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Fantasy (RP Closed)

Alathea Nora Elwood

The series of events combined with what she suspected was a suppressed attempt at laughter earned Oliver two of the rudest hand gesturing from Alathea. She could only hold the gesticulation up for a mere second before she retched. It was only with great effort that she resisted, glaring at the man as he secured the door. “Sod off will ya,” she hissed as she conjured a ball of snow to toss into Oliver’s back before she scampered off towards her table where her eyes promptly settled upon the unfortunate Arial who appeared to have come into a similar state of affairs.

Which was a small consolation; Alathea grimaced sheepishly as she approached the doll, now in a foetal position. “Ari-“ She was about to say when next an unfamiliar figure came in to swoop the doll off the seat. “Bloody.” She did not finish her sentence as she ducked out of the way at another indeterminate body part tossed her way. The effect was a sobering reminder of the carnage ensuing in the foreground – and, naturally, the disgusting mess that now adorned her (and who knew how long it would take to clean herself).

Keeping low to the ground so the tables provided some measure of cover, she scrambled after Arial and the unknown woman, keeping them in view as they made for the kitchen. With her chilly aura, she easily tracked them within, noticing immediately their inhumanly cool body temperatures amidst the heat of the kitchen. Reaching in immediately for Arial, she glared at the woman, whom she now suspected was none too human herself. “”oo are ya?

The initial scowl she sought to effect dissipated at the sight of the woman’s stunning features. Like her very nature, she was inhumanly beautiful, even to Alathea who fancied herself a discerning appraiser of beauty. With a light cough, she looked about the room sheepishly, briefly taking in the others in the room – more masked men milling about minding something. She waved her hand outwards, dispelling her magical aura before it began too bother the others, turning back towards the woman with an expression that expected an answer.

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
LostHaven LostHaven
The Gunrunner The Gunrunner
Moritz Moritz
Sightseer Sightseer


Format stolen borrowed from [SIZE=1]Hell0NHighWater [/SIZE]who bootlegged modified the format from the BBCode Centre.

The transformation of the soiree’s host into a creature that could be defined as nothing less than monstrous marked a varying set of reactions from the guests. There were those that leapt into action immediately and had either fallen or were still squaring off against the beast. Others had made no effort to add to the combat and instead had sought refuge by either hiding amidst the tables, camouflaging themselves beneath fallen faction members including their comrades, or they were seeking some means of escape, many of which had already made their way to the kitchen. Of course there were also those that had been struck dumb by the sudden and unexpected appearance of the hellish creature and froze in their place, these were amongst the first to fall as not acting in anyway had been their downfall. And still, even amongst this chaos, there were those that saw past fear and duty and showed a complete lack of any sort of logic or reason for it had all been replaced by a righteous indignation which was then directed at what they could only deem to be the perpetrators of this heinous situation, the Vampiric Council members which remained locked in the room with them.

One such victim of circumstance was currently cornered at one side of the dining hall, her would be assailants only held at bay by the silver revolvers she had aimed at either one of them. While they spouted accusations and profanities her way, she could do naught outside of exclaim her innocence and suggest that there were more beneficial uses of their time and energies outside of trying to find someone to blame for the current situation that not just those in the room, but everyone in the manor were currently facing.

Woe be it for the hunters however, as they stood with their backs to the room, Irma had her back to the wall and was able to keep her brightly hued yellow eye on the activity behind them. It had hardly been enough time for her to react when she saw the body of a lobbed dead man come flying towards them, she quickly lowered her lean frame and launched herself to the side, rolling over a fallen woman that seemed to be missing her head and crouching on the other side as the impact of the corpse against them forced the two men against the wall where she had been standing only moments before, a look of confusion and pain on their features. Though Irma took no notice of their reactions as her movement continued once her black granny boots found purchase on the blood soaked ground at the otherside of the corpse and she made her escape. Revolvers still in hand and her long coat waving behind her, she did her best to dodge obstacles along the way to the kitchen whether they be alive, dead, or somewhere in between.

