Royal Witches - Characters


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheets

For those of you who have roleplayed with me on Gaia, none of this will be new. For those of you who only just met me here on RP Nation, you might find my profile process a bit unusual. For one thing, it includes a writing prompt – for another, my rules can be a little overwhelming. I happen to run my Detailed roleplays to a much higher standard than my Casual or Simple ones.

Character sheet rules

1. Firstly, I reserve the right to screen characters how I see fit, and reject applications based on character and writing quality.

2. All character sheets for prospective characters will be sent to me,


, via conversation.

3. You may only post your character sheet here after I have approved it.

4. Your conversation to me must be titled “

Responding to Summons:

Character Name

”. There are a million reasons why I’m doing this, and most of them boil down to, “please humor me.”

5. You must also include a sample of your writing. Further below is a writing prompt. Read it, respond to it in-character as though it’s one of your average roleplay posts. I promise you I’m not looking for a masterpiece, just a firm grasp of English syntax.

6. A picture is not required for the roleplay so long as you have a decently detailed description. However, if you do choose to include a picture, I would greatly prefer to see illustrations or the less outlandish/moe side of anime.

7. Follow the formatting of the blank character sheet.

Character creation rules

1. All characters are human, there are no elves or the like in Arcana.

2. If your character has an unnatural hair color (because anime, it happens), it will be assumed that magic or dye was involved.

3. It is impossible for a person without a normally-functioning uterus to have magic.

4. It is impossible for a human to control a color of mana that she was not born into.

Further magic-related rules can be found in the Mechanics tab.


Choose one of the two prompts below to respond to in-character and submit with your character sheet. The response only has to be as long as you would make one of your own posts, and they are purposely left vague so that you may fill in the rest of the detail.

Option One Your character is in a sparring match with someone they know – a rival perhaps, or maybe a teacher or student. Things take a turn, and your character is defeated. How does your character handle this loss?

Option Two Your character is writing a letter to someone they have not seen in a long time. Who is the letter addressed to, and what does your character write?

Character Table

All characters with approved profiles are included in the below table. Clicking the name of the character will take you directly to their profile post.

Approved Characters
Amelanch Lavan Crystana Alladeia Anastasiya Markovic III Margaret Hagermaus III
Whisper Alistair Mandala Connor McKinley Cain Dion
Jamie Lockhart Hayreddin Dagdelen Fianna Wolfwood Evy Kagori
Alice Karga Veronica Faulkner Mabel Faulkner Vera Mordel
Celeste Solarin Derora Norstrum

The character sheet is in the next post.
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Character Sheet

Character Name

Character Title

  • Full Name:







[h]Character Name
Character Title[/h]

[row][column=span4]Full Name:
Occupation: [/column][column=span4]Color:
License: [/column][/row][/Tab]

Your character's personality goes here.

If your character has a theme song, feel free to embed a video or Soundcloud track under the personality description. If your character has multiple theme songs, please use links instead.[/Tab]

Notable features:

Additional information about your character's appearance can be written here.[/column][column=span4][img=image.url][/column][/row][/Tab]

Your character's backstory goes here.[/Tab]

[b]Name[/b]: Relationship description[/Tab]

Your character's weapons go here.

[size=4][b]MARTIAL ARTS[/b][/size]
Your character's fighting skills go here.

Your character's magical abilities go here.[/Tab]

Choose one of the two prompts to respond to, and write your masterpiece here. This section is not required for the final profile.[/Tab][/Tabs]
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Amelanch Lavan

Queen of Arcana

  • Full Name: Amelanch Theria Lavan

    Age: 32 years

    Sex: Female

    Occupation: Ruling monarch of Arcana
    Color: White

    Class: Witch

    Rank: Matriarch

    License: Nine-petal
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Crystana 'Crys' Alladeia

White Witch and Fashion Designer


Age: 27

Sex: Female

Rank: n/a

License: n/a


Crystana is a gentle and kind woman, tranquil and peaceful. She has a deep appreciation for all nature around her (like a white witch should) and tries to see the best in everyone, although maybe a little bit timid at times and afraid to truly share how she feels with others. Crys expresses herself through fashion. She's quite creative and always thinks before she acts and dislikes jumping into situations without a plan. She can come up with solutions on the spot, she just doesn't like to. Crys is always thinking about the risks. Although she sees the best in everyone she has a hard time seeing the best in herself, and sometimes may even seem older than she is because of her cautious and careful nature. Although Crys is prefers not to fight, if she must, she fights cleverly and efficiently, although she will try to avoid it if possible. The only time she will really show her emotion is when she becomes angry - she does not get angry easily, but she will protect those she loves with her life.

(Shy - Cautious - Caring - Protective - Delicate)


Crys came from a long line of White Witches. The main people in her life were her mother and grandmother, her father an abusive man who later was killed in a bar fight when Crys was very young. They lived a quiet and quaint life, Crys' mother and grandmother both just as creative as her and often painting or knitting or creating and what not. Once upon a time, Crys was an outgoing child, much louder and prouder and happier then today. But although she had magic, it wasn't very strong until much, much later, and many others teased her, and she was never able to look at herself the same way again. Her mother and grandmother did their best to try and help Crys overcome it but their attempts were worthless. She did have one friend, Thomas, who tried to console her as well but to no avail. They're still friends, but Thomas began to shy away until as of late. He offered to teach her some fighting methods in hopes of rekindling their friendship.

The whole family became quiet. Crys' mother attracted an illness that seemed to be incurable. She withered away, losing her strength each day, and died when Crys was sixteen. Crys still blames herself for it. She lived with her grandmother until she turned eighteen and then moved out to pursue a career in fashion designing.


Thomas Castion - A childhood friend, who disappeared for a while but has now reappeared in Crystana's life. They are sparring partners and friends.

Amelia Alladeia - Deceased mother. They were close, once upon a time.

Aurora Alladeia - Grandmother. Crys moved away a while ago, but they still keep in touch by sending letters now and then.

[More to come?]


Eyes: Crystal Blue

Hair: Dark Brown (almost black)

Height: 5'9"

Build: Tall, thin, dainty.

Notable features: Crys is a fashion designer, so she does make some interesting fashion choices. Not totally out there or insane outfits but there is something almost mesmerizing about the way she presents herself, and she is rather beautiful. Her delicate appearance makes her seem almost surreal.



Weapons: Crys carries a small dagger at all times in case of emergencies, but prefers to use mana.

Fighting style: Quick and efficient. Crys tries not to fight if possible but she can if she must. She doesn't enjoy seeing people suffer so mainly she will just try to knock them out.

Spells or magic items, if any: Crys knows some minor enchantment spells but primarily uses basic spells for her daily life.
Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic III

Red Witch and Career Soldier


Age: Twenty-Five

Sex: Female

Rank: Sergeant/3rd year Journeywoman

License: Six Petals - two colors


Ana has a tendency to lead people on romantically, and she often times has flights of fancy where she spends a night or two with someone before moving on to the next. Men, women, all suffer from her heart’s fickleness. Though she likes to flirt and hit on others, it doesn’t take much for her “dark side” to surface. Ever since her twin’s death she has been distant and noncommittal. She’s more serious about her work than she is about friendships or fun. Where she used to be much like her father: a kind and giving person that would do anything for anyone and just wanted to have fun, she has become more and more like her mother: a distant and stern person that will cut you down for the slightest of transgressions. Because of complaints she’s trying to be more happy and playful in public and with others, but it’s hard.


House Markovic has existed long before the colonization of the White Wastes by the crown. The bloodline has produced almost exclusively Red Mana women. There have been a handful of other colored Mana women, all of whom were married off into other Houses and Noble families of their based color. All Markovic men have served loyal in the crown’s military forces. There are no slackers in the Markovic gene-pool. Because of the virility of their bloodline, the women of House Markovic marry only men from Houses and families that sport the Red Mana gene.

It is because of their pride in their abilities and their house that, while men are allowed to do much as they please in the way of their life choices and whom they marry, the barren women of House Markovic are looked upon as a burden. Their only hope of redemption in the eyes of the family is to take on their service time as a Warden as a career. Effectively self-exiling themselves into lifetime service to the crown.

When Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic II became pregnant with Ana and her twin sister, House Markovic was full of joyous people. The future head of the family was to have two heirs, meaning the main bloodline would continue to reign in the White Wastes. The family’s doctor the births successful nine months later during a rather terrible winter storm. Ana and her twin, Alex, were born around midnight. They would go on to grow up roughhousing with each other and practicing magic together. Over time it became evident that Ana, while skilled in battling, was clearly the weaker of the two. Alex was gifted with a particularly powerful magical ability.

While Ana was going to be the head of House Markovic, it was clear to everyone that Alex was going to enjoy a long and spectacular career in the military, if she so choose to. The sisters could be or do anything they wanted to, so long as they stayed loyal to the House. One late night Ana couldn’t sleep. She was fourteen at the time, and she went in search for her father to tuck her back into bed. Instead she found her mother, in a meeting late at night with several people she’d never met before. She only understood a few of the things she heard before they caught her and she was sent back to bed.

"War, Reds, Lavan, Blight, revolt."

A few days of adrenaline as she tried to figure out what she’d interrupted, but within months, and soon years, she had completely forgot that that night had even happened. By the time she was of age to be drafted into the crown’s army, she was too preoccupied with romantic fancies. Rumors were abound that she had a different lover every night. It was unseemly for the future head of the Markovic family. Had it been Alex, no one would have cared, but there was true fear that Ana’s flaunting would anger one of the other noble houses. as the head of the house, she would someday have a duty to continue the bloodline, as well as rule the White Wastes.

None of the noble families in the White Wastes would suffer a bastard in their midst. It would bring shame on the Markovic family. Whether or not the rumors were true, no one could say. It didn’t matter to Ana that people talked about her, because she knew that soon enough she’d be traveling to the Capitol to serve the crown. Far away from anyone she knew. Then the time came, and she rushed off on her adventure with her sister.

They served together in the military, making a name for themselves as particularly aggressive Red Witches. When Alex was picked for a recon mission near the Haunted Isles, Ana couldn’t have been happier for her. Alex had always had a fascination with the Blight and this was her chance to possibly see one near the Quarantine Zone. Months later when the mission had started and Alex was one of a handful to make it back to the Capitol, that was when Ana started to change. Her sister was sick and she needed to be looked after.

The doctors did everything they could, but in the end she died. Ana was different after that. She was certain that full on war with the Blight was clearly the only choice to end the suffering of the realm. She was certain that the crown was afraid of doing this. Specifically the White Queen. In Ana’s mind it was clear that the realm needed to be lead by someone else. Someone not so cowardly. That was the only chance for her sister to be avenged and for them to end the suffering that the Blight had brought.

In order to try and make the changes she thought necessary, Ana has decided to go career with her military service and has continued serving long after her date was up. She’s determined to obtain a high ranking position so that she can try and show everyone that war with the Blight was the only choice. All out, unforgiving, kill them all - war.


Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic I: Grandmother, deceased. A stern woman that barely spoke to Ana, except to scold her for misbehaving. She passed away without Ana ever really knowing her.

Alexander Dmitry Markovic: Grandfather, deceased. Died before Ana’s birth.

Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic II: Mother, age 52, current head of House Markovic - an aristocratic family from the White Wastes, a land of harsh winters and freezing summers - a Red Witch that served loyally as a career officer in the military until the last head of the House passed away, at which time she retired from service to lead her house.

Viktor Grigory Markovice: Father, age 50, spouse of Anastasiya Markovic II, served as one of the higher ranking Wardens in Arcana and is now retired and living at home with his family to tend to the house and children.

Svetlana Izabella Markovic: Sister, age 9, Unknown. The youngest of the Markovic children and direct heirs to the House, Svetlana is a rowdy youth that likes to fight and wrestle and come home covered in mud, much to her father’s dismay. He’s constantly worried that she might hurt herself. Svetlana has yet to hit puberty, and thus has yet to show any magical ability. Those of House Markovic await to see what she turns out to be. Just like Rozalina, she is doted on by Ana almost constantly.

Rozalina Natalya Markovic: Sister, age 15, Red Font. Rozalina is a quiet and rather shy child. She is diligent in her studies and will often speak about her she wishes to see all of the world, should one get her to talk to them. She isn’t looking forward to her military service or even the aspect of her mother marrying her off to strength the House’s relationships with other noble houses. Ana frequently sends gifts back to their home for both Rozalina and Svetlana, doting on the two as much as their father.

