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Fandom Rp Partner Search: Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead


Hey everyone! Kat here again! I am searching for a rp partner to write with. The following are the characters I am looking to write again and who I am comfortable playing! Doubling encouraged!

sam winchester spn GIF

Who I would like: Sam Winchester
Who I can play: Dean, Castiel, John, Jo.

teen wolf sheriff stilinski GIF by mtv

Teen Wolf
Who I would like: Stiles or Isaac
Who I can play: Scott, Derek, Isaac, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Allison.

The Walking Dead Easy Peasy GIF

The Walking Dead
Who I would like : Negan or Carl
Who I can play: Negan, Carl, Daryl, Glenn, Any of the girls.

Stranger Things Eddie GIF by NETFLIX

Stranger Things
Who I would like: Eddie, Billy, or Steve
Who I can play: Any of the girls or Boys (aged up).

Tom Cruise Yes GIF by Hollywood Suite

Top Gun
Who I would like: Maverick, IceMan, Hangman, Rooster
Who I can play: Anyone
I prefer MxF ships for myself, but will 100% do an LGBTQIA+ ship for you! I will be writing as my OC. I also prefer my partners to be 18+ because I do tend to write mature themes! Comment here or pm me! Very excited to write with you all!
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Are you still wanting to do a Stranger Things rp?

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