Akira nodded and she curled up in the bed, 'man what a bitch..' she thought and she laid back on the bed and she got up and she looked around, she picked up her phone and she drooped, she felt like a slave somehow about because she was getting stares for the robot.
Raz is done with the soup and comes back in with it and some bead and spoon and says" Don't take it personally things round here have taken an awkward turn to say the least, i know it's not much but i made some vegetable soup for you".
Raz is done with the soup and comes back in with it and some bead and spoon and says" Don't take it personally things round here have taken an awkward turn to say the least, i know it's not much but i made some vegetable soup for you".

Akira stared at the soup and she sighed "thanks.." she drooped and she began to eat slowly then she looked at him " You gonna leave?" she asked looking at him " Your Tiger has a bitchy attitude all i wanted was a friendly hug" she said and she growled.
Akira stared at the soup and she sighed "thanks.." she drooped and she began to eat slowly then she looked at him " You gonna leave?" she asked looking at him " Your Tiger has a bitchy attitude all i wanted was a friendly hug" she said and she growled.
Raz breaks off some bread dips it the soup and eats a little then says" for now i can stay hug you and what not but at some point i'll have to go back to work, as for tigger their are women here that are worst anyways you should finish up the soup before it gets cold". Raz eats a little more of his then puts it back on the tray and then moves behind her and gently wraps one arm around her she can still eat her food.
Raz breaks off some bread dips it the soup and eats a little then says" for now i can stay hug you and what not but at some point i'll have to go back to work, as for tigger their are women here that are worst anyways you should finish up the soup before it gets cold". Raz eats a little more of his then puts it back on the tray and then moves behind her and gently wraps one arm around her she can still eat her food.

Akira started to cry slight as she ate her food and she finished it and stood up, she grabbed her things and she looked at him "I'm gonna go home...i don't wanna stay alone with a bitchy robot" she said walking to the door, she hated bitchy people even if they were a robot.
Akira started to cry slight as she ate her food and she finished it and stood up, she grabbed her things and she looked at him "I'm gonna go home...i don't wanna stay alone with a bitchy robot" she said walking to the door, she hated bitchy people even if they were a robot.

Raz sighed and says" i can't force you to stay but it if you go you might not see me again and it seems like you were having a lot of fun, also i'm just next door so your not alone and be honest a part of you still wants that kiss right".
Raz sighed and says" i can't force you to stay but it if you go you might not see me again and it seems like you were having a lot of fun, also i'm just next door so your not alone and be honest a part of you still wants that kiss right".

Akira slightly growled , she walked over to him and she picked up his soup and she put it down , she looked into his eyes , she had tears coming out "you don't understand..." she held up her phone , she had received a text saying her mother had a heart attack "I have to leave" she said kissing his cheek then she jumped out the window flying to the hospital
Akira sighed an she made her friend send her the text, "hey Alya" she whispered and she sighed " Yeah i meet this guy...no he didn't hurt me ...he did grab my ass and kiss me....i can't stand men like that" she cried thur the phone. Alya sighed and she smiled " Akira how about you come and meet my new family i know your family died years ago so just come and say hi to Misako and Yuki and Ryu" she said. Akira nodded and she shivered as she walked.

Yuki just yelped as she felt her other mom was on her foot as she just had tears on her eyes she had her foot on a pillow as her mommy was taking care of her since those bullies had bullied her she just was crying she was in lot of pain she just put her face on misako chest" mommy" she say as she wimpered" it hurts" she say" i like tuna and fish" she say" i don't know why" she was crying cause of the pain she was in misako clothes since she was with her mom most of the night she just sniffed she just yawned a little bit" please get off my foot i hurt it" she say crying Tsutarji Tsutarji Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Akira slightly growled , she walked over to him and she picked up his soup and she put it down , she looked into his eyes , she had tears coming out "you don't understand..." she held up her phone , she had received a text saying her mother had a heart attack "I have to leave" she said kissing his cheek then she jumped out the window flying to the hospital

