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"Sorry, didn't want to interrupt your little chitchat" One of the guys said. Mezina smiled understanding.
"It's alright," Kevin said smiling. Then looking at the guy he said, "How would you feel if I became Meriza's mate?"
The three of them glanced at each other "Dude why should we care? She's the freaking Alpha" One of them said.
"Exactly why should we care?" The same guy said. "She's Alpha, she's pretty much the boss around here"
"Weirdo" The guy whispered to his friends "Right so she turning you to what exactly? Seriously man you've got to be more specific"
"Sorry man, we're sort of strict on the whole pureblood thing. So yeah, your out of luck dude" The guys all chose that time to leave.
"So does that mean you all are open to learning ninja abilities, like walking on water," Kevin said smiling as they left.
"I told you I'm not a ninja, I'm not a mercenary. I'm a werewolf, it's where I belong" Meriza got up and went upstairs.
"I'm not trying to recruit you. I want to teach you so you can benefit from it, no strings attached," Kevin said bluntly.
"Maybe I just don't want to learn those things. I'm me and you're you, we ought to keep it that way. Now if you'll excuse me I need to check on Violet" Meriza stopped and didn't look back at him before going into Violet's room.
Meriza sighed looking at Violet in her peaceful sleep-like state. Whatever she was seeing right now she hoped it was good news.
Meriza woke up the next morning and went downstairs. No one else was up yet so she snuck out into the woods.
Meriza turned into her wolf form again. To keep her mind off things she chased squirrels around.
Kevin meditated and saw a pictured from the Twilight series. Transforming into it, he ran over to where he could feel Meriza.

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