RP Section


Kyns didn't even notice Echo come in until she dropped to her knees beside him, and then wrapped her arms around him. He tried his best to not start crying, especially in front of Echo. Kyns closed his eyes and sighed, his top lip quivering. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Vamba's face, thinking of the first day he had met him....

Kyns shambled into the eastern quadrant of Pitfum. He wore nothing but animal skin pants and a scowl. As he moved through the busy streets, people stopped and looked at him, raising eyebrows at the odd man. All Kyns could think about was the war he just fought, the things he had just done, and the lives he had just destroyed. Deep in his own thoughts, Kyns accidentally stumbled in an old dwarf who was looking at fresh herbs. "S-sorry sir..." Kyns mumbled under his breath, and kept walking. But suddenly, the old man grabbed his arm and spun him around. Vivid memories of blizzard ambushes struck his mind and Kyns unleashed a battle cry, almost striking the old dwarf, but he stopped himself short of punching the man in the face. Expecting for some authorities to be called, Kyns started to back up, but the man held out his hand. "Boy, wait!" The old man called out. Kyns stopped and looked at the dwarf. For an old man,  the dwarf had a handsome face, with a rugged jawline and very little wrinkles here and there. He had a greying amber red beard and long grey hair, which was kept in a ponytail at the moment. Kyns' eyes darted about, scanning the dwarf for any signs of what was about to happen. "Rough time huh?" The dwarf asked. A concerned look growing on his face. Kyns looked at the dwarf and took a step closer. He nodded and relaxed a bit. "I'm Vambavinix Sirbovoin. But...how about you just call me Vamba." The dwarf said with a smile. For the first time in years, Kyns cracked a small grin. "I'm Kyns." He said. "Kyns eh? It's a pleasure to meet you Kyns. I like that grin you have there. You look a lot more handsome with it on than a scowl." Vamba said, laughing heartily. Kyns' grin turned into a smile, and then into a chuckle. "Thanks." Kyns said. "Say...how about you come over to my place eh? I own this nice little workshop not too far from here. You could stay for as long as you need to!" The dwarf said smiling. Kyns looked at the old man, in disbelief of his kindness. "I...don't want to be a bother.." Kyns said sadly, then started to walk away. "You won't  be a bother at all! You just look like you could really use a place to stay...and a friend to talk to." Vamba said warmly. Kyns turned around, staring at the old man with a smile slowly growing on his face. "Alright...but I have a lot to vent..." Kyns said. "Well, I have a lot of time to listen." Vamba said happily, before turning around and leading Kyns back to his workshop. 

....Kyns looked down and closed his eyes again, then began to weep. He leaned over and buried his head into Echo's shoulder while the tears began to flow, he bawled as he slammed his fist on the bed. "I never told him how much I loved him...he was all I had...all that got me through all these years...and never once did I tell him I loved him..." He whimpered. "He was more of a father to me than my real one ever was...or ever could be...how could I never tell him how much he meant to me...i'm such a fucking ass.." Kyns added. He lifted his head from Echo's shoulder and looked at her, his face was red and soaked in tears. "Why...WHY didn't I tell him sooner? I was planning on telling him just now...thanking him for everything he's done before we left..." Kyns looked away and wiped his tears with his sleeve. " That man was my hero, Echo...I don't know where i'd be if it weren't without his help...most likely dead...or a drunk..." Kyns said, looking at the floor. "I bet i'm the one that killed him...all his stress over me has just been building through the years and he just finally keeled over from it all..." Kyns stifled out, holding back more tears. He looked at Vamba...figuring now was better than never to let him know how he felt... "Thank you...for all you've done...I love you Vamba...i'm sorry I've never you told you this before now..." Kyns said in a raspy tone, choking back tears. He looked back at Echo. "I'm sorry you had to see that...I don't usually cry like this in front of people..." Kyns said, trying to give a weak smile as he wiped away his tears. "Are..you alright Echo?" Kyns asked, his usual upbeat tone of voice much softer and mellow. 

