Royalty [Inactive]


Spirited Young Lady
Chair submitted a new role play:

@strawberry jammm



We are starting now! :)
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It happened two years ago. A fire started in the kitchens and the whole of her staff had been there fighting it. It was put out and a severe scolding was in order for the cooks and they were to wait in the kitchens until the Queen was fetched. On the way to her quarters the three maids sent discussed the cooks foolhardiness and how the Queen would merely smile and ask to taste what had been so badly charred. Queen Morgana was a kind old soul, the oldest monarch on the throne. Surrounded by young rulers, she felt it was her duty to keep peace and often worked below the radar to help out the other kingdoms. Laughing, the maids pushed open the doors to her chambers when they heard a noise of consent for their entrance. But instead of finding the queen standing there, her melting smile gracing her aging features, they came to face with a blood stained carpet bottles of sticky substances everywhere and no queen. The shriek of the first maid to snap out of the stupor was enough to call the whole of the staff to their sides. With the exception of the cooks, who had been ordered to sit and so sit they shall. And thank the heavens they did or the other kingdoms would have perished. The staff members were slaughtered in mere seconds by a hulking form with glowing red eyes. It had no physical body and was more or less a vapor but deadly all the same. Few people escaped the castle that night. Can you guess who? Why, the cooks and Aoi of course. But of the ten people who made it, only nine succeeded in reaching the other kings and queens. Aoi had snapped and gone on a killing spree. This had happened two years ago to the day and King Cedric, the Sixth King and second eldest ruler had called all the others to a meeting about the Seventh Queen, Aoi, the building of the walls and the demons. The other rulers were due to arrive any moment.
Serena Ramona Aitken had woken up from an almost unheard of, long eight hours of sleep. She awoke without disturbance, which was odd. Usually, her trusted and loyal servant, Acalie, was there to help her get out of bed and dress, and eat, with a full description of the days activities. It wasn't only her, the whole castle seemed to have fallen into a quite state. She didn't even hear her two young sisters, who were usually up gossiping by now. Something of occasion must have happened.

Serena called to Acalie, and within seconds the old woman rushed into the room in a state of panic. M'lady, she had said, curtsying, we have just received a message from King Cedric. "Go on." Serena had allowed her to continue. There is to be a meeting of the monarchs of all the Kingdoms. "When?" Serena shifted her legs off the bed, sitting up. Today, your majesty. Serena's eyes widened, and she looked down at herself. "Why was I not previously made aware?" She said, a little higher pitched then she meant to, making her sound juvenile. Acalie hurried over as Serena made her way to the folding screen and began taking off her night clothes. I do not know. I hear gossip from the gardener the horse the messenger was riding was less than adequate. Serena rolled her eyes. Layer after layer, tighter and tighter on her waist, Acalie dressed her in a rich green dress, brocade in the skirt, and a beautiful velvet bodice with opened slashed sleeves. It was finished with a pearl belt, a diamond brooch, and looped pearls on the chest.

Once her hair was put up in a tight, braided bun, Serena got in her carriage with a minimal amount of people, leaving her two younger sisters completely ignorant of the situation. Experience had taught her that her sisters were erratic and it was unbecoming to them, especially if they planned to marry. She pushed the thought from her head as they continued ahead. What seemed like hours passed, but eventually the carriage came to a stop, and with the help of a male servant, Evan, she descended and began her walk toward the entrance.
Axel was out training in the courtyard like he normally did most mornings, waking at the break of dawn to hone his skills with a blade. He was rather rude to the messenger when cautiously interrupted Axel's routine to inform him of a meeting being called between all the rulers of the Kingdoms. As much as Axel would prefer not to attend a meeting of politics, it was something he was obliged to do, and as such he thanks his servant for bringing the news before retiring to prepare for the long journey to the Sixth Kingdom.

He clothed himself in his normal royal attire, though his outfit could have easily been mistaken for that of a high-ranking commander's uniform, but it was he decided to wear nonetheless. He endured the long journey on horseback, with two of his closest royal guards accompanying him, he considered the two guards, named Arthur and Marcus, to be almost considered friends to him, but the journey was executed professionally and efficiently. From a journey that started shortly after dawn, they arrived a fair few hours later, just in time for them to see the Fifth queen begin her entrance into the kingdom. Axel and his royal guards tied their horses to the nearby stables before heading in just behind the Queen.

