[Rushing Toward a New Age] Prelude 13: Szaiya & Vale


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Part 1:

Szaiya: On the outskirts of Bent Creek, several hundred yards past the last of the hovels of the slave compound, a young woman stands, shrugging a reddish-brown cloak around her shoulders, gazing towards the northwest.

Szaiya: She carries a long spear slung across her back under the cloak, as well as a small bag that appears to be full of books and papers.

Vale: At the same time, a sturdy man with pale skin and blond hair struggles northeast through the compound, evidently trying to get past without lingering for more than a moment longer than he must.

Vale: As he passes the woman, he stops and looks at her again, a look of confusion clouding his features.

Vale: He steps slowly up behind her and stands, staring, a few feet off.

Szaiya turns around, a quizzical expression clouding her features as she looks at the man.

Szaiya: "Er, yes?"

Vale: Vale looks down at his feet, abashed at his rudeness, "Sorry. I, um. Do . . . I know you." This last bit is evidently not a question.

Szaiya: The curious expression turns to a slight frown, as Szaiya studies the man and thinks back. After a moment, she says "I don't believe we have met before, but I know what you mean... there is something familiar about you."

Vale: The man cautiously steps closer, "You're right, I am sure we have never met before. Yet I feel I know you, Lady-" He cuts off mid-sentence, embarrassed again, "Pardon, I got too caught up to introduce myself." He bows awkwardly, as if performing a highly unfamiliar rite, "I am called Vale of Tranquil Silver. And I am honored to meet you . . . again?"

Vale: As he straightens after his bow, his hair falls away from his forehead, revealing a dull silvery disk emblazoned on his brow.

Szaiya's eyes widen slightly in surprise at the sight of the caste mark. "You are exalted? Silver... not a chosen of the Sun." She closes her eyes for a moment.

Szaiya: "The memories are faint... a chosen of Luna?"

(To be continued when I can reconnect to the IRC channel)
Vale: "I don't- when I was a child- Uh . . ." The beginnings of several badly formulated lies stumble out of Vale's mouth before he realizes what he is saying.

Vale: After a couple false starts he nods, evidently deciding to be honest with this stranger, "I am . . ." He takes a step back and his stance becomes wary, "I hope you won't do anything . . ." His face screws up as he searches for the right word, "impulsive(?) now that you know."

Szaiya chuckles and shakes her head.

Szaiya: "No, no. I have my own reasons for not wanting the word Anathema spread around the area. But, forgive me, I haven't introduced myself. I am Cynis Denovah Szaiya, Chosen of Sol."

Szaiya: "And... I believe we two may be linked. The memories are confusing, but they do feature a friend and ally who fought with... my past selves?"

Vale: The tension drops from Vale's stance at the woman -Szaiya's - response. A brief smile in a wondrous building at the mention of Sol, then a flash golden light and an eruption of blood at the word "Ally". And memories of pride and pain working their way through the background of his thoughts as he shakes his focus back to the world around him.

Vale: "That," he stops to clear his throat, "That sounds very right." He looks Szaiya up and down, assessing her in the wake of this new information. A decision apparently made, he nods and holds out his hand, "Whatever the case, it is truly . . . enlightening to meet you, Lady Szaiya."

Szaiya takes Vale's hand somewhat absently, obviously slightly distracted by her thoughts.

Szaiya: "So then, Vale... I would very much like to know your plans? I am working with certain others who have arrangements in development for this area, and the introduction of yet another celestial exalt to the situation will undoubtedly change things."

Vale: "My plans?" Vale looks around at their surroundings, a conflicted expression on his face. "I seek the source of an attack on my home, originating in the Bayou to the north, but . . ." She gestures to the squalor and shakes his head, "But this is an atrocity. I would expect the dead to have no regard for the living, but for people to do this to each other?" Anger creeps into his voice as...

Vale: ...he continues, "I am not sure I can move on and leave such a vile thing behind me."

Vale: He looks up at Szaiya's face, "So long as your plans won't make things worse, you can count on my aid."

Szaiya's eyes narrow slightly in anger, though not at Vale. "No, neither I nor those I work with find any more joy in such sights than you. This place will be where our plans begin, and our aim is to see such travesties made right."

Szaiya: "But more aid would be welcome. We hope to see the Realm's forces ejected from Harborhead without bloodshed, but such a task will be difficult, even for those with our talents."

Vale smiles at his new sudden ally's stated plans, "It might not be as hard as you think. I have made a study of ways to pacify aggressors without bloodshed, and if we are not the only Chosen at hand, we should at least be able to keep attention away from the innocent if things come to blows. If we have time to plan, I could offer suggestions, though I fear my help will be narrowly focused....

