RSS Feed!

Well, the most useful RSS feeds I could think of:

1. A thread RSS feed that lists the messages in a thread. That way, you can see when someone posts on a thread (and ideally see what they posted).

2. A board RSS feed that just lists the topic list, in date order, to see if there are any interesting new topics.

3. A forum-wide RSS feed that basically combines the board ones together.

Most of these should be fairly simple SQL statements to build. There is a fourth (every message on every board), but that isn't as useful here.
Flagg said:
Don't hold your breaths, guys.
Never did. I'm just happy with a RSS feed for the comic. I just added the suggestion for what SMF or other forum software does. I mainly use to set up my daily bookmarks and this happens to be on there three times (one for each board I care about). So, I have it handled nicely. If you happened to get a RSS feed, I'd just move it to the RSS reader since I prefer that over bookmarks (50 in the morning is a bit much :P )
How difficult is it for Jukashi to put a date on the comic that designates the most recent update date?

I can do it on Tripod, so it must be fairly simple.

Then just connect a link to said date and BAM, you get a constantly updating link that states when the comic was last updated.

If it isn't a simple thing to do, then someone should beat the programmer that made whatever code you're using.
Then just connect a link to said date and BAM' date=' you get a constantly updating link that states when the comic was last updated.[/quote']
Explain this more, because I have no idea what you mean.
Sorry if the latest feed update showed up in your aggregator as 15 new items. It shouldn't happen again.
Flagg said:
Then just connect a link to said date and BAM' date=' you get a constantly updating link that states when the comic was last updated.[/quote']
Explain this more, because I have no idea what you mean.
The comic is updated on, say, 01/13/2008.
Jukashi makes note of it in a field designated for such use, such as: <date=01/13/2008>

You then have a link from a field the forum to this field, such as: <>

Put a link to the Keychain comic above the date:


|   Keychain of Creation             |

|   |  .....An Exalted Webcomic    |

| < Padraig O Ruanai   |

Last Updated on: [little box showing the linked date, 01/13/2008]
<Insert EM's typical response to Flagg here>

..... :(

Your response makes my head hurt and that makes me sad.

I'm leaving.

For now.
If anyone else knows what Ker'ion is talking about, could they please rephrase it for me in a way I might understand?
I thought they were talking about a status RSS instead of a journal one. Um, that probably isn't helpful. Let me show you an example. Um, guess I can't, sourceforge isn't that helpful today.

Journal RSS feeds are like what you have now and I use, the last "20 posts" where there is 1 entry for every post.

The other type of RSS feed I've seen, but I can't seem to find a good example, was one for statistics. In that, you have one RSS entry for one fields.

1. Last Updated

2. Image of Last One

3. Who wrote the last strip

4. How many strips so far

5. etc.

It isn't used frequently, but I have seen it for keeping people up to date about statistics. Now, that might not be what he was talking about, but that is what I thought he was when I read it.

Personally, I think what we have is good enough for me.
Option number one, just linked from his site to a specific spot on the Forums front page.

The articles lack an embedded date, causing them to set to unread every time the feed refreshes.
Almost made this into a new topic, but didn't realize the topic i was about to make already existed, good thing I searched for it. :D (the following is what I was about to post in said new topic, but never was)

Now I don't know who manages the rss feed for the comic (or if the manager of the rss feed uses MyRSSCreator or FeedFire or some other program to update the feed), but I tried entering the feed url into Unicorn - W3C's Unified Validator and came out with this (read the warning) (page uses javascript): ... _task=feed alternative javascript-free link: ... rmat=xml

well, I thought that with every guid element, which is in every item element, either the isPermaLink attribute (which is optional, default is true, meaning it is an actual link pointing to the permanent page that specific comic is going to be on) be set to false like in this example:

<guid isPermaLink=false>unchangeable string representing comic #354</guid>

I've also thought of a way to have each comic have its own page when each on is posted, instead of when the next is posted by having the current comic's page have the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<title />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;" />

which you could put in the update script (I think it could be done, though I don't know what language the update script is in, so I haven't done any research on whether it could be done...) and the code basically tells the browser to go to in 0 seconds, without the use of javascript. It would be replaced by the comic page once the next comic is posted.

These is only suggestions since I use Brief to view the feeds, and the feed seemed broken on it without the guid tags (though I've noticed that its okay on other feeds missing guid tags as long as the link element for each item in the feed was different...)

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