Brooke rode slightly behind and to the left of King Alexander on a gray dapple mare named Feathers, both legs swung to the left in her side-saddle. Oh how she hated the tradition of courtly women and their elegant riding, much preferring to ride astride or pillion but there was nothing she could do. Their travelling group was nearing the sixth King's court, King Cedric's, and she was becoming excited. She enjoyed new sights and atmospheres, and she was thankful her position as court dancer allowed her to do so.

The horses seemed to sense they were nearing their stopping point and Brooke's mare began to pull at the bit. Brooke allowed her to do so as she loosened her grip on the reins, knowing she wasn't going to get away from her. Feathers was used to riding behind and to the left of the king's steed and knew to follow. "Isn't this exciting, my lord? Visiting a new kingdom, how invigorating!" Brooke began. "I only wish we were visiting under much happier circumstances." The seventh queen had died, and King Cedric had summoned all twelve of the reigning royals to visit him, to discuss the series of events. Ever since she died, the world had been thrown off balance, making each kingdom suffer in their own way. Demons had begun reappearing and the elusive Aoi was still missing.

Brooke's heavy blue travelling cloak was becoming stifling and she flipped back her fur-trimmed hood, pulling her long braided hair away from her neck. She wanted to ride into the kingdom with a sense of hope, and she said to her king, "My lord, we shall perservere through these troubling times. All the kingdoms combined will triumph over these dark forces at play." As if agreeing with her, the wind blew one quick gust through the trees, the leaves shaking from it's answer.
King Cedric paced worriedly in his private study, a room that was solely his that he had invited very few inside. He caught sight of several riders and a carriage pulling up in front of his main estate. He sighed and ran his fingers through his pitch black curls, closing his tired onyx eyes. He had long ago been cursed to leading a kingdom on the brink of depravity and the minute he was born, the darkness that saturated the air had altered his genetics making him appear this way. He had pallid skin and tended to avoid sunlight, making his skin nearly translucent. He had bags under his eyes and it only served to make his black iris's darker than they were. He broke out of his brooding by pushing open the door to his study and descending the marble staircase. He opened the door and greeted his fellow rulers with a smile but no words. His man-servants held the doors open wide for the visitors and a few of Cedric's personal assistants escorted the Kings and Queen and their entourage to the parlor. He hoped that the others would arrive quickly, because he didn't know if he could contain his good and bad news any longer than he already had. He had kept this secret for two years, to scared of retribution to utter a word. But the threat was empty and the one who declared it, neutralized.
Unknown to the king of this palace, King Gregorious Witchmond was already in the giant manor. Under normal circumstances the host would be notified of guests, but a giant battle axe is a powerful motivator to do as one asks. Along with Gregorious was Entren Tickeroo. While Gregorious wore his usual leather and plate mail, looking like he was ready for battle, Entren wore a princely green tunic, embroidered with various magnificent gems of different colors, seemingly all in the right places. To anyone not in the know, it would seem Entren was the royalty and Gregorious was the body guard. On Entren's back was a small sack containing several items in which Gregorious planned to use to make a silly joke.

After "getting lost" and ending up in the kitchen, Gregorious demanded a sandwich and directions to King Cedric. A few moments traveling according to one of the cook's directions, Gregorious had stumbled upon the parlor, where he noticed the King. "Entren, had me the sack!" the kind demanded. Entren promptly handed over the small bag. "King Cedric! You fiend!" Walking to the middle table, ignoring the other kings and queens already there, Gregorious opened his pack and started placing items on the table after showing them to the King. "I will defeat you this time! I have brought garlic! A wooden steak and mallet! Rosemary beads! And a cross!" King Gregorious had stood there holding his last item, the cross, towards King Cedric until something was said, making the obvious joke that he's a vampire. Entren had already proceeded to take seat next to where he figured Gregorious would want to be, giving his proper greetings in a polite manner to the other royalty and guests.

