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More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Our story begins in the capital of Slate, a walled city named Dunwel. Home to peasants, nobles, soldiers, thieves and Rune-Masters. But the prideful rumours and hushed secrets speak of others living in the capital... Runeborn. Legends of the runeborn have been spread and exaggerated across Slate for decades. Monsters in the shape of humans, humans with a Rune inside their body.
Heroic warriors, dangerous demons, all could be considered true. However only a select few know full truth about the Runeborn.

The Six Lord's of Slate and their trusted Rune masters who held the ritual know of the sacrifice and horrors in forging a living weapon. Not even the Runeborn know the truth behind their creation, what is known to them is that the land of Slate needs them. Raised from a young age to master their gift and excel in combat.
The Runeborn were created to end the Welt empire. These young men and women are to be the spearhead that pierces the approaching Welt army... The Runeborn are expected to scatter, demoralize and decimate the enemy. Like overwhelming monsters, dragons that look and walk like humans.

In all actuality the Welt empire would easily crush Slate, it's only because Welt started from the north and worked it's way down Ayore capturing and enslaving all in their path that Slate at the very bottom of the map has survived as long as they have. Only dealing with branch armies and Welt diplomats as opposed to the largest fighting force on the planet.
Its taken more than ten years for the red flag to reach the border of Slate, although the training is incomplete... The Runeborn have been assigned their mission.
Brought before Lord Gurt Waboe of Dunwel, the Lord spoke and the people listened.

"the Lord's of Slate have decided, the Runeborn shall be the first strike against the Welt empire. You are to travel together and hinder the approaching army however you can. Slates forces are gathered at the border, even with our many talented Rune masters the battle is a stalemate. With resources and manpower dwindling Slate cannot hold them back forever."
There was no time to stand on ceremony or even cry shenanigans at Lord Waboe, the Runeborn would be transported at midnight during the full moon by Rune master Fieful Lee.

The Runeborn have twelve hours to ready themselves... be that practicing their fighting or foraging for runes, it was up to them. They best make the most of It.
Lalo (like usual) was throwing a empty bottle away with a small burp before speaking.
"My plan is to get another bottle maybe some food then go hunt something outside the walls... or under the city... probably outside the walls... The catacombs of Dunwel are quicker to get to but monsters grow bigger in the wild"
Lalo turned towards the others with the usual smirk before stating
"That or... i dont mind helping if we go digging for orange, I will be getting a drink first though"
Leaving the Lord's manor in such a disrespectful way would normally result in punishment, but the guards look away from the Runeborn as if meeting their sight was fatal.
And so it begins, you may have noticed my subtle suggestions as to the best ways to spend the 12 hours
But that is up to you and your characters, my only rules for the rp apart from the standard rpn rules...

No going off solo.
It's a group rp, while you don't need to be glued together I don't want to GM lengthy solo missions for single characters.
post combat actions and important actions as attempts.
I'm ok with you taking initiative for the most part but let me control enemies and npcs. Can't have you guys breaking the economy by flirting/intimidating a shopkeep for 50% discounts or taking on seventeen bandits/wolves with no problems.
(Low level monsters/no name enemies are fine to oneshot.)
But for something significant please write it as a attempt, in my next post I will respond if you are successful or not.
post order is 1, 2 then you
Meaning let two others post before you post again. This may become "1 2 3 then you" to let everyone have a chance.

I'm hoping you can get at least two posts a week in for this, if you are unable to please let me know so I can write off characters as needed.

Can't think of anything else atm,
(I have a bad fever/cold so I apologise if I make no sense but I have double checked it, should be good)
Have at it and have fun
lunar_moth lunar_moth xAlter xAlter YeetBooi YeetBooi Lilliana2 Lilliana2 Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage Naria Naria
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Morgan let out an exhausted breath at Lalo's antics, eyes drifting over on her rather pitiful reserve of Healing based Runes, hands twisting and pulling at the large sleeves of her cloak with an odd sense if anxiety.

She felt it was best that she visit Hector first, maybe, the man was the closest thing she had to a parental figure in Dunwel, he deserved a hu... Er, a vague reassurance, that she would come back alive with all her limbs in tact, maybe even with the rest of the Runeborn alive and healthy even, she could even shove off a letter for her mother on him.