For best effect, listen to this song  :)  Enjoy your feels!




Echo held Kyns as he cried, doing the best she could to comfort him. Her heart broke for him as he confessed he never got to tell Vamba thankyou, never got to telI him he loved him. When she heard him start saying that he probably killed Vamba she reached out and wiped a fee of his years away, "You didn't kill him Kyns, don't think that for a second." She said gently, watching as he said his thanks to Vamba. He cried for awhile longer and there was a moment of silence before he apologized for crying then asked how she was, "Kyns, there's absolutely nothing wrong with crying," She said. There was absolutely no shame in crying over something like this, " and I'm mostly worried about you, Are you okay?"
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Echo held Kyns as he cried, doing the best she could to comfort him. Her heart broke for him as he confessed he never got to tell Vamba thankyou, never got to telI him he loved him. When she heard him start saying that he probably killed Vamba she reached out and wiped a fee of his years away, "You didn't kill him Kyns, don't think that for a second." She said gently, watching as he said his thanks to Vamba. He cried for awhile longer and there was a moment of silence before he apologized for crying then asked how she was, "Kyns, there's absolutely nothing wrong with crying," She said. There was absolutely no shame in crying over something like this, " and I'm mostly worried about you, Are you okay?"


[SIZE= 14px]Kyns looked Echo and wiped his face again. [/SIZE]"I dunno...I just feel embarrassed and weak when I cry...."  He said sadly. "And i'm okay...a little shaken and surprised...but...i'm alright." Kyns said, blinking a few times. "Thank you Echo..." Kyns said as he looked around Vamba's room. "Echo...College Oonbin has bee waiting for Vamba to die for a very long time...once word has gotten out that he's dead, they'll come in and seize all his inventions and blueprints for themselves...and never give him credit!" Kyns said sadly. "Vamba always told me that if anything happened to him; than I should take as many blueprints as I can for myself and hide them..." He said, looking at Echo, his brow narrowing. "Then...he wanted me to destroy his prototypes, and then..." Kyns choked up. "Destroy his house..." Kyns said slowly. "Vamba had always wanted me to burn it down, being his house is the only wooden structure for several miles around. Plus, he said it would be one last middle finger to Oonbin... Those were his final wishes..."
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"You may find it embarrassing but there is no shame in crying." She assured him then listened to him explain Vamba's wishes. Salvage blue prints and burn everything else, Elana could have all the blueprints gone and grab something flammable in minutes, "I'll go get Elana to bring the blueprints to the warehouse, then get her to get something flammable." She said then left the room and quietly closed the door behind her. She ran a hand through her hair then walked downstairs into the kitchen, "Elana, Vamba's dead. I need you to take his blueprints to the warehouse then go get something flammable." She said. Elana's jaw dropped at her bluntness but both the girls quickly got to work, making sure to stay away from Vamba's room.

(I give up on tags with my phone)
"You may find it embarrassing but there is no shame in crying." She assured him then listened to him explain Vamba's wishes. Salvage blue prints and burn everything else, Elana could have all the blueprints gone and grab something flammable in minutes, "I'll go get Elana to bring the blueprints to the warehouse, then get her to get something flammable." She said then left the room and quietly closed the door behind her. She ran a hand through her hair then walked downstairs into the kitchen, "Elana, Vamba's dead. I need you to take his blueprints to the warehouse then go get something flammable." She said. Elana's jaw dropped at her bluntness but both the girls quickly got to work, making sure to stay away from Vamba's room.