No effort was made on Irma’s part when it came to the looming presence of the terrifying creature that many hunters currently still engaged, her position against the wall with the aggressors positioned between herself and the beast gave her ample enough time to determine that while the largest weapon that had been fired upon the monstrosity had indeed done a fair amount of damage, the lesser arms of other hunters didn’t seem to attain the same result. Considering smaller weapons didn’t seem as effective in dealing with something that had the ability to regenerate through the consumption of flesh as well as a sufficient supply of fresh flesh to consume readily at its disposal - it seemed to Irma that it was better to save the bullets, especially considering what was coalescing outside of the manor at that very moment.

The laughter of Botis echoed inside of her head, he seemed to be finding the whole ordeal utterly hilarious and while she had rather try and tune him out, his obnoxious cackling gave her something more to focus on than the aura of madness emanating from outside of the mansion’s walls. Her focus was rediverted during her brief dash as she saw Kasimir enter the kitchen and she soon followed suit though not before pausing in her run to exclaim at some of those that had somehow managed to remain unscathed despite their shock at the turn of events, “come on ya’ll! You had better get movin’ if you don’t want to end up on the menu!” She was just as stunned as they were but wasn’t about to stand around in a stupor now that she was free of the other faction members that had decided this was an opportune time to begin laying blame.

Despite the fact that it had been a request by Estevan to attend the party in his stead, Irma, while dressing nicely, had not overdone it. Her entire garb was black and rather than a dress she wore suit pants with a blouse, the collar of which was decorated by a ruffled cravat. If she had been in a different state of mind, she might have been amused by how easily the gore that the room was nearly swimming in would be hidden by her color choice. She holstered one of her revolvers at her hip beneath her ankle length dress coat as she gently but willfully urged the guests she had stopped to aid on towards the kitchen before she followed behind them, unintentionally timing her arrival at the entryway during a moment that couldn’t have been more opportune. Kasi was exiting with the gas canisters, one of which he seemed to lose his grip on, though Irma was quick to support it, giving him a nod as she holstered her other gun before she took the canister with both hands, immediately understanding what the plan likely was in regards to the most immediate threat that was currently present in the dining hall.

When the gas canister was steadied in her grasp, she narrowed her eye on Kasi slightly, her other hidden by the thick black patch that commonly covered the yellow eye and fractured scarring on the right side of her face. The patch was also usually camouflaged by the front of her blonde hair, which for the sake of being presentable for a massive cross faction dealing was parted at the side before being combed neatly back in a bun. Her apparent confusion over his sudden exclamation soon answered as she slowly turned to look at the situation behind her. Her eye widened slightly as she caught sight of what had caused his reaction before her brow furrowed with partial disgust and partial horror at the grotesque display, her lips parting slightly in a grimace before she shook her head in relative denial, as though that would somehow make the spectacle dissolve into nothing other than a figment of her imagination.

From there it would seem that was exactly what it became in her mind as she refocused on Kasi and gave a firm nod before turning back towards the dining room and biting back any illness or discomfort she may feel at the scene as she removed the cap from the canister and began sloshing it over the fallen bodies that lay between the demon and the kitchen, the stench of death now being drowned by the strong smell of gasoline.

ANONASAI ANONASAI (And anyone else that might be concerned by GASOLINE FIRE. xD)
Wizardly Introductions
Quick collaboration between Miracleist Miracleist and Sightseer Sightseer
"Kamila," the golem replied after a thoughtful pause, mirroring the suspicion she had first seen in the other woman, a suspicion that was doubled or perhaps tripled as the faint, but familiar touch of magic arced through the air, filling the golem with a familiar spark of anger, that she buried with well-practiced ease. "Of the Corrupted Rose," she added, uncertain of what exactly the proper etiquette was when one was covered in blood and viscera, she offered neither curtsy or bow. However, she was pleased to note that she was far less sullied than the two women next to her, who's tab at a reputable launderer she was certain would no doubt approach a small fortune, only politeness kept her from smiling at the thought.

Kamila felt a slight tingle as whatever magic the woman wielded diminished, clearly at her own command, nodding modestly in the direction of the questioning stranger, at least the wizard was polite, which meant that the spellslinger was probably not a danger to her, at least not yet. The golem was less certain of the sudden shift in countenance of the magician, suspecting that it was some sort of wizard trick, perhaps misdirection intended to confuse her and leave her open to attack.

