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Fantasy RP Partner? - Open to ideas!

Jess Buck

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Hey There! My name is Jess. It's been a long while since the last time I roleplayed and I'm wanting to get back into it but I'm really not finding anything I'm interested in just from what's been posted recently. A little bit about myself before I lay out my ideas; I'm 27 and I've been roleplaying for well over ten years. (It's crazy saying that out loud) I'm super into the fantasy settings, Game of Thrones-esque especially. I'm also super into romance, specifically FxF. I'm cool with MxF or MxM but I'm less confident in writing for men than I am for women. I'm open to keeping roleplay here on RPN or taking it off-site to Discord, whatever floats your boat. I'm pretty chill honestly and open to any ideas you may have. I have a couple below just to give you an idea of what I'm usually into, but don't be shy! (I feel like I'm writing a dating profile lmao)

Idea #1: Arranged Marriage - Character A is royalty (heir or not doesn't matter) and they're being arranged to marry a foreign prince/princess in order to keep peace between nations. A is already secretly involved with B and doesn't want to get married. B can be anything really but my initial thoughts are that they work at the palace so there's an added layer of class difference as well as a queer relationship.

Idea #2: Royal Polycule - This one would obviously be a 1x1x1 but the basic idea is that Character A and Character B are betrothed, literally getting married in a couple of weeks. When all of a sudden Character C shows up and somehow sweeps the both of them off their feet. This idea is less fleshed out than my first one so I'm open to any ideas that you may have.

You can let me know here if you're interested or shoot me a DM. Either way I'd love to hear from you!

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