...eh, she should probably chase after Lalo so he didn't nearly get his ass killed. Again. Besides, he did offer to help find more Healing Runes...

So, what would it be?

Face Hector twelve hours before being shipped off to fight a war that she likely wouldn't survive?

Or chase after Lalo's drunken form and potentially be the person to drag his drunken ass back from the outside walls once everything was said and done?



Deciding cowardice was the name of the game, Morgan grabbed hold of her satchel, threw it over her body, and gave chase after her fellow Runeborn.
"Breath Casey. Deep breaths in, and exhale." a female voice sounded in the back of his mind. "Breath in and breath out." A flame in his palm rose and fell in tandem with his breathing. His concentration was necessary in order to control the destructive aspects of his runes. "Remember, fire is destruction, it is anger, it is death. Yet at the same time fire is warmth, it is light, it is life. Fire is what you make it, not what consumes you. Remember, you chose to make your flames to protect, not to destroy." Opening his once closed eyes, the flames in his hand died out. His mind wandered to the war he would be fighting in soon. The Lord's words worried him, yet he made no such reaction to his discomfort. Moving to leave, Casey didn't meet eyes with anyone. He didn't really have much to do, so he wandered.

His eyes scanned the sky, a look of contemplation crossed his face. He had never fought offensively. His magic was mostly used for defense, and the occasional destruction of an inanimate object, never for killing. It would be different, he concluded. Noticing a commotion, he watched as both Lalo and Morgan made their way past him. He waved; they may or may not notice. It seemed they were preoccupied by something. He didn't remember if they had plans. Once more turning to the sky, Casey let his arms hang from his side. "Maybe I'll cook something for us... maybe that'll help..."

(Open for interaction)
Lily was surprisingly not worried about their upcoming mission she thought that the speech might make her stomach tie up in knots or cause her to question her capabilities but she felt oddly calm. I have no one I want to say goodbye too and I have 5 orange runes which should be enough. She contemplated what to do with her free time. Maybe a walk in the woods? She watched as Lalo left with Morgan trailing behind him she would’ve joined them but she left Morgan was more than capable of watching over Lalo.

Instead she turned her attention to Casey as he gave the other two runeborns a wave. She watched as his eyes gazed towards the sky, clearly contemplating something. Lily couldn’t quite tell if he was simply torn like she was on what to do with her last free day or if he was worried about tomorrow. He was unique in the sense that he always seemed more concerned with self defense instead of defeating his opponent and she actually admired him for that. Most people in war are out for blood but he seemed to have different motives. His arms hung limply at his sides as she approached him. He was talking about cooking which didn’t sound like a bad idea to Lily, she would enjoy a good meal before leaving and maybe it could help the others calm their nerves or their excitement. One more almost tranquil night doesn’t sound too shabby. she thought to herself while she walked towards Casey.

”A good meal before we leave does sound good.” She said as she stopped by his side she looked up at the sky as if trying to find what her comrade was looking for in the clouds. ”I was thinking of walking in the woods to say goodbye. I don’t have anyone here I need to say farewell to but I will miss the calmness of the forest. We could spar there a bit before you start on dinner? We don’t have to if you don’t want to but I don’t think I’ve ever actually dueled with you before...or I could just help you cook I promise I’ll stick to your recipe.” She smirked at the last comment. Her cooking was less than desirable while she enjoyed the task the end result was never came out as good as it did in her head but her cooking techniques weren’t bad as long as she let someone else lead.

interactions: Casey xAlter xAlter , Open
The empty bottle Lalo carelessly tossed flew right by Miryalia's ear before shattering on the wall behind her. She neatly stepped out of the way of the spray of shards and remnants of ale, completely unaffected (and unimpressed) by what had just occurred.

Without so much as a look her way, Lalo was already taking off. Miryalia sighed. He was always so hot-headed, that one. She was surprised though, when Morgan left close on Lalo's heels. She had not expected that.

Seating herself at the table Lalo had just abandoned, Miryalia parked her elbow on the tabletop and leaned into the palm of her hand.