Valeriya Zanaida Markovic: Sister, age 18, Barren. A boisterous child that is currently in her first year as an enlisted member of the Wardens. She hasn’t decided if she wants to pursue a military career or not yet, as she doesn’t particularly feel like she needs to enforce her family’s rules or try to appease them due to her “issues”. Her father’s constant doting has made her feel more loved than the rather harsh words her mother has on the subject matter of one’s personal futures. Ana doesn’t know Valeriya as well as she wishes, but is clearly objectionable to the idea of her pushing aside her family’s way for her own wishes. Ana takes after their mother too much for Valeriya’s own tastes.

Alexandra Anatoli Markovic: Twin-Sister, deceased. Alexandra was Ana’s twin sister and also a powerful Red Witch. She was born ten minutes after Ana, and so Ana was the heir to the House and her sister was to be free to live her own life. Not long into their military service, however, Alexandra was sent on areconnaissance mission to a village near the Quarantine Zone of the Haunted Isles. The village had not been heard from for almost two years by that point and Alexandra was picked to be apart of a military operation to investigate. She was one of the few members to make it back, but she was infected with the Blight’s affliction. She lived only for a year before succumbing.


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Strawberry Blonde

Height: 5’6”

Build: Athletic

Notable features: Wears an eye patch over her left eye

Image: III

Ana likes to wear cute outfits of all types, but can be typically seen wearing outfits that mainly sport the color red. Sometimes you’ll even catch her wearing clothing that sports the Markovic family crest, a red bat with the letter “M” in its chest (a crest that has existed since the Markovic family was but a mere clan in the White Wastes fighting other clans for the right to rule).


Weapons: She has a metal Bo-staff with inlaid runes and a red fist sized multifaceted crystal in the center.

Fighting style: While trained as well as any other member of the military, she likes to go for massive amounts of damage when attacking. When she’s in a situation she can’t take on one at a time, she’ll go for a wide spread attack. She’ll burn down everyone’s houses, if she can’t just get one, in other words.

Spells or magic items, if any:
Margaret "Gretel" Hagermaus III

Princess of the land of Alfurasva

  • Full Name: Landesfürstin Margaret Hagermaus III

    Age: 34

    Sex: Female

    Occupation: Major of the Queen's Army
    Color: Black

    Class: Witch

    Rank: Matriarch

    License: 9 Petal
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Blue Witch and Inquisitor


Age: 34

Sex: Female

Rank: Grand Matriarch in the Blue Magic Guild

License: Nine Petals


First and foremost her moniker of ‘Whisper’ stems from the woman’s tendency to speak in hushed whispers, combined with her personal philosophy of what it means to be aligned with blue mana.

The term 'emotionally detached' often comes to mind when many reflect upon Whisper, though that isn't to say she is not polite. Her words just don’t typically carry any emotional impact. She has a grim, pragmatic perspective on things that doesn't leave much room for intricate social graces, at least not for those who she finds tiring. Her dutiful ability to carry out hard decisions can make her look callous at times, but she does have Sylva’s best interests at heart.

She’s quite dedicated to her work, and her top priority is the country’s well being. As her research and exploits into blue magic has shown she can also be quite creative. Trust is a very rare commodity for Whisper, and in her line of work she appreciates how valuable real friends can be; in her own way of course. Because of her emotional detachment though she can get very uncomfortable with overly friendly people.

The woman’s movements are very fluid like the mana she manipulates. The quick, spry motions she uses to navigate the city and battles alike mimic a dancer’s ease and grace. She does like to find a rhythm in things when she can, and is a fan of music despite her dull facial expressions.


The woman, the legend. Whisper is not a blue witch, she’s the blue witch in Sylva. She pioneered new applications for blue magic, and even patented a few spells of her own throughout her career. Illusionary. Fluid. Deceptive. Ubiquitous. Faint. Impassive. The basic tenets of her mana's color have become core doctrines she strives to live by, and this is what she believes allows her to be so successful. To any aspiring blue mages who can find her (or to be more precise, who she allows to find her) she will only impart one lesson of wisdom:

"Red magic is passionate. Black magic is brooding. White magic is diplomatic. Blue magic is none of these things. Blue magic is a state of tranquility at its heart. We are drops of water in an ocean. The art and inherent beauty behind blue magic is not trying to change the currents to suit our needs, or to fight the ever shifting tides. It is to instead read them, and then ride them to get where we need to go. There is no sense of individual identity, or personal achievement in these pursuits. The ebb and flow of magic is just as much a part of us as we are of it. Once we truly understand how to work with our abilities over endeavoring to simply use them, an internal harmony can be achieved. We learn to see the currents beneath the currents, and even more deeper still."

She’s published more than a few core tomes as well, all concerning blue magic of course, that have been made freely available at libraries and academies at her request. Basic fundamentals, the intricacies of trap spells, stealth spells, casting other colored spells with blue mana, and a few more that are still used as teaching aids today. One of her more popular pieces of research is the conversion of blue mana in its 'soft' state, into a more versatile 'harder' state. An infamous example of such would be her signature whip of blue mana she extends from her wand, a tool and a weapon more than capable of leaving a nasty mark. Knowledge is power, and she wishes to share what she has learned for the better of Sylva.

Despite her educational contributions to society she is still a seldom seen figure in public. Her philosophy on blue magic leads her to be very reclusive and actively elusive of any unwanted attempts to find her. Aside from her published tomes there really isn’t much known about Whisper like her real name or origins, and she prefers to keep it that way. Granted, there are a select few who do know of her past, but she trusts them to keep quiet about it. She is a loyal servant to the reigning Queen in the very least, and has participated in battles against the Blight before. One of her more notable accomplishments in the war is single handedly luring a small horde of the wretched monsters away from an unprotected town through the heavy use of illusions.

Off the battlefield she’s thought of something along the lines of an ominous omen. She uses her skills to randomly monitor the public, and to keep tabs on current affairs. Anything of note she will report to Queen Amelanch, or deal with herself. The rumors surrounding her unexpected visits, and sudden disappearances of troublemakers (or dissidents) are a dime a dozen. Truthfully she acts as an indirect policing element for Sylva, and will even confiscate contraband if she finds any. There’s even speculation that she was involved with the uncanny, overnight vanishing of two feuding blue noble houses eleven years ago. Not only were the people gone, but also the estates of both properties, as if they had been picked up like toys and removed from the city.


Queen Amelanch Lavan: Ultimately, the Queen is the only authority Whisper genuinely answers to, and possibly one of the few real friends she has. She looks after the Queen in her own ways, and regularly (albeit invisibly) frequents the palace grounds between jobs.

Pyra Lavan: Whisper has quite a bit of respect for Pyra for gracefully stepping down from her claim to the throne after her first failed duel with Amelanch. The blue witch often does business with the traveling woman so she makes an effort to visit Pyra whenever she's in town.

Vera Mordel: They're both kindred spirits in a sense that they do jobs they feel are necessary, although their actions would be considered wrong by society's standards. Due to this eerie kinship they do not judge each other, and cooperate rather well enough on shared goals.


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Short blue hair

Height: 5'9"

Build: Slender and athletic, and a little too 'top heavy' for her liking.

Notable features: Several bone white tattoos are visible on her face, neck, and torso. The symbols themselves are runes of her own design.


Her natural skin tone is a shade of light tan, but because of the pale luminescence that emanates from her mana she sometimes look lighter than she really is. The three red badges on her outfit are enchanted with red magic, and she uses these items like bombs for obstacle removal when sneaking around is impractical. Admittedly she dislikes using these items, but she will not let her pride get in the way of getting a job done.


Weapons: A wooden wand, knives, parrying dagger

Fighting Style: Sneak attacks, hit-and-runs, trap laying, assassinations, sabotage. Generally prefers one-on-one encounters.

Spells & Magic Items:

  • Knows quite a few spells centering around traps that can be silently written and placed with her wand. Upon activation by an unsuspecting victim, one of several things can happen depending on the nature of the trap. The basics of her repertoire include detection runes, nets and tripwires woven from 'hardened' blue mana, disguised pitfalls, making a surface suddenly very slippery, or creating a blinding flash of light.

    Can create a 'whip' of hardened blue mana from the tip of her wand. She uses it not only as a weapon, but as a mobility aiding tool as well when she feels like parkouring. By controlling the length of the whip she can pull herself forward or tug at an object to bring it closer.

    As a Blue Witch she's very keen on magic focusing on stealth. Invisibility is child's play to Whisper, though she prefers to say this particular spell aloud (or in a whisper) to strengthen the effect. She's been known to cast such spells over her daggers causing a lot of hesitation to shake hands with the woman, or engage in other such close gestures due to the uncertain question of if she's holding a weapon or not.

    Due to her favor of high vantage points she's fond of enveloping herself in a sphere of blue mana both to keep herself hidden from sight, and to cushion and landings from on high.

    It's uncertain if she knows any dark spells or not, but asking her about it will get you no where of course.
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Alistair Mandala

Black Witch; Executioner


Age: 29

Sex: Female

Rank: Matriarch

License: Six Petals


A little bit of an unconventional person, Mandala prefers a more primitive and straightforwards approach to any problem and issue she has. Speaking of primitive, Mandala has a certain distaste with regards to clothing, and only wears a black fur coat over her top just because she is required to. She doesn’t talk much, and often chooses to express herself as curt as possible, answering with short and clipped sentences, or simply not answering at all, feigning ignorance. With her odd helmet, it is never really actually clear what or who she is looking at. That having said, Mandala displays some really odd sense of humor.

Mandala shows only two clear loyalties: her Queen, and her sister. It is further made abundantly clear when she states that she recognises that she is following the Queen’s orders blindly, and she will continue to do so, anyway.

She shows little to no interest about the difference between men and women, and instead, sees them all as equally trivial in her eyes, other than the Queen and her sister. She will not hesitate to dispatch anyone who even looks at either of her loved ones funny, and expresses a certain indifference when executing criminals. Many say she is cold-blooded for not having feelings about convicts who claim they did it for their families. They are not wrong. Their reasons for committing their sins are none of her concern. She is simply their executioner.

She, having been influenced by her sister, has some working form of biting sarcasm that she combines with her tactless delivery for third degree burns.


The Mandala Sisters were more commonly known as two skilled, but very odd, sisters who had pledged their entire lives to serving the Queen. Both were seen as an unstoppable force and an impenetrable shield of the Queen's, and challenging either of them was considered tantamount to suicide. What most did not know, however, was that there was a third sister.

Tatiana, Kris, and Alistair Mandala were born to Devan and Thellonia Mandala, a Black Warden and a Black Witch respectively. Alistair spent most of her time with Kris, and was heavily influenced by her to pursue a military-based career, or at least one where she could assist the Queen, since Kris enjoyed making the Queen out to be some sort of goddess. When she was young, her parents worked as smiths, and their work seemed to rub off on the three sisters, with Kris fashioning her own well-known greatsword, a magnificent being of steel and gold, and Tatiana inheriting the trade later. Alistair's attempts, however, weren't as...wondrous as her sisters, and she, instead, came up with the grotesque axe that criminals began to dread. While Kris tried to persuade that it wasn't something to be too caught up about, Alistair had already began her path down the lane of brooding.

Alistair spent some years training to be a Black Witch of some use to the Queen, but eventually got sick of the whole apprenticeship thing, and gave up pursuing Black Magic-related duties altogether, and began to while away her time venting her anger and frustration on trees with her makeshift axe, eventually building up some impressive strength in her arms and her legs. Alistair threw herself into the service of the queen, using her crude, but effective, Black magic to create impenetrable defensive walls for the military. Her time in the military served more good than her training as a Black Witch, and she began to show natural talent in bending her magic, being able to envelop the surface of her skin with a hardened shell of mana, allowing her a lighter, and more flexible armor that the military used. After the discovery of this magic, her taste in clothes began to slowly diminish, until she began to wear nothing at all.

Alistair’s pure devotion to the Queen earned her some attention amongst her higher-ups, and, with Kris’ good word, she made it as an executioner under the Queen’s command, as well as a lower-tier guard of the Queen. Gone were the days where the executioners could be bribed off to let their prey go, for Alistair’s only love in life right now, is to let her misshapen axe descend upon the necks of those who have gone against the Queen’s laws.