Raz turned his head then sneezed and then goes back to looking at his notes for his project and is feeling irritated, after a few minutes puts them away and locks the draw and then as he's about to go his room sleep then the flash backs of his first and fake gf come back to him and his head starts to pound and he falls to one knee and makes a fair sized hole in the ground, ' the room is barely lit it's small and dingy there's all kinds of drugs around in the surrounding area, it smells like some thing it shouldn't raz is pinned to a table with electrodes stuck to his body'. Tiger quickly came and injected him with some medicine and raz quickly started to calm down and the pain stared to go away. then he says" thanks tiger it's been awhile since i had an attack like that i haven't had to take the medicine because i thought i had it under control due to meditating every other day and you know maybe i shouldn't love anyone and just use them since all i seem to get it annoying bitchy lairs in my life and i end being made into the monster when it's not as big as it's made out to be and so on".

Tiger wipes the cold sweat from raz's and arms and then holds him close and says"
yes your a perv to a point and sly but compared to many your a nice guy and you deserve better than the cows here that will do anything to save themselves and their weaklings, i don't care if that girl never comes back to be honest i hate women like her they throw a fit when told no and i bet my circuits she's two faced".
Tiger smiles softly and says" i know this doesn't mean much coming from me but unlike others you treat me fairly and are kind more times than not so even if everyone else leaves you even if you weren't my master that is reason enough for me to stay by your side".

Raz grips tigers shoulder's making a small dent in them but she doesn't care and he starts to cry for the first time in what seems forever and says" looking like this is so not cool for a guy like me, i sometimes wish i could forget and leave it all but i can't they will always be watching me so i have to make the most out it and do my work and keep moving forward". After several minutes of crying raz starts to feel sick so tiger takes him outside and puts him on a bench and then goes back and gets some water etc.
"The last time you cooked it cooked Ryu it looked like something out of a horror story" Misako stroked Yuki's face "calm down sweaty it'll be okay" fixing the pillow and the ice pack before laying back she slapped ryus butt. "So I heard that Yuki's girlfriend is eighteen, I'll have to talk with her about that" she told Ryu.