She supposed the Lord's speech had been a good one. It did seem like it had given the people of Dunwel some hope. But it had had the opposite effect on her. It was a sign that it was time for her to become the assassin she was meant to be... which wasn't exactly her dream aspiration.

When Casey walked in, he didn't seem to notice Miryalia at first glance either.
You'd think they'd see me, she thought with a sigh. But she had been trained to be invisible.

So Miryalia cleared her throat and waved over to Casey. "Hey," she called to him in a gloomy sort of greeting. But Lily had beaten her to the punch and started conversing with Casey.

Miryalia cast down her storm grey eyes and pulled out a dagger and a whet stone and busied herself sharpening the weapon. She wouldn't want to talk to herself either, Miryalia thought.

Interaction: open, Lily Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Casey xAlter xAlter
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A quick glace around the (massive, but this was a noble's manor after all) chamber, and Ori quietly slunk over to the other Runeborns still hovering in the doorway. He gave them a small nod each in greeting, bangs falling into his eyes.

"Ignore my eavesdropping; mind if I take any of you up on that sparring offer? We really should be preparing best we can, and I'm itchin' to work off some energy," Ori said. His tone was neutral, inquiring, but as he said it he brought a hand up to rub at the spark-scars on the back of his neck -- a nervous habit picked up in adolescence, in it the message clear: If I have to sit here on my own and worry about tonight any longer, I'm gonna lose my mind. Well, maybe not quite that dramatic, but still.

"'Sides," he continued, "I can totally help out with dinner too, if you'd like another set of hands." He shot Casey his best approximation of a playful grin. "Maybe if we train out in the woods we can go for a walk after and look for some fresh herbs. Kitchen's only got the dried stuff left in it right now."

Interaction: Casey xAlter xAlter , Lily Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Miryalia Naria Naria , OPEN ((Tell me if I've done this wrong lol ^^'))
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"Fire is easily used to destroy, Casey." The same female voice once more spoke in his head. "It is easier to use fire as a weapon to kill. It takes more control, more precision, more strength, to use it as a defensive tool. We are stronger because we defend, we have reasons to protect." Hearing a voice behind him, Casey nearly jumped from his skin as Lily spoke up behind him. He wasn't afraid, he didn't yelp. No, that would be heresy to even suggest such a thing. Someone must've been pulling a prank, or spreading rumors when it happened. Casey did no yelp.

"Lily!" he half whispered-shouted. He then whipped his head to the sound of another voice, Miryalia, and on to another face. "Miryalia, Ori!" Casey said again. "I was expecting to spend the rest of the time here alone." he admitted with a sigh of relief. "I guess I don't have to if you're all willing to spend time together. And yes!" he shouted, going back to the matter at hand. "You can all help with the meal! It'd be better if we all contributed... it's the last moment of relative peace we will have..."

Casey went quiet, his thoughts once more drifting to their mission. He spoke up once more. "I do suggest we eat after some exercise. It'll make the meal all the more satisfying. And the herbs in the kitchen won't be enough anyway, even with their dried stores. So going foraging wouldn't be too bad... I can find more herbs and plants for the healing salves I make. It's a good plan, no? Shall we make our way and spend our last day of mischief together?"

(Miryalia Naria Naria . Ori lunar_moth lunar_moth , Lily Lilliana2 Lilliana2 )
The way Casey suddenly jumped from his thoughts was noticeable, even to Miryalia, whose dagger nearly slipped from her grasp in surprise.

Looking down at the sharp lethal implement, she determined she had sharpened it enough and sheathed it in the bandalier that ran across her chest, where eleven identical daggers were already affixed.

She heaved a heavy sigh and screwed a smile she didn't quite mean onto her face.

"Sorry if we have interrupted your alone time, Casey. But foraging sounds like a neat idea. I'll come along with that. But you don't want my help for the cooking afterward. Trust me."

(Open, Casey xAlter xAlter , Lily Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Ori lunar_moth lunar_moth )
Lalo's smirk turned into a jaded frown as everyone but Morgan and Casey seemed to ignore him. He knew the seven of them weren't the best of friends or anything but being the same made them like family in a "adopted by the Alliance" sort of way.

