RPN's : The Walking Dead


A Magical Sprite
" Come on sweetie, Have some cake " his wife, Jenna was calling out to him on the table together with his children. Daniel was standing a couple of meter away from them. He looked around to see a sign saying, " Happy 18th Birthday Sasha ! " , realizing that it was his daughter's birthday today. He then walked towards them and sat beside his daughter, while Aaron, his eldest, sat beside his mother. Immediately, Sasha gave Daniel a hug and gave him a peck on the cheek. Whispering, " Thank you dad, you're the best "

This made Daniel smile as he gave Sasha a hug and she gave out a smile and that warmed up Daniel's heart. They were outside on some park in Atlanta on a cottage where they were about to enjoy the cake. The sun was warm and shining upon them. And there were people around minding their own business while him and his family minded theirs. It was a perfect day for Daniel, and he hoped that it would continue like this. But he hoped to soon.

Everything went dark, as if the sun was blocked by something. He looked around and grabbed the shoulder of his daughter, pulling her to him and held his wife's hand with his free hand. He looked over to them too see Jenna hugging Aaron with her free hand and kissing her son's head whispering it's going to be all right.. Daniel hoped for that too, for everything to be alright.

" Dad ? " he looked over to Sasha as his heart dropped and he almost screamed. Sasha was now all rotting, her eyes were bulging out and her jaw was almost torn apart. Daniel fell from his chair backwards and crawled away. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, then he looked over to Jenna were the same thing was happening to her. On the other side, Aaron was panicking and tried to reach for his father, meanwhile Daniel was trying to reach for Aaron. Only to realize everything went bright again.

Daniel was on his bed, breathing heavily and sweating a lot. He was half naked, sleeping with clothes on wasn't really comfortable for him. He stood up and rubbed his forehead with his right hand, he had a bad headache, and a bad dream. That was one hell of a dream, or maybe it was really hell for Daniel. He was feeling a little cold, remembering that he still haven't found Aaron for a couple of months now. He was worried like a father would always do to his son. Then he thought about how Jenna would scold him for losing his son. All Daniel could do was give out a sad smile.
Glancing around from the roof of the truck made her nervous. "Oh bloody hell." She breathed out as she looked down at her bat then to her hunting knife that sat in its holster. She shook her head and thought out loud. "Times like this make you with you had a gun..." The woman had ran out of gas and was stuck int the middle of a damn horde of walkers. Raising the bat above her head, she brought it down on one of the bastards heads, splattering deep red gunk all over her driver side window. "Dammit! Look what you did!"

With a huff she hopped down in the bed of her truck and looked at the over turned bus next to her. Far jump... Not too far... Fall and die or stay here and die? She shrugged Might as well. She slid her bat into the cab of her truck and climbed back on the roof. She took a few breaths and went for it. Hayden's hands made contact with the window and she grabbed on tight. Her body slammed against the roof. The window shattered as she pulled herself up. She looked through the window. "All Hell..."

The bus was filled with walkers that were children. Her heart dropped as she shook her head. There was one small girl. She had blonde almost white hair. There was nothing to her she looked like she starved to death. Hayden balled up her already bloody hands and slammed her fist into the metal. She stood up without a word and looked around. "I keep causing more trouble for myself..."
The rise of the sun over the treeline was what signaled the start of the day for Marco. He had been walking along the middle of the broad highway that led to Atlanta for the better part of last night, opting to get there by first light of the following day. The news of safe haven to be found in Atlanta was what drove Marco throughout the night. It also occurred to him how much he missed human company, seeing as he was more or less alone through his more than a week long trek through the countryside.

Even from a distance, Atlanta looked like a mess and not some proper refuge. This fact alone sent several warning bells ringing in Marco's head. He ought to turn back and find another refuge, but he knew this was the closest lead he's got about a safe haven. Who knows maybe the refuge is deeper inside Atlanta or nearer to the port. He had to cling on to hope or risk descending into madness and despair, thereby losing his ability think straight and the edge he has over other people in the process as well. He needed to keep his mind healthy if he wanted to churn out another lie through his teeth. If there wasn't any refuge it should be a simple, although deadly endeavor to clear out a small part of the city and claim it as his hideout, preferably a tall building.

It always left a bad taste in his mouth whenever Marco deceives people, but he can't help it, people simply have what he wants and that is the only non-violent way he could acquire them. Stealing usually meant being precise and must have good coordination and execution, a feat he was lacking. He didn't want to unnecessarily kill people either, but wouldn't hesitate to do so if left with no choice. God knows, how many people he's deceived in the past week along his travels.

He countered any bad feelings that might bubble up within him by rationalizing that those people are alive to see another sunrise as beautiful as this one. A far cry to the amount of bodies he's had to dispose of in that same journey. Marco already came to terms that he will never be a completely clean guy. The faster he learned to accept that little tidbit of information, the easier it would be to cope with what he does on an almost daily basis.

