"Karumi I only have one arm silly" laughing as he sat down on the bed and leaned back against the wall with Larumi in front of him. "But I did have my son sent over from the other lab, want to meet him?" Tatsu asked as he yawned, getting rather tired.
Texangamer Texangamer

"You aren't going to think of me as a cow are you? I mean I know....they aren't small and I eat a lot but I do workout all the time" blushing as she drank from her glass. After setting the glass down she quickly ate a few more bites. "I'm not too muscular am I?" Misakos body was slightly toned but not to a point that she looked like a female body builder.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at him she just started to blush as she was watching him getting tired she just poked him" hehe your tired and sure I like to meet your son is he my age I know I just had a girlfriend but she broke my heart but I'm happy to be with momma she cares about me I meet your son" she say looking at him as she was yawning" what's his name and how old is he" she asked getting tired as she was laying on him she was in her pjs as she yawned again" when is momma coming back" she asked tired as she was rubbing her eyes tired" do you wanna sleep tutsu " she asked Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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IMG_0060.JPG "I would love to, I had a long ride over her" Tatsu laid his arm over his eyes. "He's sixteen and his name is kiba, he's a good boy I think you would like him" lifting his arm up he looked over at Karumi. "He should be in the pins by now why don't you go let him out and you two can play or do anything"

Kiba sat on a bench in the cell reading a book while he waited for Tatsu.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just smiles as she just sit up from the bed as she got her crutches as she smiled" you want me to let him out" she asked as she smiled looking at him as she was standing up using her crutches she just smiled as she went to find him as she think she found him in a cell as she smiled" excuse me are you kiba I'm supposed to let you out" she say letting him out of the cage" tastu says to let you out my momma is misako hey you have ears like I do I'm karumi" she say smiling" Tutsu is sleeping so I was asked to get you out" she say smiling Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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"Karumi I only have one arm silly" laughing as he sat down on the bed and leaned back against the wall with Larumi in front of him. "But I did have my son sent over from the other lab, want to meet him?" Tatsu asked as he yawned, getting rather tired.
Texangamer Texangamer

"You aren't going to think of me as a cow are you? I mean I know....they aren't small and I eat a lot but I do workout all the time" blushing as she drank from her glass. After setting the glass down she quickly ate a few more bites. "I'm not too muscular am I?" Misakos body was slightly toned but not to a point that she looked like a female body builder.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Tiger gently laughs and says" you'd be surprised how much energy and work an android takes and needs when he does have maintenance, and besides if you didn't have a little meat on your bones i would of made a different bet". " I've got to admit after a couple of hours of resting or going to the spa etc i'd be lying if i said i didn't want a pic of you in a swim and to be fair i'll let you pic out mine the only thing i ask is no speedos".
"I could do better than a picture you know" Misako teased as she tugged on her dress and smiled. After the small amount of wine she was already drunk. "I don't think I'd mind if you wanted some photos, but I guess I can pick yours out"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba stood up, walking over to her he kissed her immediately. Kiba had a large scar on his neck, the injury had prevented his ability to talk but he was still able to communicate. Deepening the kiss he closed his eyes for a moment before breaking it. Stepping back he smiled happily at her.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him as her face turned bright red" uh uh" she say as she signed she just smiled" what you want to play video games or whatever you wanna do" she say as she couldn't stop blushing from the kiss she held onto her crutches" nice to meet you" she say Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I could do better than a picture you know" Misako teased as she tugged on her dress and smiled. After the small amount of wine she was already drunk. "I don't think I'd mind if you wanted some photos, but I guess I can pick yours out"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba stood up, walking over to her he kissed her immediately. Kiba had a large scar on his neck, the injury had prevented his ability to talk but he was still able to communicate. Deepening the kiss he closed his eyes for a moment before breaking it. Stepping back he smiled happily at her.
Texangamer Texangamer

Tiger blushed then says" but before that let's go to the rooms for a couple of hours to sober up after all, i don't want you falling all over yourself and were not able to full enjoy each others company" " also i wouldn't want you to ruin the dress by accident this too is part of a memory for me".

Raz comes out and says" hmm he looks familiar but i can't remember where off the top of my head but my favorite test subject approves of you and this is a different way of watching a traitor be sidelined so as long as you behave i have no problem helping you in a number of ways, anger me to much and let's just say you won't like what i have in mind". He gently rests his hand on Karumi head and gently ruffles it and then opens his hand with the next batch of medicine and pain killers.
"Your no fun, I'm practically throwing myself at you" winking as she drank more of the wine. "Tiger thank you for being a gentleman and not taking advantage of me while I'm like this, it's why I don't date guys"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba smiled at her, pulling a notepad out he quickly wrote I'd love to play games if that is what you want to do cutie showing Karumi what he wrote down he then took her hand waiting for her to lead the way. Thinking for a moment to what she said a moment ago yes I do have ears like yours, want to touch them?

Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him as she looked at the notebook as she smiled" I uh I uh" she say as she was being shy she didn't like this feeling" wait me a test subject you can't do that my momma won't allow that" she say as she was scared she took the medicine" yay medicine" she say as she looked at raz" don't touch mine since I have a ear infection" she say Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"Your no fun, I'm practically throwing myself at you" winking as she drank more of the wine. "Tiger thank you for being a gentleman and not taking advantage of me while I'm like this, it's why I don't date guys"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba smiled at her, pulling a notepad out he quickly wrote I'd love to play games if that is what you want to do cutie showing Karumi what he wrote down he then took her hand waiting for her to lead the way. Thinking for a moment to what she said a moment ago yes I do have ears like yours, want to touch them?

Texangamer Texangamer

Tiger smiles gently and retors" your a handful but i don't mind we all have our reasons for things and if i wasn't fun why are you flirting me ay"?. " i wouldn't normally say this but i feel we have a good connection so if you are with it i want you to be my women, you can still have your real with ryu that's important to you and i wouldn't take that away and due to my reason i told you before this time i want to connect with a women i love not just someone i'm forced to be with" " that's part of the reason for why i'm the way i'm and don't trust most women around me".
Kiba looked at Raz and smiled as he waved good evening Raz, thank you for patching me and my father up. He wrote before tearing a piece of paper off and handing it to Raz. Blushing he looked at Karumi and leaned up looking at her ears to inspect them. Sighing he touched her cheek gently then using sign language he signed, get well. Taking her hand he headed to her mothers room by sniffing his father out, bringing Karumi with him.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
"I don't mind it but never forget that Ryu and my girls come first" Misako told tiger as she got up and walked over sitting in his lap pulling his arms around her. "Want to go to our room?" She asked as she rested her head in the crook of his neck cuddling up to him. "I can understand how you feel about females, but I'm trustworthy"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at him as she smiled as she just laying down on her bed' you know sign language' she signed' I got deaf when I was a kid now I have a implant' she signed as she was smiling as she looked at kiba dad as she giggled" wanna play games" she say as she looked around as she was pouting a bit Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Kiba looked at Raz and smiled as he waved good evening Raz, thank you for patching me and my father up. He wrote before tearing a piece of paper off and handing it to Raz. Blushing he looked at Karumi and leaned up looking at her ears to inspect them. Sighing he touched her cheek gently then using sign language he signed, get well. Taking her hand he headed to her mothers room by sniffing his father out, bringing Karumi with him.

Raz looks over the paper then nods and goes to file it and then goes back to his lab and goes back to work on his project and calls" Ay tetsu you annoying bum face help me write down the notes for the gaia project and remember hq does not need to know about this, after this project serves two purposes one my revenge and two it can repair damage that others can only dream of this way i will never be shunned again by others that laughed at my work". " As for her i say lab rat but compared to what others would do i'm fairly nice and have no reason not to be at this time, still it does some what pain me that will be times when i will have to preform painful ops but that goes with this line of work".

I don't mind it but never forget that Ryu and my girls come first" Misako told tiger as she got up and walked over sitting in his lap pulling his arms around her. "Want to go to our room?" She asked as she rested her head in the crook of his neck cuddling up to him. "I can understand how you feel about females, but I'm trustworthy

Tiger gently smiles softly wrapping his hand around her waist his fingers sliding slightly up her back and says" Of course but i do worry about the real she will have with raz, yes he's a bit of a tease and can be a bit greedy but at the same time, he's been hurt countless times so i will always make sure he is fairly treated if something comes up". " As for the room are sure it's ok for me to kiss and and such if not i'll just let you rest".

"I wouldn't mind if you did, but I'm not walking up to the rooms......carry me" Misako looked up at him, she could be rather childish when she had been drinking. Playing with his ears for a few seconds "I know how he can be but I'll still protect them, even if it is from him"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba smiled as he looked at the game system not sure how to use it. Looking back at Karumi I'm not sure how to use this, and you pick what we play. Getting up he shook his dad and signed, Raz needs you in his lab. Looking back at Karumi he picked up a controller studying it.

