Runaway [Inactive]

Blue Puppy

Junior Member
Blue Puppy submitted a new role play:

Runaway - Just some kids trying to find a home in a homeless place


The past is the past.

That's what everyone says. But when your past holds criminal acts, the past is never just the past. It follows you like the plague. It's around every corner, just waiting for you to slip up and get caught.

Every cloud has a sliver lining.

This is true. Somewhere in the city, there is a kid who has a hidden little house where she lets criminals just like her take refuge. You just have to find her. Her name is...

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A Mohawk, bleach blonde hair, odd eyes, the kid looked like someone out of a circus act. He had a cigarette hanging limply from his lips and his different colored eyes were closed. A odd eyed cat, with black and grey fur, stripped, sat on his shoulder, watching the smoke rise from his cigarette. The kitten mewed and the boy opened his eyes looking over at the cat. It was a bit colder tonight and he was sitting in an alley way. He pulled the cigarette away from his lips and let out a sigh.

"Yea, yea, Joker. I know. Its cold." He mumbled as he picked up the small odd eyed kitten and placed her in his jacket. He zipped it up and held the kitten to his chest, hiding her, as he stood up and walked out of the alley. He moved into a Seven-Eleven after he put out his cigarette. He moved down the isles, placing a can of cat food in his pocket, a bottle of water and a bag of chips.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" An over weight man yelled, spotting the boy shoving the items into his jacket. The boy took off, out of the store and down the street. He could hear the over weight man shouting at him. He didn't slow down as he ran, heading for a park.

As he slowed down he moved behind a set of bushes. He sat down and opened the can of cat food, letting Joker eat. He then opened the chips and begin to eat for himself. He was starving. What sounded good right now was a nice home cooked meal. He smiled at the thought. King Ranch Chicken and some Garlic Toast. His mouth watered. He looked down and poured some water in the now empty food can for Joker. She lapped away happily. HE took a drink of the water and grabbed the cat, leaning against a tree he tucked her into his chest and watched the grass. "Brenden... what are you doing?" He mumbled.
Phoenix March

She stood hesitantly in the doorway of the heated pancake house with a watering mouth, unsure of whether she should go through with the plan she had fabricated quite suddenly. It was a stupid idea, one she had created out of hunger more then rational thought. She sniffed, the blessing of smells filling her numb nose before she started forward to the confused looking girl that stood behind the little pew. She gave Phoenix a smile, kind and welcoming even though she didn't realize Phoenix had not a cent to her name. Not that Phoenix cared, her mind was to muddled with the great smells around her that she obediently followed after the girl who showed her to a table and handed her a menu.

"To late now," She mumbled, desperate eyes racking over the words on the menu, "I'm already this far." She picked out the largest plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs she could find, told the girl to drown it in syrup, and leaned back in her seat. It was a booth tucked into the corner of the restaurant, not far from the bathroom which was good. The cushions felt heavenly under her bottom since she hand only sat on cold stone floors for the past three weeks. She knew it would be hard to leave this place when the time came. Good food, warmth, and even a soft place for her to relax; it would be really hard to leave. When the food came she ate it as slowly as she could, trying not to draw attention to her hunger. In the process of eating she pulled out a napkin, folding some chunks of food into it before stuffing it into her pocket along with the napkin full of bacon and egg. When she was about two thirds of the way done with the plate and had downed three cups of orange juice she stood, shrugging slight with a kind smile at the girl.

"Bathroom," She said, "Can I... get the check? Just leave it on my table and I'll pay when I finish." The girl nodded, her eyes glancing over at the table as she noticed the almost done food before heading off to get the check. With that done Phoenix ducked into the bathroom, checking all the stalls for people before turning to face the window. She hated doing this but a girl had to eat. Letting out a sigh she scrambled up onto the toilet and wiggled her way through the small opening of the window. It was tiny but Phoenix hadn't eaten in a good few days so her weight was dwindling enough for her to squeeze through without much of a problem. Dropping into the back alley, she touched her pockets, feeling the food in them and the tiny squirming form of Hedge as he cuddled into her warm hand.