Morgan made a effort to walk beside him after mentioning digging at the beach, that's easy to notice. The rest seem to be talking about play fighting and cooking a meal. Lalo made a rather obvious scoff before speaking. "y'all are mental if your eating Lil's cooking. We should be finding runes so we can you know... eat better food tomorrow after we save the border"
Lalo looked towards Leighton who hadn't spoken yet
"you agree yea? We should be preparing for the hunt tonight"
YeetBooi YeetBooi

Lalo looked at Ori, Lily, Casey and Miryalia who seemed to quickly determine what they would be doing. It dawned on Lalo that he may be the odd one out of the Runeborn. Two teams of three and the shadows to keep Lalo company.
Going by the flavour of rune inside each person it makes sense. You can mix and match magic for many effects but the shadows are only suited to hide within.
Not like Morgan's wind pushing Mirya's poison, or Ori's thunder amplified by hitting Leigh's ice
Location, all are outside Waboe's manor.
Interactions, Lalo is speaking towards everyone but finishing on Leighton hoping for some back up because buying food is better then eating the spread of a notoriously horrible cook

Naria Naria Lilliana2 Lilliana2 xAlter xAlter lunar_moth lunar_moth Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
Morgan winced at the reminder of Lily's cooking, an arm wrapping around her stomach as though in preparation.

She really didn't want to stick around and see what kind of monstrosity Lily would cook up this time around, she'd nearly had to have her stomach sliced open after last weeks lunch...

So, swallowing past the wet lump in her throat, she spoke, "I'm running low on Orange, anyway, so you're kind of stuck with me for foreseeable future anyway Lalo, I just have to drop off a letter for my mother before we head out past the walls."

Risking a gaze at her somewhat taller companion, she offered an awkward half-smile, "Just... Try not to pass out after, I had to carry you six miles last time because no one else wanted to go looking with me."

Hunching in on herself a bit, she bit her tongue, and turned her gaze to the other Runeborn, waiting for their responses, already calculating how far she could stretch her supplies before they left.
Miryalia shrugged. She gave Morgan and Lalo a look, then back at Casey. Orange runes probably were the most useful thing to find. Besides, if she sparred with any of them now, they might be a Runeborn short for the real battle, she thought.

Sighing and rolling her eyes, she wandered over to Lalo and Morgan.

"Fine, but be quick about that letter, Morgan. Not all of us are so lucky to say goodbye, you don't have to rub it in."
Ori quirked a brow at the three preparing to split off to gather runes. Naria Naria NeonFlow NeonFlow Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage

"Hah, you guys have fun digging up the beach all evening, I guess! I'm gonna stay back and work these two to death," Ori said, thumbing a gesture at Casey and Lily. xAlter xAlter Lilliana2 Lilliana2

A beat, then he averted his gaze.
"...Don't get yourselves into trouble out there, 'kay? If you off yourselves before the real battle even begins, I'll bring you back to life just to kill you myself," Ori grumbled, though there was still sentiment behind the words. "...Also, if you die, I'm eating your portions of dinner tonight, so don't."
Miryalia managed to sneak up on Lily without even trying to. Lily felt bad for neglecting to talk to her earlier but she blended into the background better than she probably realized. She gave her a smile as she joined them before Lalo gave his usual attitude.

”Jokes on you Lalo...I’m just helping to prepare the food. We could probably try to find some orange runes in the woods too while we collect herbs. We might not find as many as you guys but anything helps.” She did her best to ignore Morgan’s reflection on last weeks meal. Miryaila decided to join the others on the beach but she seemed less than thrilled. She appreciated her teammates responsible decision to go hunt for more tunes and her last comment lingered in Lily’s mind for a minute. Guess we have a bit in common. She thought to herself as she looked around at the others.

Her space face was on as she began wondering about her comrades history and relationships. She cared about all of their welfare’s but she really didn’t know any of them on a very deep level, not that she wanted them to know anything about her but she wanted to know more about them. Its amazing how differently we all are...I wonder if we would even care to know each other if we were regular humans? I wonder how different everyone’s personalities would be...what would I even do? What are any of us going to do when this war is over. We’ll either die fighting or live till we lead useless lives. She was brought back to reality as Ori joined their group joking about working them to death and told the others not to get themselves into trouble.