(I give up on tags with my phone)


[SIZE= 14px]Kyns looked up and watched as Echo left. He felt depressed, and didn't want to be in this room any longer. He got up and threw Vamba's blanket over his corpse. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Goodbye Vamba." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Kyns said quietly, then picked up his backpack and left the room. He walked downstairs and quickly walked over to the corner table, picking up the prosthetic arm blue print and stashing it in his backpack. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Elana, there's some matches somewhere around here..." [/SIZE]Kyns said, as he climbed down to the workshop. He looked around at all of Vamba's prototypes. As he walked amongst the room of unfinished projects,  he sighed. "Too bad none of these will be finished..." He says, picking up a prototype sort of stim-pack and breaking under his foot. He moves through the room and begins destroying Vamba's work, just as the old dwarf wanted. Then he finds a project with a piece of paper next to it labeled "Kyns' Gauntlets". He picked them up and inspected them, a tear coming to his eye. "Looks like he never got to finish these either..." He said, smashing them on the floor. Once he was done destroying all of Vamba's work, he looked about himself. Piles of metal, which were once intricate projects were scattered amongst the floor and Kyns sighed. That was probably one of the most painful things he ever had to do. His eyes scanned the room for anything flammable, and he found a canister of thermite on a shelf in the corner of the room. Kyns grimaced, holding the canister in his hands as he moved upstairs. "Elana, I found some thermite. If you found any matches we could light this up. It'd make doing this project a whole lot easier." Kyns said with a frown. Then placed the can on the corner table and sat at it. Putting his hands to his face. "I can't believe we're actually doing this..." Kyns said to himself.
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Elana speak back and forth from Vamba's house to the warehouse, dropping off blueprints upon blueprints. It was times like this speed came in handy. After she got the last few to the warehouse she ran back to the house. Inside she could hear Kyns breaking stuff down stares and saw Echo looking about for a fire starter, "Found anything?" She asked and Echo frowned, "Nope, nothing." She said. Elana sighed then breezed through Vamba's stuff until she found a bundle of matches. It was right then when Kyns came back upstairs with a can of thermite, he seemed a tad distraught. She simply threw the matches on the table in front of him then ran downstairs and spread the majority of the thermite down there before spreading much smaller amounts throughout the rest of the house, making sure to make a tiny trail leading out to the door. Echo was quick to get out of the house and Elana moved to the door, "You wanna light it Kyns?"
Elana speak back and forth from Vamba's house to the warehouse, dropping off blueprints upon blueprints. It was times like this speed came in handy. After she got the last few to the warehouse she ran back to the house. Inside she could hear Kyns breaking stuff down stares and saw Echo looking about for a fire starter, "Found anything?" She asked and Echo frowned, "Nope, nothing." She said. Elana sighed then breezed through Vamba's stuff until she found a bundle of matches. It was right then when Kyns came back upstairs with a can of thermite, he seemed a tad distraught. She simply threw the matches on the table in front of him then ran downstairs and spread the majority of the thermite down there before spreading much smaller amounts throughout the rest of the house, making sure to make a tiny trail leading out to the door. Echo was quick to get out of the house and Elana moved to the door, "You wanna light it Kyns?"


Kyns looked at the box of matches on the table and then to Elana. [SIZE= 14px]"Yeah..." [/SIZE]He said, grabbing the matches and moving over to some thermite. Quickly, Kyns lit the match and placed it in the pile then backed up immediately, mesmerized by how quickly the reaction took place. Sparks began flying and setting off other traces of thermite about the room as the flames quickly moved through the house. Kyns twirled around on one foot and grabbed Elana by the arm as he barreled out the door and onto the street. He quickly closed the door and backed away from the spectacle. "Thank you guys...I don't think I would have had the willpower to do hat on my own...." Kyns said, tightening his backpack straps. "So, we heading to Pitfum?" Kyns said, trying to be a little cheerier, as he turned to walk to the warehouse.

Kyns, Elana, and Echo all walk back to the warehouse. Without bothering  to knock, Kyns walks back in. "We're back Riley!"  Kyns said. "Are you ready to head out?" Kyns said as he moved through the factory. "By the way...I have some sensitive  cargo now....blueprints...you have a place we can stash them when we get there?" Kyns asks. 

(Sorry for moving characters, had to get it moving.)




