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RpNation App?

Do you want an RpN App? (Please read before voting)

  • Not really, I use the mobile site

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Could you explain why you need it?

Okay, so maybe I was a little dramatic with the word need, but I would strongly enjoy one. I'm on mobile a LOT, and if I want to get an update to know exactly when something happens, I have to get an email. That's cool with solo conversations or one on one roleplays, but last night, I got like maybe 13 emails from the same group conversation I was in. If you scroll through my email list, it's spammed with RpNation emails. I'd be much more happy (and organized) if we just had push notifications on our phones so I can disable the email. Just my opinion, however.
welian said:
That does not make the app pointless, it only means that the app will have limited viability compared to the full site. We already knew that.
Its an unnecessary expense. The only advantage is push notifications. But hey its my opinion and most people disagree with me anyways lol
RedLikeRoses said:
Okay, so maybe I was a little dramatic with the word need, but I would strongly enjoy one. I'm on mobile a LOT, and if I want to get an update to know exactly when something happens, I have to get an email. That's cool with solo conversations or one on one roleplays, but last night, I got like maybe 13 emails from the same group conversation I was in. If you scroll through my email list, it's spammed with RpNation emails. I'd be much more happy (and organized) if we just had push notifications on our phones so I can disable the email. Just my opinion, however.
you could just check on the website and unsubscribe from the annoying emails. Takes a sec to load the mobile site anyways
I know, but I don't wanna spend my time checking the website every five minutes to see nothing. I already do that from time to time. I've seen your posts, and you do have a good point when it comes to money, although I think it would be a useful app, especially for one of my friends who doesn't use desktop/laptop and is mainly on mobile.
I would definitely love to have an actual RpNation app that lets me just jump right in. As good as the mobile site runs, especially on my new phone, I'd prefer to be able to use an app which would honestly probably run a lot more smoothly. At least, that's what I'm thinking. Either way, it would be a fun thing to have.
The mobile site works so well, but the push notifications would be schway. I feel like as long as the mobile site doesn't get neglected in favor of the app, it's a fine idea. It'd also depend on what all the app would provide. The mobile site pretty much covers everything I can think of that I might miss when not on my computer.
The app would be a good idea too because some people dont have time to log into their RpNation account so it would be nice to have log in from my phone once in a while.
I would say explore but don't make us dependent on it. But hey, I'm not talking to a bunch of idiots. You guys know what your doing for the most part I'm sure.
So I read through the comments, and I feel ready to give my opinion.

I personally would love an RpN app, and here are my reasons:

1. Less data usage. I agree that spending time browsing on a phone browser eats up data usage. I share my data, and occasionally I'm in areas where there's not wifi. I'd like to spend as little as possible, and so if an app can do that for me, I'm down for that convenience.

2. Having an app gives me quick access to things I may need on RPN. I highly doubt I'm going to spend a massive amount of time making roleplays and intricate things via app, and so I think its a good way to make responses to things, browse threads and respond to conversations. Depending on what else I'll be able to do, it might be a great means of quick convenience. Going to by browser, opening up a tab, and then navigating through the mobile site may take more time that I'd like, and I'm less inclined to check until I get home and to my laptop.

3. Push notifications are lovely. Again, very convenient for people that are constantly out or on the go-- like my college butt.

I also agree that if an app was to be launched, the mobile site shouldn't be sacrificed. A lot of people would still want the full-function of the mobile site, and I respect that. Will I die if there's not an app? No. But I think it would be nice if it was clean, simple, and functional.
My "yes" is one made not knowing the precise cost. Therefore I'll leave the worth or lack thereof to your judgement.

Push notifications though. I hated Tapatalk, but notifs were lovely.
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I think the app is a really great idea, as long as it's not like tapatalk, obviously. For those who like the mobile site, they can continue to use that, while those who prefer an app, can explore that option, if it's done.
Would it work on a BlackBerry PlayBook? 'Cause my PlayBook has some issues with the site. Keeps saying that Flash is needed.
I personally am on the mobile site quite often , especially as of late , but my phone has issues with registering it and tends to glitch out quite abit (not just RPN , most sites) and so a external app would be quite useful in my opinion I mean , even if it costed .99$ Id buy it :P
[QUOTE="Indigo Knight]Would it work on a BlackBerry PlayBook? 'Cause my PlayBook has some issues with the site. Keeps saying that Flash is needed.

Bobisdead123 said:
And on Microsoft phones?
Sorry no only iOS and Android.
Would most definitely use it to check on the forums, private messages, and the like, but probably not much for writing an actual RP post.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Sorry no only iOS and Android.

K thank you.
This is probably a really stupid question, but, what are push notifications? I have no idea what they are.
[QUOTE="Aspy Ink]This is probably a really stupid question, but, what are push notifications? I have no idea what they are.

The notifications you get on a smart phone.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Sorry no only iOS and Android.

:( Boo. Although, I should've seen that coming. Hardly anyone has BlackBerry products.
Just so everyone understands if we do apps again, the mobile site isn't going away, it exists simply because the site exists, its called responsive design. The mobile site isn't a different style or something, its just the site shrinking it self and arranging it self to fit on your phone.

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