"Good work," She said pulling him out to pet his small head, "Hungry? I have pancakes!" She then place him in the pocket with all the food before looking around and heading off. She knew the girl would be discovering that Phoenix had dipped pretty soon, when that happened she wanted to be safely away from there. She headed for the neighborhood, spotting a park with a little grin and began across the grass.

"Seems like a good place to set up camp." She mumbled, "What do you say Hedge?" She felt the animal happily moving around in her pocket, no doubt eating to his hearts content. She gave a little laugh and pulled herself up onto the play structure.

Christy wandered the isle of the convenience store, looking around for something she could quietly tuck into the pocket of her sweatshirt. The she found a sandwich wrapped tightly in a plastic wrap. She grabbed it and quickly walked out of the store. The cashier was to busy handling some paper work to notice her. Once she was outside, she bolted down the sidewalk and into an alleyway. In the alleyway, rats scattered at her footsteps and she found a spot near the back to sit and eat. When she was done eating, she rested her head back a bit. She'd have to get back to Natty soon. Before to long, she heard a loud noise and looked over to see a girl that had jumped from a window. Why did she leave though the window instead of the front door? Chris decided to follow her. They came to a park and after a minute, she got the nerve to go up to the girl, "Excuse me." she said, tapping her shoulder, "Why did you jump out of that window?" If she was a criminal, she could take her to the safe-house.


Natasha was laid out on the couch downstairs. There wasn't much to do in this house when no one was around. The house didn't have TV or internet because they couldn't pay for it. They had running water because this place was hooked up to it own water source. A tank not too far away. It had a few repairs needed to the pipes when she first found the place, but it's all good now. The house could just light itself up during the day, but at night it was just a lot of candles. When she found Christy, they had stolen a few board games to play and those have accumulated to a closet full. Plenty to choose from.

It's been a while since the boy had stolen anything, Nat has been helping him with that though, and she is probably the only reason Nick has a job right now. It's not the best, he is an assistant for a cocky dumb-ass. His boss runs a tattoo parlor but its in a strange location and not many people know about it. It brings minimum wage though, and a smile to Nattie. And that's all that really matters. Nattie and Nick are like parents in the house, trying to be the most responsible, trying to keep things in order, and trying to provide. They usually have a smile on their faces but it is hard.

But this is something that could be talked about later, the present is the present.


Nick had a strange walking pattern, which he just noticed as he walked up to the house. He dragged his hand along the stone walls. The boy would try to find beauty in everything, and he would look towards the wall. Ideas would flow through his head like the creek water that accompanies the wrecked cabin. He recited a poem he once read inside a book. He carries it around in his pocket (he ripped it out). It is called "The Runaways"

"Home’s the place we head for in our sleep.

Boxcars stumbling north in dreams

don’t wait for us. We catch them on the run.

The rails, old lacerations that we love,

shoot parallel across the face and break

just under Turtle Mountains. Riding scars

you can’t get lost. Home is the place they cross.

"The lame guard strikes a match and makes the dark

less tolerant. We watch through cracks in boards

as the land starts rolling, rolling till it hurts

to be here, cold in regulation clothes.

We know the sheriff’s waiting at midrun

to take us back. His car is dumb and warm.

The highway doesn’t rock, it only hums

like a wing of long insults. The worn-down welts

of ancient punishments lead back and forth.

"All runaways wear dresses, long green ones,

the color you would think shame was. We scrub

the sidewalks down because it's shameful work.

Our brushes cut the stone in watered arcs

and in the soak frail outlines shiver clear

a moment, things us kids pressed on the dark

face before it hardened, pale, remembering

delicate old injuries, the spines of names and leaves.

By the time he finished he reached the door. It was home sweet home. Nick's heart skipped a beat as he turned the handle, he really liked Nat, but it never worked out. He had his chance but let it slipped away. . . He remembered the plastic bag in his right hand, which also had his key collection on a giant ring. Nick did not know where one key went but it reminded him of his new family. No one knew where they belonged and no one wanted to try to find out. But together they looked beautiful. And thats all that mattered.