King Alexander

Ruler of the Third Kingdom

"You must remember, Lady Barushka, that this is not an excursion for pleasure." Alexander said with a flat, even tone.

His gray Andalusian stallion trotted slowly, as if they were in a death procession. "But you are correct. With the falling times, the Six Kingdoms must remain united against the terrors that threaten to destroy us one by one." He held the reigns tightly in fear--that the demons were roaming because of the one thing he'd tried to rid himself of. They approached the darkened kingdom, the area seeming to suck the light and life from everyone's faces.

The group had arrived to the castle gates, and his company were escorted away to be taken care of. One of Cedric's assistants had escorted him to the King's parlor.

"Good day, my
liege." Alexander bowed to his elder, to whom he held high respects. "Have we been assembled for the reason's that have come to pass? Or is it something far worse?" He looked the eldest in the eye and sat down. He adjusted his boots, having donned something practical over something frivolous. It was not the time for plumage.

{Brooke - Sixth King's Court - Excited}

Court Dancer

Brooke nodded to her king as he stated that their visit was not a happy one. He was right, and Brooke was still getting used to understanding her liege. She had been so used to her past lords and ladies always wanting optimism and reassurance, that it still came through and the young woman made a mental note that she needed to be more realistic with Alexander.

The travelling party had been quickly ushered in by the sixth king's court, and Brooke made sure to stay far back as they were led to the King's meeting chambers. Her place was not that of a noble lady involved in politics; she was only meant to understand what was going on in the kingdoms. Everyone was lead into the large dark room, the air filled with anxiety and suspense. Kings and queens were already seated around the table and before entering the chilly atmosphere, Brooke gave a deep curtsey in respect. She expected no introduction, and instead of sitting with Alexander or standing near him, she moved to the back wall of the room, far away from the royals. Of course she still had a clear view of her king if for some reason he beckoned her, but this was not her kind of atmosphere, and it was most likely she'd be left against the wall, silently listening.

Ever since they had ridden closer to the castle, the air had gradually grown colder and the clouds heavier as they shrouded the sun's rays. The room would've been pitch black despite it being midday if it had not been for the fire and hanging lights. Brooke was eager to hear what King Cedric had called his fellow rulers to court for, and she leaned against the wall, observing everyone. She noticed King Gregarious with his second hand man Entren and looked upon the props they had laid on the table. "Vampire tools? Are we battling vampires and demons?" Brooke thought to herself, having missed the cruel joke, her head filled with the seriousness of the situation instead.
Footsteps resounded down the hall as a dark-skinned man with stern, golden eyes walked around. His blonde hair flowed elegantly down his back, and he was clothed in a rich white robe adorned with golden ornaments with his lower face covered by a thin veil. Servants and slaves bowed when he passed them, clasping their hands tightly together.

"Great grand vizier, are you well?" "Good morning to you, my lord." They murmured greetings humbly as the grand vizier passed them by, and smiled with pride as the grand vizier addressed each servant with the slight inclination of the head. The grand vizier smirked to himself, and continued down the hallway. He paused in front of a set of grand double doors of great oak that was embedded with gems and painted with vibrant hues of golds, greens, blues, and purples. The guards saluted to the grand vizier, and used the golden knocker in the shape of a snake's head to knock on the doors thrice. "The grand vizier Assomedai Agrat ibn Mahlat asks for the entry into the living quarters of the King Sulayman Abassia al-Illali ibn Dawud!" A mellow yet strong voice was heard behind the doors. "The King grants the Grand Vizier our audience. Allow him entry!" The guards took the door handles and pulled the door open, and the grand vizier Assomedai entered the King's hallowed rooms.

It was a room filled with the scents of perfumes and spices that rushed outward with the creaking of the doors. The door slammed shut behind the grand vizier, and the grand vizier's golden eyes darted around in search of the Fifth King. His eyes found the King lounging on a large luxurious chaise longue in an alcove draped with silk curtains lined with gold. Sulayman was munching on grapes and drinking tea while reading a scroll. He looked up with the grand vizier's arrival, and lit up with a bright grin.