Tokko finished her food just as a large piece of cheese cake with strawberries and whipped cream on top was brought out. "Finally I can be a fatty for once, I'm always working so much I never get to eat good food"
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Yuki just looked at her mom as she calmed down" is that wrong to have a 18 year old girlfriend i can't date mommy" she tilted her head as she just looked at her moms as she smiled her ears was twitching as she smiled looking around she was watching her moms she was happy" mommy is my foot broken" she asked as she just was laying on her mom chest as she was confortable with her parents" that really did hurt mom" she say to her other mom as she didn't know what to call her moms" uh since i have two mom's mommy what do i call you i mean i been calling you mommy i just don't know what to call ryu mom or mama i don't know" she say pointing to her other mom Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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"Just call me.....hm....you can call Ryu daddy if you want" Misako trying not to laugh at Ryu "I was the one who carried you for nine months in my belly, but if it is confusing then just call me Misako" gently rubbing Yuki's ears as she the movie got close to ending "I just want to meet who you are dating, make sure she is good for you is all, but I would still love you just the same if you dated a guy, so don't think I hate her"
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Yuki just giggled" hehe call ryu daddy" she say laughing" how about i call her mama and i call you momma" she asked as she just looking around she just start to relax she didn't want to go to sleep after the movie she was too hyper after she had the chocolate milk" momma you can meet my girlfriend um.... she's right over there" she say as she just saw the movie ended as her ears went down" another movie momma" she asked as she just was snuggling against her mother she wasn't tired at all Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ryu gasped " ekk ...Daddy?" she said confused and she looked at Misako and she kissed her a little " Alya nice Misako" she whispered. Alya walked up and she sighed " Misako...whats wrong you look at me like i'm some beast" she said and she yawned slightly before she sat down beside them.
Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Yuki just looked at her mom as she just laughed a little she was happy" mama" she say to ryu" do you know what i was like when i was a kid" she asked as she just looked around she was a bit hyper she just looked at her girlfriend" momma just wants to talk with you i think" she say as she smiled" since i'm their youngest daughter" she say to her girlfriend as she sighed looking out the window as she saw it was snowing" whoa moms alya it's snowing" she say as she just smiled" i never seen snow before" she say" can we play outside now" she say forgetting her foot was hurt Tsutarji Tsutarji Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Raz heard the women talking as his semi hides to the side of the building they're in and smirks and waits to see how it will take her to realize that he's there, ' so that's how you want to play this very well but prepared for what comes next because that's not how it really went down, this is why i hate most women they will do just about anything to save their hide'. Tsutarji Tsutarji
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"Sure if you beat me in a foot race" Misako told Yuki as she pointed to her foot. "Your foot silly" kissing Ryu back before looking at Alya, her gaze serious "I do because of you are dating my daughter" sitting up she put in Aladdin "pulling Alya into her lap "start telling me about yourself, whyat you like about my daughter, how you two met and if I like you then I won't tear your head off and turn it into a night light, if you break her heart I'll also kill you" all the while her voice was calm and her expression seemed happy.
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Ryu gasped and she kissed her back slowly and she purred " Ekk don't kill her" she said worried and she looked down at her feet. Alya shivered and she nodded " Ok I'm a Different kind of hybrid i can absorb just about any others ones power and use it for my own ....i love her because she's so nice and sweet to me even when i had did something horrible " she said and she drooped " We meet when her boyfriend tried to kiss me and he did , yuki saw and ran away, i pushed Raz away and ran after her , she looked sad and upset so i told her i was sorry i didn't mean it " she said sounding worried and she shivered "she came over later and we talked and kissed slowly before we ended up just saying we love each other" she said and she shivered again
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Misako started laughing as she hugged Alya "you live for now, just treat Yuki with respect, I can't have anymore children so I cherish the two wonderful girls that I have, she's beautiful isn't she" stroking Yuki's ears "she always tries to act tough but I could imagine what a blow to her heart seeing her ex boyfriend kissing you would do" Misako let go of Alya "now I'm tired so I'm going to bed, you are more than welcome to sleep here Alya" Misako reached up pulling Ryu to her "and you....are going to be a pillow and cuddle buddy like the old days" grinning as she kissed Ryu.
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Ryu gasped and she blushed deeply " Misako!" she cried and she drooped, she and Misako were still together things were the same as usually " Misako..i gotta ask...we been together for years..i've been thinking wanna get married?" she asked. Alya sighed " Wait Misako..." she said almost crying and she looked at Yuki and she hugged her " I'm sorry for kissing him....if i ever see him again....grr" she growled and she slowly fell asleep in her arms.
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Misako's face turned bright red "I-I....M-Married? Us?" Her heart was pounding in her chest as she hid her face, tears streaming down it "so....is this a proposal? Are you proposing to me?" A smile on her face as she looked up at Ryu.

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Ryu sighed and she got on one knee "Yes..." she said and she pulled out a ring and she smiled at her "Hmm i wonder how our Ali is" she said and she slid it on her finger and she hugged her "hehe i haven't seen you this happy in a long time" she said and she shivered " Misako......i'm glad your happy"
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"I'm glad you finally asked me" looking at the ring as she hugged Ryu back. "She should be fine, she is with Tokko after all, but I hope their date is going well, it is her first one right?" Misako asked as she traced a finger over ryu's scales.
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Ryu blushed and she let out a small Coo " yeah she's fine" she said blushing "your making me feel dirty Misako" she blushed and she hugged her close. " Cmon Let cuddle"

Ali ate her food and she smiled at her love " Hey Tokko what are we gonna do after out date?" she asked as she finished her food before she chuckled before she nuzzled her side with her hand rubbing her legs slowly.
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She just yawned as she fell asleep but she felt she was cuddeling her mother she was trying to get out of the grip of her mother as she did as she smiled she fell off the bed' owie owie owie my foot hurts so much' she thought as she crawled away from everyone she just looked around' okay i need to get someone to check my foot but who' she thought as she open the door a bit seeing raz" raz" she say as she just looked at him" um.... what you doing here my moms will hurt you get out of here" she say as she was still trying to protect him ' hey mom i'm at the nurse office so they checking my foot' she text her momma as she smiled looking at her phone Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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