Kyns, Elana, and Echo all walk back to the warehouse. Without bothering  to knock, Kyns walks back in. "We're back Riley!"  Kyns said. "Are you ready to head out?" Kyns said as he moved through the factory. "By the way...I have some sensitive  cargo now....blueprints...you have a place we can stash them when we get there?" Kyns asks. 

(Sorry for moving characters, had to get it moving.)




Everyone and everything Riley gathered was already shipped. Thr only thing left was a ride to Pitfum. Riley held his mask and cloak throwing them away at the time when Kyns barges in. He turns towards the loud mouth. 

"Still loud and chipper as usual I see. Yes I do have a place where we can store whatever it is you need to take. There is one last airship willing to take us. I think they can carry your cargo no problem." He replies but notices Kyns meant blueprints. "Oh that's simple. You look like the clumsy type so this might be useful." The Brunette walks over to a cargo box rummaging through some things and finding a paper container for them.drawing-sheet-containors-250x250.png

"This should do. It won't get wet or anything. Might I ask what the Blueprints are for?"

Everyone and everything Riley gathered was already shipped. Thr only thing left was a ride to Pitfum. Riley held his mask and cloak throwing them away at the time when Kyns barges in. He turns towards the loud mouth. 

"Still loud and chipper as usual I see. Yes I do have a place where we can store whatever it is you need to take. There is one last airship willing to take us. I think they can carry your cargo no problem." He replies but notices Kyns meant blueprints. "Oh that's simple. You look like the clumsy type so this might be useful." The Brunette walks over to a cargo box rummaging through some things and finding a paper container for them.View attachment 168870

"This should do. It won't get wet or anything. Might I ask what the Blueprints are for?"



Kyns took the blueprints and rolled them up tightly, sliding them all into the holder and slinging it around his back. [SIZE= 14px]"This'll do nicely...thanks." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Kyns commented. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"What they're for? Various things...a friend of mine left them to me as a present." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Kyns said sadly, glancing over at Echo and Elana. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"So, where's this ship?" [/SIZE]He said with a little more excitement as he moved over to his armor and climbed back into it, locking the helmet on and disengaging the lock mode. 


(Dearwolfy, feel free to have Kyns follow Riley if need be in your next post. trying to get this moving a little faster.)
(Alright but since it's by air I think it will last a day so don't you think that's a time skip there?)

Riley nods. "understood. Come the airship is this way." Riley leads the way outside where a simple airship kept afloat ready to leave. He boards the ship with his hands in his pockets grasping Bugsy's memory chip. Once everyone was on board, the ship ascends to the skies heading to Pitfum. Riley leans against the rails staring back towards Binbig. How small it started to become from a short distance up here. The breeze helping him relax but not reassure his sister's safety or whereabouts.

"Father forgive me. I must do this first before I get to her. I will find her." He mutters and sighs. 

@SpookySpecter @PurpleTurtle @Fawnking
Meanwhile Aurora gasps once Clair was dropped. "Clair!" Her eyes wide with worry scanning the skies until she sees a dragon swoop the elf away. She was amazed how large it was. It was the most awesome thing she has ever witnessed. Her purple orbs could not stray from the large metallic bot. Sure h hard work and time placed into such a beauty is indeed a sight to see. Aurora wouldn't have the patience. Creating Bugsy was a hassle for her and had little patience but managed to build him nonetheless. Clair was indeed a friend Aurora has not regretted making. Her first and only organism friend. 

"Woot! Woot! Go Clair! You beautiful girl!" Aurora shouts from the top of her lungs then turns to Blume. "Isn't she a hoot?" 


