Ruined Nation (Wizard RP) [Inactive]


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Sen55 submitted a new role play:

Ruined Nation (Wizard RP) - Wizard conflict and battles

In Ichogawa City there lies two beings, humans and wizards. 10,000 years ago Ichogawa city was stuck in a civil war. The humans hunted wizards mercilessly and indiscriminately, because they feared their power. Two factions formed out of the surviving wizards. The Blacklight and the Omnipresent. The Blacklight believed the only way to end the war was to eradicate the "impure" humans, whilst the Omnipresent believed that co-existence was still possible. Right when the humans charged the...
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(OOC comment: Well, I guess I'll post first since no one is.)

Yuel walked into the city, it had been the first time that he'd been in Ichogawa city for a couple years. As he took in the scenery memories came flooding back of him and his orphanage. "Maybe I should go to check on them." He said with an exasperated sigh. It would take him a bit of time to get there, even longer had he followed the main roads, so he decided that he'd go though some back streets, know full well of the danger that could possibly be lurking there. "How long has it been since I've been down this road?" He asked himself, though the response he got back wasn't a friendly one. "Can I get you something?" Yuel asked the shadowed figure optimistically. 

Treysin said:
(OOC comment: Well, I guess I'll post first since no one is.)
Yuel walked into the city, it had been the first time that he'd been in Ichogawa city for a couple years. As he took in the scenery memories came flooding back of him and his orphanage. "Maybe I should go to check on them." He said with an exasperated sigh. It would take him a bit of time to get there, even longer had he followed the main roads, so he decided that he'd go though some back streets, know full well of the danger that could possibly be lurking there. "How long has it been since I've been down this road?" He asked himself, though the response he got back wasn't a friendly one. "Can I get you something?" Yuel asked the shadowed figure optimistically.
Light, just walked into the city of Ichogawa. It been a fews years since the day just a bit east of here of the small village she was left behind in. "I should probably head through the alley ways to get to the shop for my next travel." She muttered to herself, but remembers how dangerous the alleys ways are, so she moved carefully and quickly. "hmm.. I hear talking in the distance..down this way.." she was confused but took the risk anyways.
DsRainy said:
Light, just walked into the city of Ichogawa. It been a fews years since the day just a bit east of here of the small village she was left behind in. "I should probably head through the alley ways to get to the shop for my next travel." She muttered to herself, but remembers how dangerous the alleys ways are, so she moved carefully and quickly. "hmm.. I hear talking in the distance..down this way.." she was confused but took the risk anyways.
Seth walked around the alleys weary of what might be lurking in the darkness. As he turned around the corner he saw two shadowy figures talking. Listening in he heard one speak "Soon he will arise." Seth felt a cold shiver run down his back when the figure said "He." He tried to continue to listen in, but the talking stopped- It was eerily silent. Seth peeked around the corner and saw they disappeared. "Where did they-" Soon a hand was around his neck. Seth struggled to breathe or use magic, but he couldn't move.
Sen55 said:
Seth walked around the alleys weary of what might be lurking in the darkness. As he turned around the corner he saw two shadowy figures talking. Listening in he heard one speak "Soon he will arise." Seth felt a cold shiver run down his back when the figure said "He." He tried to continue to listen in, but the talking stopped- It was eerily silent. Seth peeked around the corner and saw they disappeared. "Where did they-" Soon a hand was around his neck. Seth struggled to breathe or use magic, but he couldn't move.
Light turn the corner and saw nothing.. confused. "Hmm I thought I heard a voice.. or voices," she muttered to herself, "I must see what's down here..." she had her demon blade ready as she was about to turn the next corner. She knew she had to be at the shop, but there's was a weird vibe coming towards her that it was just asking her to go check it out.
Yuel heard what the voice said from farther up the alleyway. "'He'?" Yuel asked, "Who's 'he'?" Regardless he heard farther though the alley. As he progressed farther, Yuel saw a kid, he was apparently being attack. "Hang in there kid!" He shouted as he rushed down to help him. As he went to help him, he realized that he too had fallen into a trap. "Great." He said, "Kid hang on." Continuing to rush at his newly antiqued friend, he threw a punch at the thing that holding the kid. A small blast came from his glove launching the captivator back.
Seth rubbed his throat, "Thanks." Seth turned towards the shadowy figure, "You sir, are on my list, I don't like people who are on my list." Seth took his scythe out of the sheathe on his back. Eyes turning red, the scythe lit ablaze. "Prepare to fight!" Seth ran at the figure and sliced at him. The figure melted into the shadows and appeared behind him. "Gotcha!" he yelled. "Nope-" Seth said sidestepping into the air and disappearing. "Where in the hell.." The figured stop talking as a blade protruded from his chest. "Goodnight" Seth said as he sliced the character in half. Seth turned to face the other person in the alley, when the other shadowy figured formed. "You'll pay for this, you'll all pay MWAHAHAHA!"
Light turned the corner and notice two stranged people in this alley way...some creepy older dude and some kid about her age.. "huh.." she stared at them confused. She tilts her head. "huh.. yeah so hi" she said.
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Cole finally awoke "ow, my head" he thought to himself. He stood up from the snow covered cave where laid the man who knocked out Cole (2 years before) laid dead. He ran outside of the cave where he traveled back to the place he once left.
Yuel looked at the girl who had just commented with a cocky grin, before looking back at the thugs that had ambushed them. "So kid, got a name?" Yuel said as he glanced back at another thug that the kid had hit with the shaft of his scythe. Spinning around his necklace began to glow. "Oh no, this bad..." He whispered worried, "This is really bad."
Zakru walked into the city, his family sword Sashimaru inside the hilt of his holster belt. His black hair flowed in the wind, as he silently wondered what today would bring. Would it bring a clue as to who had murdered his family, finally? Or maybe he'd find a key to defeating someone who could take on one of the world's most powerful clans. Suddenly, he felt something touch his back; the barrel of a gun. "Hehehehe...Nice sword you've got there, boy. I'd recommend you hand it to me, now." He smiled lightly, and simply said "You really don't want to do that, man." This angered the man, and he ground the barrel of his gun into Zakru's back. However, in the time it took him to do this, Zakru had not only drawn his sword, but had managed to slice through the man's arm. "You're not even worthy of seeing what I can truly do." Zakru said, shaking his head as he continued walking, leaving the stupefied man there to bleed from losing his arm from the shoulder down. Zakru sheathed his sword and continued walking. He silently hoped that he would find something worthwhile today. He looked back, to see the man had disappeared. (See picture for Zakru looking behind.)

