Ruined Nation (Wizard RP)


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Clan (if any):

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Name: Zakru Fireheart

Age: 17

Backstory: Coming from a clan of great fame, Zakru inherited from his clan the family sword, and was then sent on a mission. After returning from his mission, he found that no trace of his home remained, except for the dead bodies of his family. Now, 3 years later, he wanders around, seeking to kill the murderer(s) of his old clan, as well as find a new one. (Any further info on Zakru is classified and shall be filled in later.)

Magic Preferences: Transformation and Elemental (Darkness)

Magic Items: Family Sword - Sashimaru, Eye of the Mystic (Magic Amplifier, 3 uses per day)

Clan (if any): As stated inside the Backstory, Zakru lost his clan, and now has none.

Personality: Zakru is a serious person when need be, but otherwise he is relaxed.

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Name: Seth Firestorm

Age: 16

Backstory: Seth grew up in Ichogawa city completely oblivious to magic- he knew something special was out there, but he didn't know what. One day as he was walking home from high school a flame blasted through a wall and burnt Seth's body. As he lay in the street smoking his eyes opened- the world grew sharper and the pain lessened. Seth sat up and saw he was on fire, but not burning. A little girl walked out of the hole in the wall and smiled cheerfully. "Uh. This never happened ok?" She threw her hand out at Seth and he blacked out. When he came to, a small black beast sat on his chest grinning murderously. The being lifted a scythe and laughed. Seth freaked out and blinked, all of a sudden he was on top of the creature- without thinking Seth grabbed the creature's head and turned it into ashe. Seth landed on the grounded breathing heavily, the scythe landed next to him. "What the hell has happened...?" He wondered.

Magic Preferences: Elemental (fire) and Spacial

Magic Items: Scythe (can be manipulated with fire) and shark tooth necklace (turns into a small dagger)

Clan: none (atm)

Personality: Seth is extremely friendly and will do anything to help his friends; however, if you anger him he may black out and do anything to destroy his opponent.

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Name: Yuel

Age: 21

History: Yuel was born, however when he was orphaned at a young age. He relied on others to survive though most of his life. Eventually he left out on his to find himself, while out in the wild he found a small gem. A soul shard. Upon putting the shard in his hind pocket he went back to training. During this training he thew a punch against a tree and after moving it the spot that had been hit was frozen. "What the hell?" He asked himself as he looked at the frozen patch on the tree. "Magic?" He asked as he reached for the shard in his hind pocket and when he looked at it. It gave a blue hue off, as he continued to stare at he thought that there may be others like him. He set out to find others like him and he then he placed his soul shard on a chain and wears it as a necklace.

Magical preference: Physical and elemental (Water)

Magical Item: Soul Shard Necklace. MPA gloves (used as a weapon) (Magical Power Accelerators. Power limit 2 per day)

Clan: None (Atm)

Personality: A generally upbeat guy who doesn't mind people and often times smiles even when things are grim. (Despite the picture below) Generally it's hard to tell what is going though his head, because of his upbeat and cheerful disposition. But underneath that cheerful spirit is a hurt kid who's afraid to be alone.

Appearance: *Check Image Below*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Yuelhuman.jpg.83e4a3f715d787bb2582a30e40d9c69b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Yuelhuman.jpg.83e4a3f715d787bb2582a30e40d9c69b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Light Demonbeast

Backstory: Light was left by her parents at a young age, and doesn't remember them as much. Therefore, she lives just by traveling, earning money by doing small jobs throughout other towns. Her name Light, comes from due to her white eye, and Demonbeast, because her family are ancestors to the demons and dark magic, in which she doesn't know why.. but she doesn't care as much. For some odd reason, she doesn't remember how she got her magic. Light remembers it was a nice day, and she was on her way to a new town to earn some money, and then BOOM! The next day, she wakes up in an alley and has it. To this day she wonders how she got it, but has gotten quite used to having her magic since that day..

Age: 16

Magic Preferences: Transformation and Elemental ( Light)

Magic Items: Scarf(Used w/ Transformation such as wings or extra hands, etc) and hidden demon blade (hid under her right arm sleeve, just a weapon self-defense)

Clan (if any): none (atm)

Personality: Nice, can be a mean person. If there's fight happening she watch from the side lines and then sometimes butt in. She as well a bit insane, some days she normal but some days she has her moments. She doesn't like to be touch on the head, she'll snap at you. But her nice side, she a fun and friendly person, who loves talking to people she never met before.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Wizardpicture.png.3ccf67a3159f6ec2ea2ed504eb88c7c5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Wizardpicture.png.3ccf67a3159f6ec2ea2ed504eb88c7c5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cole Snow


Backstory: Cole was always alone, someone murdered his parents when he was young. All he had left was this silver ring with a aqua blue "M" in the middle of it. After that incident he had to run away looking for a place where he felt accepted. After months of traveling, he discovered this snow covered area and he saw this cave with a bit of light inside. Cole walked inside to see what the light was, little did he know that walking into the cave changed his life forever. "Hello their, boy" a voice said to him "Um, who are you?" Cole asked.The voice came in front of him and was this old white robed man. The man smiled before grabbing Cole and threw him to the floor where something weird happened, the old man froze Cole's wrists and ankles. Cole was freaking out his mind asking so many question, "How am i frozen?, what is this man gonna do to me?" The man grabbed what looked like a staff and walked over to Cole and hit him in the head and blacked out since.

Magic Preference:Transformation and Elemental (Ice)

Magic Items: Silver ring with a aqua blue "M" in the middle. (Cole will have second item later in RP)

Clan: None

Personality: Although Cole seems like a troubled person, he's mostly a fun and games kind of guy. He hates downers and is serious and focused when needed, people think he crazy or stupid but they need to get to know him first.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/ColeSnow2.png.85c8dbaa0a1b83339849219dbdceacf7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/ColeSnow2.png.85c8dbaa0a1b83339849219dbdceacf7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Len Elizabeth Wickkham

Age: 17

Backstory: Len's mother taught her magic. She explained that it made Len special and inherently better than other people. Spells bonded her with her mother and her clan. Len isn't much for politics, but believes that magic is something to be protected from thoughtless humans. They were the cause of the conflict so many years ago. A tutor instructed her about academics and Len has never known people her own age. She is an only child from an influential, though underprivileged, family. Her father was imprisoned for using magic on humans. Much of her family's assets were striped from their ancestors after the war. Irreplaceable magical items fell into the wrong hands. Len wants to reclaim them for herself.

Magic Preferences: Illusions and Mental magics

Magic Items: A spell book written in another language and a glass compass that leads the owner to what they desire the most.

Clan (if any): The Morning Star, a branch of wizards dedicated to the ideologies of The Blacklight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/lencf2269c9d8e816d46c0e014eba3300fd.jpg.e52aea0fa03e121c1ce9f6ed66b9f193.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12380" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/lencf2269c9d8e816d46c0e014eba3300fd.jpg.e52aea0fa03e121c1ce9f6ed66b9f193.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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