Tatsu ruffled kiba's hair as he walked out the door "be a good boy kiba" he ordered as he walked into Raz's lab lighting a cigarette "so how can I help, and by lab rat do you mean Karumi or Kiba? Both have been used by you..." Tatsu sitting down as he ashed into a cup and yawned. "I just fell asleep too....but hopefully all those years of you getting laughed at will pay off, maybe we can even get my other arm back"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
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She just smiled as she start to play the game the legend of Zelda as she was taking turns with him" I like this game I like your dad he's nice even though I just met him today" she say as she smiled sitting on the bed as she was playing she wasn't going to sleep today she was too hyper to go to slee Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I wouldn't mind if you did, but I'm not walking up to the rooms......carry me" Misako looked up at him, she could be rather childish when she had been drinking. Playing with his ears for a few seconds "I know how he can be but I'll still protect them, even if it is from him"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba smiled as he looked at the game system not sure how to use it. Looking back at Karumi I'm not sure how to use this, and you pick what we play. Getting up he shook his dad and signed, Raz needs you in his lab. Looking back at Karumi he picked up a controller studying it.

Tatsu ruffled kiba's hair as he walked out the door "be a good boy kiba" he ordered as he walked into Raz's lab lighting a cigarette "so how can I help, and by lab rat do you mean Karumi or Kiba? Both have been used by you..." Tatsu sitting down as he ashed into a cup and yawned. "I just fell asleep too....but hopefully all those years of you getting laughed at will pay off, maybe we can even get my other arm back"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Tiger sighs picks her up and then heads to the desk then gives a look to say we might stay the night depending on her condition then thinks to himself' yes your stronger but he can freeze you then slice you into bits and that will up set most but as he probably told you that already ' Tiger uses a tool in his arm to use the electronic card then pushes the door up and turns her side ways so he doesn't wack her head then once in closes the door with his heel. Not long after puts her on the bed and puts the bucket near by just incase and then lays back on the bed and rests against her gently.

Raz smirked and says" check the stats of the tank behind you and keep in mind even though i do work on them both i have cured or helped with a lot of their defects, As for your arm i have to work out to make the formula stable before allowing you to test it". " i've worked out more than half but there's something's missing that are key to making it work the way i want it to". " Play the main guy is a real bore sometimes but as they say better the devil you know". " Oh before i forget speaking of the devil thanks for your help with the tablets so far but i need you to make me some stronger antipsychotic pills for now i'm able to hold it back there is a part of me that doesn't give a dam and should that take over there's no telling what i'll do when i snap".
Kiba growled as he got killed by the same enemy again, wincing he dropped the controller holding his throats and started coughing. After a few minutes he could breath normally again. Looking over at Karumi he put on a smile so she would know he was okay. He's very good with children, but most of all he cares about them. It's the main reason he lost his arm to your mom.

Texangamer Texangamer

Tatsu walked over to the tank, leaning over he checked the levels as well as the current readings. "The levels seem pretty normal, were you hoping for higher readings? Because it's pretty stable so far" laughing as he wrote everything down and walked back over to Tatsu. Setting his clipboard down he pulled out a flashlight shining it into Raz's eyes. Sighing he sat down. "I can't take the dosage up much more or you'll become a vegetable....you know that the pills I make for you aren't exactly fully tested and are unstable unless precisely monitored"

Misako blushed as she pushed him over onto his back. Climbing ontop of him she leaned down kissing him. Blushing deeply as she sat up grinning. "You are so caring, taking care of me when I'm drunk and cuddling with me..." touching her lips as she licked her shoes off. "Thank you"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Kiba growled as he got killed by the same enemy again, wincing he dropped the controller holding his throats and started coughing. After a few minutes he could breath normally again. Looking over at Karumi he put on a smile so she would know he was okay. He's very good with children, but most of all he cares about them. It's the main reason he lost his arm to your mom.

Texangamer Texangamer

Tatsu walked over to the tank, leaning over he checked the levels as well as the current readings. "The levels seem pretty normal, were you hoping for higher readings? Because it's pretty stable so far" laughing as he wrote everything down and walked back over to Tatsu. Setting his clipboard down he pulled out a flashlight shining it into Raz's eyes. Sighing he sat down. "I can't take the dosage up much more or you'll become a vegetable....you know that the pills I make for you aren't exactly fully tested and are unstable unless precisely monitored"

Misako blushed as she pushed him over onto his back. Climbing ontop of him she leaned down kissing him. Blushing deeply as she sat up grinning. "You are so caring, taking care of me when I'm drunk and cuddling with me..." touching her lips as she licked her shoes off. "Thank you"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Raz smiles and says" I see that's good then she almost had a meltdown not that long ago and that's true so if i look after you both from the shadows like i did some of the time back then you both can look after me when you can" " Oh in the meantime speaking of which i do have a spare arm you can use but putting it on you is going to hurt a fair bit, and i have tested on a few others but their dnd was't strong enough to adjust".

tiger smiles more and than says" Of course your mine now so it's only natural that i would look after, speaking of which do you want me to run you a bath and then bring you some tea before we decide what to do next"?