Assomedai!" Sulayman rolled off the chaise longue and onto the carpeted floor, continuing to roll past the plush pillows and low lacquered tables to stop at the grand vizier's legs. He grabbed a pillow and stared up at the grand vizier from the floor, whose eye was twitching ever so slightly at the King's silly antics. "Wassup? Anything happening?"

The grand vizier's eyebrow twitched, and he knelt to stare at the King from eye to eye.
"There is nothing 'up', you silly child. And in case you've forgotten, which you have probably have, there is a meeting of all living monarchs today. Hurry up and get to the dressing room! You cannot arrive in your pajamas!" Sulayman looked down at his silk fish-patterned pjs, and back at the grand vizier. "Do we really have to go? Ugh, the other rulers would be angry if we didn't." He got up from the floor, and walked over to the line of side doors behind heavy curtains, and entered. The servants dressed him quickly, and Sulayman ran back out in flowing white robes garnished with golden ornaments and colorful sashes and topped with a thin veil. He adjusted his circlet, and straightened up. "Alright, let's go Assomedai!" The duo entered a fancy carriage, and the royal slaves escorted them to the meeting place.

Upon arrival, Sulayman walked to the meeting chambers of the King followed by Assomedai and his guards. Why was it always so dark here? Not that it wasn't a bad thing, but vitamin D is really important! He entered the meeting chambers, composing himself with a serene smile on his face. His guards inspected a plush chaise longue, and dusted it off before he sat on it. Life is good when you're a king.
"A good day to each of you~ Are all of you doing well? Why have we been called to congregate?" He could seriously be reading some of the comedic imagery stories that he got as a present right now, or playing mancala with Assomedai. It'd better be important, this meeting.
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Cedric bowed his head to those gathered. He watched, slightly amused and alarmed as Gregorious began to place vampire wards on the table, holding out the cross to Cedric. Briefly he pondered how he had managed to get by him through the front door, then he realized that, he had not entered the palace that way. His palace was separated into several estates, each connected by a ornate stone bridge overrun by ivy.

Cedric glanced at the door, and decided that he would brief the others should they arrive late. Six of the monarchs had yet to show.

"Fellow rulers," He started, clearing his throat, "I have called you here on the anniversary of the tragedy two years prior to discuss something I have been keeping from you all for a long time. The night the Seventh Queen, Morgana Alastair perished, we head word of one of her generals losing their mind and killing off hundreds in the Eastern districts of her kingdom. Her name was Aoi Kusajishi a foreigner orphan that the queen took in. Rumor was that, that night she disappeared." He gulped nervously and refused to meet the eyes of the people around him. Their treatment had been less than humane. He shouldn't have waited so long to tell them.

"The rumor, is false. Seeing as my kingdom is closest to hers, my men were sent to investigate. What they found was a bloodbath. Severed limbs and death everywhere. Not a living thing was left untouched. At the center the found Aoi, dragging her next victim behind her by his foot. A ten year old boy. He was missing an eye and an arm. He actually resides here now..." Stalling, was what he was doing. He needed to get it out.

"After severe casualties, we managed to take down Aoi and she has been imprisoned here since that night."
Gregorious had put down his cross, pondering the information. With an unnaturally calm and collected expression, he said, "So, the seventh Queen is a demon or something? How could anyone take on an entire kingdom? I mean, not even I could accomplish such a feat, and I doubt any here would disagree that there are any with a better chance than me." Gregorious Witchmond wasn't one for boasting, but simply stating the facts. It's hardly a secret that despite the severity of the actions of his kingdom, he had what was widely considered the strongest military, as that was his number one priority. "If she were to commit such an atrocity, why is she still alive?" At this point Gregorious had taken his battle axe off it's holster on his back, pointing it towards the news bearer, plate mail rattling with the motion. "Bring me to her and I'll kill her. She must pay! Some of my actions may seem harsh, but when have I ever attempted to destroy a kingdom? Yeah, I've killed a few people, but my kingdom, as well as all of yours, are what I defend, it's what I live for. I will not stand to have that fiend alive, where she can kill again should she get loose!"