Creeping closer to Atlanta, Marco stopped for a bit in the middle of a field outside Atlanta. Sure, it was risky if there were armed humans around, but it would at least mean he'd get a bead on any encroaching walkers in any direction. No place for him to hide meant no places for zombies to head and even humans armed for close range combat. The grass itself was short enough that it wouldn't make effective camouflage. It would be here that he would plan out his next move. He decided to press on deeper into Atlanta, but he had to be prepared. So he put down his pack and took stock of his inventory.
Julie placed a hand over her eyes as the morning sun rose in the sky. She had been driving since the course of last night the city was near by. // Cities are the best place!// She could hear the voice of her little sister proclaiming in joy. Slumping a little the young female was weak, no food for the pass few days and on top of that she was nearly dead last week. A herd found her off guard; thanks to another survivor she was able to hold up in a pharmacy.

Slipping a hand in her pocket she pulled out a small colorful wrapper, placing a bit of hard candy in her mouth the extra sugar would do her a little good for the time being. Looking around the place was in ruins. Once there buildings were tall and proud, symbols of what man had accomplished in their life. Now? It was no more then faded memories much like those of friends, families. Lovers... A long time ago the realization had set in but was it wrong to hope? To pray to whatever God you believed in that one day this hell on earth would end and salvation would come. Those who had died could not be bought back, no..Though their memories would never die.

Or at least it was how Julie saw the world. Regardless of all the killers, dead or alive she felt like maybe there was even a sliver of hope to hold onto. The world in her eyes had come alive once more as cars ran through the streets, closing her eyes she could smell the sweet scent of the various foods. Then...The people. Oh God the people...

She could see it, the Sunday trips with her brother and sister. "Hey, lunk head do you even know where're you going? " Her brow furrowed at her brother that had been sitting beside her." C-Carl..?" She stated weakly. Tch, no way its Johnny Depp. You fell asleep again." He would pat her head before she felt two arms around her shoulders." Julie's tired, you should sleep!" Her little sister's voice rang joyfully in her head. " I can't wait to see what mom's cooking. "

Julie nodded sitting up straight, it was their old Honda too, a large grin plastered on her face before the car stopped. Carl had reached over and opened her door. "What're you doing...?" She asked softly. On her half of the car was nothing more then a mere blackness that felt utterly uneasy and his side..The birds chirped and the meadows. A tear slid down her cheek. "Don't do this Carl..."

"Your times up, Jewls. You gotta wake up..."

With a small push from his large hand she gasped as her eyes shot open, she was headed right for a large building, quickly turning the wheel and slamming on the breaks the car jolted. Her long brown hair splayed wildly she she cringed, she must had fallen asleep on the road, this was the second time after all.

Taking an uneasy step out she ran a shaky hand through her hair looking up to the roofs of the larger buildings. At least she had made it..
Daniel got up from bed and was now ruffling hair messy hair. Who cares about hygiene nowadays. Everything went to hell and the first thing you think about in the morning is hygiene, what a load of bull. Although, keeping his beard clean was his priority. He walked up towards the bathroom of his room. Daniel was living in a cabin just outside of Atlanta Georgia. He was living near in purpose because he would go in and out of the city looking for his only son.

Finally walking in the bathroom, he headed over the sink where a bucket filled with water was set. Every night before going to sleep. He would walk up to the nearby river to get some water for the morning. He would take up a handful of water as he splashed them on his face. He then scratched his beard as to wash them from the saliva he must've drooled last night. Hell broke loose, and he still cares about his beard. It was pretty funny at his own point of view.

After washing his face, he stared at the cupboard mirror. A dirty mirror that one can barely see his face fully. But he was used to it, he lived here for months now and he still haven't complained about a single thing about where he lived. He then dried his face by rubbing a dry towel on it before walking back to his room. His room was big enough for two people to live in. There was a desk where his clothes were in, and also his holster belt for his sidearm and his rifle leaning on the right side. On top of the desk was a box full of cartridges for the rifle.

He took the clothes and started putting them on. After putting on the pants, he belted back the holster on his right thigh and made sure it's tight for it not to fall down accidentally. He then put on his belt, he took his white, now dirty white, sleeveless shirt and put it on. On a wall was his favorite green stripe patterned polo shirt. He took it off it's hanger and put it on. He felt like a million dollars with the clothing on. He then took his rifle and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. Another canned good.

" Corn again " he muttered as he took the last canned good on his shelf. He then placed it on the round dinner table and walked over to one of the drawers to look for the can opener. After finding one, he grabbed the canned corn and started opening it up before gobbling it with a spoon. His favorite fruit was a corn, he loved his breakfast a lot but eating the same thing everyday could get him sick and he needed to get more supplies. He took the water bottle and saw it was only one-fourth filled. He needed more supplies now once again.

