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"I guess" Izzy said smiling slightly. She hadn't chosen a room yet for herself but she figured she'd be up all night worrying anyways.
Izzy followed him inside "Well isn't this a bit...fancy" She said looking around. "Interesting too"
"Well, i've been taught usage and creation of all types of weapons. Even though I am best at blades. I usually make them from an adamantium alloy," Kevin said honestly.
Okay, things I probably wouldn't understand. We're pretty peaceful most of the time though we're a strong group" Izzy said looking at some of the weapons.
"Meriza, you ever thought about being a mercenary? Or possibly getting your pack to be involved in mercenary work like mine," Kevin said smiling gently as he watched her look at his weaponry.
"No I could never do that. That's not my thing, I couldn't do it." Meriza turned around to face him. "I do have a question though...you said earlier that we'd met before?" She asked thinking about earlier.
"About five years ago, walking around town. We had accidentally bumped into one another. I was on my way to another mission. I helped your pick up your things, apologized and the ran off," Kevin said remembering that day.
"It's okay if you don't remember. It was only for a moment," Kevin said honestly. He only remembered her because the green stone of his necklace shone for a minute.
Oh okay...well I better check on Violet, make sure she's alright" Izzy told him slipping out of the room and down the hall. Violet and her were close, the two had joined the pack at the same time and had become quick friends.
Kevin looked at the blades in his room as she left. Gripping the stones on his necklace he said, "Soon, I will destroy those who took everything from me."

Closing the door, Kevin stood back and watched as his skin turned scaly and then back. Shaking his head he muttered, "My skills haven't diminished in the least since that day."
Izzy went into the room Violet was sharing with three others. "How you doing?" "Fine now I guess...could be better but that's life eh?" Violet smiled brushing her violet hair. Izzy sat by her "This is hard on everyone, but we'll get through this"
Walking out of his bedroom, Kevin walked down to the kitchen and began to make lasagna for everyone. Sighing as he cooked his laptop lit up revealing a job request from the LAPD. Sighing he said, "Never a day off for Dracokage."
Violet smiled at Izzy "I know it'll get better though, I can feel it, or at least I feel something" Izzy smiled to and left Violet alone again to wander through the house some.
Kevin was reading the job request and said, "Fifty missing children already in the county of LA. I just finished their missing children files a month ago. What in the world?"

Shaking his head, he said, "Meriza, you around?"
Meriza was down the hall a bit but she could still hear him. She quickly jogged over to him "What's up?" She asked curiously.
"The LAPD just requested assistance in solving missing children cases. Would you like to join me," Kevin asked as he continued to cook.
"As a mission type thing? I already told you that's not my kind of things" Izzy shook her head slightly.
"You aren't into rescuing children and reuniting them with their families," Kevin said looking at Meriza curiously.
I don't go into the world often anymore. There's no place for me there" Izzy sighed. "I'm not saying I don't want to help those children, but I'm not a mercenary, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind"
"Well, that's what the villians call me. I like to think of myself as a hero. Most of my money I actually inherited," Kevin said looking at her. Then he said, "Do you think the pack would like to go to Siberia?"
"The pack doesn't want to go anywhere." Izzy frowned. "We'd like to stay right here thank you very much" She didn't say another word and walked off.

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