1 day later; 10:32 AM 


Kyns awoke in the cargo hold. As far as he was concerned, last night was a complete blur. All he had remembered was getting on the ship and falling asleep. He looked at himself, finding that some point between then and now he had changed into his sleeveless brown hoodie and some grey cargo pants. He had no shoes on, and his bags were strewn about around him, except for his side satchel. He assumed his bandoleer was inside the side satchel with his headphones and shotgun. [SIZE= 14px]"Ugh....hello?" [/SIZE]He called out silently, getting up and sitting cross legged on the floor. His vision was blurry, and he could barely see around him. But he felt depressed and anxious, and decided to break out that rum he had stashed in his backpack. He crawled over to the bag and pulled out the bottle, popping it open with his teeth and laying back against a nearby metal object, which was his armor, but he couldn't tell at the moment. His face felt itchy and he scratched at it, realizing he had a bristly stubble going on. "Fuuuck...I must look like a mess..." He groaned and he pulled up his hood. He took a swig of the rum and relaxed against his suit. 

@PurpleTurtle @Dearwolfy  

@Drakeel @Fawnking


Vinn rode through the skies on Soma, who screeched triumphantly as she did a barrel roll. As she slowed down, Vinn turned on the saddle to look at his traveling companion. "You alright back here? Sorry if you got startled by all the screeching and spinning...Soma likes to show off.." Vinn said cheerfully. He patted his griffin on the side and it cooed loudly in response. Quickly, Vinn grabbed his satchel from the front saddlebag and took out his cigar case, pulling one out and inspecting it as he replaced the cigar case and satchel into their rightful places, and closed the satchel bag. "So...where are you from? We haven't had much chance to talk since I picked you up from that airship dock. Too expensive eh?" He said with a jesting grin. He bit off the cigar tip and lit it with his lighter. He puffed smoke off to the side and placed the cigar in his mouth. "What'd you say your name was....Selia?...Zelkia?...." He asked, scratching his beard and trying to figure out Zelia's name. 


Zelia was riding peacefully, she has never been on a griffin before. She's never been out of her hometown before. These new experiences were so exciting. That was until a blood-curdling screech came out of now where and she had to hang onto Soma for dear life. "HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS MAGIC WHAT THE HELL?!?!" She screamed. She looked at Vinn and said "Uh... Yea I'm good. Just warming up my voice is all." She watched as he pulled out a cigar. Her father used to smoke cigars but mother always hated it. Oh god what is she going to think when she sees I'm gone? The thought echoed in her mind so loudly she could almost not here Vinn's question. " Oh, I am from the village Xexilla where I lived with my Mom and Dad. Where are you from?" She watched Vinn light the cigar and take a puff. The smoke blew right into her face and she was forced to cough. "Watch where you are blowing that thing there big guy. I enjoy breathing very much." she laughed as he tried to pronounce her name. "Zelia. It isn't that hard to pronounce. That's like me calling you Vine."  she laughed at her own stupid joke. 
Zoey Redshard

Zoey woke up and rubbed her head, unsure  of where she was. W..what happened? she thought looking around what appears to cargo place of some airship. She looked at herself, she appeared to be in her sleeping clothes, a simple t-shirt and some lighter fabric pants so she must have been in some realm of thought last night. She  turned and saw some sleeping bodies, mentally trying to catalog them all. Okay...we are all here...except. she thought turning and seeing Kyns leaning against his armour, she stumbled over to him, trying to avoid stepping on anyone. "Good morning Kyns" she said once she got closer and noticed the rum. "Can i get a hit of that?" she asked in motion to the rum, sitting down next to him. "You exited?" she asked him, turning to look at him, following up with. "What happened? i don't really remember last night...i think i remember getting on an airship." she said, straightening her blonde hair from the tangled mess it was in and awaiting responses from the dragon slayer. 


The Crimson Witch (Shut up its crimson shhhhh)

Blume sighed, glad her headache was ceasing from the girl's 'departure'. "yes, quite" she replied to Aurora. "I thank you for being polite while in my company, If you'd like i can have my first mate drop you off in Pitfum Miss Aurora." she told the girl, hoping to get some time alone to send out some orders. In the meantime she smiled at the girl opposite of her while calling over her first mate. 

Veda was usually the early bird to wake, but the stress from the whole situation made her rest just a bit longer. Her rifle slept next to her, just out if hand in case something happened. Where they were at the moment didnt make her feel at ease and having the weapon close made her finally sleep the night before. Veda remembered walking into the ship and having a small meal before heading to bed, Zoey not talking with her making her feel melancholy over the whole ordeal. Despite her sleeping in she could hear quiet voices chatting and half listened to the twos converstaion. 