Keeping the door in view, but happily ignoring the commotion that was occurring in the now clearly ruined dining room, Kamila carefully sized up the unfamiliar, rather short, spellcaster, noting the features of the wizard were clearly not European, instead suggesting origins in the East. The braids that decorated her hair were pretty, despite the clotting blood, and the golem idly wondered if she should braid her own hair at some point, she had not tried it, but it seemed to promise a way to contain her unruly hair. However, it was the accent of the young woman that puzzled the golem the most, as the wizard sounded more like some common guttersnipe taken directly from the streets than a learned arcane master.

Uncertain of whether she was dealing with the most common or clever of wizards, Kamila proceeded carefully, "And who, are you, Miss Wizard?"

Alathea had a brow raised as she regarded Kamila with feigned disinterest. She already knew from the latter woman's temperature profile that she was not quite human, so she was visibly trying to assess her nature - to no avail. It took Kamila's affiliation to shake her out of the blatant staring that her attempt to do so had devolved into. "Oh, a'ite," she waved the woman off dismissively. "A fellow Rose 'en!" Alathea tried to avert her gaze, though her eyes inevitably wander back to Kamila.

She was nigh unreadable, and Alathea doubted this being the result of her poor perception. No matter how she stared and how she watched for the slightest movement on the woman's face, she just could not see beyond her pristine features. Like a fine marble statue. A silly grin crept up Alathea's face as she snickered. A dang fine statue alright, she thought to herself as she noted the woman sizing her up in kind. And then, she spoke once more...

The burst of laughter was almost immediate, a full-on belly laughter that made Alathea curl over herself. "Miss Wizard," instinctively, she gripped onto Kamila's shoulders for support as her laughter subsided. "Naw, enuff wit' dat bollocks! Call me Alathea." Still, she wheezed as she drew deep breaths to calm herself.

Caught by completely by surprise, Kamila might have blushed at the sudden touch, had she actually had blood coursing through her, instead, she simply smiled, very slightly, now even more uncertain than ever about the intentions of the wizard. She couldn't sense any flair of magical energy, nor had she found herself bound by some geas...it was all very strange and she began to wonder if perhaps the wizard was no wizard and simply an apprentice wizard.

Shifting slightly, Kamila straightened to her full height, making no move to remove the woman's hands, she did not want to unnecessarily provoke the wizard, who she was beginning to suspect had been affected by the sight of the eldritch creatures. Looking down at the laughing, wheezing, wizard she spoke delicately, "Alright, Miss Alathea, one rose to another, do you know how we might leave this place? The decor is no longer to my liking and I don't think the front door is an option, not any more."

With her interest piqued already, Alathea easily noticed the faintest trace of a smile on the woman's face, a slight curl of the lips. She had seen plenty of the undead and the eldritch like, and even those displayed far more emotion than this woman! Yet at the same time, Alathea knew for a fact that there was something different about this woman - she just could not pin it down. The woman straightened up right as the thought rose in her mind, drawing her attention to the difference in height. Retracting her hand, Alathea pressed it over her chest, feeling the rise and fall as she finally felt the laughter fade - though Kamila's words threatened to bring it back.

"Right, right, love. The decor's right shite now, I'll give ya dat much. But naw, I ain't got the foggiest about a way out." She shrugged as she glanced over at the room's other occupants. "Fellows 'ere might, innit, Kam?"
Gas canisters.

Unique solution to the problem, Oliver thought.


"Oi! Get over here!" The League member in the kitchen cried out to those inside the kitchen as he finally managed to pry the trapdoor open. What laid beneath it was hard to see, pitch blackness staring up at the group who had formed around the hole. "Alright..who goes first? My leg won't make the drop." His eyes went from person to person, though none of them showed any signs of delight in wanting to go down there.