Gregorious was furious now at this news. It's true, he's killed people. He once killed an entire farm family to create less competition between farmers, making the rest a little more money because they were complaining about difficulties living, but he lives for the betterment of the different kingdoms. Some people have mixed views on his policies, yeah, they have a plus side, but the other side is usually too steep a price. Others outright hate him, while there's yet to be anyone to openly admit to approving of his ways. Despite all this, he's still the go to man when you've got a war on your hands and are outmatched.
"Gregorious, sit down you old fool." he said out loud, not being the one to condone such an outburst during such an urgent matter "You may be battle ready, but you are in no way prepared to be a king. Listen to what the Sixth Lord has just told us. The Seventh Lady is dead. Only the young maiden, Aoi, is alive and has been driven mad once again by whatever occured on that night. As long as we have tried to avoid it, we must deal with this situation now." Alexander stood up and placed his hands on the table, daring the usurper of a throne would try and defy his word.

The Third Kingdom had been supplying the Fourth kingdom, as well as all the other kingdoms with food in the exchange of gold. Yes, King Gregorious' single army was the biggest in the land, but Alexander had both the say on where the crops went to, and the full support of every other Kingdom if he even attempted to touch what was his. That and the fact that he would not hesitate to run his blade through this impostor is what fortified him against his glare.

"If you do not understand the severity of this situation, I suggest you leave. But know this: It takes more than steel and blood to be a king." he seethed, taking his seat once more.
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Queen Roary had been late to the meeting of the royalty due to the severe fact that her kingdom was in peril over a robbery of their taxes. She handled it, sending her guards out with precise directions on how to calm the raging village, and then swept across her kingdom courtyard, her delicate fingers gracing the hem of her dress as she briskly walked to her carriage. The coachmen opened the door, bowing his head in respect. She smiled politely at him and climbed in. Just before he closed the door he stated, "I'll make sure the ride over is safe m'lady." She thanked him and proceeded to look out the window.

The ride was a bit long for they had to cross a couple kingdoms to get there, but nonetheless she liked looking at the scenery. She wondered what this meeting being held was about, although she already knew the answer. The Seventh Queen had died, and King Cedric had called them all together most probably for an explanation or a plan of sorts. She would curse herself for being late, but a lady does not curse. She thought of the seventh queen, and growing up with her. They had been close childhood friends, but as they grew up, didn't interact as much.

As the carriage arrived, Queen Roary sighed in relief and climbed out of the carriage, slipping into the large looming castle. She made her way down the hall and opened the door to see the Kings arguing, not a big surprise to her. She curtsied and apologized, "Quite sorry for my being late. There was a dire problem in the village and I had to see to it." She nodded and took her seat next to King Axel, the first king.

{Brooke - Sixth King's Court - Worried}

Court Dancer

Brooke had only visited the seventh kingdom very few times, and had become familiar with who the powerful general Aoi was. As Cedric spoke about her, she wondered if Queen Morgana had somehow controlled Aoi, rescuing her from an evil fate, and Brooke wondered what Aoi had been like before saved by the queen. If Aoi had slaughtered so many upon the queen's death, she must have slaughtered many more before being saved and made general.

King Gregarious had stood upon Cedric's words calling for Aoi's blood, and it slightly startled Brooke. He was brash, and violent, and that was most likely what had gotten him his strong military, but it was confusing as to why he didn't want to learn more about Aoi. Brooke could sense Cedric wasn't telling them all he knew about the insane general...

Alexander quickly told the king to calm down. Brooke had to give a small smile as she stood quietly against the wall. He was never one to show the full extent of his emotions, and disrespect was something he didn't tolerate. Gregarious needed to be careful about making enemies. If Alexander wasn't going to join him, it would be a doubly harder decision for the other kingdoms. The rolling hills of the third kingdom we're ripe with fertile soil and many crops. It was the chief export of Brooke's home, and Alexander knew he could use that to his advantage.