" Hey Nat. . ."
Sarah walked along the streets with a black and white cat at her heels. She had no where in particular she needed to go, she just was walking for the sake of walking. She looked up and almost ran into a little girl bolting from a store. Curiously she picked up her cat and followed the girl to an alley where the girl sat and ate a sandwich. "Oh" Sarah thought, "she must have stolen it."

Sarah continued to hide and watch when another girl slid through a window from the restaurant next door. The girls left the alley and Sarah followed them to a park. The older girl pulled herself onto a play set, and Sarah ducked behind a trashcan to stay out of sight.

"Excuse me" the younger girl said tapping the other girl on the shoulder, "Why did you jump out of that window?" Sarah wanted to say something, but she was too scared. Her experience with people wasn't that great and just the thought of talking to them made her want to run and hide. Suddenly the cat she had been holding jumped from her arms and ran towards the two girls.

"No Boots!" she yelled and lunged trying to catch the cat, but she missed and ended up sprawled out on the ground staring up at the two girls. She wanted to move but she was frozen in fear like a deer in headlights.
Walking in the park John took a drink of some booze he got from a store using a fake id. John decided he needed to get out of the safe house for a while so this was he decided on doing while he was out. Its not like he cared what anyone else thought of him doing this. "I wonder how full that place will get," John thought as he walked along the park,"If word gets out more quickly things could get packed." Looking up ahead he notices two girls standing over a girl who's sprawled out on the ground. "I wonder what that's all about?"
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Brenden watched as a bright unnatural redhead bounded up the play set in the park. A smile came to his face, to see someone out this late. Maybe she had some cash. His hand slipped into his black DecayDance hoodie and his hand grasped the switch blade there. He stood up, placing Joker in his hoodie. He zipped it up and got up. He begin to move toward the girl when a smaller one walked up then an older one failed at something and sprawled out on the ground. A deep growl like sound escapes his lips but he moves forward, under the play set. Thats when his eyes lay on a guy, walking toward them.

He cursed under his breath and hid behind the stairs. They didn't seem like they new each other. What was this all about? He furrowed his brows and moved a bit closer, under the slide. He put the switch blade back up in his pocket and petted Joker to keep her quiet as he listened closely to what they were saying. He hoped some of them leave so he could rob the redhead. He frowned when Joker let out a loud meow.
Phoenix March:

She was about to spread out happily on one of the small slides when she heard the should of footsteps approaching. Her eyes widened, unbelieving that they had found her already as she shot upright and clutched into her pocket so that Hedge wouldn't fall out. Her eyes shot around the dark expand, coming to rest on a small form that moved toward her. The girl, which Phoenix could only assume, was basically a shadow as it marched forward and eventually stopped not far away. This made Phoenix tilt her head to the side, confused and yet there was also a sense of amusement in this figures hesitance. Figuring it wasn't really a big threat she turned away, draping her legs over the little ledge as she pick out a piece of bacon half eaten by Hedge and munched on it a few times.

"Excuse me," A soft voice mumbled followed by a tap on her shoulder. Phoenix blinked for a second, her head tilting backwards to peer at the girl upside down. "Why did you out of the window?" Phoenix's heart froze, her muscles tensed, and her eyes fixed on this girl. She didn't appear to be a threat, she didn't even look like she was Phoenix's age. She had to be younger. Still, she had witnessed Phoenix leaving the pancake house, what was she going to do? Swallowing the chunk of bacon in her mouth, Phoenix cleared her throat and turned toward the girl.

"So you saw that did yo-" She was in the middle of her sentence when another girl can sprawling out of the brush to land face first in the dirt, her eyes coming up to look at Phoenix and her new companion. Phoenix had to clear her throat again, attempting to stop the laughter as she leaped from the play structure and ventured over to the cat not far away. Picking it up she walked it back to the girl and placed it in front of her.