"Alright then." The League member suddenly shoved one of his compatriots down into the hole. "Off you go then!" The man was less than thrilled to go down, letting down a terrified scream until the sounds of his feet hitting cobblestone came a few moments later. The drop wasn't too bad it seemed. "Ah..I'm in a cellar or something! There's a big hole in the wall! Looks like..a tunnel! A way out!" The men cheered with joy, beginning to make their way down the cellar. "Someone get a light! I'll inform the others!"


The beast was thankfully distracted by Wynn and their strange magical powers. The bullets from the damypr's gun seemed to have actually done so damage to it as well, one of the bullets managing to successfully take out its eye as it thrashed about. Its blood pouring from its neck wound either landed on the disgusting floor or in Wynns mouth. Irma and Kei would be left free to pour gas wherever they pleased. Thankfully, Oliver didn't have to smell the stench of it.

The beast continued to trash about, unintentionally kicking up a few of the bodies and sending them flying through the room, one landing a few feet off from the small group of women. Or..two women and a girl. "Everyone!" A voice called out from the kitchen as the sounds around them all died somewhat. "We found a way out! There's a tunnel in here! Get in here you buffoons!" He waved towards anyone left, gesturing to the three women to get a move on. Meanwhile, the beast had managed to get a hold of Wynn, tearing them off of it. The flesh around its neck tore as Wynn was ripped free, leading to more of the crimson liquid to spill as the beast threw them aside. Thankfully they were tossed towards the kitchen door.

"Guess it's my turn to distract this thing." Oliver had to thank Wynn for giving people time to move, even if it was a rather..disgusting solution that they provided. The beast went to grab one of the body parts that laid on the floor and quickly devoured it. Or at the very least..attempted to. It spit out the limb, sending it straight towards Oliver. A short lean to the side allowed the gore to pass by the vampire, landing off somewhere else. "..You don't like the taste of gasoline, do you?" The vampire's eyes narrowed, their eyes hidden by the tinted glasses they wore.

The beast went to let out a scream, one of rage and wrath. Their rattling breath audible as in inhaled, those in the kitchen going pale as they move to cover their ears. Only..the scream never came. Only the boom of a firearm and a weak sounding whine. The beast clutched at its throat, finding itself unable to make a scream of any sort! Only the sounds of its ragged breathing could be heard, and desperate attempts at intimidation. Oliver lowered his Burgess, pulling the sleeve around the grip back which caused a brass shotgun casing to fly off to the side. "There. That'll keep you quiet."

"Alright everyone! In case you didn't hear, there's a way out in the kitchen!" Oliver's voice boomed through the dining hall as he kicked a few corpses off to the side. "If you're pouring gas, keep going! As soon as you're done, light it! Everyone else..I suggest you just leave." The faintly glowing orange of Oliver's eyes were noticeable in the dimming light, reflecting off the metal of his shotgun as he rose it back to his shoulder. Right in time as the beast began to charge.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching you burn."


"Miss Darkwater..they found the exit finally."

"Wonderful. We'll meet them at the other end then."

The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm Miracleist Miracleist Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Sightseer Sightseer ANONASAI ANONASAI The Gunrunner The Gunrunner Moritz Moritz
To many normal beings, just the mere odd glimpse of the creature underneath Wynn's frame would be enough to cause a sense of indisposition to befell the victim at hand. This would be a normal reaction considering the masses of malformations and oddities that covered the beast, ranging from the odd parasitic mound all the way to clusters of freshly popped boils leaking a milky concoction down the rest of its bod. Luckily (perhaps unluckily?) for Wynn - their human impulses were numbed to the point that even those revolting factors didn't even cause a mild sprinkle of unease to descend upon their feasting. Due to the heavy influence of their sisters neuron grasping reach, the person underneath them appeared more akin to a chicken dinner than that of above. To be frank, only a sense of pure bliss filled their minds as their mandibles continued to hold firmly clamped onto the beasts vitals.

