❤ RP Brainstorm Session [Invite Only]❤

What world would you like the RP to be set in?

  • Post-Apocalyptic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steampunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Medieval

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Modern/Urban

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Far East/Orient

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cyberpunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member

Welcome Everyone!

Notice: This thread is open to people who have been approved from a previous thread, found here, though it's closed it's still readable: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/❤-closed-❤.25555/

This is going to be the thread we brainstorm this RP in, and it'll be rather casual conversation to figure out what we're all into and try to work it into one big awesome brainchild. There will be polls to vote in to make the overall decisions since it's easier than counting posts and such. :) I hope you find this fun!

Genre(s) of RP: Yet to be fully determined. Genres in the running are fantasy/supernatural, steam/cyberpunk, with a bit of realism and post-apocalyptic in there as well. :)

Name of World: Yet to be determined, will be after genre(s).

Overall Plot: Not yet determined, it will be a VERY loose main outline of the story so that we have something to go off of so it's all not completely random and hard to continue. :)

Invited Members



Darth Corvus




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I'm fine with pretty much anything but love rps. But I can handle small interactions throughout the story.
1) If we can, I tend to find survival RP's interesting.

2) Supernatural/fantasy (power bassed, but only small ones) also tend to spice up the story a bit.

3) It tends to be fun if you can use loopholes. Try to make those possible, yeah?
As long as you're absolutely sure you fit the criteria from the previous thread, I think you'll be fine. Everyone take their vote, I will give this vote one full day unless the members named above have already acknowledged voting. A checkmark will be put by their name if they said they have. :D
Survival is VERY fun, I agree. Overpowered folks tend to be too much to keep up with as well, so I agree with #2 as well, Darth. Loopholes are great, but as long as we don't have a Rumpelstiltskin on our hands, it shouldn't be an issue, haha.
I voted. I prefer post-apocalyptic stories or realistic fantasy (sort of like game of thrones but with elves, dwarfs etc.)
Okai, so as far as other genres go, we have survival and post-apocalyptic. Fantasy seems to have won over the majority, so with those in mind we can refine what we're shooting for more. In any story, there will be obstacles/villains to overcome. A vote will be made after I get some input. :)

Until the others vote however, the previous poll will stay up. If they don't reply by the end of the day, we'll just put the next poll up and they can tell me what they voted for by PM. :)
Something I'd like to just put out there is that I can play minor characters pretty well. So if you need someone to play villagers, enemies, and whatnot, I'd be willing to do so.
Who knows, Wolf. We may actually have someone who wants their main to be the 'bad guy' since there's a lot of unexplored territory in the dynamic of a bad guy. Just the other day I was watching a show I like and the writers make it possible to feel bad for and LIKE the villains through great storytelling. So being the bad guy doesn't mean everyone hates ya, guys! So if when the time comes to make our characters, you would like to play a villain or conflicted side-player character, please do so! Nothing is really NOT allowed. Unless you wanna RP a rock... that doesn't seem like it would be a very fun thing to do. LOL.
LOL indeed. I come up with a lot of story ideas (never act on them though) and a pattern I've noticed is that I like evil characters that aren't actually evil, as in the truly evil character was manipulating them. In one story, the automatically assumed 'bad guy' is actually the 'good guy', and the person the reader would assume is the 'good guy' was convinced to fight by the actual 'bad guy'. So I'll probably end up playing an evil character that's not actually evil. :wink:
I'm sure if that rock had a story it would be liked.

I understand what you mean though, and I have very many times grew a liking to a villain. I actually enjoy playing the antagonist and do well with dark, rude, thought to be evil characters. I would have no issue being a villain in this situation, or in any situation for that matter.
*high fives Obnoxious* Great! We have two villains! Or just plain evil characters. xD

But what about a rock elemental?
People always discriminate against the villains. They just need some lovin's.

So how many others are we waiting for to vote?
Well, folks who are okai with playing villains. Perhaps by the time we finish refining it, you may find the good guys to be more attractive to play. Who knows. But one thing we all know for sure so far is that it will involve survival, fantasy/supernatural, and MAY be post-apocalyptic. Not 100% on that last one yet. C:
Favorite genre is 'other' and the genre is science fiction (sub-genre: cyberpunk - government: narcokleptocracy).
2, Obnoxious. One of them PMd me yesterday about inviting him to the brainstorm but he isn't online. The other responded first in the other thread.
I also really enjoy steampunk related RP's, they're always interesting. It's just a suggestion though, seeing as we almost have everything already figured out.
Moose said:
Favorite genre is 'other' and the genre is science fiction (sub-genre: cyberpunk - government: narcokleptocracy).
Haha, hello there Moose. So far we have a small group, and I didn't know how to make a thread that was invite-only since to be part of this thread you have to meet the criteria of another thread. I apologize for not specifying, now I feel like a bully, haha. ; u; You can take a gander at it, though I had a Mod soft-delete it: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/❤-closed-❤.25555/
Cyberpunk? That's funny, I did a cross-over with Cyberpunk and Steampunk once. We called it Cyempunk. And actually, if we wanted to, we could introduce some elements of those genres as well. But what kind of apocalyptic world should it be?

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