Amelanch Lavan, Queen of Arcana: Severe, almost extreme, devotion to her. While she doesn’t worship the ground the Queen walks on, Mandala views the Queen as a woman she should respect and revere, a view that is extremely rare to behold in Mandala’s eyes.

Kris Mandala: 5 years Alistair's senior, and the second half of the Mandala Sisters fame, Kris and Alistair are extremely close. The exact opposite in personality and behaviour of Alistair, yet bearing the same unconventional behaviour her younger sister has, Kris is known for her cheery disposition and lackadaisical behaviour. While she does her job well, anything not related to Alistair or the safety of the queen is swiftly ignored. A little too flirtatious for Alistair's liking. Lost the magical ability lottery, but bears no ill will towards her two sisters. Her confidence in herself mostly stems from the fact that she's the most physically capable amongst the three sisters. Has a girlfriend who is currently away on a tour of duty. She is apparently one of the higher-ranked guards of the Queen’s.

Tatiana Mandala: Never mentioned by name by Alistair, if even mentioned at all. Apparently, she and Alistair have never gotten along well, despite their parents and Kris' efforts. She is the eldest sister of the Mandala Sisters, and a proficient Witch. She is in her forties, and is married, with several children. Her relationship with Alistair up until today is very estranged. They do agree on some things, though, like that their mother shouldn't be so suicidally overconfident at her age.

Devan Mandala: Father of the Mandala sisters. All three of them adore him. He is described to be the very inspiration of Kris' behaviour, being very upbeat and cheerful, and very, very ignorant of the whole male-female relationship. Currently on an indefinite vacation with his wife. His teasing romance with his wife makes Alistair uncomfortable.

Thellonia Mandala: A woman in her sixties, and the mother of the Mandala sisters. A Black Witch, but a thrillseeker. Kris and Devan support her silly decisions wholeheartedly, while Tatiana and Alistair, in the rare moments that they are together, question her sanity, not that she ever listens to them. She does, however, have a serious side to her when she was still working, something that Alistair inherited. Currently on an indefinite vacation with her husband. Her teasing relationship with her husband makes Alistair uncomfortable.

Patricia Lovewit: A military-based Red Witch and Kris Mandala's lover. Alistair gets along with her smoothly, but her lovey-dovey name-calling and cuddling with Kris raises goosebumps all over her skin. Alistair, in rare moments of displaying some form of humor, makes it a point to express her non-hostile disgust at their relationship.


Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Black; boyish, messy and curly, and has been described to look like an unruly mop. Hidden under her helmet-mask.

Height: 5’8”

Build: Her legs are prominently built and powerful, while her torso seems more slender, betraying her innate strength needed to carry such a heavy weapon. Her arms, like her legs, are very well-toned.

Notable features: Probably her refusal to wear any proper clothing, and her rather GLARINGLY OBVIOUS skull helmet.


As mentioned in her personality, Mandala has a somewhat strong disdain of clothing, and wears exactly as pictured just because there were complaints about her going topless. Her coat, made of some sort of black fur, is worn almost constantly, along with her skull helmet. The skull is one of some cattle’s, and is quite odd in shape, especially its massive horns. People swear they see a glint of crimson in the skull’s eyes, as if it were still alive. Mandala has admitted to inserting gems inside the skull’s eyes so that whatever light reflects off them may seem as if the skull was being possessed by some sort of spirit. The skull is positioned in such a way that its teeth is just above her eye level.


Weapons: A rather crude, but effective warhammer/axe. It resembles a slab of concrete generally shaped like the blade of an axe attached to a long stick with a mace-like end. It is taller than she is, by almost two feet.

Fighting style: Primarily defensive, as her objective in any fight is to protect her liege, Mandala prefers to stand back and reinforce herself and her allies with her Black magic. When it comes to blows, Mandala reinforces her axe, and swings as hard as she can. Opponents caught in the swing are either smashed on the wall nearby or decapitated immediately, depending on their luck. Her swings are not fast, somewhat medium-paced, but once it builds momentum past its start up, anything caught within them are obliterated.

Spells or magic items, if any:

Alistair is not a very good Witch, and, due to her never having completed her training as a Black Witch, has only reached her Matriarch rank because she just outclasses other witches in terms of applying her magic to physical attacks. As such, she only knows a few select spells.

Wall: A basic, but strong, barrier. Its size depends purely on the user's wishes and concentration. At Alistair's level, she can shield a distance of 500 metres and at a domed shape with a 500 metres radius. Her maximum range is about 16 yards, further accentuating that she is, indeed, a frontline unit. Alistair is also able to create small shields at any surface of her body in an attempt to mimic actual shields.

Skin Barrier: A must in Alistair's repertoire of limited magic spells. Alistair, in any combat situation, summons a form-fitting 'suit' that mitigates all incoming damage to some extent. It is strong enough that Alistair is able to survive most attacks that would be lethal to a regular human being, such as ones from Kris Mandala's sword arm. The barrier itself is able to take a lot of punishment, before cracking.

Harden: Alistair's only enchancement spell, and it is considered one of the most basic amongst the Mandala smiths, much to her chagrin. The gist of it is simple: the spell strengthens the overall structure of her axe, her (very few pieces of) armor, and her coat, making them nigh-impenetrable to regular projectiles.


The swing of her sister's sword sent her reeling, and her palms stinging, as her axe shuddered in her hands. Alistair reared her arms back, her axe with her, and swung again at her sister's general direction. Her attack was easily deflected with a flick of the blade. Her arm numb from the impact, it was all Alistair could do to raise her hand to create a barrier to defend from her sister’s onslaught, but that too, was shattered with a blow that carried the force of an entire piano being dropped on it. Her translucent barrier cracked and exploded into a million pieces, before fading away, and the sword descended rapidly towards her. Alistair clawed at the ground, and only just managed to scrabble away. The sword slammed onto the brick of the road an inch away from her legs, kicking up concrete debris all over. For someone clad entirely in armor, Kris Mandala showed some impressive speed, and Alistair, having underestimated her ability again for the umpteenth time, felt the brunt of the impact as Kris dragged the sword across the ground and rammed the edge of the sword onto her neck. The barrier that she had placed around her body creaked, and then vanished, and Alistair found herself being lifted off the ground by the impact alone, and flung like a ragdoll a distance away.

Pain coursed through every nerve in her body, and all her bones felt like they had just been grinded into dust. Such was the overwhelming power of one of the Queen’s best guards. Alistair blinked once, and then twice, before clenching her fists and struggled to straighten up. Her sister was definitely not human, not with that strength of hers. No matter how much she trained, no matter how much she pitted herself against her own body to become better, Kris Mandala was always ahead of her in everything, except magic. Maybe it was the universe’s way of giving Alistair, the runt, a fighting chance. Alistair, having seen how Kris worked at a forge, and having been beaten within an inch of her life in duels like these, knew that if Kris had mana, she would probably be taking names better and faster than Alistair and Tatiana combined. Alistair punched the ground, and rose shakily, like a newborn babe. Her legs still shook like leaves in the wind after that blow, and it really was no surprise to her. Kris had the ability to send full-grown and trained women crumpling into shivering heaps after one of her strikes, and Alistair, who had been on the receiving end of these strikes for more than ten times already, still felt the aftermath. Truly a harrowing experience. Alistair righted her helmet, and retrieved her axe slowly, and sniffed once, rubbing her nose. She summoned yet another barrier around herself, and motioned to her sister.

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Connor James McKinley

[Red Warden of her Majesties Army.] Details

Age: 20


Rank: Blade Master.

Three Petals


Like most members of a Red household, he is a rather warm personality. Happy most of the time, and treating everyone he talks to like a friend, to some degree or another. His temper, however, is extremely short. He quickly blows up, and he does it spectacularly. But, he often feels guilty about what he said and/or did, and quickly apologizes. He does not see himself as good enough when it comes to being a Warden, and pushes himself to improve, which easily leads to injuries during practices.


He is the only son in a family of daughters. It's rather odd how it all worked out. He was somewhat spoiled as he grew up, being the only son and all. Well, this wasn't for the better. His sisters constantly picked on him, running to tell his parents every little thing he did wrong he did wrong, physically ganging up on him, and even using magic on him when they were old enough.

But eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. The day large popping sound more then anything else. Well, he didn't think it was all harmless fun, he thought they were trying to hurt him. So, taking a considerably larger rock he threw it back at his sister. The rock flew true, and hit the wall right next to her head. Panicking, she ran, and didn't tell anyone.

For the next couple of days, he felt free. They didn't bother him. They didn't bully him, they didn't snitch on him, nothing. He could do whatever he wanted, when ever he wanted to do it. Yet, one thing kept bothering him, just in the back of his mind. It was guilt.

Needless to say, he did eventually apologize. but, not expectedly, she didn't go running off to mom or dad. Instead, she just said "Apology accepted." and went back to what she was doing. And after that, everything went back to normal. Well, for the most part anyway. The eldest never took part in it again, said she was to busy with her studies. He never believed her.


Lucial McKinley: Eldest daughter of the McKinley line. Though born a Red, she can be mistaken for a Black, or even a Blue. Calm face serenity wrapped around a calculating core. It wouldn't be a surprise to any of the family if she were to change Colors.

Annebelle McKinley: Youngest daughter of the McKinley line. Always so full of energy, and curiosity. This often leads to the grief of the father, Genji. Though she does not start it, she does join in when the twins gang up on Connor.

The twins Grettel and Rosan McKinley: Two sides of a coin. Different, yet the same. Often found bickering over one point or another. Tempers do often flare up between the two, but rarely does it come to blows. Often instigate the harrassment of Connor.

Genji McKinley: A stern and stalewart man, face seamingly carged from franite and steel grey hair only heightening the sense of hardness. He could be called hansom, if you liked that sort of thing I guess. He has the run of the house, only stepping down on certain points when his wife or mother-in-law argue about it.

Marcy McKinley: The exact opposite if her husband. Where he is tall, she is rather small. Where he is whip cord thin and looks like a gnarled old root, she is somewhat on the pudgy side. Open and warm, she treats all her guests like family. But don't let her caring nature fool you. Like all Reds, when her emotions get a hold of her, they take everyone for a ride.

Grandma McKinley: The aging matriarch of the family, brooking no nonsense from the rest of them. When you obey her rules, she is all smiles and jokes, just like her husband.

Grandpa McKinley: Of averaging height and balding, the way he looks like a bird only makes him seem older. Always doing something to make his family laugh. The neighbors thinks his mind is going.



Hair: A light reddish color, orange really.

Height: 5'11"

Build: Tall and slender. If he was to be compared to anything, it would be a heron, or stork.

Notable features: He's rather, how to put this, pointy. Chin comes to a point, sharp elbows, etc. Has a tattoo of mythical creatures, looking much like red snakes with a golden mane and claws, wrapped around both his arms.




Hand and a half sword.

Fighting style:
Tries to do as his teachers taught him, which is stay fluid. Seamlessly flowing from one form to the next, almost like a dance. So, let's call the style Sword Dance.

Spells or magic items, if any: His sword is imbued with runes that give off a fiery aura. So, for all intents and purposes, his sword can combust into flames.


The bundle of lathes that were his practice sword slipped free of his hand, and flew across the practice yard. Seconds later, another practice blade stopped on his neck, indicating a killing blow. "Better. But you should have countered Hummingbird Kisses the Blossom with Three Pronged Lightning instead of Boar Crashes Down the Mountain." his teacher, an old and grizzled man called al'Lan Grojen, said. Age was certainly something he knew, with his hair white and eyes crinkled at the corners. Yet, instead of weighing him down like most, it seamed to make him stronger.

"Yes, sir." Connor said simply, pushing the bundle away from his throat and scurrying to retrieve his own practice sword. Retrieving it, he moves into the starter stance and says "Again."

Giving Connor an exasperated look, Grojen says "Boy, you keep this up and you are going to turn into one big bruise." Yet, he to went into the starter stance. And soon after that, they advanced on each other. With a sung clack of the practice blades clashing, they began. Fluidly they fought, attack turning into defense and counter attack. To the untrained eye, it simply seemed like it was a dance with swords. But to the trained eye, they knew this dance was deadly, even with practice swords.

