Our story begins in the capital of Slate, a walled city named Dunwel. Home to peasants, nobles, soldiers, thieves and Rune-Masters. But the prideful rumours and hushed secrets speak of others living in the capital... Runeborn. Legends of the runeborn have been spread and exaggerated across Slate for decades. Monsters in the shape of humans, humans with a Rune inside their body.
Heroic warriors, dangerous demons, all could be considered true. However only a select few know full truth about the Runeborn.
The Six Lord's of Slate and their trusted Rune masters who held the ritual know of the sacrifice and horrors in forging a living weapon. Not even the Runeborn know the truth behind their creation, what is known to them is that the land of Slate needs them. Raised from a young age to master their gift and excel in combat.
The Runeborn were created to end the Welt empire. These young men and women are to be the spearhead that pierces the approaching Welt army... The Runeborn are expected to scatter, demoralize and decimate the enemy. Like overwhelming monsters, dragons that look and walk like humans.
In all actuality the Welt empire would easily crush Slate, it's only because Welt started from the north and worked it's way down Ayore capturing and enslaving all in their path that Slate at the very bottom of the map has survived as long as they have. Only dealing with branch armies and Welt diplomats as opposed to the largest fighting force on the planet.
Its taken more than ten years for the red flag to reach the border of Slate, although the training is incomplete... The Runeborn have been assigned their mission.
Brought before Lord Gurt Waboe of Dunwel, the Lord spoke and the people listened.
"the Lord's of Slate have decided, the Runeborn shall be the first strike against the Welt empire. You are to travel together and hinder the approaching army however you can. Slates forces are gathered at the border, even with our many talented Rune masters the battle is a stalemate. With resources and manpower dwindling Slate cannot hold them back forever."
There was no time to stand on ceremony or even cry shenanigans at Lord Waboe, the Runeborn would be transported at midnight during the full moon by Rune master Fieful Lee.
The Runeborn have twelve hours to ready themselves... be that practicing their fighting or foraging for runes, it was up to them. They best make the most of It.
Lalo (like usual) was throwing a empty bottle away with a small burp before speaking.
"My plan is to get another bottle maybe some food then go hunt something outside the walls... or under the city... probably outside the walls... The catacombs of Dunwel are quicker to get to but monsters grow bigger in the wild"
Lalo turned towards the others with the usual smirk before stating
"That or... i dont mind helping if we go digging for orange, I will be getting a drink first though"
Leaving the Lord's manor in such a disrespectful way would normally result in punishment, but the guards look away from the Runeborn as if meeting their sight was fatal.
And so it begins, you may have noticed my subtle suggestions as to the best ways to spend the 12 hours
But that is up to you and your characters, my only rules for the rp apart from the standard rpn rules...
No going off solo.
It's a group rp, while you don't need to be glued together I don't want to GM lengthy solo missions for single characters.
post combat actions and important actions as attempts.
I'm ok with you taking initiative for the most part but let me control enemies and npcs. Can't have you guys breaking the economy by flirting/intimidating a shopkeep for 50% discounts or taking on seventeen bandits/wolves with no problems.
(Low level monsters/no name enemies are fine to oneshot.)
But for something significant please write it as a attempt, in my next post I will respond if you are successful or not.
post order is 1, 2 then you
Meaning let two others post before you post again. This may become "1 2 3 then you" to let everyone have a chance.
I'm hoping you can get at least two posts a week in for this, if you are unable to please let me know so I can write off characters as needed.
Can't think of anything else atm,
(I have a bad fever/cold so I apologise if I make no sense but I have double checked it, should be good)
Have at it and have fun
lunar_moth xAlter YeetBooi Lilliana2 Prodigious Mage Naria
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