RP pet peeves.


Nearly everyone who`s been RPing enough has crossed paths with a post made by him/herself or another RPer that makes the reader want to punch though their devices in frustration/anger/other extreme emotion.

If you experience this phenomenon, what sets it off?

For me it`s:

-when someone randomly starts killing off other players characters without permission for no reason other than the offender feeling like it.

- and over excessive bunnying (unnecessarily controlling another RPer`s character without permission.)
Gah i have so many! This is the perfec thread for me!

-when everyone updates while I'm at school, so i have 2 pages to reply to. Then when I'm not busy, no one replies to te RPs.
Inconsistent mistakes... Like I understand that some people don't know some grammar rules or how to spell some words, but when they show that they know the correct way and then half the time do it the wrong way, it kills me!!
Argh, I also hate it when I'm online at the wrong times. Often, the role-play would continue whether I'm still at school or out doing errands... however, when I'm finally ready, no one is willing to do it. ^^;

On another note, I also dislike it when their character is always squeezing out of tough situations. It's not natural... you're going to fail at least once in your life... at least mix it up!
1. God-modders drive me off my rocker insane! I remember there was this one girl on a website I used to hang out on who: 1. Killed my character without my permission; 2. Had my character attack about fifteen other characters without my permission; 3. Made our character "friends" without my permission; and about fifteen other things IN ONE POST. I got on her case and she left the RP...

2. People who only use 133t and txt speak- I always think, 'there's this thing, it's called grammar, and it's freaking awesome'.

Right now, that's all I can think of.
Oh my gosh I have so many pet peeves it's hard to name all of them!

1. I hate when people don't give enough detail for me to read because then I have no clue what to post next.

2. I hate it when they have conversations instead of rps.. that's what conversation boxes are for

3. I certainty hate it when I can't spell something correct and spell check can't help me

4. And, I hate when people, especially me, don't use proper grammar or spelling!
Oooh venting time! *Cracks knuckles*

Apart from the things like realllllly poor grammar, and godmodding and such my pet peeves are...

1. When someone doesn't help the plot along at all. >> E.g. only responds to what my character does and says, but not bring in new stuff themselves. I might as well go write a story on my own.

2. Bad characterization. If someone gives me a bio that says their character is 'sweet and shy' and then said character turns out to be the most impulsive loudmouth I've ever seen in-play (WITHOUT character development or for any particular reason) I will feel peeved.

3. When someone consistently gets the details wrong (e.g. calls my character a redhead while I clearly stated in my posts that he or she has black hair :P ).
yush yush! I can feel the anger radiating from all of you! (Or it could just be acid reflex, i dunno.)

But seriously, don't you guy`s also hate it when someone intentionally spawns an incredibly weak character but instead of using his/her/it`s lack of strength for characterization, the RPer goes on a rage about all the other characters being unrealistically overpowered and demands that all the other writers nerf their own characters to be more fair?
I just wanna do the pokemon move "Frustration" when:

1. When I have no idea where everyone is, and I don't have the time at the moment to read and find out.

2. When I make a mistake on something I did not know about, or when I made a mistake on my sign up application.

3. When RP shrivel up and die. Especially, the RPs I grow to really like.
I hate those people who the RPs you have with them are so awesome, so descriptive, so exciting, and they always without a dount just vanish on you until they want to do another RP with you.
Oh, wow, I have tones of Rp pet peeves. Far to many to list them all, but here are some that make me what to find them and punch them right in the knee. Ahaha, lol, face xD

1. Like a lot of other people in this thread... I hate it when others progress on with the RP, even though my character is conversing with them. They just continue posting, causing me to want to quit and cry in the corner.

2. Improper grammar, punctuation, spelling. Grrr, especially when they use the wrong to, too, and two. There, they're and their, ....etc.

3. When the others don't write enough for me to go off with. Like come on, one liners are stupid and pointless. Don't post if you can't contribute to your fellow partner to make a decent post!

4. Plan and simple; God modding. My character was not made for you to control, nor do I enjoy really overpowered characters.

Huuu~ Well I'm done.... for now...
1. When people use the same character for 8500 different rps and then get confused as to which RP they're in. you serious?

2. The cliche high school RP girl now has twenty five powers where everyone else is limited to an astonishing three!

3. I'm so awesome that I'm going to use ones as exclamation marks1111111
Hnn... I know what to put here.

1. When someone else has a character that has so many appealing traits you don't even know if he/she has a flaw (ex. Cooking, singing, dancing, martial arts, writing, drawing, smartness all in one character)

2. When someone else has a character that is very, very similar to yours, that there's barely a difference between them

3. I know this is a common mistake and not much of a pet peeve, but I often laugh when people use "a lot" wrong or "your/you're"....

4. One liners in comparison to multiple paragraphs. We all agree to this, yes?

5. People who don't seem to limit their characters in accordance to the plot. Y u no read?

6. Impatient people. After a day they message you about a dang roleplay, and maybe you were out on a trip with your family. Are you that addicted and anxious?

7. I know lots of people do this, but when people use their knowledge as authors to influence their character's actions. For example, the author knows there is a large hole ahead. The author's character, an oblivious and ignorant stereotypical rock girl, is completely tuned into her music. She doesn't know the hole is ahead but somehow she makes it across the hole without falling in.

I might write more soon...
1. All the usual Pet Peeves (Godmodding,etc)

2. One liners. (Especially when everyone else is literate). I'd rather the player admit he has hit a writer's block and ask to be passed over - so long as this isn't abused.