Yet the outcome was the same as the last time, and another collection of bruises was added to the last. "We are done." Grojen said quickly. "You are almost done with your training. Soon, you will be called Blade Master. We will resume training when you can sit down without wincing."
Cain Dion

General of Her Royal Army

  • Full Name: Cain Dion

    Age: 37 Years

    Sex: Male

    Occupation: Army General, Commander of Wardens
    Color: Black

    Class: Warden

    Rank: General

    License: Nine Petals
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Jamie Lockhart

White Witch bloodline and Nobleman


Age: 27

Sex: Male




With a sweet smile and the delicate, graceful manner befitting a noble son of his pedigree it would surprise some to find the wickedly sharp mind that dwells beneath. Personally tutored and extraordinary well travelled for a man of the era Jamie harbours a rapier wit and a perverse level of cunning rivalling the most nefarious of criminals. A man does what he can in a woman’s world after all.

Jamie is a manipulative man having long since learned how far his innate charm and charisma can get him, a little suggestion here and a touch of flirtation here can achieve wonders. A surprisingly adapt merchant he had used his skills to further his houses mercantile power, securing reception for his Mothers trade ships aboard. Both a great motivator and fundamental weakness in this trade, like all of the Lockhart line Jamie has an insatiable love for gold and all the wonderful connotations of power and wealth that come with it.

Jamie overall has a strange reputation, quite the beauty and a very becoming charm backed by family connections and a continuing dominance in the Ivory trade does make him something of a prize. But behind the rather finely crafted mask of a face he harbours dark intent, selfish, sadistic and outright wicked he would happily see others burn if it meant continuing his life of luxury. Vices firmly have him in their grip, the likes of absinthe and assorted sexual deviance chief amongst them. For he is a ravenous sort, hungry for vice, hungry for gold and hungry for power.


Jamie was born abroad on one of Diana Lockhart’s many expeditions and spent much of his early life travelling along side his parents seeing the strange foreign wonders of the Arcanian Empire for it spread large and wide. His mother, a White Witch, had always claimed a strong religious fervour and that the family mercantile success was ‘merely’ coincidental. The Lockhart Matriarch was always something of a self stylized missionary bringing civilization to far corners of the world and just so happened to be the first to lay claim to various luxuries. This quickly earned her the nickname ‘The Ivory Witch’ due to one such expedition that has resulted in her continuing dominance of the Ivory trade. To which the house owes it position.

Jamie meanwhile travelled happily with his family his farther a loving educator and carer while the Matriarch dealt with business. The travel did wonders for the young child finding sights and sensations beyond the reach of many men of his standing. His private education was exotic and varied thanks to his life of travel and contrary to the social norm he was even taught how to use rifle, both for the pastime of hunting and in case of dire need so he might be able to defend himself in foreign lands.

Unfortunate the world became a lot smaller soon after. His farther succumbed to malaria and not soon after Jamie was sent back to the Capital, Sylva, to finish his education. Such a wild life was not for a man or at least not one of noble birth such as him. Jamie now found himself in a new dark jungle of sorts, one of towers, magic and people. Women ruled, that had always been the way but suddenly being dropped into the heart of the nation came as something of a shock for he had been breed with a fierce independence. His mother did not tolerate useless fools however and so he did not buckle, quickly snatching control of the family affairs from appointed servants and has shown great aptitude in negotiation and outright shady dealings to maintain the families connections. For the most part he adores the city in fact rife as it is with sensations and intoxication but he often himself rather sickly. He often blames the common folk for this, the city ever swarming with unwashed masses, as well as his upbringing abroad as he grew up so used to hotter more exotic climates. The city for some reason has never settled with him, his humors out of sorts as many a alchemist had said to him, but none the less he tries to enjoy his ennoble trappings.


Diana Lockhart: Mother, family Matriarch, currently aboard on another ‘expedition’

Bartholomew Lockhart: Farther, deceased, succumbed to Malaria while abroad.


Eyes: Emerald Green

Hair: Blond

Height: 5’9

Build: Slender

Notable features: An obvious beauty thought given to bouts of illness.

Description: Standing tall and slender Jamie is an example of the more delicate trend amongst men of higher nobility of Sylva. His face is angular and refined with smooth skin, his nose sharp flanked by a pair of deep emerald green eyes and long lashes. His mouth small, a perfect little cupid’s bow, often painted a lush red to draw contrast with his pale skin. A touch of makeup is far from uncommon amongst the more pedigree nobility.

He stands proud with straight shoulders and slender limbs that end in long artistic fingers often covered in golden jewellery, his nails grown long as is the fashion. He often dresses opulently sporting the current fashion, short jackets with broad shoulders meant to draw emphasis to the square like build of the upper body. These come in various lush colours but all sporting fine embroidery with a small lace ruff about the neck. About his legs he wears the common doublet, even his belt buckle sporting an ornate design, his lower legs covered in pale hose. Too finish his ensemble he sports knee high leather boots with a large thick heel, again a becoming fashion, often with smaller gold buckles open the foot. Along side this he will often have various accessories for the occasion, though he is never seen without his silk handkerchief and smelling salts ever convinced that the foul air of the city is responsible for his often sickly health.

Overall the fashions of the age are far from practical but such is the affairs of men.


First and foremost he is a noble man and as such it would be the chivalrous duty of any hot blooded women to defend him. Man being preserved as the less capable sex after all.

Weapons: In dire straits anything that might come to hand but is trained to use black powder weapons, but only the bare essentials. The ‘House’ is the greater weapon thanks to a web of connections and five Arcanian sanctioned privateers under the Matriarchs sway. These however are at sea engaged in their own affairs and as such could not be called upon easily or for instantaneous aid.

Fighting style: Hopefully having someone else fight for him but if it comes to only him it will be panicked, undisciplined and he will certainly run. Deep down he is a coward at heart and will gladly see others die in his place.


Jamie lounged upon the plush seat toying with the white quill between his slender fingers, eyeing the shinning tip, gold capped and tapered for the task at hand. With a swift motion he stabbed it into the ink pot and began his writing, delicate and cursive as he had been taught.

To the Matriarch of House Lockhart

Dear Mother.

The House fairs well, I have further news but first will address the matter of business as I know how you must be gnawing at the bit as they say, farther did always say you could turn a servant to stone with how sour your disposition gets and well I’d rather save you the inconvenience of finding new staff abroad. I have secured delivery and payment of the following imports, the appropriate tax already dealt with of course and they are to be distributed thusly.

200 Imperial Units of Assorted Spice (Current Market rate 55 gold Per Unit)

-Stretford and Daughter Food Emporium 65 Units

-Mayfield Trade Company 45 units

-Midsummer Winery 85 Units

-Jacqueline’s Luxury Dyes 25 Units

100 Imperial Barrels of Fortified Wine

(36 Gallons per Barrel, 150 gold Per Barrel)

-Mayfield Trade Company 25 Barrels

-A gift (the Venture family to celebrate birth of their daughter) 30 Barrels

-Westmire Lady’s Club 20 Barrels

-20 Barrels disrupted to various taverns through usual channels (paid up front)

-5 Barrels ‘lost in transit’

Jamie could not help but chuckle, a smirk pulling at his ruby lips; it was not uncommon for items to be lost for most ships. A shoddy inventory, a bribed quartermaster or even unruly sailors could cost you cargo but not in this case. It something of a private affair, something none were meant to be privy to, he didn’t know what those barrels contained all he knew is certain ‘buyers’ took them at the docks. Even abroad mother had her hands in affairs best left alone. That was just the way the world was and his coffers were always heavy with gold after they had left. Which certainly swayed his disposition. He continued his writings.

Collector’s items (Payment varied)

-Portraits, by Anita Bazanov, 5 (sold to Fredrik Montague, 5000 gold)

-One ornate curved dagger, handle mother of pearl, silver tipped sheath. (Sold to Beatrice Dale, 1000 gold)

-An array of 6 wide bladed hunter spears and three carved wooden masks (Gifted the Sylva Museum of History, on behalf of the family. Due credit noted in new exhibit)

-A set of dueling blades, entwining hand guards inlaid with gold filigree and black leather hand grip. (Sold to to Officer Vanessa Le Fey of the Wardens, I past on the family congratulations for her promotion, 1750 gold)

All business forwarded by yourself has been dealt with and the gold resides in our coffers. As always I am dealing with our affairs personally and will continue to do so. By the sisters I don’t trust the servants to do it. Speaking of which I must move onto somewhat more dire news for by now and from my previous letters you must be aware of the concern with the Blight and murmurs from the court hint that the queen may well call for another attempt at a purge. Welcome as that is, this leaves us in a difficult position for we have no troops to speak of and unless you expect me to take up sword and shield we have no connections within the military either. If the queen does indeed in her wisdom call for a purge we could quickly lose favour, many are already asking if we shall come when called upon to which I have of course answered for Queen and sisters but if I turn up with a rat tag band of...

Jamie paused, what was the word for it? A band of brigands? Highwaymen and thugs? The private little gathering they relied upon for protection and in some cases to make sure a deal went in their favour. Truth be told it was certainly more his doing than his mothers that the merry band existed, though she knew of them and had said nothing. She never argued when it was to the Families advantage. He paused further pondering as he flicked the quill and reached over for fresh ink. He let a blot fall onto the line before he quickly put pen back to parchment and continued once more.

...assorted servants? We’d never live down the shame let alone we would lose favour in court to the more militarized families. Years of work undone because they need someone that can swing piece of metal?! I must act quickly and so implore you to reroute one of the privateer acquaintances, perhaps Captain Blake? She has enough social graces to been seen in proper society plus she did always cut a fine figure in uniform so I shan’t complain. I would look wonderful hanging from her arm, no?

Jamie smirked once more knowing full well the very idea of him showing interest in the paid brigand would infuriate his mother so.

I know this is sudden and it may take months to even get hold of one of the captains left alone get them here within the year but any show of force could tide us over for the coming months. We need some military presence of at least something we might offer to help stem the vile creatures once and for all and furthermore keep us in favour! This could be the defining moment of the century. I will exhaust all options while continuing to secure reception for your ships as I must prepare and even now I have other affairs of the House I must attend too. The festival season fast approaches and I must make sure we have a presence, especially with the questions of loyalty be raised of late.

With affection, your loving son.

Jamie Lockhart

Jamie once more slumped in the seat looking over the parchment, it was always exhausting, when was even the last time he had seen his mother? Five? Six years ago? He cast those thoughts aside; times were troubling indeed. All out war against the Blight? At this point however what worried him more was the family position. He held the letter with his thin fingers peering at his writing, he sighed, this whole affair needed to be addressed quickly. He was going too damned if he let the family lose its influence after all he had done! All the negotiations: the forced smiles and flattery, the grand balls and masquerades. Not to mention the lies, the backroom deals and outright thuggery he had resorted to, fiends like the man Clove were not cheap nor were they pleasant. He grimaced as he sharply folded the letter into an envelope; he plucked the red sealing wax from a draw and lit it, watching the crimson drip onto the lip of the paper before slamming the family seal upon it.

He would do everything in his power to see his family through this, be it paid with gold or in blood.
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Hayreddin Dagdelen

Black (Ex)Warden and House-husband




Rank:Discharged (Lieutenant)

License: Six-petals (Formerly)


In his youth, Hayreddin was a conniving and snide individual, quite content with stooping to all sorts of lows to scrape by in life. Spitting in the face of the law and the government, he went about pulling scams and heists throughout the land for quite a tidy profit overall. Of course, all that came crashing down on him after being caught red-handed by his future wife.

His old attitude was quickly and painfully beaten out of him after being forcibly drafted as a warden. Though at first reluctant to serve like any other petty criminal, routine meal penalties and physical punishment shut him up. He mellowed out over time, though he never really lost his smartass attitude and tendency to disrespect his superiors, and within a few years he was much more likely to help up weak old ladies, as opposed to shoving and robbing them.

After leaving military service, marrying his love and having children, Hayreddin had found himself setting into the role of bumbling dad alarmingly quickly. Though still the same individual he was during his time as a warden, he became much more easygoing and hard to take seriously as a father, something that he blames his children for. He's rather slow to anger and his once rather short fuse now seems to extend for miles on end. Lay a single finger on his family however, and one will find that age has not dulled his edge in the slightest.

Despite what he might say, Hayreddin is very much satisfied with the relaxed little life he lives with his family and is more than willing to live out the rest of it quietly.


Hayreddin was born to two shopkeepers who ran a crystal shop, his mother a font and his father the salesman. They lived boring lives and taught Hayreddin boringly average things about their boring shop, intending for him to take over the boring role of boringly running the place.