She just smiled as she put down her controller down as she was laying down she was blushing she couldn't stop since that kiss' why did you kiss me did we knew me before I don't remember you" she say as she just smiled at him as she was blushing a lot she liked him as she looked up at him she was scared to get experiment on by raz they were so painful she didn't want to lose her hearing again as she just smiled looking at him as she just lay down as she was blushing as she was happy to have a friend and her first boy crush as she smiled she was bisexual she didn't know the feeling she was feeling she had to ask her mother later when she gets back she just smiled Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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"A bath would be nice, will you be joining me?" Misako asked as she rested her head on his chest. "It's funny that you call me yours, how do you know you aren't just my pet and I'm in control?" She asks him as she sat up looking down at him, her face flushed as she bit her lip in thought

"You know I'm stronger than your subjects, how do you think any of our expiraments got anywhere? We used to test them on ourselves" laughing as he pat Raz's back. "We can test it after you check the tanks physical condition, my eye sight isn't what it used to be"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba looked over at Karumi your heart is hurt, I thought you could use something to relaxe, girls should never feel alone or hurt Smiling he leaned over kissing her again, but this time lighter to see if she would kiss back. Kiba was a bit of a tease but he was honest. He had thought about taking her spot, the pain receptors in his body were non responsive so he wouldn't feel by of it.
Texangamer Texangamer
"A bath would be nice, will you be joining me?" Misako asked as she rested her head on his chest. "It's funny that you call me yours, how do you know you aren't just my pet and I'm in control?" She asks him as she sat up looking down at him, her face flushed as she bit her lip in thought

"You know I'm stronger than your subjects, how do you think any of our expiraments got anywhere? We used to test them on ourselves" laughing as he pat Raz's back. "We can test it after you check the tanks physical condition, my eye sight isn't what it used to be"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kiba looked over at Karumi your heart is hurt, I thought you could use something to relaxe, girls should never feel alone or hurt Smiling he leaned over kissing her again, but this time lighter to see if she would kiss back. Kiba was a bit of a tease but he was honest. He had thought about taking her spot, the pain receptors in his body were non responsive so he wouldn't feel by of it.
Texangamer Texangamer

Raz smirks and then says" Let's not forget even before that without morgan and her drugs to help you, your body could go back to how it was five years ago, among other factors, oh have you noticed there are several men missing from the mansion, with so many foes out there i wonder where they could of gone and as the saying goes don't hire a rabbit to kill a wolf".

Tiger teasingly runs his finger down misakos back and then says" why you ask simple because there's very few guys like me out there and for someone that's wary round guys you've been very affectionate around me, i do find your spoiled side a little cute so it's fun to play along but i wonder can you always keep up with me".

She just smiled as she looked at him as she was blushing she was just kissing him as she smiled she just kissed him back as she didn't know why she did that she just pushed him back" i'm sorry i don't know why i did that i'm not ready to date anyone since i got my heart broken in half" she say as she as she looked as she just watched him as she just sighed" i don't even know who i am right now i have my parents but i just met them i want to tell them how i feel but i'm scared i'm always get bullied cause of my powers my lighting ability and my cat ears" she say smiling Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Kiba walked up behind her after he walked away. His own ability was unique, he could share his feelings through touch and even read another's, which made him a walking lie detector. Gently putting his around Karumi he let her tap into his emotions, the feeling he was giving off was more warmth and comfort than anything. Resting against a wall he gently pulled her from the door. After doing so he turned her around and signed don't worry, a heart can be mended but only if you allow the next person to replace the broken pieces and care for that trust you place in them
Texangamer Texangamer

Tatsu stopped laughing as he flipped through his own medical results and compared his, Raz, Ryu, and Misakos. All of which were first generation hybrids. "But the question is are we the wolves or the rabbits?" After looking at the DNA sequences and results he slammed his fist on the table "that may have helped me but it's still just a bandage for my condition, while the three of us continue to degrade physically you are degrading in mental state, no wonder all but us four first generations are all that's left"

Misako blushed lightly punching his chest, leaning over to let her hair fall over her face to hide the expression she had as Misakos heart pounded in her chest. She had gasped when his finger tips ran down her spine "jerk....I'm not spoiled but is there anything wrong with exposing yourself emotionally when there's someone there for you?" She asked as she looked into his eyes breathing heavily, her face flushed. "Tiger...." she said as she leaned down kissing him, her hands gripping his shirt.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

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