”Ok dad I’m sure they can handle themselves.” She half mused half reassured Ori. She looked forward to sparring with him his hand to hand combat would be a challenge for her, it was definitely something she needed to work on. It was a good group. She could help Casey work on being more offensive and Ori could help her practice her close combat skills. She watched Leighton out of the corner of her eyes to see where he would be going. She didn’t want to stare him down but she was curious to see where his decision was.
Leighton chuckled at his fellow Runeborn, he had stayed quiet throughout the day and the briefing. He always knew the day where they would face the Empire, he never thought that it would bother him, Leighton had spent the last 14 years training for this. But he couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiousness, while he was confident in his abilities and skills as a warrior the battlefield was unpredictable, and they were going up against a force far larger than themselves.

He wasn't broken out of this self-imposed trance until Lalo had spoken to him, he gave his comrade a friendly pat on the back, "afraid I'm not much of a rune man myself. Though the idea of exercise and a good meal sounds right up my alley, you'll need some good food for the upcoming battle," he replied. Leighton's Master Gaius was a martial fighter whose homeland was conquered by the empire, he was a man of the blade and rarely used runes, so most of Leighton's magic was improvised save for a few techniques. Still, the thought of sparring with them did interest Leighton, though he thought how serious he should go, Gaius was a brutal yet fair teacher they sparred each other as if their life depended on it and Marcus had even broken a few of Leightons bones before. Even with Marcus' harsh teachings, Leighton was still thankful for them as they made his body tough and prepared him for the upcoming war. But he didn't want to hurt his comrades either.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage Naria Naria lunar_moth lunar_moth Lilliana2 Lilliana2 xAlter xAlter
Miryalia turned to Leighton. "So... is your idea of exercise digging up runes, or enduring Lily's cooking? I don't know when we'll get a chance to get a spar in yet." YeetBooi YeetBooi

She turned back to her other companions. "So, shall we? There's not much efficiency in standing around. So either we reach a consensus, or we head out."

Patience and tact were not some of Miryalia's virtues.

Not that any of that mattered. Her master had taught her that Stealth was key. The assassin's personality never mattered... she felt that she mattered little, and so did her opinion. So she would follow the consensus, she supposed.
Casey nodded as everyone had their plan for the last few hours they had. "Lalo! Maybe we should have you alone eat Lily's cooking!" Casey called out as he watched the two run off to look for runes. Laughing to himself, Casey went silent once more, and flicked his fingers, flames casually leaping between them. "So..." he said slowly, looking at the rest of the group present. "Are we just going to stand here or get to fighting?" he asked, beginning to make his way to the training grounds.

As he walked away, Casey's mind once more wandered to a list of herbs he needed, and what could be a good idea for the meal. "I mean... a meat dish is necessary... beef stroganoff... maybe? And definitely some sort of side dish..." he muttered to himself, taking a look of thinking. So many ideas, and so little time. Chuckling to himself, Casey looked back to the other Runeborn. They were his family, dysfunctional yes, but they mattered to him. "Come on guys! You're slowing down! Maybe I'll win a spar for once!"

(Miryalia @ Naria Naria . Ori @ lunar_moth lunar_moth , Lily @ Lilliana2 Lilliana2 , Leighton YeetBooi YeetBooi , Lalo NeonFlow NeonFlow , Morgan Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage )
Morgan's teeth snagged on her bottom lip at Miryalia's comment, arm retreating into the recesses of her cloak to snag her letter, eyes drifting over the whole group, "Not like there's much to say to her at this point anyway."

(Gods above, she mused to herself absently as she took in her companions, sometimes I forget I'm the youngest here.)

The woman had stopped responding to her letters months ago, and, for all her hope and rationalizing on the matter, Morgan knew it meant the woman thought her not long for the world.

Maybe if she looked more like her, with the blood red hair, the dark skin, and eyes of fire... Maybe she would have cared a little more...