@SpookySpecter  @Drakeel  ( Sorry on mobile!) 
Echo and Elana sat side by side by a window quietly chatting well eating a quick breakfast. Well Elana inspected the group on the opposite side of the room Echo stared out the window hating the lack of trees. They were just hitting the outskirts of the city and she assumed they'd arrive within the hour. Echo sighed then looked at Elana, "On a scale of one to ten, how pissed do you think my dad will be?" and Elana gave an airy laugh, "Honestly?" Echo gave a glare and Elana gave her a serious look, "Eleven, you're eternally fucked over at this point." she said and Echo grimaced, "I mean, you broke like 3 of his rules, If I were you I'd be-" "I'm a grown woman I don't give a flying fuck about his rules." She snapped. Her father -who was almost exclusively found at work- had a few rules for her. Whether it was because she was the daughter of one of the most influential men in Pitfum or just because he was just a major control freak she didn't know. What she did know however was that he suffocated her with those damn rules.

- - -

Elana rolled her eyes at Echo who was clearly annoyed, "Anyways, what type of event where you thinking of asking for?" she asked curiously. Echo made her signature thinking look and Elana immediately took the opportunity to make some suggestions, "Could we hold it at the circus? AND WE COULD HAVE THE CLOWS AS THE ANNOUNCERS! Or we could have a ball! And everyone could wear big poofy dresses and the guys can wear those dumb suits that made them look like they have a stick up there ass! Or what about-" "You're insufferable." Echo stated blandly then threw her piece of banana bread at Elana. Elana gawked and caught it mid air then tossed it to the other side of the room at an unsuspecting Zoey, "DON'T THROW BANANA BREAD AT ME!" She screeched, and pulled on the loose braid Echo had done. Echo narrowed her eyes at Elana and swatted at her blindly but Elana darted across the room and hid behind Veda before throwing more food across the room.

@Fawnking @Drakeel @SpookySpecter

Kyns groggily looked over at Zoey and nodded. Taking a large swig of the rum before passing it to her, stopped, then took another larger swig. THEN passed it to Zoey. "You could say that i'm excited...I don't quite know what i'm doing yet...I guess i'll go with what Echo  suggested." He said, smacking his lips and looking around. "I wonder if the Witch has heard about-" Is all he could get out before a slice of banana bread hit Zoey and a small bit of it hit his cheek. He stopped and glared across the room at Elana, as she ran and hid behind Zoey. He picked the bread off his cheek and continued. "Found out about the rally." He finished.

@PurpleTurtle @Drakeel
Zoey smiled and took a swig, enjoying the burning in her throat as she passed it back. "Regardless we should all be there when we fight the witch." she said to the dargonslayer when suddenly a loaf of bread hit her and she fell back onto the floor. "What the hell?" she asked laughing, picking it up and seeing Echo in the direction it came from, she stole a little piece and ate it before throwing it at Echo, hitting her in the head. Once she turned her attention back to Kyns she nodded. "It would be nice if she didn't but i'm sure she knows." she answered grimly, offering a hand to help him up. "Come on up, we've got planning to do." she said with a smile. 

@Fawnking @PurpleTurtle @SpookySpecter

Kyns took the bottle back and took another large swig. [SIZE= 14px]"Alright...but i'm taking the rum with me..." [/SIZE]He said, taking Zoey's hand and accepting the lift up.  He scratched at his stubble and looked about himself. "So.....how's everyone doing?" He asked everyone in the room. He leaned against his armor and took another long swig, putting his head back far enough that his hood fell down. "Hey..where's Riley?" He asked, as he started walking around, stretching himself a bit before he started to wake himself up. 

