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((I guess I'll start the day up lol. Sorry in advance if it's a little long.))


Hector Lum - Pokemon Entertainer in Training

A new school year. A year of new beginnings and new friendships. A year full of new folks to captivate with his pokemon performances. Today was the first day of the new school year and Hector Lum was in high spirits. In his dorm room, Hector stood in front of his standing mirror fixing a few minor things with his outfit. His sleeves were unbuttoned, his tie was missing, his collar was sticking up in odd places. He was a mess to put it bluntly. Still he wore a smile on his face that said he was ready to face the world ahead of him. He quickly fastened the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeves and smoothed out the oddities in his collar so that he could put on his tie. Hector propped his hands on his hips and gave himself a befuddled look in the mirror. "Where did I leave my tie? I just cleaned this place up too." With a sigh he began to scan his room.


He started with his dresser draws. Perhaps he had put it away unintentionally. Sadly this was not the case. He had different colored ties, but the red one was his signature. It was the one from his time working at the restaurant in Nimbasa City. He needed that one specifically. With a slightly heavy heart he continued his search. He search under his bed, but he only found the newly cleared underside and a few dust bunnies. He looked in his closet but to no avail. Only his common clothes and his spare uniform was in there. It was then that he felt a tug on his pant leg. He looked down and saw his pokemon Golburg, the Golett, extending it's rocky hand up to reveal Hector's tie. "Ha ha, Fantastic. Thanks Golburg you're a life saver." Kindly taking the tie, he pats the golett on the head. Golburg seems to appreciate the gesture as he walks back to the mirror with Hector.


With his tie neatly around his neck Hector was now ready to face the day. Golburg had collected Hector's notebook that is disguised as a dining menu and pocket recipe book. Smiling, Hector motions for Golburg to follow him out the door. As the two make their way out of the dorms and into the grand garden outside of the main building, Hector looked up to the sky above. It was a clear day with few clouds. The sun was bright as always, but the heat wasn't unbearable. As he took a deep breath, he could taste the salt of the sea that surrounded the island. Being so close to the Hoenn region, he could hear the cawing of Wingulls overhead. Hector and Golburg stepped out onto the grand garden battle field. It appeared that no one was here yet. That was good since he wasn't very interested in battling at the moment. He asked for Golburg to hand him his notebook and began to read through it, looking for what he planned to practice on for today.


"Let's try the cutesy routine today. That sounds like a good way to start the year yeah?" He looked to Golburg who was standing there blankly. Golburg looked up at its trainer and gave him what looked like a thumbs up. With that, Hector reached down into his large apron pocket closest to his hip. He dug out two pokeballs, each bearing a crest on them. Placing one in each hand he pressed the button to enlarge the pokeballs and threw them out. "Antila, Marinette, let's go to work!" The pokeballs burst opened and let loose beams of light. The lights soon began to take shape as a Lopunny and a Kirlia appeared before him. The pokemon were rather enthusiastic to start the day. 
It wasn't unusual for Cross to sleep in.

On the average day it took her Pokemon to wake her up, and that's normally okay as long as it isn't Graceon. Graceon shows no mercy in the mornings.

This morning, it was Graceon who plodded into her room and jumped on top of the young woman, which made her grunt and squeak beneath him. He started kneading the mound under the blanket that was his trainer, with his massive black claws extended out to give as much of a prickly feeling as possible. And when she only groaned and curled inwards more, he promptly lowered his head and rolled her off the bed. She gave a shriek and flopped on the floor in a mass of white and green blanket. When she finally wrestled her head out of the blanket, her Absol stared at her blankly with cold lightless eyes.

Cross narrowed her pale green eyes at the big furry Diaster Pokemon and mumbled, "You are lucky I like you." The Absol responded by rubbing his cheek against hers in a display of affection, before suddenly the other three Pokemon she had burst into the room and dogpiled the two of them. Luna the Bayleef first, then Nikki the Vulpix sprawled across the Bayleef's back, then Eevee came and bounced onto Luna's head and began to bat at the massive leaf on her head.

"AGHHHGHHGHHZ! I love you guys too, but AHHHHHHGGGGGF YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" The three pokemon reacted with surprise and jumped off, sitting in a big line  and watching as their trainer recovered and caught her breath. "Daaaahhhh... Alright you big goofs, c'mere! Graceon you too!" The young woman suddenly grabbed all four of her pokemon in a massive embrace, which earned many happy squeals from the group of snuggling besties.
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4 am. Probably one of the earliest times Simon had woken up since he stopped his many jobs. Today was special though; it was the first day of the rest of his life. Even though it was still pitch black, Simon opened the the blinds on his window to overlook the jagged cliffs below. The breathtaking view was something he hadn't been used to and doubted he ever would. Deep breaths, he thought to himself. He had to make a good impression, had to try as hard as he could to not make a fool of himself. Simon nearly jumped out of his socks when something touched his hand. "Hey there bud," He said, sleepily to his bonsly, "Ready for the big day?" A reassuring head butt to the knee was his answer. Simon made an over exaggerated display of pain, which got squeals of laughter from bonsly, and playfully picked up his best friend. "None of that during the day, alright?" Simon narrowly avoided the second headbutt. Now it was time for the main reason for waking up this early: clothing.

Almost an hour was spent figuring everything out, some hand-me-down jeans from his dad, an old Goldenrod Radio Tower shirt, as well as a red blazer with a pokeball on the back. Simon had bought an various array of breeder bandanas, each in a different color. Picking out a red one to match his jacket, Simon waltz out the door with bonsly in tow... Only to remember it was 5 am in the morning and he forgot his backpack. The wait for it to be exceptable to be outside his dorm was excruciating, but after releasing Sentret from his pokeball and watching the havoc of the two Pokémon playing together, it wasn't too bad.

Jack Sibyll

The nightmare had returned to haunt him for yet another night, as it always did, and, just as usual, everything seemed the same. He was in a strange, monochrome, grayed out, forest, surrounded by a thick coating of fog. In the distance, he could hear his mother shouting his name frantically, but, he walked the other way. He had no control over his dream, no, he was just forced along down a path he didn't want to take. With every step he took, the air around him got colder and colder, to the point where he felt like he was going to freeze to death. Out of nowhere, an Ice Beam attack is fired straight at him by an unknown assailant, and it almost hits him, but he skilfully dodges out of the way, only to get hit right in the gut by Rock Throw from yet another unknown assailant hidden in the fog covered forest. He narrowly dodges a Flash Cannon attack, only for the ground around him to become engulfed in a shadow. There's no time to react, as right as he begins to look up something huge comes crashing down upon him, crushing the life out of him. And thus, he wakes up. "Not that stupid dream again..." He mutters to himself, getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. Before heading out the door, he double checks to make sure he has everything. "Let's see...Stitch, Caliborn, Maketa, and Blade's pokeballs...two extra pokeballs just in case...Notepad, three sharpened pencils, and a red and blue pen...various other supplies...Yep, I'm good to go." He whispers to himself, stuffing it all into his backpack except for the pokeballs, which he stuffs into his pockets. "Classes don't start for a while... What to do, what to do..." He mumbles, deciding eventually after about five minutes of contemplation to head to the grand garden to see if he could get a few battles in before classes began. After all, he was trying to train Maketa and Caliborn up a bit. After a rather short walk at a brisk pace to the grand garden, he just began wandering around rather aimlessly, looking for anyone who seemed like they may be interested in battling.

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