Sighing, and crushing the letter in her hand, Morgan forced a smile, bright and cheery, "Touch my food before we get back, and you'll wish it was Welt soldiers coming after you, yeah?"
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"Yeah, yeah, we got it, o mighty one!" he laughed in response. Ori gave the parting group [ NeonFlow NeonFlow Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage ] a lazy salute, and spun on his heel to follow Casey [ xAlter xAlter ] as they made their way to the training grounds. The sun was still bright in the sky; he tilted his face up towards it a bit and closed his eyes, as if he were absorbing all the rays he could. Fire and lightning were sister elements, after all. The warmth of it spread through his body and he shook his shoulders out to limber up in anticipation.

"Come on, slowpokes!" he called back without looking. "If Leigh's [ YeetBooi YeetBooi ] comin' with us, I wanna pair up and do group manoeuvres! It'll be fine, I swear." He purposefully did not think about the last time they had paired off during practice for 2v2 duels, no sir, he made a point of ignoring what had happened when it was his turn to assign the groups himself (turns out, frost kills plants and leads to some very disappointing combo moves, whereas fire magic and void magic just... cancel each other out (who knew!). Ahem. Let's just say it was a very disappointing (read: stupid) training day and Ori had not been allowed to come up with group exercises for the rest of the week. Except that that didn't matter anymore, because Ori was forgetting about it very much now.) He gave his head a shake to clear that train of thought and jogged up ahead to the dusty clearing that was the training grounds.

He waited for the others to reach the grounds as he began to warm up, holding his arms in front of his body in a stretch, then hinging at the hips and walking his fingertips over to each leg, then back up. He straightened with an exhale of breath and gave an upward nod at the group as they began to file in.

"I'm thinkin' Casey and Leigh together, versus me, Miryalia [ Naria Naria ] and Lily [ Lilliana2 Lilliana2 ] for the first round. Next round you two get to pick who you steal for your group. Unless anyone's got something that makes more sense?" he inquired.
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As they entered the training grounds, Miryalia gave Ori a look. Nothing could douse his enthusiasm, it would seem. She shrugged noncommitally.

"I'm fine with whatever team, but I'm not using my powers. I don't want anyone dying. That doesn't mean I won't use you for target practice though."

Her lips curled up in a half smile. "I hope you all still can avoid projectiles."

Saying that, she cracked her wrists and fingers and did a few arm stretches before unsheathig her first dagger.

For fun (and practice, in her own fashion), she tossed the blade at the far wall at the other end of the training grounds. It hit the wall perfectly with a hard "thunk" as the dagger was perfectly aligned with the ground and three inches deep into the wooden wall.

Her smile widened slightly. "So, shall we begin?"
Lalo gave up on being the Runeborns unofficial leader to prepare himself. The others can play fight if they wish but, the path to victory is paved with preparation
Ains Don would often say things like this. The lesson being a Runemaster carries a weapon as a opening strike and a last resort...
But a great Runemaster doesn't open with a strike nor need a last resort.
Like the title would suggest a great Runemaster needs only magic, why fight the enemy with a blade when you could have them flee from your power?

Lalo was contemplating this as he powerwalked towards the beach. Despite claims of getting a drink and the silence implying he would wait for a letter to be left... Lalo headed straight towards the gate brazenly stealing a shovel and some sacks as he headed through the open market "Im the Runeborn, i need this for the war effort"
Usually this sort of action would be met with resistance, but whatever guards and soldiers still in Dunwel had been performing similar acts in regards to runes weapons and armor. At least the Runeborn thief is foraging his own Runes.

The beach was once a beautiful stretch of yellow, blinding at times when the sun's light reflected off that smooth strip. Not the case now as holes litter the beach up down and everywhere... As the high tide comes in many of these holes are filled instantly. Quite dangerous but not the most deadly thing on the southern beaches of Slate. The further one goes from Dunwel the larger chance one has of running into a giant crab. The taste of these titan crustaceans is as incredible as they are terrifying, with some standing taller then a man with claws as big as a horse.
Scary things what with having a hard shell, strong claws, multiple legs. Lucky enough Crabs aren't usually smart enough to use magic. Considered a animal or beast more so then a monster... As Lalo felt the familiar crunch of sand under his feet a exasperated sigh made its way out his lips. Hunting giant crabs was once a exciting activity in which Lalo would attempt to convince the others to join. A test of skill and strength resulting in a bounty of meat and water runes.
(And a large amount of time spent to empty a crab)