"Careful," She stated, in her dry aloft tone, "It could get hurt if you don't pay close attention to it." She then pointed at the cat, assuming that was what the girl was after. There was a silence, it stretched for a minute until a loud noise broke it. If Phoenix hadn't been staring at that girl's cat she would have assumed that it was him/her; however the cat's eyes didn't waver from Phoenix's as the meow pierced the night. Her eyes widened, head snapping into the direction of the noise as her eyes squinted in suspicion. How many people would stumble upon her today?
The older girl jumped off the play set and picked Boots up carefully. Sarah pushed herself to her knees as Boots was placed in front of her.

"Careful" the girl said "It could get hurt if you don't pay close attention to it." Sarah nodded her head nervously when there was a loud mew. Boots whipped his head towards the sound and Sarah followed his gaze slowly, scared of what she might see.
Bailey sighed as she woke. Her back hurt from laying on the hard, cement ground and she got up to stretch it out. As she twisted and turned she heard noises from inside the building and she knew that it was time for her to go. Although it was damp and uncomfortable, this was one of her favorite places to sleep but she never stayed in the same place twice in a row. It made it to risky. If she was caught she would be going to jail for sure. She had heard that most of the others had been found and convicted of murder, and she terrified that she was next. Sometimes she thought jail would be better then the life she was living now. It would be warm, she would have food and she wouldn't be so lonely all the time but she couldn't stand losing her freedom. Walking down the road she entered a small convenience store and walked to the back to use the washroom. She sighed as she looked at the pale, dirty girl staring back at her in the mirror. She washed her face and re-tied her long, blonde hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. As she walked out she looked at all the food that would be easy to snatch, but she walked out empty handed ignoring the pains in her stomach and the nausea she felt from starving.

Christy looked around at the gathering crowed and her dislike of people started coming up. Well, not her dislike of people, just her dislike of crowds, she actually liked people once she talked to them. She watched as the girl with bright red hair walked over to the cat and gave it to the girl, "I like your cat." she said. Then another person came up. It was obvious he'd been drinking. She looked at his face and recognized him as someone who was living at the safe-house, "Hey Lee!" she said. She always called him by his middle name. That's when the meow came. At first she just thought it was the girl's cat, but then she looked over and saw that cat's head looking somewhere, "Hello?" she called out.


Natasha raised her head to look at the door and saw Nick walk in. She smiled at him, "Oh finally your home. I was so bored!" she said and sat up, patting the seat next to her, "Wanna play some board games or something?" she asked him, tilting her head slightly.
Brenden cursed when he heard someone call out. He didn't move as Joker meowed again. He shot a glare to the kitten and she just purred. He glanced around the slide and looked at the people. He then lit a cigarette, stood up, grasped the switch blade in his pocket and walked round the slide into view. He smiled as he walked up, taking a drag of his cigarette. He looked at the girl who called out hello. "Yes?" He asked as he blew smoke out of his mouth and nose.

(Sorry its short. I'm on my phone.)
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"Its just you Christy,"John said nonchalantly. "What brings you to this park," John asked while drinking some more. Once hearing a meow from a cat and seeing someone pop out after Christy called out to it. John looked at the guy standing there with a cigarette and stared at him wearily. John doesn't have must of a trust when first meeting someone so he doesn't take well to first greetings.
"Thank you" Sarah said quietly to the girl who had complimented her cat. "His name is Boots." Just then a boy stood up with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes?" he said to the little girl. She had called out to him when his cat mewed.

Again, Sarah was frozen in fear. There were too many people. She looked around from the drunk boy someone had called "Lee", to the unnaturally red haired girl, to the younger girl, and finally to the boy with the cigarette. The scar her father left with a cigarette seemed to burn all over again. She swallowed hard and forced herself to stand. She picked up her cat and he purred reassuringly. She waited to see what would happen next.

Christy watched as the guy came out from behind the slide, "Yes?" he said. A knot formed in Christy's stomach, but she pretended not to notice it, "Why are you hiding?" she asked. She started looking around at the people around her. One, two, three, four, four people, five including herself. All she wanted to do was ask the red-head a question and instead a party forms. Oh! Right, she still never got an answer. She turn and walked over to the girl, "I never got an answer." she said

Brenden frowned. What could he tell the girl? That he was planning on robbing the red head? That he need something to eat because he had no home. He frowned again, letting his fingers brush across the switch blade in his pocket. "I uh..." He thought for a moment on what he could say. 'Tell her you are always here at night. Tell her you have nowhere better to be.' "I'm always here at night. I have nowhere better to be." 'Nailed it.' he thought to himself with a nod and a smile. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and brushed his fingers through his hair. Thats when Joker poked her head out of his jacket.

