RP Juices Flowing!


So, I was thinking of doing a group RP with a few people as couples. For example, the male is the master and the female is the creature, and vis versa. Read to learn more! So here is my idea.

A group of High School students to College live together in a mysterious apartment building in the middle of New York. A two story building where underneath the ground is living and sleeping areas. It includes a single main living floor with the kitchen, dinning and living rooms, and a bathroom or two. To get to each floor, which is more like a loft, you climb a single circle staircase (One that goes straight up and circles a pole?). To come down, you slide down one of those fireman poles (Since they would be so cool to go down.). Anyways, each floor or loft has space for 2-4 people to live together. On the top floor, ground floor, is the location of a secret club for masters and their creatures.

(Here is the fun part).

So, each master/creature pair can be one of 4 options; [M/F], [F/M], [M/M], [F/F]. For example, say the master is male, random name, John, and his creature is female, random name- Katelyn, and anime is a cat. She can transform between animal and human form. Under his rule, she must be by his side at all times, in either form, and is told to do things by him, no matter what they are. To show their partnership, the two have a special piece of jewelry such as a bracelet or metal band, John may have a metal black band with a symbol, and Kat may have a collar or necklace with the same symbol. Get it? Okay! Every creature can vary, from simple house pets as dogs and cats to more exotic such as tigers or panthers.

If you seem interested, just message below or PM me and if enough people decide to join, I'll set up the RP!
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I want to join! This is like a mix of Youko x Boku SS and Honey x Honey Drops, which really seems like fun :D
Alright! I'll work on it when I get on my laptop. If you have anyone else who may want to join, sped the word.

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk

Word is good sometimes but, I make lots of mistakes so I have to use the spell check in Crome ><

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