Nowadays the risk is greater then the reward and quite literally a waste of time. With a large grumble Lalo drops the sacks and puts the shovel to work moving sand, a eye on the area for danger and a ear out for the familiar thunk that is metal touching a rune.
Open for interaction,
moved from outside Waboe manor, out of Dunwel to the beach.
Say the time is 12pm and due for lunch
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Lily followed her group as they left “Don’t worry I’ll make sure your food is safe.” She promised Morgan as she left. She gave Lalo a smile and a wave as she passed him too. Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage NeonFlow NeonFlow They made their way to the training grounds and soon Ori was talking about pairing up. Hopefully the pairs are better than last time.... She shuddered as she thought about how big of a disaster their last grouping was. She listened as Ori explained the groups fire and ice versus lightening, plants and a stealthy fighter since Miryalias poison is a bit too dangerous for sparring. It’s not a bad match up.

She stretched her arms she joined Ori and Miryalias sides ”Ready when you are.” she said as she stuffed her hand into her pocket and grabbed a handful of grass seeds. She had learned to carry seeds in her pockets years ago in case of terrain with no available plants. Since this was just a sparring session she had no reason to use her rarer and more useful seeds but grass seeds were easy to come by. She looked up and Casey and Leigh ”Give us a thumbs up when you two are ready.” she could tell her two partners where ready to start and she was too she could barely contain her excitement to be sparring. Anyone could tell she was excited by the smile she was trying desperately not to have. Naria Naria YeetBooi YeetBooi lunar_moth lunar_moth xAlter xAlter
Miryalia smiled at Lily. Her enthusiasm was palpable. This might actually be fun, as long as she could keep herself from accidentally poisoning someone.

She unsheathed two daggers and got into position, blades at the ready.

Crouched low, like a panther waiting to pounce, she gave the other pairing a wink. "Come at us, boys. We're waiting."

Lilliana2 Lilliana2 xAlter xAlter lunar_moth lunar_moth YeetBooi YeetBooi
A man with a athletic build and red hair couldn’t help but watch the runeborn who were about to fight. You could call them Idiot children who thought themselves invincible... but Quart Feck knew a bit about naivety. The youngest Runemaster in all of Dunwel, as a teenager he to would want to show off his skill and talent.

But as a master in the land of slate, one who has not only survived but led his own skirmishes across the border. Quart was expected to teach the runeborn all he knew. Though most of the Runeborn had private tutors Quart and Ains Don would try and teach the group the basics of runes and channeling magic.

Quart was skilled with many runes but only had brown and black runes in his pockets, A short sword at his side and a small buckler shield on his left forearm.
Quart Feck went over to teach the children...

Hello Ruebens!! bouta have a practice match ey? I don’t think it will do you any good see... you ain’t fighting each other out there, you’ll be on the front lines of a war, outnumbered by the empire with arrows and various flavours of magic raining down on top of you”
Quart strolled over rather quickly for a man of his size. Tall and solid like a ginger statue
“how about all of you take on me, And I mean seriously go for the kill, my mama has some orange saved so there’s no way you do anything lasting... I doubt any of you could draw blood.
Maybe one of you could if all seven rubens tried... but just you guys?”

Quart smiled while drawing his sword and reaching his left hand to his side to cling onto a rune.
"i bet I could subdue three of you in five minutes, all five if I'm not careful"
There was a good thirty meters between the teacher and the rubens.
And Quart approached shouting "the enemy won't ask if your ready to start!"

His laughter quiets as he whispered into a rune before throwing it up in a arc to land on the ground between the five.
The ground shakes as the brown rune landed, causing a quake that would unbalance all around it (within a radius of the rune, meaning all of you)
Naria Naria lunar_moth lunar_moth YeetBooi YeetBooi Lilliana2 Lilliana2 xAlter xAlter
To speed it along and get a bit of practice I've given you all a fight with medieval fantasy Batman. (Basically a fight you won't win unless everything goes perfect)

Write in attempts please, as a named character Quart Feck is unable to be controlled by players in any way.

If you write
"Bob stabs Quart with blinding speed"
I will reply with many paragraphs explaining how Quart noticed, reacts and decimated Bob.