3. Reverse Meta gaming. That #7 above, but in reverse.

Example: Player A has introduced a character with a father that worked for NASA and was always telling stories about astronauts and Lunar missions. Kid (now in his teens) love Sci Fi and comics. grew up with his powers - always exploring. Arrives at a Marvel Avengers mansion- see the Thunder God himself arrive.

Player B has their character arrive next in a Government Limo. She is escorted by MIB's. Now she gets out of the limo wearing a filter mask, looks tall for her age and very frail, pale, weak, and takes the Player A's hand and described her hand as unusually cold to the touch.

Now she says her name is Luna...

Now what is the first thought that would pop into YOUR head?
People who use ellipsis after every sentence of their character talking, or who use capitals to make their character yell.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Cried Phil, smashing a chair. "I don't know..." mumbled Steve."Watching you smash a chair.... I guess..." "HOW DARE YOU!" 
Also I hate it when someone's character falls in love with you after three pages, or when there are healers that work way too quickly. Once I was trying to kill off my character but the healer kept reviving them from the dead. It's really annoying to have to call them out, too.
Grammar and spelling Nazis. I try to remember that many of my players don't use English as their primary language.
My peeves are simple.

-Metagaming. Although I'm sometimes guilty of it,and I hate myself for it,it's just a horrible practice. I roll my eyes and groan every time people use info their character could never have known at that point. And I facepalm on top of it whenever I do it. Nobody's perfect.

-Godmodding. I have an interesting definition of this. Godmodding is going beyond the defined limits of the character. For example,a pickpocket,who is now bound and blindfolded,and escorted by four guards will NOT be able to escape without godmodding or outside assistance.

-Patently broken characters and equipment. The obvious example that most people should know is an Adeptus Astartes (Imperium of Man Space Marine) in a non-Warhammer 40,000 setting. Near-impenetrable armour,genetic modifications that include regeneration and redundant organs,the total absence of fear,acid spit... The same goes to equipment. No one wants to see a longbow that shoots arrows that don't exist until impact,and when they hit go off like a nuke. Then there's a telekinetic that can split atoms...I'm not touching telekinesis again.

-Clones. It's fine to be inspired,but if your character is an outright clone of another character from an established fiction,and I spot it,it gets a groan,a grumble,and,if I'm the GM,puts you on my hit list. I'm guilty of this every now and again,and I generally tire of them quickly.

-Suddenly,romance. Romance has it's place. Romance is often illogical. However,"Love at first sight" can only be stretched so far. Furthermore,lust is not love. I was on the recieving end of it once. My character threatened to kill the other if they tried to kill another,and they backed down. A page later,they tried to seduce my character. Yeah. Wrong place,wrong time,wrong target. After my character,quite bluntly,told them off,shit was flipped.

I don't even touch romance anymore. I don't have my own experience in it,and I don't want to do it wrong.

I also get ready to rant into a megaphone when an RP seems to exist solely for the characters to have...Encounters. Love makes for a great plot device,as does lust...But never alone,and rarely together.

-Ignorance of stated plot and setting elements. If it wasn't brought up yet,and it's contradictory to what the GM has in mind,it's excusable. But if it was already established,and a player still contradicts it,they need to stop posting and do some careful reading. These elements were specified for a reason,and to contradict them is to undermine the plot.

That's about it,really.
Riddle78 said:
-Suddenly,romance. Romance has it's place. Romance is often illogical. However,"Love at first sight" can only be stretched so far. Furthermore,lust is not love. I was on the recieving end of it once. My character threatened to kill the other if they tried to kill another,and they backed down. A page later,they tried to seduce my character. Yeah. Wrong place,wrong time,wrong target. After my character,quite bluntly,told them off,shit was flipped. I don't even touch romance anymore. I don't have my own experience in it,and I don't want to do it wrong. I also get ready to rant into a megaphone when an RP seems to exist solely for the characters to have...Encounters. Love makes for a great plot device,as does lust...But never alone,and rarely together.
Agreed, so very agreed.
Oitetment said:
Y u no read?
This basically explains my pet peeve.

I hate when people don't read my post and you can TELL. even if posts have nothing to do with me, I read them. Who knows...someone may be trying to interact with me or something.

It was especially annoying when I had a photokinetic in a dark room, lighting it up and everyone after me was ignorant of it. I know it takes a logn time to read, but I'd rather someone take a long time and make an accurate post then take a short time and have them scrap it anyways.
Kagura said:
This basically explains my pet peeve.
I hate when people don't read my post and you can TELL. even if posts have nothing to do with me, I read them. Who knows...someone may be trying to interact with me or something.

It was especially annoying when I had a photokinetic in a dark room, lighting it up and everyone after me was ignorant of it. I know it takes a logn time to read, but I'd rather someone take a long time and make an accurate post then take a short time and have them scrap it anyways.
I'm with you on that. I mean, some people put a lot of effort, and usually are more than 2 paragraphs which is pretty impressive to me. Still, If I can't read because of little time to read, but I read it, maybe read it again, an then post.
Any grammatical error of any kind. That includes on my part and the other player. I want to scratch my nails against a chalkboard.

When I post a good page or so, and then they give me like "He smiles and nods."


Incessant attempts of auto-hitting. It's even worse when OOC they try and tell "NOOO, I GOT YOU. READ AGAIN." Yeah, no. Noooo no.

Along with the previous, incessant OOC speech. Can we please get on with the game? Sometime this year?

OP attacks. I can't stand anything OP. ANything OP makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a spork.

Lastly, repetitive posting. This usually happens with smut over anything, but it's ridiculously annoying. It goes from "Wow, this person is good!" to "...So you keep saying..." reeeaal fast.

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