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Veda woke up with a jolt at the two girls screeching, assuming the worst. She looked around, and not seeing any danger, she slacked her grip on the weapon. 'What a rude awakening.' The redhead thought to herself, rubbing a hand over her face to try to wake up. Not expecting to be a shield for Elana as she saw food fly over her. "Girls, are you really having a food fight..?" She looked incredulously at the two, not believing they were acting so childish on the way to war. 

@PurpleTurtle @Drakeel  @SpookySpecter
Elana met the dragon slayers glare then smirked before being distracted by Zoey's sudden cry. She chuckled as the bread was thrown at Echo and hit her smack on the forehead. Echo made a distressed noise then retreated to the far side of the room, huffing before she stuck her tongue out at Elana. Elana rolled her eyes then looked at Kyns, who was asking how everyone else was doing, "How are we doing? How are you doing, you look like shit." Which he did, but she couldn't really blame him considering what had happened. She was knocked out of her thoughts as Veda started grumbling at her for being childish, "Oh come on! If we are going to war I'd rather enjoy the quiet moments then brood."

@SpookySpecter @Drakeel @Fawn
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Vinn laughed. [SIZE= 14px]"I'm, from the south...I lived on the farm with my brothers and parents." [/SIZE]Vinn said, moving the cigar in his mouth to the side with his tongue. "Sorry about the smoke...anyway...we're approaching Pitfum, Zelia. He said. Then he turned around to steer the griffin as the first signs of the city began to appear. Then, before they knew it, masses of large buildings and drab streets filled both of their view.  Vinn pulled back on the reigns to slow Soma down as he looked for a spot to land. "Not many griffin landing spots in Pitfum so it seems...." He announced. "Screw it.." Vinn mumbled loud enough for Zelia to hear as he pulled on the reigns to the side, signaling for Soma to do a quick 180 degree spin. Soma did so effortlessly, and Vinn steered the griffin to an airship dock. They landed, and Vinn hopped off. "We're not supposed to land here...so we best move quickly." Vinn said, grabbing his side satchel from the saddle bag. Then he unstrapped a large light machine gun from a makeshift holster  on Soma's saddle and put a sling on it, then he slung it around his shoulder. "Intimidation factor...no one's going to be fucking around with us when they see this on my shoulder...plus...who'd attack a guy with a griffin?" He said laughing, then offered a hand to Zelia. In case she needed help getting down. 

Elana met the dragon slayers glare then smirked before being distracted by Zoey's sudden cry. She chuckled as the bread was thrown at Echo and hit her smack on the forehead. Echo made a distressed noise then retreated to the far side of the room, huffing before she stuck her tongue out at Elana. Elana rolled her eyes then looked at Kyns, who was asking how everyone else was doing, "How are we doing? How are you doing, you look like shit." Which he did, but she couldn't really blame him considering what had happened. She was knocked out of her thoughts as Veda started grumbling at her for being childish, "Oh come on! If we are going to war I'd rather enjoy the quiet moments then brood."

@SpookySpecter @Drakeel @Fawn


Kyns smirked at Elana's comment that he looked like shit. It was true. He looked down at the bottle and shook his head, then placed it down on a nearby crate. "Well...what about the stubble? Doesn't at least make me look the dashing and roguish?" He asked jokingly. Then frowned to himself, before commenting on what Veda said. "Yeah Veda, lay off a little bit! Let'em have some fun! Who knows when the next time they'll be able to will be..." He says, frowning again and feeling his stubble. Just the bristly feeling on his face felt alien...he was never too keen on growing facial hair like his brother Vinn. 
Veda was woken up suddenly by their yelling and used as a shield, not the ideal way to wake up. Trying to be reasonable she knew she was being harsh, so she sighed and looked at the two. "Have fun.. just don't use me as a shield." a small laugh was heard as she stood and stretched, wanting to get something to eat. Noticing the alcohol she was a bit surprised Kyns looked much older than he was, 'Maybe he is worried about the upcoming battle?' She thought to herself taking a small plate of food for herself. 

@PurpleTurtle  @SpookySpecter
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