" Alright cowboy, Let's go back to the city again " He told himself before throwing the empty can in one of the trashcans and opening up the bottle before drinking down the last droplets of his water. He turned the door knob and opened the main entrance of the cabin as light shone on him. He almost went blind for a moment and he raised his hand forward to block the sunlight from his eyes. Daniel looked around for any signs of walkers, but there was nothing around. He then put on his cap, saying " GAP ", it was his favorite cap. Daniel closed the door behind him and then started to make his way out of the forest.
Flashlight, half a steel pipe, some bandages and cloth, spare batteries and some food I appropriated from that guy who wanted to mug me, God rest his soul, at least it's better than nothing. Marco pulled out the pipe and checked his surroundings, the sun had cleared the treeline and was steadily climbing up the sky. There wasn't any other sign of life on his end of the road or city. It would most likely be full of walkers which meant refuge or not, he'd have to clear out and establish a go to place before deciding to head deeper into Atlanta. He couldn't risk not having a fall back position in the middle of a possibly overrun city.

Marco careful made his way through the field, as much as the morning breeze whispered to him to relax, he simply couldn't drop his guard. He cleared the field faster than he had anticipated and arrived in front of a wire fence that stretched on to the left and ended in a roadblock to the right. Scaling the roadblock would be simple but it looked like it was hastily put up, a mess of sandbags and sheet metal. If it was sandbags, he might have considered it but the sheet metal would make noise. He lacked the necessary tools to cut a hole through the fence and his current equipment would make it both hard and noisy. Hard was something he could manage, but noisy is a complete risk to Marco. He shrugged and followed the fence stretching out to the left. Keeping his half pipe ready and his eyes peeled for any gaps in the fence, all the while making sure nothing would blind side him.

As luck would have it, he found a gap in the fence. It looked like it had been there for a while, which would mean several irrelevant things. He crawled through the gap and decided that the tall building further down the alley in front of him would be as good a hideout as any. He carefully made his way along the alley towards the side entrance of the building. Taking a deep breath he readied his small flashlight, opened the door and headed inside. From what he could tell after running the beam of light through the dark room, it looked like storage. Preparing himself to move further in, he closed the door behind him. The room suddenly became a black void save for the beam of light from his flashlight. No rest for the wicked I suppose.
David a l;little tired from his walk to Atlanta see's a guy ( Marco ) checking his inventory. Seeing him gave David both a feeling of joy and fear. Is this guy friendly or will he kill me? He lays low over a hill so the stranger won't spot him.

He quietly followed the stranger quietly to the blockade. Hiding behind another hill from a farther distance he watches the stranger go over the blockade. He runs quietly to the blockade and watches from their. He see's him go through the fence and waiting a few seconds he follows through.

Seeing the guy walk into the building he thought Now or never, I must go to the door and see if this guy can help me find my dad... Stopping tears welling up in his eyes he goes to the door and knocks on it quietly so only the guy inside could hear it. " Hello anyone in there? " David asks quietly
Hayden stood atop the bus and looked around. In a nearby Ford there was a gas can. She cheered and hopped over to the truck. Lifting the gas can her eyes lit up. It was full. She skillfully made it back to her truck by jumping vehicle to vehicle. Once in the bed of her truck she poured the gas into her tank and slipped into her truck through the back window.

Once her truck started she burned rubber and took off down the road. Her engine revved loudly as she slowly drove down the road, forest on either side of her. She would press on her breaks and glance in a vehicle every so often, looking for food. She hasnt eaten since yesterday morning and it was getting to her. She stopped her truck and took a large drink of water, regretting it and opening her door to empty what was left in her stomach on to the ground.
Marco had to move quickly through the building. He had no better reason than to simply clear out a fallback position or a temporary hideout. The sun was still up but sometimes days moved too fast for Marco register and suddenly the moon is out. He smacked the pipe against the wall to create some noise, he did it twice to make sure he could lure out any walkers that might be lurking within the store room. Silence prevailed and the room was clean, he moved on to where he would suppose connected to the rest of the complex.

As luck would have it, there was a layout map beside the storeroom entrance, the storeroom was connected to what looked like a lobby that faced the streets. He decided to explore the lobby a bit before finding the layout map, it would seem he was in an apartment complex. This complicated things for him and it also presented him two choices, it hadn't been long since dawn arrived to Atlanta and it didn't feel like a lot of time has passed since he entered the city which meant he could search for another, smaller building to clear out or take his time clearing out the nine story apartment complex, either of these should see him done before nightfall.

Deciding it would be easier, he abandoned the apartment complex and headed further in Atlanta, hoping his luck would hold and he'd find shelter very soon or he'd have to pull a hasty exit from Atlanta by the time the sun starts its slow dive. Gripping the half pipe in his hands he walked out of the apartment complex and headed down the road, opting to stay in the very center of it, letting his instinct drive him as he forged on ahead. Here's to hoping I don't run into bandits, raiders or whatever in this city. What if it is was simply a lure? What if a group of bandits smartened up and did this to let the prey come to them? Easy pickings with less effort exerted. Genius if I do say so myself.

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