Rp Idea


Four Thousand Club
ok, well, i have done a bit of research, and its amazing how much homosexuals are still persecuted in the world today, like Hate groups in america to open executions of gays and lesbias in the middle east.

so i thought, that we should do our part to show we are a truly accepting website, by having a roleplay based around homosexual relationships.

essentially, this is based in a school, made especially for gays/lesbians.

we play as student in this school, whether or not we choose to have relationships is up to you.

but we must have rules for this.

male members have to be boys,

and female members have to be women.

this is not some fantasy setting where you can play as the opposite gender to get your kicks (yes, that means YOU hina/KT!)

also, this is NOT an ero-rp site as you know, NO SEX, but romantic situations will be allowed.

how about it?
I don't mind the idea, I mean I have nothing against Bisexuals or Homosexuals. However, I do fail to see the entertaining value to the RP.

In short, what would make it fun to play??
"this is not some fantasy setting where you can play as the opposite gender to get your kicks (yes, that means YOU hina/KT!)"

What about me?? O.o
My friend, homosexuals will always be persecuted. Just like everyone else who is not a white, married male with a job and is 30 years old or older. -_- It's just the society we live in. Sure, it's gotten better. But you will always have racists, sexists, supremacists, narcissists, bigots, etc. in the world. Think about it: women still cannot have certain jobs, like Infantry in the Army or no professional football. Why? No one knows. I hate it, but it's the truth. I wish that the world could be more accepting, but unfortunately it is not. I personally was raised in a racist home and community, but I overcame it and matured above that. I'm not racist. I'm not sexist. But the majority of my family is.

But, I digress.

I love the idea of a yaoi/yuri RP and I'd be honored to join. :)
im picked on about being bisexual at school and my parents will never accpet it so i know what its like to be shunned :( but i've overcome it with the help of my friends :) id be glad to join it
Okay, couple things now that I'm less apathetic and 'I just woke up, but I like sex'

Would this be a school for gays/lesbians, or a regular high school where all the RPers happened to be gay/lesbian?

Personally I think if you're doing this with respect towards gays and lesbians it should be referred to as LGBT as opposed to yaoi/yuri, which is more a cultural idea and fiction than an actual representation of people who are homosexual. Granted, I know this is a fictitious RP, I'm just putting that out there.

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