Shockingly, Hayreddin got rather bored.

Hayreddin finally got sick of the whole charade and did a bunk at around the age of sixteen, meaning he left the housel in the dead of night after nicking several bags of gold and a couple of jam sandwiches. He mostly got by on petty thievery and scams to get by the first few months, but he fell in with a gang and soon found himself pulling off bigger and bigger crimes. His spree came to a peak at around his nineteenth birthday, where he and his posse hatched an elaborate scheme that could very well have set them up for the rest of their lives. The plan was relatively simple, but yielded great rewards should it be executed flawlessly. Hayreddin and his gang were to hit town armories, smiths and barracks for military weapons, purloining them in the dead of night and hauling them off to sell to varying black market buyers. They would rob dozens of places in a single night, but kept the individual robberies small, less items stolen from a single place meant that it would take longer for the clueless shopkeepers and guardsmen to notice the missing weapons while also allowing for multiple heists in a single night. They combined these guerilla tactics with a very random and sporadic hit pattern, meaning that what little trail they did leave would be extremely hard to follow. They continued the robberies for many months, raking in increasingly large amounts of cash in the process.

However, their diabolical scheme came to an end after one of their clients found himself at the mercy of the Town Guard. Fearing for his life, the gutless felon ratted on Hayreddin and his gang, and Hayreddin soon found himself staring at an enchanted blade, belonging to one Tatiana Mandala, pointed at his chest. The Red Witch had him unceremoniously carted off to and extremely short and one sided trial, where he faced an ultimatum. Either join the Wardens and serve the Queen, or rot away in a dungeon for over a decade.

Hayreddin chose the former, knowing that a life spent cooped up again would drive him insane, and he was sent off to undergo Warden training. He was easier to crack than most criminals were, or in the exact words of Tatiana "He was a little bitch for the first few months," and he grew accustomed to Warden lifestyle quite quickly, even coming to enjoy himself over time. While his physical strength wasn't exceptional, his quick wit and cunningness aided him well on the field. Not exactly the paragon of martial prowess the army was looking for, but an effective soldier nevertheless.

Throughout his time as a Warden, Tatiana served as his commanding officer for most of his time in service. A demanding mistress, Tatiana offered her men no quarter in their training and would routinely drive them until they collapsed from exhaustion. Though cruel, there was no denying the effectiveness of her Spartan methods. Hayreddin absolutely loathed every fiber of her being at first, but eventually grew to respect his fiery commander's firm but fair ways. They never actually socially interacted until a full five years into Hayreddin's service, after a particularly unpleasant mission where they were sent to quell peasant riots. Friendship turned into love as the years went by, but neither of them acted upon their feelings, far too comitted to their duty to entertain such flighty dreams and fantasies.

Around his tenth year of service, Tatiana's unit was called in to deal with armed bandits holed up in a large mana crystal storehouse. Tatiana was ordered to send her men inside the storehouse to forcibly extract the criminals, but Tatiana was unwilling to do so, worried that the bold move would frighten the criminals into using the crystals to obliterate the place. Due to the fact that she had disobeyed a direct order that came from the queen herself, Tatiana was relieved from duty on the spot and was placed under arrest. As she was dragged away, she begged Hayreddin, now in temporary command of the unit, to prevent anyone from entering, be it forcefully if necessary. Knowing full well the consequences of a treasonous act, Hayreddin and his comrades took up arms against his fellow soldiers, carrying out the wishes of his love. Luckily for him, Tatiana's suspicions were proven dead on after the building ruptured in a mass of exploding mana. The bandits had seen the hopelessness of the situation, and attempted to take down the entire force surrounding them with along with themselves. Luckily, no one had passed the defensive line Hayreddin's unit had formed, meaning there were no casualties.

Tatiana and Hayreddin's charges were dropped shortly after, seeing as her actions had prevented senseless deaths, but the damage had already been done. Tatiana had grown disillusioned by the queen's callous display and requested for an immediate discharge. Hayreddin followed suit soon after, and finally free to act on their feelings, the two were quietly wed on the outskirts of Sylva.

Nowadays, Hayreddin and Tatiana run small wheat farm with their three children. Tatiana also runs a small smith nearby, where she forges (and occasionally enchants) weapons for those in need of them. Hayreddin handles most of the number crunching, his experience with the black market and trade patterns coming very much in handy. Not exactly the grandest life one could picture, but a happy and stable one nevertheless.


Tatiana Dagdelen (Née Mandala): Hayreddin’s wife and former commanding officer. The eldest of three sisters, Tatiana had a falling out with one of her sisters in her youth and left the family to forge her own path at an early age. Her adoption of her husband’s surname (usually it’s the other way around) was a final act of rebellion to further distance herself from her family. She’s quite the black sheep amongst Red Witches in that she has absolutely no aptitude for offensive magic whatsoever. Her skill however, lay in the enchanting of weapons and was widely known during her years of service for her unerring skill with the blade and the plethora of enchantments she utilised in battle. Her signature weapon enchantment was an energy field which disrupted molecular bonds and greatly increased a weapon’s offensive power. She spends most of her time nowadays running small time smithing side business in addition to helping out around the farm. She often likes to playfully insult Hayreddin, calling him a wimp and gloating for hours on end about each and every sparring match he lost to her. Though she never stopped exuding the commanding and stern aura she had as a soldier, she doesn’t mind being spoiled and swept off her feet every now and then…

Behram Dagdelen: Hayreddin’s sixteen year old son and the eldest of the Dagdelen siblings. Rather mature and together for his age, he often tries to be a good role model for his two younger sisters, the keyword being ‘tries’. More often than not, his sisters simply mock him for various things, like his shyness around girls and bookish nature, but they still love their big brother to bits. He dreams of becoming a master craftsman and smith, just like his mother.

Samia ‘Sami’ Dagdelen: The thirteen year old middle child of the Dagdelen siblings and a Red Font. Sami fulfills the role of foolish sibling a little too well for her own good. Reckless by nature, Sami’s name is the first name that comes to Hayreddin and Tatiana’s mind the moment something goes wrong. Something of a tomboy, she enjoys roaming around the farm whenever she’s free, looking for snakes and spiders and all manners of creepy crawlies to collect. She has made a habit putting other kids of her age to shame, usually by shoving them to the ground or sticking beetles down their shirts. Despite this, she’s surprisingly popular with boys (much to Hayreddin’s fury) and has already received several stammering confessions, which she usually responds to by shoving the poor sod away and fleeing in embarrassment.

Sadiye Dagdelen: Hayreddin’s youngest daughter, red witch, and a devil in plain sight. A deceptively shrewd and cunning young girl of eight, Sadiye is very much aware of the fact that she can exploit her cute looks for all sorts of privileges and perks throughout the household. Hayreddin is very proud that at least one of his kids takes after him, though Tatiana is more than a little miffed. She has no qualms about mercilessly exploiting her elder siblings into giving her treats and doing chores for her, all while maintaining the same devilish facade of innocent adorableness. Although, she does make it a point to never lie, and like the rest of her siblings, adores her family.

Maya Dagdelen: Hayreddin’s stern and demanding mother. Though mother and son were estranged from young. Hayreddin made it a point to reconcile with his mother after leaving Military service and marrying Tatiana. She maintains that she only forgave him because Hayreddin would only drive his new family to ruin if she left him alone, but her true feelings show themselves for a short time whenever she spends afternoons alone with her grandchildren.

Franklin Dagdelen (Née Armstrong): Hayreddin’s theatrical and dramatic father. A former actor and salesman, sweet talking and line bellowing has been a major part of his life for the longest time. His smooth baritone voice seems to completely enthrall his grandchildren, who often beg him to recite tales of adventure and poems of grandeur to them. Though the polar opposite of his wife, the two remain as close as ever even after over sixty years of marriage.







6’1” (1.85m)


Tall and solidly built, relative to his age anyway.

Notable features:

He has several burn scars across his face, all as a result of Tatiana’s enchanted blades. He also bears a tattoo of a broken chain across his wrists, the mark of a reformed convict.



Hayreddin is a simple farmer, though strong as a result of constant work, he lacks skill with actual weapons and relies on luck more often than not.

That’s what he wants people to think anyway.


A double headed steel halberd bearing the name “Law”. It was personally enchanted by Tatiana with her signature molecular disruption field, giving it almost absurd cutting power against all but the strongest of armors. It has also been enchanted to resist both physical and magical damage, but is still vulnerable to dispelling magics and spells of significant force.

During one of his heists as a youth, Hayreddin filched a Drakesteel mace from the quarters of a military officer. It was one of the few things that Hayreddin managed to conceal from the authorities and is kept locked away in Hayreddin’s private quarters, more as a memento than anything else, since using it would instantly land him back in jail.

Fighting style:

Hayreddin’s skill lies in the usage of various polearms, like pikes, spears and halberds. He employs a fighting style of his own make, which incorporates both standard spear techniques combined with some aspects of Swordplay taught to him by Tatiana. In combat, he positions his grip much closer to the head of the polearm than normal, which trades the long reach polearms normally have for greater a amount of control. He holds the weapon firmly, but at the same time loosely enough to allow the weapon to slide forwards if need be. This allows Hayreddin to switch between combat ranges on the fly, keeping an opponent at bay with the weapon’s long reach before altering his grip and closing in for a quick kill.

Hayreddin isn’t opposed to using underhanded tactics to get the edge in a fight. Chucking knives at distracted opponents, dirt throwing and scrotum kicking, if it can win him a fight, Hayreddin will probably try it at some point. During sparrs and friendly duels, he (usually) casts this attitude aside, any other situation however, and all bets are off. It would be a most unwise to pass him off as anything less than a threat.

Spells or magic items

: Hayreddin’s old warden armor has been enchanted with durability and resistance enchantments, though it has been years since there has been any actual need for it. He also carries around several mana crystals proudly filled and given to him by his daughter, Samia. They give off a warm red glow, and Hayreddin usually uses them as makeshift reading lights.


Tensions were high as training weapons clanged together and husband and wife sparred out in the field, matching one another blow for blow. Hayreddin thrust his practice lance forward, a move which Tatiana easily parried the strike with her sword and countered with her own riposte. Using the momentum from his initial thrust, he dodged the strike and spun on the spot, sweeping with his weapon in a large arc in front of him. Tatiana replied with an almost nonchalant step backwards, putting her out of range of the swing and infuriating her husband further still. Years worth of duels had taught both partners nearly everything about each other’s fighting style, from stance to strike pattern. Nevertheless, Hayreddin rarely came out on top in their duels and today was no different. Tatiana wasted no time in renewing her assault after her dodge, sending a flurry of swift strikes, followed by swift heel kick. Hayreddin managed to bat away her sword each time, but the kick caught him squarely in the gut, and he doubled over from the pain. She moved in for the final strike, bringing the training blade down upon his neck, but Hayreddin was ready from her. Springing up, he wrapped his arms around her waist and flung her bodily to the ground. She retaliated by kicking upwards as she fell, her feet connecting with the side of his face, and quickly scrambled to her feet as he reeled backwards.

“You’ve gotten better!” Tatiana yelled between heavy pants. “Normally you’d be kissing my ass right about now!”

Hayreddin didn’t dignify her quip with a response and simply lunged forward, attempting to catch her off guard with an offhand swing, which worked to an extent. She was unable to properly bat his weapon away and the weapon smacked her squarely in the ribs. Wasting no time, he pressed Hayreddin pressed the momentary advantage, delivering several more quick strikes to the torso, culminating with kick to her shin. Her leg buckled and she fell to her knees from the sudden assault. At long last, victory seemed assured for Hayreddin, he circled over to her unarmed side, making sure she couldn’t retaliate as he poised for the decisive blow.

As he brought the end of his training lance forward, Tatiana responded in a flash. Dropping her sword, she grabbed the shaft of the oncoming lance and wrenched it from Hayreddin’s grasp. As he stumbled forward from the sudden pull, she grabbed his arm and in one swift movement, threw him over her shoulder and slammed him onto the hard ground, pinning him to the ground with a boot to the chest.

“I think that means it’s my win again then.”

Hayreddin groaned loudly as he pulled himself off the ground, embittered from the humiliating defeat once again. He’d come so close to winning too, and it’d been years since that ever happened.

“I guess that means manure duty and a backrub tonight then?” he moaned, rubbing his poor aching back.

