RvB: Project RESSURECTION [Inactive]


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RvB: Project RESSURECTION - Guess who's back, cockbites

A blackout has occurred in the main facility, and it's now our turn to change the light bulbs: ALL the light bulbs. In fact, all of our light bulbs seem to have been burnt out too (annoying how vulnerable to EMP LED lights are)! Something about a band of AWOL simulation soldiers coming in and messing everything up: but that's what we've signed up for, unfortunately...

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Name and Rank: (Doesn't have to be anything impressive: will accept "Minor Junior Private Negative...
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Command: Echo 015, come in. This is Command *

Pilot: This is Echo 015. *

Command: Status report? *

Pilot: We're just about to drop the first team in. ETA 5 minutes. *

Command: Affirmative. *

Pilot: Over and out. *

Standing in the middle of the large, empty lot, full of bullet casings and a short-circuited tank, soldiers stand in the midst of it all, vast buildings towering everywhere, none of them alight, not even the soft hum of power coursing through the veins over their heads, Agent Seven, Keith Hudson, turned to his fellow colleagues to ask one very simple yet profound question: "Soooo... hey! You guys have any idea why are we here?"
SFC Anthony Miyasato, also known by his callsign 'Vector' was just standing there. "You weren't paying attention again during mission briefing, were you?"
"Let's see, we're in the middle of a war-torn city...I don't think Command sent us out here for nothing."
Keith looks around at the, pretty much intact, surroundings and notes, "I don't know about war-torn. But even still: what would they want with a place like this? It would take a place like this to be built in two years, electronics another year to get everything wired in, and now we have to REPLACE all those electronics! And all they gave us is this bag of tools and a cargo container with a broken lock! Even if we get this place up and running again, what's the point? From what I heard, this place was a deadend anyway!"

He looks over to the side to find a warthog. He gives the tire a kick to check for suspension issues and then proceeds to hop in. Testing the vehicle proved unfruitful as the engine refused to turn.
Vector sighed. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's just get this over-with so we can head back to base."
Seven pressed the ignition button a few more times before attempting to give the dashboard a kick. Without proper room for his shins, he have the console a depressive stomp that might as well have been for an aluminum can. He tried again a few more times before climbing back out and giving the frame of the car a good, solid kick.

"Well, I guess the first place we should probably get opened is the main facility's front door." He looked around and added, "Should be....... that way!" He pointed the most predominate building and have Vector a nodded before beginning his stroll.
Since he ran recon, Vector decided to go investigate. "Just gonna warn you now, I'm killing anything that moves...Unless its you."
Dante Willhelm, codename "Scorched" follows up right behind him " woah wait don't shoot me either, shit!!...Can't take a nice view of the place without you people running off on me.
Seven gave a thumbs up over his shoulder as he continued walking forward. Moments later he found himself in front of two, large steel doors, both under lock-down. He tried giving the door a push and a heave but to no avail. "Damn, no good." He kicked the door for good measure and then looked around for any kind of an access panel. He looked over to Scorched and waved him over. "I think I may need some help here: I don't think this door likes me."
Scorched walks over to the door and taps on the metal quietly, listening to it " yes...would you like the door blown open or off the hinges?"
Seven ponders the question for a moment before giving Scorched a shrug. "It ain't coming off my paycheck."

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Scorched starts to apply some C-4 in certain spots on the door, linking it all up and waits for everyone to back off, then gleefully smashes the button and blasts the door open "open sesame!"
Seven cowers behind a nearby truck. After the explosion, he popped his head back out to make sure the coast was cleared before reemerging into the blastzone. "Okay, that was fast." He checked his PDA and announced, "Okay, so it looks like the most logical thing to do is to find the generator and get power back up. Then we should get lunch. How does that sound?"
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Scorched laughs as metal debris and flaming bits fall down, a nice hole where the doors were " and what was once blocked is now open" he chuckles, amused.
From inside, hurried footsteps could be heard along with the sound of a BR55HB SR battle rifle being loaded with a fresh clip. As the smoke cleared, the room appeared empty until a grey and violet helmet popped up from behind a dilapidated control panel with weapon ready to fire. Leslie McNeil, better known as Agent Wisconsin, lifted her finger from the trigger and lowered her gun. "Oh, it's you." she said blandly. "What are you doing blowing holes in the wall?"
While out doing Reconnaissance, Vector slowly started becoming more and more on edge, because he had a feeling that he and his teammates were not alone. "Vector to Team Two...I don't think we're alone here..." he said, slightly trembling because he saw blood on the wall of the room he entered. However, Vector himself was a Battle-Hardened Soldier, so he wasn't easily shaken.
Seven looked around as a tumble weed bounced across the empty lot. He gave a look inside the doorway and greeted, "Hey! Great to see someone's alive here. You have any idea of what happened here? It looks like someone decided to murder every piece of equipment here. I think the guys up top asked me to pull you in when we found you... What was your name again?"

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"Vector...Anyway, I think this city was a Warzone before we got here." Vector said as he checked his Assault Rifle to make sure it was fully loaded. Wouldn't want to go into a Firefight with an empty gun there. He then checked his sidearm to make sure it was loaded as well. "I really think we should abort this mission. I mean, this place is a lost cause. Don't know what command sees in it."
Scorched yawns and stretches quietly, looking out at the dark city, then hops on the comms " But look at all this real estate we can pick from. Besides what could possibly be here? mutants?... aliens?"
"Seeing how there's blood on the some of the walls...I'm guessing both." Vector said to his teammates via Wireless Communication. He then started hearing movements, loud crashes and bangs. "What the f***?" He then readied his gun, in case there was something there. He was ready to kill whatever was going to try and ambush him.
Seven emerges from one of the nearby buildings holding a sandwich and a cup of tea, saying, "sorry, I got distracted. Found a bakery here! Meats' still good, couldn't help myself to making a snack."

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Having arrived with the others, Wisconsin was highly confused by the line of questioning and by the subsequent abandonment of it. "Are you people cognitively damaged? I slip away from you for a few hours, and you go blowing up doors. Did it ever occur to you that there may be alternate entrances? You know, a back door." As she went about her chastising, she failed to notice the alien in white and red armor, which came crouching up behind her.
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