.

Likes: Fixing stuff, exploring, dodgeball, sniper rifles, pistols and paintball. And food.

Dislikes: Being lost, getting hit over the head, being hit with explosives and being shot at.


Name and Rank: Leslie McNeil, Freelancer Agent Wisconsin

Gender: Female

Age: 42

History: An old relic from the days of A.I. experimentation, Wisconsin has been with Project Freelancer for years. Though she was off on a mission during the Mother of Invention's destruction, Agent Ohio - a friend and colleague of her's - managed to steal an A.I. fragment and escape with it. While Ohio was tracked down, maliciously interrogated, and court marshaled, the fragment Rho was never found. Wisconsin - who was stranded without extraction for a week after her mission was completed - has vehemently denied any involvement in Ohio's heist. Wisconsin now assists as an informant, having been privy to at least, some of Project Freelancer's lesser classified documents.

Likes: Keeping a distance from actual combat, avoiding conflicts, puns and clever wordplay

Dislikes: Unnecessary risk, being required to act quickly, overly friendly people


Name and Rank: Dante "Scorched" Willhelm, Corporal 2nd class

Gender: Male

Age: 29

History: Dante's a slightly unhinged demolitions expert. Nobody is quite sure how he got where he is or how he's still in the miltary, let alone still in one piece ( well mostly, he has a robotic arm ). Despite his erratic behavior, foul language and penchant for mayhem, you won't find a better expert out there. He's also quite handy in fast repairs, creating destructive weaponry, and always calm under fire or in hectic situations.

Likes: Puns, Hot Chicks, Explosions, creating and using destructive weapons.

Dislikes: Loosing false arm, Fat Chicks, fried mayo balls, and failed detonations.



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