“Hey, you bet the usual, it’s not my fault you have such a graceful and talented woman as your oh so charming wife you know.”

“Yeah yeah, so what does this make it now? Twenty five to zero give or take one? I should be thankful my spine isn’t in a million pieces by now.”

“Oh suck it up you pansy,” she teased, giving a hard slap on the back as she did so, “if you breath through your mouth, it’ll be just like digging for treasure! Chunky brown and slightly moist treasure!”

“Alright alright, I’m on it already. It’ll be dark soon if I don’t start now, and that stuff ain’t going nowhere unless you’re planning to serve it for dinner or something. Come to think of it, that might actually be an improvement.”

Hayreddin allowed himself a small chuckle as she thumped him across the stomach. He gave her quick peck on the cheek before turning around making his way to the barn.

“You know,” she called to him from the doorway, “if you’re still upset about that little loss back there, we can always go for a rematch later tonight. I’d say you generally perform better during the follow-up sessions, hee hee hee…“
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Fianna Wolfwood

Black Witch and Cartographer


Age: 31

Sex: Female

Rank: Matriarch

License: 6-Petal (Combat) licence


Stubborn to a tee, Fianna embodies her mana colour perfectly. This can cause problems, especially when coupled with her rebellious streak. Fi is also fiercely independent and driven, perhaps leading to the practical and pragmatic surface that can come across as calculated and callous sometimes. Beneath this, there is a spark of romanticism but this is deeply hidden from the eyes of others.


Born into a family of wealthy country nobles, Fi wanted for very little as she grew up. Thanks to the lengthy absences of her mother and father, she was mostly educated and raised by the family majordomo and their maids. Despising the restrictions of castle life and her place as the daughter of a minor yet not inconsequential aristocrat, she spent a lot of time exploring the great pine forests bordering the small castle town that gave her family their namesake.

Despite constant rebellion, Fi was educated in logic, reasoning and the arts and had her sights set on becoming a warden like her father. Despite his demanding occupation, Fi always had a strong bond with him, and he had always encouraged her adventurous side from an early age, even going as far as to allow fencing lessons with the guard captain. This changed when she began to manifest her magical powers upon coming of age. Naturally, her mother was delighted that she could uphold the family tradition of witchcraft and despite her reluctance, Fi was sent to Sylva to begin her apprenticeship.

Fianna was eighteen when her father disappeared. A search was launched by the wardens but no trace of the man was uncovered and his disappearance was simply attributed to the blight. Making a personal vow to find answers, Fi threw herself wholeheartedly into her training and begin studying and learning with an intensity that began to even intimidate the Matriarch that she was studying under. Fi's long-term goal was to gain her Matriarch status, to serve her time in the army, and along the way to gain enough autonomy to try and discover what became of her father.


Aerlys Wolfwood:
Mother – 46, A well respected country lady with a small fortune in lumber and raw goods.

Thalmyr Wolfwood: Father – 43, Missing, presumed dead

Kallor Wolfwood: Brother – 27, Bureaucratic and officious, gifted with numbers but infirm and sickly

Tavor Hurley: – 36, Compatriot and partner

Vallux Ghorm: – 25, Member of the royal scout corps and old colleague


Eyes: Light blue

Hair: White (thanks to a mild form of albinism)

Height: 5'11

Build: Athletic, wiry muscles

Notable features: Almost permanent frown of concentration, slightly masculine features


When out in the field, which is fairly often, Fi can mostly be seen wearing a blackened light cuirass over darkened leathers. Eschewing what she terms as 'impractical noble fripperies', she tends towards practical clothing that does not impede movement.


Weapons: Shield and sabre

Fighting style: Brutal, efficient and simple - emphasising strength

Spells or magic items, if any: Enchanted cuirass (infused with black mana to provide additional stopping power)


The evening sun slid lazily across the palatial room, trickling across marble embellishments and columns to rest upon two figures facing each other within the centre of the expanse. A Matriarch clothed entirely in black and, in contrast, her journeywoman wearing a ivory gown that almost matched her skin, giving the impression that the only adornment she wore was the amber-coloured sky. A sky that seemed to retreat towards an eddy of clouds visible from the expansive windows of the dome.

Mounted upon shaky legs, Fi shifted her stance. Sweat beaded upon her forehead and she gave her neck a flick to stop it from running into her eyes, sending a scintillating cascade towards the tiled floor. She was already a mass of bruises and a whole host of scrapes and abrasions covered her from head to toe under the white robe. Knotting her brows, she shifted her stance to plant her feet more firmly, and drew upon the mana reserves that remained to her. As she felt the small trickle of power infuse her being she decided that things weren't looking good, her experienced opponent had backed her expertly into a corner, fighting a desperate defense that didn't allow any openings or counterattacks. Perhaps it was time to risk all on a final maneuver.

Flinging her hands wide, Fi sprinted forwards, muttering incantations under her breath. A host of luminescent spheres sprang into existence and streaked towards the black-clad matriarch, arcing around the woman as they flew. Matriarch Ethelda was forced to shift her shield to absorb the projectiles as they fell. Giving a self-satisfied smile, she easily countered the force-spheres, deftly shifting her shield to encounter each forceful blow as it fell, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust and dissipating magic. As the cloud of energy and dust surrounded her, the Matriarch began to prepare a spell of her own.

And suddenly her journeywoman appeared from the miasma directly in front of her, arm blurring forwards in a magically-reinforced attack. Widening her eyes in surprise, Ethelda shifted her stance as best she could and took the blow on her torso. Everything seemed to go into slow motion as the blow spun her around just as the spell she had been preparing reached readiness. As her unwilling pirouette reached its apogee and she was facing the younger witch once more, the Matriarch unleashed a wave of pure kinetic energy in front of her. Fianna raised her shield, but after a second her meagre mana reserves failed her and she was sent sprawling away from the fallen Matriarch as the energy wave hammered into her. As she slid to a stop and the dust settled, silence reigned for a few seconds, before Matriarch Ethelda picked herself up, and began to walk over to her fallen ward, sending a percussion of echoes through the room.

Groaning, Fianna painfully shifted herself onto her side, and tried to get up. Her breath was driven from her lungs as she slipped to the unforgiving floor once more. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth, leaving a crimson punctuation upon the marble. As she noticed her Matriarch standing over her, she let out a small, painful chuckle.

Ethelda's mouth tightened in disapproval. "Not good enough, girl. You'll have to do better than that if you want to win your duel, at this rate, you'll even fail the preliminary tests."

Rising to her knees, Fi shakily managed to get her feet beneath her. Coughing once or twice, she managed to find her voice.

"Once more."

Turning away, so her ward could not witness the softening of her expression, the Matriarch replied.

"No. You're good to nobody in this state. If you can barely stand, you'll be even less capable than usual of learning something useful. Go and see the physiker, and get some rest."

Gritting her teeth, Fi murmured something resembling "Yes, Matriarch" and staggered angrily as she could manage towards the doors.
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Evy Kagori

Blue Witch and Bounty hunter


Age: 29

Sex: Female

Rank: n/a

License: n/a


Evy Kagori is a kind, negotiable woman in public, but when it comes down to her occupation; kindness comes second to her rudeness. She cannot help but express how she feels by screaming at her bounties, and the screaming leads to her disastrous nature. Only when she catches her bounty does she attempt to negotiate with him/her. It is something that she feels needs work, but never takes the time to look for classes in negotiation. She is a very trusting woman, which also makes her a very gullible woman. Being as trusting, as she often is, often leads to her chasing her bounty for a second time.

As for her love life, Evy never really thinks about taking a man in her life, not after what her father put her through. There are times when she thinks about talking to people that she feels would be compatible with her, only to ruin the moment by pointing out flaws.


Evy Kagori was born into a family that believed magic should only assist as a last resort. Being born in such a family as hers meant training of the mind and physique, which was hard for Evy, because, she was the shortest member of the family and her short stature, meant higher respect would take a lot more work to gain. Even though she was the only child in the family, work and training came before anything related to the word fun, and that included magic and other forms of entertainment, such as pets and imaginary friends.

At the age of fifteen, her father took her training to the next level, sparring with her daily, from early morning to late afternoon. The idea of bonding with her father more than her mother upset her more than the idea of learning to fight without magic. She handled this task with a great amount of patience and a serene state of mind. After countless days of training and muscle building techniques, she took her chances at taking her father down with extreme force, even if she knew that she would not win. Countless times, she threw her fists with everything that she had, but every time she failed, and every time she ended up on her back. She eventually gave up on the thought of beating him and began to despise the way that he forced the training on her.

Once she was, the proper age to live on her own, Evy left her parents for a better way of living; although she never stopped doing the training that, they taught her. The thought of continuing as if she was still living with them did not bother her much, it was her choice to take what she earned and use it the way that she wanted, magic and all. It resulted in her taking a job as a bounty hunter, which she felt was hazardous to her health, but she also felt that it was a way to show her father. She wanted him to see that she was going to make it just fine, and he could keep his record of beating her.


Dailin Kagori: Mother of Evy Kagori. Thrown out of her childhood home at an early age, and forced to live on the streets for most of her teenage years, she learned to. This went on until a stranger took her away from it all.

Ghit Kagori: Father of Evy Kagori. During his childhood, his father abused him, often times he would lose consciousness, and not wake until his father was fast asleep. This forced him to start his own training regime, and eventually overpowered his father. He later turned his art of grappling into a full time job of bounty hunting.


Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Long black hair.

Height: 5’4”

Build: A muscular build.

Notable features: Evy has an armband tattoo of a black snake on the bicep of her right arm.

Although she has an all-round muscular body, she prefers to choke out her bounties, using only her legs.


Weapons: Wand, hands, feet.

Fighting style: Evy is a master in grappling, only when the bounty is faster than her, does she resort to using her mana.

Spells or magic items, if any: Eroth: This spell creates several spots of gravity changing magic on the ground, essentially slowing or even stopping the bounty in his/her tracks, depending on how many they step on during the process of running.


Evy picked herself up after taking a devastating blow to the head, leaving her vision blurred and a soft ringing in her right ear. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her vision, but she only made her head hurt worse than it already did. It was her fault, trusting her teacher to aim for another, less vulnerable spot of the body only her teacher had his toes crossed, and hid the lies with her calm voice.

“It’s over, Evy, and you couldn’t even manage a decent hit on me. Do we need to go back to basics?”

Unhappy with the results of her match, Evy fell on her back and looked to the ceiling. “I wasn’t expecting that last blow, and I know that I’m not supposed to trust an enemy, but I can’t help but give people a second chance.” She said this as she held back the anger, tears and regret that filled her head so suddenly.
Alice Karga

Private Karga

  • Full Name: Alice Karga

    Age: 28

    Sex: Female

    Occupation: Private in the Queen's Army
    Color: White

    Class: Witch

    Rank: Journeywoman

    License: 3 Petals
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Veronica Faulkner

White Warden


Age: 28

Sex: Female

Rank: Captain in the Wardens; Matriarch in the Belladonnas Guild (Dueling guild for women)

License: As a Warden she has a forged license to kill, and she sharpens it everyday! (Three Petals)


A daring, cheeky soldier who makes it her personal mission in life to show that a woman without magic is not someone to be pitied. Duty and honor are standard fare for her, and she expects nothing less from anyone else. The life of a Warden can be grim, but that’s no excuse to skimp on your integrity. She’s rather infamous for her sass filled bravado, and its gotten her into trouble quite a few times before. However, she will never apologize for socking someone for looking down on her because of her lack of magic as a woman, or her station as a Warden.

Tossing aside slanderous rumours Warden cadets whisper about her she-devil tyrannies, Veronica is a determined friend to those she deems worthy. The ferocity she shows during battles with the Blight can be equally measured by her dedication to those close to her. She’s forged many strong bonds through the fires of war with fellow Wardens, and there are even a good number of men among that number who she would raise her sword for. As a soldier deeds speak louder than words to her, so she can easily get behind someone who has impressed her with their actions.

She won’t say it openly, but her lack of magic is still something of a sore spot for her ego. This angst doesn’t stem from any ambitions regarding the arcane, but it’s still a personal issue none the less. As the older of the two Faulkner heirs she’s constantly reminded that she can never contribute to continuing their family’s bloodline due to her infertility, nor will she ever experience the joy of having her own child. This also means that her younger sister Mabel becomes the Matriarch of the family. That in itself doesn’t bother Veronica, but her sibling gets overwhelmed easily and hasn’t been adjusting to her responsibilities well. All in all Veronica quietly feels she’s somewhat failed as a big sister, a Faulkner, and as a woman. It’s a chink in her confidence that she guards well.