The beautiful Queen Roary was introduced into the room and Brooke curtsied deeply when she entered, despite the fact she probably didn't see the court dancer against the wall. Brooke had become skilled at becoming invisible during meetings. It allowed her to take everything in. She was after all someone that was often in the position of listening and providing small feed back to her King.
Serena's face dropped as the news was given to the monarchs. Unsure of what to say, Serena had been silent this entire time, quietly judging what she could and could not bring to this current conversation. King Gregarious' actions had startled her. Violence was something she was not accustomed to. Living with two young girls and a household that did most of her bidding, any violence she witnessed was that done against treason and someone trying to sneak into her kingdom from an old, prohibited trade route. While she was the head of her protective army, Serena had the kingdoms general from her parents rule to advise her on all war-like situations.

As Queen Roary walked in, a small smiled graced Serena's lips as she nodded slightly in recognition. "Do not fear, we have only just begun." Queen Roary was only a year younger than herself, and as another female, Serena felt slightly closer to her than the males. Her mind went back to the situation at hand. The death of the seventh queen was no accident, and there was a mad killer on the loose. "Does anyone have a status as to the whereabouts of where this...Aoi...was last seen?" She spoke firmly to Cedric, and began to worry about her kingdom. Defense was their strong suit, but offense was something they clearly lacked, since the last time they could even test it was before the plague had hit her parents, before Serena had become queen. Citizens from the outskirts of her kingdom were coming to mind, faces that had begged for money and food and weapons, all that she had freely given from the taxes. She hoped her worry was not seen, she had worked hard when she was younger to be regal, and she prayed silently it was paying off.
Trying to mask his anger, Gregorious' eyebrows still twitched. "I would strike you down where you stand, were you not a crucial part in running your kingdom Alexander!" Gregorious doesn't like being told what to do, but he would never take out another king or queen, unless he felt it was necessary for the betterment of the whole, though an outburst from a king at a meeting due to his own outburst didn't warrant killing. Rather than sitting, Gregorious continued to stand in the middle of the room. One reason why he always has Entren with him was because he wasn't good at keeping track of people's names and positions. Half of the kings and queens in this room don't particularly interest him, though Alexander was one who always got on his nerves, as he was one of a few people willing to stand up to him.

Entren didn't particularly know what to think of this mess. Little detail has been given, and more needs to be had before he can come up with any judgement on the matter, and therefore advice for his king. Until then, he would sit there blank faced so as to not show his embarrassment at his king's actions.
Assomedai's eyebrows clenched together at the outburst of the King Gregorious. He seemed to be an overly violent and low-class boor. The King Gregorious was clearly unfit ruling... It had been a prudent decision to tell Sulayman to cut off most, if not all, imports from the other kingdoms due to the growing conflict between the King Alexander and the King Gregorious. His mouth curled into a sneer behind his veil. "Such shameful behavior in front of other monarchs." His voice came out as a whisper intended for only Sulayman, and Sulayman smiled behind his veil. Assomedai had always been strict on proper conduct in politics and social events.

Sulayman held his left hand up, waving it flippantly with an air of relaxation and calm.
"Come now, there is no reason to fight. The lady Aoi Kusajishi was stated to be imprisoned, no? The lady Aoi Kusajishi is probably being kept under heavy guard by the King Cedric! Thou shouldst de-stress thy mammaries before they combust in flame, haha! Already a Queen is dead, do we need the death of another monarch?" Man, he really wished that the meeting would hurry up and end so he could go home.
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King Alexander tented his fingers, in deep thought. The room had grown quiet with Queen Roary's arrival, as per usual. He greeted her with a smile, followed by "M'Lady.", as per usual. It was respectful to do so, even if it wasn't the one who had the pleasure of being "fairest in the land". But even her beauty could not quiet the Impostor King, leaving Alexander to block him out completely in pensive silence. 'The maiden was locked away for two years.' he thought to himself. "Two whole years had gone by, with not a single word to anyone that she was here in the Sixth Kingdom. Why did King Cedric feel the need to withhold that sort of information from us? What else is he hiding in this dark kingdom?'

