Royalty + Romance RP character sheet

Character rules(please read!) :

1) they're all siblings from the same parents! no two characterscould be the same age unless the person who origionally has the age agrees tobe your twin!

2) try not to make the characters too similar.

3) you start with one character, if we don't have enough characters by 1/17/12you can make a second.

4) NO and I mean NO mary sues. when you submit your character info, I willjudge weather or not it is a mary sue.

Character skelly:


Age: (no younger than 15. Princess must be 16-18)



-Eye Color:

-Hair Color:

-Hair Style:



Role: (Prince, princess, queen, king, etc.)



personality: (doesn't have to be TOO descriptive. just a few words to describe the way he/she acts. for instance, peppy, quiet, childish, obnoxious, funny, etc.)


Role Play:
Name: Kaitlyn Marina Katherin

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Height- 5'6"

Weight- 106 lbs.


Role: Princess

Likes: Kittens, the color green, and nature

Dislikes: Dogs, the color purple, and darkness

Personality: Kaitlyn is a simple yet elegant princess and likes to be quiet. She hates when boys try to flirt with her and princes who are full of themselves.

Other: Her nicknamesare Kate, Katie, Lyn, Marina, and Marie
Name: Rosalind Gwendolyn Marc


Gender: Female


-Eye Color: Mocha brown with touches of emerald and gold

-Hair Color: brunette

-Hair Style: Her hair is wavy and curls at the base of her back. Rosa wears her hair in a multitude of styles


-Other: Rosa enjoys looking pretty, no she is not superficial but she does have a multitude of clothing that she usually donates her maids once she has worn it.

Role: Princess

likes: Rosa enjoys a many activities including riding, hunting, swordplay, archery and even embroidery. She is very well rounded in the idea that she will try anything. She grew up in a kingdom where her opinion was valued and she was never just silenced.

dislikes: Formalities, rude or cruel behavior, unnecessary fuss

personality: Rosa could be considered a bit of a social butterfly but she never fully opens up. She hides behind her humor and fun never really showing all of her true self. She is filled with opinions but she is good at reading when someone wants to hear what she has to say.

other: Rosa was raised in a kingdom where women are valued for the brains and their strength as well as their beauty. Most women chose never to go into battle or learn the more in depth skills of war but they all have a basic knowledge of defense. Along with her trunks of dresses, the princess has a beautiful set of armor that she wears of a simple black dress. She also has an assortment of weaponry including a sword, bow and daggers. Rosa is always followed by her trusted hound Jewel and she rides a beautiful war-mare Rella.


Dress worn under the armor: black dress/jugger65naut/Piratemerch/womensmedievaldress.jpg


Rella: CREEK/newccimages/bristolserafina1.jpg
Name: Kodi

Age: 419

(Hey "Alan" its Miss Shatters btwww)

Gender: Female, immortal and ressurected


-Eye Color: Blue

-Hair Color: Black

-Hair Style: Medium and curly

-Height 5"6

-Other: Tattoos on various body parts

Role: Ressurected bodygaurd of Princess Kaitlyn Marina Katherin (If thats okay?)

likes: Very fond of roses and cakes.

dislikes: Any guy who hits on herr Princess.

personality: Pretty onboxious to the opposite sex when paying her no attention. Usually quiet and quickly carries out the tasks of her master.

other: she can detatch parts of her body.

Name: Ashton

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 2741

-Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

-Hair Color: Brown

-Hair Style: Shaggy, but not too long

-Height: 5'8"

-Other: There's a scar on the left side of his upper lip.

Role: Prince

Likes: The rain, sweets, his pair of Dobermans, and his midnight walks.

Dislikes: Persnickety people, when the cake is a lie, when it's too hot out, when he has to talk about himself, and when someone tried to tell him how to live his life.

Personality: Quiet and shy until he gets to know you, usually hyperactive, very knowledgeable about very random things, can talk for hours with the right people, usually happy, especially during a storm. Revels in the life a rain brings.


Abigail and Andrew, Doberman Pups:

Armor (Far Left):

Casual Wear:

Ah, stealing two pictures from the same movie. I hope Kristen Stewart redeems herself and doesn't mess up Snow White... Love that story. :D

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