RP with me :) <3

Facial h

New Member
Hello everyone my name is Facial_H...there is a reason. It isn't what you think haha

To begin I am rather new to the site. So far I am enjoying my time. Everyone is nice and very patient. That being said I am not all that new to Role playing. I started really maybe 5-6 years ago when I was very involved in the Crunchyroll community. This was before crunchy was the powerhouse it is today. Groups and the forums within those group were very popular. I was in anime,fantasy, romance and even some unique RP groups. That is the main reason I'm back to roleplaying.

Enough rambling...I doubt many people will read it anyone.

Length: Unlike most people I do not have a preference. Really the length of the post should be appropriate to the situation.

Generally I will match my partner length.

In terms of relationship:

I only do MxF. I always play the male and I like my female partner to actually be female. That being said secondary characters we chose can be any gender. I enjoy coming up with the plot of my RP but any help is more then welcomed. I actually encourage my partner to take control and lead the story. Imagination and creativeness is never bad in my book.

Grammar: Mistakes happen I understand but all I ask for is effort.

**A very important note, I really am interested in more mature RP. I am fully aware or the RPNations rules. If either of us feel the RP is talking a turn that may break the rule we can continue though some other sort of chat. So again everything I am about to list will have a mature twist in terms of action or romance. All while staying within the boundaries of RPNations rules.**

Interest & Relationship


Pokemon: 1-2 partners

Naruto: 1-3

One piece: open group

Full Metal Alchemist - 1

Attack on Titan: 1-3


Open to suggestion. I'm open to a lot so contact me with and idea or your post and I'll check it out :)


Childhood friends getting accepted to the same university

Girl/Boy next door

Master x Slave

Apocalypse/zombie invasion

A drunk night gone wrong

A drunk night gone right

Similar to fantasy just contact me with suggestions.

Cross country road trip between a couple

I do not have any plot preset but I can certainly write one and if you would like to help plead :) .
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Hi there! I'd be up for either the childhood friends getting accepted to the same university thingy or the Master x Slave one if you'd have me c:
Hi there~ I'm interested in doing a role play with you, if you'd like to discuss, I'd be happy to plot something with you.

If you need me to PM you, please let me know and I'll do so.
*Blinks and waves* Hello there ^^ ~ I'm interested in roleplaying anything in the list~ though I love SNK xD , and I'm also open to an romance rps as well and some fantasy ^^ Also to your taken note of the mature rps, needless to say but I also share the same interest as long as it is a proper in a reasoning to why it will take such a turn ^^

If you would like to rp along with me in any idea or we could make an idea together as well, feel free to pm me anytime ^^ I'm also looking for an rp partner as well since I'm not entirely fond of multi-rper rps and most preferably go for 1x1 since there's going to be a good amount of concentration., so if you're ever interested or have the time feel free to pm me~ *salutes snk style* =w=\

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