Vale: ... I have little experience with the outside world."

Vale: His smile becomes sheepish at this last, as if embarrassed.

Szaiya nods

Szaiya: "I was on my way back to the port city of Hirik to meet with one of my compatriots to discuss our plans, and certain information I have acquired during my visit here."

Szaiya: "Would you accompany me, to meet her and join in our planning?"

Vale holds out his arm, gesturing for Szaiya to lead the way, "I would be honored. Of course, I am not certain of the way. If you would be so kind?"

Szaiya smiles slightly

Szaiya: "Hirik is to the Northwest, though it is some distance away." She gives Vale a speculative look, and continues, "How fast can you run?"

Vale returns the smirk, "Not quite so fast as I can fly." His skin begins to ripple and shift, and over a few seconds, his body hunches over and his arms become wings, matching the beak and talons that form in the stead of other physical features. Where once stood a man, there now perched a snowy owl, ruffling it's feathers and looking at Szaiya expectantly.

Szaiya's eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Well, that is something one doesn't exactly witness on a regular basis. But I think you may still have difficulty keeping up."

Vale: The owl adopts a quizzical look - as much as a bird can, anyway, and tilts its head a full 90 degrees, looking at the woman in front of it.

Szaiya shrugs

Szaiya: "Well, if you would like to give it a shot..."

Szaiya: She pulls a map from the folds of her cloak and checks it carefully against the hills on the northwestern horizon, then focuses for a moment. Opening her eyes again, she gestures for the owl to take flight, as she starts jogging towards the northwest.

Szaiya: But her strides quickly speed up, covering far more ground than any mortal possibly could, advancing to a speed greater than even the fastest of the plains-running animals.

Vale, in his avian skin, takes wing and begins following Szaiya, first planning to circle her as she leads, but quickly struggling to keep up. Even at top speed he begins to fall behind.

Szaiya: Glancing backwards and noting her companion's flagging speed, Szaiya slows to a halt, waving the lunar down to join her.

Vale: Realizing he is outmatched, the owl quickly alights and returns to its proper shape. Vale calls out in a congratulatory tone, "I concede!"

Szaiya cannot keep a faint hint of a smile from her face as she says "So. Even at my running speed, it will take nearly ten hours to reach Hirik."

Vale: Smiling, he calmly walk to where his companion waits, "I know when I am beaten. Perhaps there is another for me to join you?"

Vale: "Or would you rather my slow self await your return?"

Szaiya: "I could perhaps carry you, but even an owl is a cumbersome burden, and a human is quite beyond my capabilities."

Vale chuckles and mutters to himself, "Then I suppose a shark is out of the question." He considers for a moment then offers, "If you can wait a few hours, I should be able to find a form more compact. Is there any creature you would rather not have near you?"

Szaiya shrugs

Szaiya: "A porcupine would perhaps make carrying you somewhat uncomfortable."

Vale lets out a bark of laughter, "Hah! Perhaps something a bit softer, then. I am sure it will not take long to find and Hunt a suitable shape, if your plans can wait that long."

Szaiya nods

Szaiya: "It is seven hundred miles from here to Hirik. I'm sure that our plans will not be significantly inconvenienced by a delay of a few hours... which is no more than what it would be if I slowed my pace to let you keep up."

Vale nods in agreement, "And it would save as much time on the return trip." He looks around the area, a new, predatory cast to his features, "If you wish, you may follow or wait as you please. Though I warn you, the end of the Hunt is not the easiest thing to witness for the first time . . ."

Szaiya shrugs again

Szaiya: "I will remain here and await your return."

Vale nods distractedly in understanding. "I will return shortly." His mind already on the Hunt, he stalks off into the surrounding area, looking for something small and furry to devour for the sake of convenience.

Vale: A short few hours later Vale returns, tired, but victorious. Not wishing to delay their departure (and reluctant to speak even after so brief a connection with his primal nature), Vale waves to Szaiya in greeting and allows his body to elongate and shrink into a weasel like form - a mink - that proceeds to sit and patiently wait for his transporter to decide what to do with it.

Szaiya had been meditating, but opens her eyes as Vale approaches, smiling slightly at his new form. Carefully scooping him up, she sets him on her left shoulder (her right being occupied by her spearhead), with his hindquarters in the turned-down hood of her cloak.

Szaiya: "I suggest you hang on."

Szaiya: With that, she stretches for a moment, then resumes running as before, quickly loping off to the northwest, towards Hirik.

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