That was until the sudden crackle of gunfire began to tear the creatures head asunder, barely missing Wynn's own. As the shots erupted cleanly out the back of the mongrels skull, a fresh wave of crimson spray coated the upper-half of Wynn's coat. With all the action occurring in such a quick succession, the sound grip Wynn once held on the beast slightly lessened - and they were soon torn roughly from the things revolting neck and sent flying through the air. "It seems that we lost a few teeth back there, hope you enjoy soup Wynn darling." A bitterly sarcastic response echoed in their head as they were soaring rapidly away from the chaos, one only Wynn's blood could pull off. "Oh, and do mind the fall. It might tickle just a wee bit." As suddenly as their sister left their skull, their back was just as quickly met with the broken remains of a splintered door. The sudden impact was enough to completely level their senses, almost as if the air knocked out of them emptied them of vile intentions.

After a few seconds of shallow breathing, Wynn's battered structure managed to cling onto what was left of the doorhandle. Looking to their side, the tall figure of the vampire greeted their narrowed view - one that told them that the fight would remain in good hands. Bobbing their head down in a weary sense of approval, Wynn slowly shifted out of the way of ongoing action and into the blood-soaked tiles that was the kitchen. As their sight began to fill of those people they knew, a splintering gunshot echoed throughout the mansions interior - finally causing the beasts shackled yelps to end. With the beast's end growing to a close, Wynn roughly collapsed onto the ground next to many others - before suddenly vomiting out a slurrie of blackened blood and bile. As the concoction began to slither between the shattered tiles however, Wynn shaggedly clambered to their feet once more - attempting to recover their face with what remained left of the damaged bandages. It seemed as though someone found the means to escape, and Wynn (luckily) didn't feel like dying today.

ANONASAI ANONASAI CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt LostHaven LostHaven Miracleist Miracleist Sightseer Sightseer Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle @Whoever else is in here, sorry if my senile mind forgot you :)
Although his fingers slightly twitched from the hunter's disgusting feast, Kei was sure he still had a firm grip on the gas canisters. He was surprised when a huntress with a familiar fashion sense insisted that she take one of the cans. He self-consciously let the canister go, to which he immediately regretted when the girl opened the cap. "Hey," he looked at her, then at the beast, then back at her again. "Wai---" he stopped. "Catherine?!"

She was already emptying the canister on the piles of dead hunters that circled the beast, not exactly the plan Kei was going for but it'd still work. Besides, he still has the other one. A gunshot thunders once again, and once again does a number on the beast's head. It outrages him, tossing the chow-hunter to the kitchen door. Another shot goes off, this time it makes Kei slightly smirk, either because of the beast trying to roar without a throat, or the good news that they found a way out. He pulls out his revolver, and begins shooting at the neck too, causing more faucets of blood. As he takes another couple of shots, he walks to Catherine. "Cat, I'm going to need you to do something else," he said, as another round bursts from his gun. "The moment we get out of this mess, they're gonna start pointing fingers.. and it's gonna be us. Tell everyone you can from the council to start helping around and make it look like you guys have no idea. I already told one of them to help out with the injured. Go." He empties his gun with the last two rounds in his cylinder, and sprints to the side of the beast while there was still time. He removes the cap, and begins pouring gas from the beast's face down to its dismembered torso and arms.

"I hope you like--"

A thump. Kei is sent flying, as the beast whips him away with its antlers, or horns. He lands painfully, and just beside a stick of candles. The beast looks to the vampire, and begins to charge. Kei rushes to his side, and as soon as the beast crosses the pile of corpses, he ignites it with the candles.

Irma only gave Kasi a slight smile and shook her head as she asked in a tone that was soft as could be allowed in their current environment, her words carrying her usual southern accent, “I suppose you had somethin’ more explosive in mind?” Truthfully, the thought had crossed her mind as well, but with a mixture of the factions currently fighting the thing and one of them latched on, she didn’t think it looked good for the Vampiric Council if some of their members blew apart other operatives, especially with the current implications towards the host group of this disaster of a dinner party.

I dare say it was quite fortuitous that you and I should become acquainted… or rather, that you should have chosen the path you did once we were more properly introduced,” Botis’ amused and somewhat haughty voice echoed inside of her mind as she went about the task she had set for herself. Her hands trembled and her brow remained creased as she continued to douse the fallen bodies with gasoline, jerking into an upright position and unsteadily hopping a few feet back when the beast unburdened itself of the creature with whom she had not yet made acquaintance and unceremoniously snatched up one of the unclaimed limbs which only caused Botis to laugh even harder.