She let out a gruff sigh, crossing her arms and turning her face away from them. She couldn't say that she was upset at the sudden explosion of people, she had just been hoping to get some shut eye before the police started patrolling this area.

"Listen, I'm glad you all seem to be friendly," she said waving her hand a bit, "But I came here to get some rest. I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow so I'll be leaving before you all." Her eyes then narrowed at the guy whom had been hiding in the shadows, "I'd suggest you keep that knife in your pocket from now on." She commented pointing to the outline of the pocketknife in his pocket, "No one has anything worth your time here."
At the mention of a knife Sarah's eyes gre wide and she pulled her cat closer. The red haired girl looked annoyed and turned to leave when Sarah called out.

"Wait! Can I go with you? My name's Sarah." She ran to stand next to her and stood patiently waiting for a reply.

Knife? Christy thought. She turned to look at him, "You were planning to rob her?" she asked, her voice peaking with interest. She smiled and took a few steps towards him. A criminal? Someone else to come live at the house, maybe, "If that's the case, then that means you're a criminal, right? Do you have a place to stay? If not, I know of a place. It's a safe house for people like us." she said, still walking towards him, "Want me to show you?" she asked, smiling up at him.
Brenden frowned. A place to sat? That would be amazing. He looked down at the girl. "Yea. I'm a criminal." He glanced at the other people. "It uh... dosent matter what I did right?" He asked her. He didn't want them to know about the arson charge. He didn't want her to worry about him burning the place she had down. He dropped the cigarette on the ground and looked at he red head. "Hey little red. You ain't got nowhere to stay. Why's that? You like us?" He grinned pointing to himself and the small girl. He like her attitude. She looked fun to mess with.
"What do you mean," Phoenix questioned narrowing her eyes, "Like You." Phoenix turned to look at the people whom had somehow appeared in her life. She then let out a huff and crossed her arms. She couldn't deny it though, if they were criminals that meant they had more in common that Phoenix would care to admit. She didn't want to be a thief after all, she had no choice if she wanted to survive.

"And my name isn't little Red," she continued striding toward the guy, her face getting close to his as she whispered a reply that only he could hear, "I'm more like the big bad wolf." she then turned and smiled at the other girls, sweetly patting one of them on the head.

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Brenden raised an eyebrow at the girl. A grin moved across his lips as thesky begin to thunder and Joker begin to freak out. "Wolf playing littled red... I like it. And you know what I mean little Red. A criminal." He grinned and lookd at the small girl. "So you have a placed to stay? Where is it?" H glanced at the others, wondering if they were the same. Joker clawed his chest as she tried to paw her way further into his jacket. He jumped and winced, glaring down at the little ball in his hoodie.

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Christy looked between the two and smiled, "This way." she said to the man and then started to lead him to the house. Before she left she looked to Lee, "I'll see you at home, kay." she smiled, and turned to look at everyone, "So, if you wanna come, you can. Just follow me." she said and turned around, not really bothering to see who was following. Most likely the guy, she wasn't sure if either of the girls were though. She walked though the stone alley way and finally arrived home, "Hi Natty!" she said. She knew for sure she was here. She said she was staying home today. Then she saw Nick, "And Nick." she smiled at them, "New comers!" she said to them.

@Verrici , @beautifulbee , @Jon_14 , @Sew13 - You still here?
Sarah followed the young girl through an alleyway to what looked like an abandoned house. Boots purred the whole way as if to tell her that everything would be okay.

"Hi Natty!" The young girl said "And Nick! New comers!" Sarah looked around in amazement. She couldn't believe how amazing this place was. Before she knew what she was doing she had walked into the middle of the room and was looking around at everything. Then she realized everyone was staring. She looked around wide eyed and blushed.

"S-sorry" she stuttered.

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