Alexander stood, pushing his long golden mane of hair back. His usually pleasant face was hardened with the severe seriousness of the situation. He looked beyond his years and a decision that was already made could be seen in his eyes. "I am curious to know what the girl has to say. I would like to speak to" He said smoothly, his voice commanding in its quiet tones.

{Brooke - Sixth King's Court - Excited}

Court Dancer

Brooke bowed deeply once again as King Sulayman entered the chambers. He was accompanied by his vizier and his guards, all so elaborately and exotically dressed. Brooke had heard of the elegant dancers from his kingdom, and with dance being her passion, she would not have minded learning their native choreography and gaining some of their traditional costumes. She pushed the thought from her head. It was foolish of her to think of such things in troubled times as these.

The monarchs had begun discussing Aoi, and it had arisen that the majority agreed that Cedric was holding something back, even venturing to exclaim that he had Aoi in his kingdom. It was a possibility, a strong one in fact, but Brooke wasn't sure if he had her captive. Something told her she was still loose, but she could always be wrong.

Like a fly on the wall, Brooke moved closwer to the roaring fireplace. The room had grown chilly and Brooke had taken her travelling coat off. Although she didn't stand close enough to feel it's complete warmth, she could still feel it's slight hea and enjoyed it's flames. So many questions were bouncing around in her head, and she badly wanted to walk right up to Cedric, look at him dearly and ask in her kindest voice what was troubling him, what was going on, what he was hiding. That approach had worked for her so many times in court, and it was surprising how many people automatically trusted the not so important woman, glad she was lending an ear to their troubles. This was not a ball room however, where she could spin in circles and dip and curtsey on her limber feet while having a whole conversation. This was a meeting room, and everyone was on the edge of their seats to hear what the old king had to say.
King Cedric quietly acknowledged Roary's arrival by tilting his head in her general direction. He looked any where but at the others as he spoke.

"So, seeing as most of are here I suppose I should take you to see Aoi as I originally intended. I understand that you are angry Gregorious but please refrain from breaking down her cell and slaughtering her. Actually, my advisors are discussing her pending execution date. Of course I am not supposed to be aware of this and I fear treachery among my court. Please, if we could proceed with utmost caution, it would be very helpful." He rose from the table, beckoning the others to follow him, and drew a set of complex looking keys from within his robes. The route to the dungeons of the Sixth Kingdom was a winding path that required a trip through several mazes and a tunnel under the lake. Finally, the group arrived in front of a massive wrought iron door, and King Cedric turned to face the group. "The women you are about to meet is under heavy dosage of sedatives, but it does nothing to quell her behavior, in fact, I believe that since we do not feed her, she uses this as a life force. Please brace yourselves, because the minute I open this door she will be aware of our presence." When he turned, he gulped and inserted each of the keys, turning them this way and that. This door opened with an ominous screech into complete darkness. With only one torch, the hallway behind them was dark and the one in front as well. At first, it sounded like the hiss of snakes slithering closer but then a bloodied hand came into view a short distance from the door.

"Thanks for coming your majesty what a pleasure. Here to finally drive that nail through my heart?" The disembodied voice echoed followed by hollow laughter that increased in volume and the speaker fell into hysterics. King Cedric turned once again to face them his face drained of color.

"This is Aoi Kusajishi."
King Sulayman gestured to Assomedai and his guards, and they followed King Cedric through the dungeons of the Sixth Kingdom. He felt excited to see this Aoi Kusajishi, despite the warnings the King Cedric gave to them. He turned to Assomedai with a smile adorning his face behind his veil, and whispered. "Assomedai, We are so very curious about this Aoi Kusajishi. Its character reminds me of the tales of demons and madness." Assomedai rolled his eyes in response at the childness of his king, and chided Sulayman in a whisper. "My Lord, this 'it' you speak of is a female, and supposedly human, not beast. Have more care with your words." Sulayman gave a small sigh in response, knowing that Assomedai was correct.

