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RpN 2.0 -Teaser-

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You got me at new text editor. Can't wait. Thank you!
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]... now I'm sad since I think scroll bars for accordions are going to die.

I never figured out how to do that...
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]A few of the interactions do not work any more because the editor is a little smarter, so you can't for example make the site logo appear on the bottom and crash a thread. I'm not 100 percent on how they will completely interact with each other.
Worst case scenario effects that can't be triggered by "breaking" can just be made into a new editor button :D !

For example, accordions can't be altered any more, as in turning images into accordions because that was one of the primary reasons why threads would break. Instead you'll get a second Accordion button called Accordion Banners for the soul purpose of using them with images.

Almost like this site:


Separating the broken effects of bbcode interactions have turned into badass effects and more advanced ones users can use.

So I understand that this is all so that BBCode is more available to people who don't have the time or effort to learn how to use it as it is now. But I as well as many others have shown to like everything the way it is now. Now I'm sure we're in the minority here and maybe some of the stretching of the code we do is messing up the site in some way?

But even then. I feel like, if you make BBCode this easy to do, it just ruins the effects of it. Because when I looked at BBCode (Before I could do it) Even basic stuff, it made me think that person must be great or put a lot of effort into Rping and stuff if they care that much to learn this. And when I learned the code, I was always Impressed by the new things I saw people do.

But with this new stuff, I feel like that whole effect is gone completely.
WAIT! I just got that post DWiz... xD Well... just means a bunch of us are going to work to preserve shit. That and... I'm just sad that I can't do what i like... precise measurements... x 3 x
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]... now I'm sad since I think scroll bars for accordions are going to die.

Don't tell anyone but scroll bars are a new code >_>!
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]Well... just means a bunch of us are going to work to preserve shit.

I'm still not 100 percent sure on how the transaction to the new editor will be, I'm trying to make it so that posts snapshot themselves and keep the effects but once its replaced, it might just reveal the bbcode tags previously used and everyone will have to reupdate their stuff under the new system. Its hard to keep bbcodes parsing with out a bbcode parser.
It is just like learning a new coding guideline. Everything will still be there, we just have to learn new ways to work it all! Trust me yall, it will take a week, but it will be great!

If we stuck with the bbcoding we would not be able to move anywhere since it is being slashed out. This way we continue to have new ways to make layouts and templates without being stuck in the past.

It will be difficult at first trying to redo all our coding, but trust Wiz! He loves this all just as much as the rest of you and he wouldn't do it if he didn't have faith in the outcome! He has been playing with it and making sure that everyone has something that will make them happy or at least pretty good about saying goodbye to coding.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]All cool cooding effects that were found by breaking them will turn into their own codes :) !
I'll be reaching out to all the master bbcoders on the site such as your self to make a more detailed list for me.

*breathes in a sigh of relief*
it might just reveal the bbcode tags previously used and everyone will have to reupdate their stuff under the new system.

Welp... goodbye formats.......

-makes graves for them-

Transcribing all that work into the new system....
Since a lot of people seem to not entirely like this. Could we have some sort of vote on this or something? Like the dark theme thing?
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]... now I'm sad since I think scroll bars for accordions are going to die.

*mama bear tears*
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'm still not 100 percent sure on how the transaction to the new editor will be, I'm trying to make it so that posts snapshot themselves and keep the effects but once its replaced, it might just reveal the bbcode tags previously used and everyone will have to reupdate their stuff under the new system. Its hard to keep bbcodes parsing with out a bbcode parser.

Glad I don't have many posts...
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]

Welp... goodbye formats.......

-makes graves for them-

Transcribing all that work into the new system....

I said maybe :P !

Also scroll bars are their own code, read my posts >_>.
Oh, I figured... but you'd have to use scroll bars by the perimeters of the new system rather than find new ways to use them. Since... not manual inputting.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Don't tell anyone but scroll bars are a new code >_>!

Wouldn't that be a lot of buttons, too? I'm sure there are so many ways to make codes that there would be too many buttons, and it could be overwhelming/confusing for newer members.
Lotusy said:
Wouldn't that be a lot of buttons, too? I'm sure there are so many ways to make codes that there would be too many buttons, and it could be overwhelming/confusing for newer members.

That was addressed as well, you guys haven't seen the new editor yet :D !
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Don't tell anyone but scroll bars are a new code >_>!


(please dont think I'm yelling or anything. Just put it caps so it will be seen. I have a windows phone, and I'm sure others do to, and its hard to enjoy the site on the web. It would just be nice if everyone with a windows phone would be included too.)
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