Instinctively she went for one of her revolvers, though it didn’t seem necessary as the brute was relatively preoccupied with more combative nuisances, such as the one that became the target of the same extremity the beast failed to devour due to its somewhat unsavory seasoning. Irma watched the limb fly along its patch, her eye pausing on the vampire as he delivered his quip, one that was not missed by Botis whose laughter only increased in volume, “it would seem he does not, good sir! It would seem he does not!” Irma raised a hand to her temple as she closed her eye, massaging it gently and grumbling, “honestly… I don’t think he can even hear you.”

Gunshots exploded noisily as she finished pouring out the can and tossed it aside, her eye now turning to the enraged monstrosity that was currently grasping its throat as it gargled its own blood rather than release whatever booming cry it had prepared. Irma moved one of her feet back as her eye remained steady, the sound of Botis a mere echo as she focused on the scene in the dining hall.

Oh this fellow! You must arrange to have a chat with him, I am certain he has the most clever and interesting things to say.”

“Is thi--” it was at that moment her attention was called away from her personal demon by the sound of shots being fired behind her shortly before Kasi strode up to her. She nodded, though the corner of her mouth quirked upwards slightly, “it’ll look like we had no idea because we actually had no idea,” she decided not to elaborate on how right he was and only gave him a nod before she jogged in the opposite direction of him searching for any stragglers that hadn’t yet made it to the kitchen after the call, which included someone trying to cough out the gas fumes they had inhaled whilst hiding under some of their fallen comrades as well as the two oafs that had previously accosted her, addle brained but still alive and able to follow direction despite who was giving them.

With her wards in tow, Irma made her way into the kitchen and took quick stock of everything including the injured and the planned escape route, the latter of which she peered over the shoulders of the others before backing up some and speaking clearly in her most authoritarian tone, “well then, if this is how we are plannin’ on gettin’ out, those of you that aren’t injured better get a move on because if hell isn’t already here, it’s goin’ to be.”

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm ANONASAI ANONASAI (And anyone else in the kitchen.)
Fire erupted in the large dining hall. The wounded creature stumbling on one of the many piles of bodies and skidding across the slick floor as fire consumed it. It could only scream in pain, its large fists bashing into the walls around it. Oliver took a step back, breaking down his shotgun as he looked over at all who were remained inside the dining hall before looking back at the beast. It was noticeably to practically anyone that the beast was attempt to destroy the walls in an attempt to bring the manor down and crush them all. "We need to go! Now!"

Oliver was already making his way towards the door, passing by the dampyr and the rest in a rush. "You're either leaving here, or dying! Come on!" He didn't even bother to look back as he made his way through the door and out towards the kitchen. Most had already made their way into the tunnel; with the ones that were seen as too weak to survive the trip left behind. The massacre was coming to a close, all that had to be done was escape it.

Pieces of the roof had already began to collapse around anyone who still remained in the dining hall at this point; a early warning of what was to come.

Leave or die.


"Oi!" The League member called out to the small group that had been following him down the long tunnel; the smile on his face unseen due to the lack of light. "I see a way out of here! A light at the end!" The others had been carrying him through most of the tunnel, his injured leg unable to support his weight anymore. The dim light was growing brighter with each step, signalling the end of this horrible night. The ground they walked upon felt strange and uneven; like a rocky path that was left unattended for years.

A man and a woman awaited them as they made their escape, the high quality of their clothing perhaps being the most noticeable thing about them. The woman was in a intricately crafted corset and dress, a pair of dark gloves covering her hands. She wore an eye patch on her left eye as well, an older crest of the League embossed on the fine leather. She looked to be about in her mid twenties; as did the man. His attire made it clear he was some sort of butler or servant to the woman; a finely tailored suit that blended in with the night surrounding him.

The League member seemed to recognize her. "Oh bloody hell. Was this really that bad that you two needed to attend?"

The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm Miracleist Miracleist Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle ANONASAI ANONASAI Sightseer Sightseer

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