They stepped past the doorframe of the massive iron door, and entered the hallway in which Aoi Kusajishi was kept. Her disembodied voice bounced off the walls. Assomedai raised an eyebrow at the bloodied hand, and Sulayman spoke up.
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Aoi Kusajishi." He then turned to King Cedric, sparkles in his eyes and a innocent pureness heavy in his voice. "King Cedric, if you do not want her then you should give her to us, the Fifth Kingdom. She will not be executed with us." The Sixth King was unlikely to say yes, but poor King Cedric looked so ghoulish and pale and Sulayman wanted to lighten the mood slightly. It could not possibly be healthy to be that color. Sulayman secretly thought that King Cedric should also come to the Fifth Kingdom, if only to get a better tan and some vitamin D.
Cedric was tempted to slam the door and usher everyone away from the dungeons but Sulayman's words stopped him. He turned to the young king and bowed his head. "Sadly, moving her is not an option at this point. If we were to remove only one manacle, she would work her way free in a matter of minutes. Much like an escape artist I dare say. The offer was kind, taking a monster off my hands but I cannot simply hand her over." As he finished speaking, and echo of footsteps could be heard. He spun quickly, frantically searching Aoi's cell for any sign of movement. When he realized that her hand had not moved in an inch he turned to face the noise, stature tense. A lantern flared to life only a few feet in front of the group of royals to reveal a cluster of eight people. Three of them were the First Queen, the Second King and lastly the Third Queen. Behind them was the executioner from the sixth kingdom and Cedric's top advisor, Bartholomew. Then in the final row was two burly guards who Cedric had never seen before and between them looked to be a small girl who wore a dark veil over her entire face, as if to hide it. Cedric clapped his hands happily and opened his arms wide. "We are glad you made it! Thank you leading them here Bart. Although I don't know a few of those present I'm sure we can be ...." He stopped suddenly with a gasp. Then just like that, the passageway fell into pandemonium. King Cedric, in his forty seventh year, crumpled to the ground and his severed head rolled to the feet of the gathered royals. What remained of his neck bled out over the floor and part of his spinal column could be seen. The Second King sheathed his sword. It had not been seen, in fact it seemed as though he hadn't moved at all. In a flash of movement and whispered cloth, the two queens had whipped out deformed staffs which pulsated a gaseous black cloud that swirled around the royals and forced everyone, including Gregorious to his stomach.
Sulayman's mouth twisted into a small pout. It was too bad that King Cedric declined his kind (and selfish) offer, but it couldn't really be helped, could it? 'Tis quite a shame! He turned his head slightly at the sound of footsteps, blinking at the entry of a group of eight people consisting of the Third and First Queen, the Second King, and King Cedric's subordinates. Who was the girl with a dark veil over her face? Well, he couldn't really complain, because he and his entourage were also wearing veils... Sulayman watched as King Cedric greeted them in joy, and blinked in confusion as King Cedric's head flew off his body. That wasn't supposed to happen, was it? Did they just kill King Cedric?! The realization came over him in a wave of horrification at the act, and he gasped as the queens forced him to his stomach. What was going on?!

Assomedai narrowed his eyes at the entrance of the eight. Did not King Cedric say that there could be treachery in the court? For what reason was he happy at their arrival? It was foolish of the Sixth King to trust his subordinates so blindly. He could say the same for himself, as Assomedai had so blindly walked into the depths of the Sixth Kingdom with the belief that they would not be harmed. As he was forced to his stomach, Assomedai took note of the deformed staffs that the two queens carried. They appeared slightly demonic in origin. Though he was sorely tempted to object to the treatment, Assomedai forced himself not to speak out. They were in a clearly vulnerable position. He nudged the royal guards, telling them not to shout out against the possibly malicious group.

{Brooke - Sixth King's Dungeon - Scared}

Court Dancer

Brooke had been following the group down into the dungeons, close behind Alexander, keeping quiet as Cedric introduced everyone to Aoi. Brooke was frightened. She became even more frightened as the other king and queens joined, and within a moment, Cedric was dead. The fear rolled up into Brooke's neck and she felt like she couldn't breathe. A wave of demonic power suddenly enveloped everyone, resulting from the queens' staffs. The court dancer fell to the floor very forcefully, and her heart began beating faster and faster. She looked over to Alexander and blinked her eyes in confusion. She didn't dare speak a word, and she felt powerless.

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