If you write
"with a burst of speed Bob runs towards Quart keeping low and ready to dodge. Once in range bobs dagger thrusted towards Quart's gut attempting to stab him"

The more descriptive you write attempts, (how you do what and when)
The more sense it makes and the length of the post will determine the success of the attempt.
(For example one line saying "Bob awaits the strike to counter" will most likely not end with Bob countering the strike. But if you write a decent paragraph explaining how bob intends to counter said strike you have a much better chance)

Though I will be taking into account other people's posts and what the named enemy can do to counter without being to unfair etc.
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To say Morgan hightailed it after Lalo the minute she caught wind of Quart's booming laughter would be an understatement.

His laughter always meant horrible, degrading, unwinnable spars that left her with large, mottled, bruises and at least three or more people to heal.

Suffice to say, she was convinced the man was some kind of odd demon given human form.

Shoving her crumpled letter into the hands of the nearest civilian, a woman, she rushed out a few quick words as to where to drop it off, and sped off in the direction off to the beach.
Nearly out of breath when she arrived, Morgan simply sunk to her knees and began to hand shovel sand and sift through it.

Not the most efficient, or clean, way to go about searching for Runes, but it got the job done all the same.

And, hey, if she happened to keep close to Lalo all the while, so be it.

Idly she shivered at the memory of her first venture down here, two nine year olds and a fourteen something did not an army make...

"I'm two up already," A proud voice claimed.

Lalo was four feet deep in the sand by the time Morgan arrived, Lalo stopped to wipe sweat off his face and hair out of his eyes before dropping the shovel and climbing out to sit next to the two orange runes he had found. "Hey Morg... If you sat in that hole and closed your eyes tight, could you just blow the sand away? Make a wide hole for us and uncover more orange?" He motioned with his arms stretching out, "I'm pretty sure you could blast a lot of the work away, have runes piling at our feet."

Morgan got a quirk to her mouth at the suggestion, "I'll see about it, keep your eyes closed once the winds pick up though, I'm not dealing with a scratched eye."

Lalo chuckled imagining how easy it could be as he laid down to look at a blue sky.

"Doesn't seem to be crabs about so not like you'll disturb anythin'."

Settling into a meditative position, Morgan shot one last look at her companion before closing her eyes and focusing on the Rune that made her blood flow, and the soft winds that brushed across her cheeks every now and then.

Just breathe, she remembered Hector once telling her, in one of his rare bouts of sobriety, sometimes the best you can do is to just keep on breathing.
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Ori yelped as the earth shook under his feet and he lost his balance, landing with a hand to the ground in front of him with a soft oof. He hopped back to his feet quickly though, and gave an excited holler.

"Master Quart! Now you're talkin'! Don't worry, I won't hold back!" he shouted back and picked his way around the ankle-twisting crevices in the ground. A quick glance at his cohorts -- all of whom seemed just as eager as him. Ori's face split into a vicious grin. He shifted his feet almost imperceptibly at first; then the air surrounding him changed, seemed to crackle with energy, a humming in his ears so loud it seemed to shake the edges of his vision.

"We've got this, you guys," he said to his teammates, with a jerk of his head in Quart's direction: Let's go.

In a flash, he dashed towards Quart. One hand stayed tucked close to his body; once Ori deemed himself close enough, the other shot out to fire a blast of lightning at the Master through pointed fingers. A weak current, but enough for muscles to spasm and lose their grip on a weapon should it meet its mark. It ripped through the dusty air with a noise like crackling wood and a nose-staining smell of ozone.

Ori exhaled sharply. That feeling of a discharge of electricity was always so heartracing. Like someone dunked him lungs first in a hissing-fizzing hotspring. Choppy brown hair stood on its ends and smoke coiled up from his still tingling fingertips as he took his last running steps further up to Quart.

He didn't wait to see if Quart was distracted like he'd meant, just ducked and swept a leg out in a long arc in an attempt to dislodge Quart's feet from under him. The gravelly terrain chattered as it was flung under his heel.

"I oughta show you just how much damage I can do!" Ori goaded, hands already brought up and tucked into fists, ready to fly.


NeonFlow NeonFlow Naria Naria Lilliana2 Lilliana2 YeetBooi YeetBooi xAlter xAlter

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