Treysin said:
Yuel looked at the girl who had just commented with a cocky grin, before looking back at the thugs that had ambushed them. "So kid, got a name?" Yuel said as he glanced back at another thug that the kid had hit with the shaft of his scythe. Spinning around his necklace began to glow. "Oh no, this bad..." He whispered worried, "This is really bad."
Light looked at the dude, "Yeah I have a name," she narrows her eyes at him. "I'm Light Demonbeast." She replied. "What's your name, dude?" Then looks at the kid with the scythe...and confused. "ahhh.. what!?"
Cole finally got to the city after what felt like months. He walked around to where this alley way was, he heard a few people talking "What's your name, dude?" Cole heard a girl say.
DsRainy said:
Light looked at the dude, "Yeah I have a name," she narrows her eyes at him. "I'm Light Demonbeast." She replied. "What's your name, dude?" Then looks at the kid with the scythe...and confused. "ahhh.. what!?"
Seth looked at both of them, "I appreciate the help, but I gotta run" Seth walked into the air and vanished, appearing on top of a large building. Sitting on the ledge he wondered to himself. "Who were those guys, and who's him?..."
Seth continued to ponder until a large explosion erupted from the west side of the city. A large black demon formed from the flames and began to crush the some buildings. A symbol formed on its back, it looked like a serpent eating a human. The creature roared and breathed fire. "Crap that's Tikanisha High School!" Seth ran off the building and dissolved in midair. He reappeared behind the demon. "Uh begone foul beast....Go back to wence you came!....Get blessed?" Seth had no idea how he was gonna defeat the beast, but he knew he had to some how.
Light notice there's was a large explosion heard to the west side, she looks at the dude(Yuel). "Heh.. welp, that wasn't me." She lightly smirked and wings appear from her back.. flying up into the sky to take a closer look. In shocked at the site, "Oh dear lord... Oh no please..." what has came to be the site of a serpent-looking beast. She notices the kid from earlier with the scythe.. in thought.. "huh.. it him a again. There's always trouble where's he going.." her eyes narrow at him, flying in closer.
The beast bared its fangs and dived at Seth. Seth easily sidestepped and appeared behind it, but he almost fell over. He knew he was running out of time and energy. Seth ran at the beast and slashed at it. The beast recoiled as firey blood sprayed out all over Seth. He tried to form it over his scythe, but pain shot up his hand. "OW what in the hell?" Seth looked at his hand and saw a black liquid slowly moving through the veins in his hand. The snake made a hissing noise like a laugh and bared its fangs once more. The snake dove at Seth-
As Zakru was walking through the town, he saw the scene occur with Seth, and just when he saw the snake about to dive at him, Zakru ran towards the snake. He knew he wasn't going to make it, so he quickly threw his sword, and punctured its scaly skin, pinning it to the wall. "You ok there?" Zakru asked the male, despite not even knowing his name.
Just came up close to the snake and the two males. "Oy, Scythe boy and other kid!" in mid flight, as she yelled at them down from where she was hovering. "How are we supposed to take this stupid serpent down?" Not knowing the both of them, she did see what happen to scythe boy and what sword kid did.
When Cole turned to see what all the noise was all about he noticed someone hovering. Cole ran toward the area and saw numerous people and said "Guess this is a party, mind if I join?"
Seth looked at the three of them and faintly smiled. "Grand getting my butt saved by random people, I guess I must look helpless. Ha" Seth heaved his scythe and almost fainted. "I'm almost out of power, so I guess I gotta fight without magic for now..." Seth turned towards the snake and pulled out a bottle of pills. He put one in his mouth and he felt his power increase. "I have no choice, but to turn to these" Seth's speed increased as he ran at the snake and stabbed out its eyes. The snake hissed and bit at him, but he ended up on its tail.
"You rely too much on your 'special abilities'. Not surprising." Said Zakru, as he removed his blade from the scaly skin of the beast, and proceeded to make several swift slicing motions through it, turning it into snake sushi.
She flew to the top of the serpent, landing on it head. She made an orb of light within her head and shine it in front of the serpent. Blinding it, she quickly takes out her dagger and starts to stab the blind beast. Light grinned.
Seth grinned as the snake fell over and started twitching. "Aw poor guy I guess I'll put you out of your misery now" Seth put his scythe in the snakes head and slowly began cutting it in half. When he finished Seth was taken aback. "What did I just do..." Seth felt a sharp pain shoot up his arm, the black fluid was at his elbow now. "That poison is messing with my head..." A sharp cruel voice spoke in Seth's head "You know you enjoyed it, admit it, the pain of seeing another being suffer is so enjoyable isn't it?" Seth shook his head and responded loudly "NO!" All of a sudden he felt like he couldn't breath. "Not now, please" he whispered to himself. The pills were having an aftereffect. Seth vomited a rainbow of colors and then fainted backwards.
In shocked at Seth.. "ah," she holds him up, then asks the other two for help. "Hey a little help here?"

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