RvB: Project RESSURECTION [Inactive]

Since he was pretty much separated from the team, Vector was pretty much a target for an ambush, whether he knew it or not. Upon exiting the room he was in, something whizzed passed his head. Someone had taken a shot at him! He then dove for cover. "Contact! I got a Sniper on me! Requesting back up!"
Scorched happens to notice this alien behind Wisconsin and pulls his pistol to shoot " Behind Y- ! ". An alien behind some rubble suddenly springs out and tackles him. The shot goes wide and nails the teacup Seven is holding.
"Holy Sweet Hopscotch!" He drops the rest of the cup and runs back into cover. Looking around, he makes his way up the stairs into the second floor to see if he could find a good vantage point. He demagnetized his pistol from his thigh and turns on the scope, drawing a better aim to see what's going on.
Wisconsin dropped her weapon to grab the alien and pull it away. Holding the alien by its arms, she stroked its head with a shushing noise. "Look what you did, you startled her." The alien began to calm down. "Shhhh, there you go. Relax."

"Don't worry, she's cool. Whatever Rose is doing here, she isn't the aggressor." Wisconsin released the now docile creature before pointing to the bullet-riddled walls. "See that? No plasma burns. This one never even fired her weapon."

The scout's voice came over the helmet radio, calling out a sniper. "We should probably help out with that." she said with a sigh.
Scorched gets up, and dusts himself off. Then counts his grenades to make sure he still has all of them. " How in the blue hell was I supposed to know she wasn't going to eat your face! they do that ya know!!"
"Well," Seven said lowering his pistol, "that could have gotten uglier." He made his way down to meet up with the rest of them and informed them, "I guess that means we're back to the job. We were told that you'd be here to be our tour guide? We need to get the power up and running, but the only power would be the power source, considering how all the wires out here seem to be... dead."
Wisconsin simply stared at presumed ODST soldier with a perplexed silence, switching her gaze momentarily to the other human figure and back. "Aren't there more pressing matters at hand? Like that guy taking fire? You... did get that transmission, right? Over the radio? Just now?" Dismissively, she shook her head and turned on heel to climb to higher ground, picking up her battle rifle along the way. "Whatever, I'm going to go help him."

With haste, she ascended the stairs to the second floor and drew the sniper rifle from her back - a smaller and lighter variant of the 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel. She peered through a hole in the wall's face, scanning for the source of the gunfire, which rang almost rhythmically every few seconds.
" Right behind ya lady! " Scorched follows after her, hoping there is some more action to be had somewhere; perhaps even a tank to combust into a fireball of stunning proportions.
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