

𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵-𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘳
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Anyone not abiding by the rules has 3 strikes before they are kicked off PERMANENTLY.

 1. Warning.

2. Banned.

(Length of time depends on severity of rule.)

3. Kicked off RP.



1.) Communicate, be respectful.

2.) There is no limit to how many characters you may play, but you may not play your own mate.

3.) Do not godmod, and no Powerplay.

4.)Any leadership roles must be asked for before placing it in your sheet.

5.) OOC talking goes into the OOC THREAD, and RP stays in the RP THREAD. Any OOC talk seen in the RP thread, will be deleted.

6.) Do not Sue-up your character. Meaning do not make them too powerful or too weak; EVERYONE has a strength and weakness. If you've read this far, put your wolves roles below.

7.)Be reasonable with your story/posts.

8.)Just because your character has a crush on someone's or someone has a crush on your character, that DOES NOT automatically make them/you obligated to be their mate.

9.) Do not force other characters to have sympathy/like your character.

10.) Do not post as your character until he/she is accepted and I've confirmed that you read the rules (Like from ME).

11.) If the RP is on a break, DO NOT post until it's announced that it's over.

12)Have fun!

If you've read this far. underline your role(s).

(More will be added as time goes on.)
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