Veronica Faulkner’s story didn’t really start till she joined the Wardens. Her early childhood has little worth mentioning with her mother, Gwen Faulkner, being a Font and forced to live outside Sylva’s walls. Veronica’s father and uncle (on her mother’s side) raised her then. To be honest her uncle did most of the work since her father was doing his utmost best to enjoy the luxury and privileges awarded to him by his marriage to Gwen. With the Faulkner Matriarch away from the estate Veronica’s father oversaw matters of the household, and used his duties to pad his already comfortable lifestyle. This continued until Mabel’s birth. Graham was given explicit permission from his sister to remove the live-in lout from the Faulkner estate, and erase all history of his ties to the family name.

Things started to look up for Veronica then, at least till it became clear she had no magical talent at all. She wasn’t even a Void like her mother, she was simply just impotent in two meanings of the word. Dreams of hoisting her family name into heroic legends were dashed when she realized what her sterility really meant. Gwen’s affections made it clear that Veronica was still a dear part of the family, but the matriarch’s attention typically defaulted to Mabel, preparing the younger Faulkner to take over the family name when she was of age. While Veronica held no ill will against her younger sister it was definitely frustrating to be the odd duck out, sitting on the side.

It was her Uncle Graham her ushered her onto the path of the blade during her teens. He explained how swordsmanship could give her renewed focus and purpose in life, how she could still bring glory to the Faulkner name but in a different manner. With her uncle’s urging and support Veronica fully embraced the art of swordplay, and took strength in knowing she was still useful to her family. She trained hard through the following years, and took great interest in the Wardens, often watching them practice and generally making a playful nuisance of herself through questions, banter, and horseplay.

When she was old enough she signed up for service with the Wardens, and never looked back. She’s found real purpose in her life, and takes heart that even she can contribute something to society aside from her saucy mouth. Her small stature has made fighting a little difficult, but she accepts the challenge with gusto knowing she never really fights alone. She has her comrades beside her, and the people of Arcana behind her, and neither shall find her wanting when her steel must strike. In roughly a decade she’s risen up to the rank of Captain. She might have gotten a little higher if it wasn’t for her habit of punching people who look down on Wardens or non-magical people in general.


Gwen Faulkner:
Veronica’s mother, and a white Void. Because of her class she has been forced to live outside of Sylva in one of the void settlements. She has high expectations for Mabel to return their family to a sense of proper power and normalcy, but is still a caring mother in her own ways. Her habit of firmly pushing people to do better has forever irked Veronica, and though they may butt heads every now and then there is still a bond of love between the two.

[Records Expunged]: Veronica and Mabel’s father. The man married Gwen Faulkner thinking he could live a nice cozy life in Sylva, and rule the Faulkner estate with his wife being gone. He’s one of the males that give men a bad reputation, and he was formally cast out of the family once his antics got old. Graham Faulkner was the one to officially give _____ the boot out the door shortly after Mabel was born. Veronica holds no love or sympathy for the man, and is glad that the Faulkner name has had its past grunge removed.

Graham Faulkner: Gwen’s older brother, and beloved uncle to Veronica. Graham was more of father figure and mentor to his nieces than their biological dad ever was, and helped raise Veronica and Mabel in their mother’s absence due to Gwen’s forced exile from Sylva. At one point in his nieces’ childhood Graham managed to convince the two girls he invented the graham cracker, and its been a running gag with them ever since. He was a big influence on Veronica’s life especially after her father was expelled from the family. Once Mabel became old enough to be considered the family Matriarch he was married to another family to reestablish a weakened alliance outside of Sylva. He’s one of the few men Veronica will openly admire.

Mabel Faulkner: The younger of the two Faulkner heirs. Some say Veronica got the short end of the stick in comparison to Mabel; the younger woman is a Font, has full curves, is taller, sports an endearing charm, and an angelic personality. Admittedly Veronica is rather intimidated by her sister’s bust and height, but that doesn’t get in the way of their sisterly affections. They look up to each other for different reasons, and Veronica holds nothing against Mabel in regards to life’s circumstances. The older woman is a bit leery of Mabel being pursued by suitors looking to take advantage of the new Faulkner Matriarch, though.

Cain Dion: The General of the Wardens, and the ‘Big Boss’ as Veronica likes to call him. He carries a very daunting visage and demeanor, and leads his soldiers by example. Popular opinion and local legend has it that a lesser man would be brought to his knees if they had to bear Cain’s impressive facial hair. Veronica hasn’t had the chance to speak to the man personally, but she has seen him in action before, and respects the General greatly. As a cadet Veronica had a slight crush on the man, but she will punch anyone who accuses her of such silly things.

Margaret “Gretel” Hagermaus III: A Major in the Wardens, and directly above Veronica in the army. Her imposing attributes and temper can sometimes make Veronica’s mouthy rants look like a girl scout’s sales pitch in comparison, especially when she starts swinging her spiked club around. She’s a tough but also a fair leader, and is more often than not given the respect she deserves. Veronica herself is quite proud to be under Margaret’s command, and aspires to learn more in the ways of war under her tutelage.


Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Short blonde hair that she keeps brushed back

Height: 5'7"

Build: Lacks prominent womanly curves, and sports a lean muscular body.

Notable features: She's best known for the sass that spews from her mouth from time to time.


Has a strong distaste for formal clothing, preferring the comfort and practicalities of less lavish attires. Not to mention fancy outfits are meant to accentuate an attractive figure, and she believes herself to be rather plain in appearance.


Weapons: Sword and lantern shield

Fighting Style: Specializes in fighting with a sword and shield equipped, but is adept with many bladed weapons utilized by the Wardens out of necessity. She’s trained to lead Wardens into battle, so her tactics revolve around stabbing things to death rather than using magic. If her detachment is supporting witches she can plan accordingly, of course. She has led groups of riflemen in the past, but hasn’t bothered learning how to use a gun herself. Veronica doesn’t want to fiddle with reloading the cumbersome weapon when she could better serve the cause by keeping the troops focused.

Magic Items:

Being a Warden she finds herself with little use for white or blue magic. As of late she’s taken a shining to having her gear magically reinforced with black magic, though; Margaret’s influence may have had something to do with this.

Her sword and armor have been enchanted with black magic to enhance their physical attributes and make them harder than they would be otherwise.

Veronica’s peculiar shield is her pride and joy as a Warden. Like the rest of her gear a black enchantment imbues it with a hardy vitality allowing her to bash, block, and butcher to her heart’s content. As the item’s namesake suggests, the shield can be used as a source of light as well by lowering a flap on the upper half of its curved facing. However, instead of an oil lamp as was the item’s original design, Veronica uses a crystal enchanted to give off extreme amounts of light. The gem itself is rigidly mounted within the shield, and has several small mirrors surrounding it to magnify and redirect the luminescence outwards from the hole in a focused beam.


Your character is writing a letter to someone they have not seen in a long time. Who is the letter addressed to, and what does your character write?

Dearest Sister;

The expedition your academic guild sent us on fares well! Your instructions were on the mark as always, and we found the Sirean coastal caves without much trouble. I’m still not quite sure what your bookworm compatriots want with the squishy gribblies that live there. They reek, and are most unpleasant to clean off weapons with their disgusting slime! Speaking of which I sent a jar of the sticky stuff ahead of us along with this letter. I wouldn’t try eating it, as poor Nessa had the utmost unfortunate (albeit hilarious) mishap of having the filth flung at her face and into her mouth. Poor woman’s been retching for an hour now! I’m starting to suspect she’s just hyping up her revulsion, but if the gunk turns out to be poisonous I will be sending another letter in warning, rest assured! And yes, before your colleagues die of frustration if they’re reading this with you, those things attacked us first! They were killings in self defense!

Alright, now if your friends really are reading this with you tell them I said “Sod off!” because now I’m writing for personal effect.

As a Warden this trip has been quite a nice break from my normal duties. I wish you and Uncle Graham were here with me to enjoy the sight of the coastline. Mother Gaia help me, I wish even Mother could see these sights! Perhaps I really have been afflicted by the Blight if I’m wishing that, huh?! Before you fret, no, we haven’t encountered any Blight out here. I don’t expect to either, but if we see any we’ll be sure to send another messenger ahead.

I hope you’ve been well yourself! I know things can get overwhelming for you at times. Thanks again for looking after the house and Mother while I’m away, but don’t forget to have some fun yourself sometimes. When I get back we’ll have to take some time off to catch up! Do let me know if more of those pesky suitors have continued to harass you while I’m away, I’ll be sure to straightened them out like always!

Big Sis~


We’ve made sure to stock up on food by supplementing our rations with wild game so we won’t have to eat any samples on our way back this time!
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Age: 24

Sex: Female

Rank: Journeywoman

License: Six petals


Mabel’s personality is every powerful woman’s dream girl. She is charming in a whimsical way, always bright and peppy. She enjoys simple pleasures in life as well as the search for knowledge. She is very smart, but maybe not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. She is a bit of a klutz and an airhead, but eventually she straightens up. She’s caring and compassionate, and always takes others into consideration before herself. She doesn’t like fighting so much, but is willing to do what she must to prove her worth. She may seem carefree, and this deceives a lot of people who don’t know the massive amount of stress she is under by the entire Faulkner family line.


Once upon a time the Faulkner family had an incident where the mother was born a White Void and she wasn't allowed in the capital. As the leader of the noble family, she had her husband and brother take her place in the capital while she remained exiled to the outskirts. She gave birth to Veronica Faulkner, a beautiful baby girl that had all the potential in the world...till they found out that she had no magic ability whatsoever and was sterile and couldn't have any children.

And then Mabel was born.

Mabel, though the younger daughter, held magic potential and thus made her next in line to take over the family. Like in Veronica's bio, Mabel was pushed upwards while Veronica was ignored. No matter how much they tried to separate the two girls, Mabel insisted that her big sister remain notably involved in her life.

Veronica and Mabel went their separate ways as Veronica turned to the military to find her purpose there. Mabel was left behind, forced to study everything that a good noblewoman should know--arts, literature, politics. Though Mabel disliked the position she was in in her life, she continued to study, eventually finding she was very interested in the past world rather than the one she was in now.

Mabel had to take a break from her studies to serve, but they realized very quickly that her potential in her magic ability was very poor. In other words, she was told never to use any sort of magic ever again. She's bad and should feel bad. Mabel only cried for twenty minutes before going into a more acceptable lifestyle for her failures. Yes, she was forced out of service early.

Mabel became a researcher, and she loved it. She had enough freedom to where the leash that bound her to her familial duties was extended. She could know about the wide world that she was not permitted to see. And on occasions, she was allowed to go on excavations. Truly, the research field was the thing for her. That was...until there was an incident that involved a major public apology on the behalf of the academics guild.

Due to some misunderstandings along the line, Mabel was voted in to speak on the behalf of her guild. Everyone was surprised for how elegantly she spoke and how her words moved so many people into her favor. With a final smile and a bow, she gained the attention of the Queen. This is how she landed the job as the Queen's diplomat.


Gwen Faulkner: Mabel and Veronica’s mother, a white void. Due to her class, she was forced to live outside of the city, even though she was the head of the household. She had others trusted within the family to hold the family’s position until her daughters were old enough.

______ Faulkner: Mabel and Veronica’s father. However, due to his outlandish actions, he was expunged from family records and exiled from the family.

Graham Faulkner: The best Uncle in the world. To Mabel, this is her father and the perfect role model for a man to be her future husband. Shortly after Mabel was born, her biological father was expunged and Graham, Gwen Faulkner’s brother, took on the role as caretaker in her stead. There is a long running joke about how Graham was the inventor of the Graham cracker, in which Mabel vehemently believes in, no matter what anyone says.

White Warden Veronica Faulkner: Mabel’s beloved older sister. Even though there was much stress in their family positions, Mabel not once ever felt ill will toward her sister. If anything, she adored and idolized her sister even more. To Mabel, Veronica could say no wrong. She is her rock while Mabel is Veronica’s flower. Even as the pressures of holding down the family was pushed onto Mabel, she still remains very close with her sister.


Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Height: 5’9”

Build: Tall, hourglass figure.

Notable features: Believe in her shelf. Also, shawty got leeeeeeeeegs.

Image: I'm a BOMBSHELL

Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. And Veronica's like...gtfo. Damn right, gtfo. She could chase you, but she'd rather kill.


Mabel is not a combatant. She has done her service, but they might as well as prohibited her from ever wielding a weapon ever again.

Weapons: Books. Beware of flying books.

Fighting style: Flailing and chucking things. She’s also learned a thing or two from Veronica, but isn’t really specialized in anything.

Spells or magic items, if any:

  • As a White Font, Mabel has the ability to exude mana of her color. Though she is of higher quality, her skill in controlling her mana is very low. She is prone to releasing more than intended (resulting in bomb-making a very difficult process for her unless she wants it to blow up in her face) or not releasing any at all. She has been trying her best to work with other White Fonts to regulate her mana flow.

    Currently, Mabel has a special item that helps her regulate so she doesn't blow everything up. It is a pendant made by a Red Font that acts as a mana negation item when her flow extends past a certain amount. She constantly wears it and only takes it off while sleeping or in case of emergencies.

    Otherwise, Mabel rarely uses her Font abilities unless she's in a place where other Fonts could monitor her process.


Your character is writing a letter to someone they have not seen in a long time. Who is the letter addressed to, and what does your character write?

Dear Beloved Big Sister,

I'm glad to hear the expedition fares well! I really wish I could have gone with you. I heard the coast is beautiful around this season, with the waves crashing against the pointy rocks and the demon fish flopping around, awaiting for their next meal to fall into the water. It just sounds so lovely!

I received the jar, and I thank you for your trouble, my dearest Veronica! It really does smell. One of the guards to the academics hall came in to ask about it and as soon as I opened the jar, he passed out because of the stench! It was quite a sight to see when his face turned purple and then little yellow spots started to cover his face. I have come to realize that storing the substance for a certain amount of time makes it even more toxic. But fear not, the guard will be just fine. Right now, he is up and peppy like before!...Although he wasn't very peppy to begin with. In fact...he had no pep at all. Maybe a little pop...sometimes it looks like his vein is going to pop out of his head when I talk to him. I wonder why???

Ah, yes my friends are reading with me. But...they didn't go away when I told them to. So I had to reenact you and tell them in my Veronica Voice. I think I scared one of them to the point of peeing themselves. Maybe it was the slime. Haha, I'm not so sure.

Things here have been normal...ish....I have been rushing back and forth between the academic guild headquarters and the Queen's palace. It's a bit of a hassle, since I now don't have as much time to play around with my research. I have been taking etiquette courses from Janice Dougal per mother's request. She says I am getting too old and soon even if I do find a suitor, I will be too old for children. Tell Mother I don't want any children! I want to tell her but every time I try to, she gives me that LOOK and I just can't say anything to her anymore. It makes me want to just pop out all the babies to be her grandchildren. But then I cry myself to sleep because I don't want to become a baby factory!

I am glad you haven't encountered any Blight. That is a good sign for a safe travel back. But...if you ever run into any, be sure to bring one back to be examined. You know...for the sake of SCIENCE! And please don't let the guildmaster know. Last time I had a Blight brought to the outskirts guild station, it got away and started chewing on Sheila the Blacksmith's husband's wooden leg. That was an awkward one to explain...

I'm holding up the fort here. You and your team just get back in one peace. That include the maps expert I lent you. Lenard is really nice. Please don't hurt him. And ooooh Gaia, do I have a lot to tell you about Mother and the suitors. I would...rather tell you in person. Preferably before the second lunar cycle. Mother has invited a few local sons of nobles over for a dinner party and....there will be dressing up and dancing. VERONICA I DON'T WANT TO DANCE WITH THEM. Be safe, sister!

With much love,

May Flower ~
Vera Mordel

White Witch and Blight Researcher


Age: 33

Sex: Female

Rank: Grand Matriarch

License: 12 Petals


In such a dangerous line of work, it is important to keep cool and collected. To the very few who know her, she is described as unnervingly calm in the most frightful of situations, and known to have a cunning to ensure things go her way. She has a strong disinterest for much outside of her work and the affairs of the kingdom. The years of researching in solitude without any companions but the tortured screams of those afflicted by the blight she studied cemented her cold attitude.


From her birth, Vera Mordel was destined to be a scholar. Coming from a long line of prestigious witches, every female born into the Mordel household was held to a strict regimen of study... little time for play, socializing, or anything outside the realm of study leading to a very solitary existence within the rest of the community. Within this setting, it was clear Vera excelled in the use of her white mana- from a very early age she could communicate and even command spirits far above the expected skill level of your average white witch. Because of this, Vera was introduced into the white witches guild at the age of 14.

However one can only learn so much in the comfort of the family library, a fact Vera begrudgingly faced upon entering the higher levels of study. Being much younger then those she should call her pupils, Vera felt challenged to prove herself equal- no, better than all of them. Eating, sleeping... these became of menial importance to her as she continued to excel above her contemporaries in her understanding of white mana, causing quite a bit of jealousy. Someone so young, so unsocial and alien to the rest of the guild, and yet already such an advanced witch meant that Vera was far from winning any popularity contests, save for one... the Queen herself, though only princess at the time.

Ame recognized Vera's loneliness and strived to out an end to it. Friendship was an alien concept for Vera, but soon she came to at least tolerate her presence and even began feel some semblance of friendship. Despite this, Vera remained antisocial and focused on study. In her ever present curiosity she would perform risky and immoral spells in private- at least until her newfound friend discovered her at work. Ame failed to see the importance of Vera's work at the time, that is was necessary to make a few sacrifices for knowledge. After the incident, the two rarely spoke again... This separation in turn, only furthered the tenacity of Vera's study and she quickly became one of the youngest Matriarchs of the guild. With her newfound title and knowledge of white mana, Vera's thirst for knowledge only worsened leading her to turn to the unknown... the blight.

Now 33, and a Grand Matriarch of the White Mages Guild, Vera lives in solitude far from the central of the kingdom. It is here Vera continues her study in her natural habitat: isolation. Though she is not completely alone, keeping the company of blight and those afflicted by it in search of it's driving force. Vera remains in sparse communication with the White Mages guild, the Queen and prominent military officials to discuss the application of her research and future needs. Several times however, the kingdom has called into question Vera's less then standard methods of research and begrudgingly has she had to defend her research in court. Never, however, has this impeded her research- no matter the method, the research needs to be done.

Recently, Vera has perfected a mana charged crystal producing a solar energy, keeping the blight weak and from advancing further- mostly a safety precaution, but she see's a potential in it's use as a first line of defense for those not under the protection of the barrier. This however currently plays second fiddle to her private research, in which she is attempting to concentrate the blight into it's primordial essence... an incredibly dangerous pursuit. But without taking risks, how could anyone hope to further their understanding of anything.


Amelanch Lavan: Acquaintance, With a stronger than normal distaste. As the leading researcher on the kingdom's greatest threat, the Blight, the Queen and Vera often communicate over her findings and possible methods of keeping the blight at bay. Neither women seem to fond of one another due to a falling out in the past... it's strictly business.

Whisper: Acquaintance. Vera's line of work is necessary, but dirty indeed. Research progress cannot be quickly made without some hands on experience and plenty of specimens- which can be hard to come by in a... politically correct manner. More than once has Vera hired Whisper and her unique skills to acquire these specimens quietly, for Vera to research as humanely as possible. Both solitary in nature, her relationship with Whisper is one of her better relationships: Vera doesn't hate her.

Cain Dion: Acquaintance. Cain is the only human outside of legend to enter and survive the void, meaning he is of extreme interest to Vera and her research. She cares not for his brutish nature and finds him irredeemably frustrating to communicate with on the subject. Beyond this, as the military General, Cain and Vera often exchange information gathered on the blight on either end, and Vera often begrudgingly supplies the army with any form of defense to be used against the blight.


Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Black

Height: 5'4"

Build: Slender

Notable features: Due to her notably stressful work place, Vera is typically seen accompanied by a cloud of smoke emitting from the tip of a cigarette.



Weapons: Among the tools of her study, Vera always has a set of flintlock pistols nearby when working. It has proved to be the most effective counter measure for any blight experiment gone awry. In addition to this, she carries a metallic quarterstaff which is as good a conduit for her magic as it is beating down enemies.

Fighting style: Vera cares little for direct combat herself, preferring to let others do the work for her. However she is by no means of incapable of defending herself having studied and practiced the practical applications of red and black magics with the use of white mana. In battle she is cunning, direct, and willing to win by


means necessary.

Spells or magic items, if any:

In the case of a specimen gone berserk, and a simple lead bullet will not suffice to persuade her attacker to be still, Vera carries several specialized rounds charged with red magic given to her by the kingdom as a line of defense, who's impact tend to be a little more... explosive. In an additional line of defense, should the need arise Vera is equipped with pre-cast black magic spells- barriers in particular, to give her a few extra moments to sort out the situation.


Your Royal Highness Amelanch, & esteemed members of the Military and Judicial Council,

Let me begin by stating this simply.

You know as well as I that without the support of the Kingdom it is impossible for me to carry out the research I have been involved with for the past 13 years- however on that note, You all also know as well as I that without my advancements in our understanding and prevention against this scourge, the kingdom in whole would not be what it is today. It is with this notion that I call into question the judgment of those who would speak against my work. They would have it shut down, and my hands shackled and locked in the darkest corner of the dungeon until any trace of me has disappeared into the faintest memory- and for what reason? Have my methods not proved successful where those before me have failed? Is this research of not the utmost importance and value to the Queen, the Military, and most importantly the people? I for one, have chosen to value the lives of all of those my advancements have aided over some misconstrued sense of morals. In a perfect world, there would be no blight, and there would be no need of me nor my work- but we do not live in a perfect world. The blight continues to peruse our destruction like a rabid dog, biting at our heels when we feel the most safe. And so, I have taken it upon myself to dedicate my life in servitude to not only the throne, but to research, and more-so to the people of the kingdom to combat this pestilence.

If the powers that be so choose to end this, then so be it. I will leave you with these final words that my dear friend the Queen should know so well: Progress, safety, and the pursuit of knowledge do not come without sacrifice... A sacrifice I, for one, am willing to make.


The White Witch of the Far Mountain

Grand Matriarch Vera Mordel
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Celeste Solarin

Blue Font and Engineer


Age: Fifteen

Sex: Female

Rank: Novice

License: Twelve-Petal


Celeste is an intellectual. She carries herself with an apathetic outward air and only knows how to speak in calm, unrushed tones. She views the world from a detached perspective. Everything can be reduced to actions and reactions, risks and consequences, dreams and realities. She’s come dangerously close to losing her vision, severing her limbs, and burning to a crisp during her experimentations, but she continues to brave the unknown for the sake of leaving behind a legacy. Being from a lesser class of family, Celeste is extremely cognizant of the social strata that exist within Arcana’s diverse society. She’s mindful of its rules and its biases, both spoken and unspoken, and cares more about a person’s pedigree than about their character or merit. She has a major obsession with wealth and fine things. Ascension through society’s ranks from the lower-middle class into a life of affluence is her only ambition in life. As a result, she only goes out of her way to maintain the advantageous connections, friendships, and relationships she feels will serve a purpose to her down the road. She has a marginal interest in befriending anyone else.

While her ‘job’ as a researcher requires her to live a social and public life among scholars in the capital, her private life has been notoriously solitary and quiet. She doesn’t have much of a life outside of her studies. She only attends local events when it’s a requirement to appease the guild and she rarely ‘hangs around’ afterwards to chat. Her inclination to seclude herself has affected her renown. Celeste isn’t a sensational figure despite her accomplishments; most hardly of her, much less about her. She often gets ignored and written off as an ordinary teen on the streets, but every now and then a fellow forward-thinker who is familiar with her face and work will strike a conversation. The lack of attention does and does not bother her. She has a lot on her mind, including a few decisions to make. The less noise she has buzzing in her ear, the better. At the same time, she craves attention both as a measure of success and as general craving for a hormonal young woman of her age. Her awkward responses and behaviors can mostly be boiled down to this one contradiction.


Celeste was born into ingenuity; her father was a blacksmith and her mother was an active blue mage in a scouting regiment. Due to her mother’s frequent absences, Celeste developed a close relationship with her father. She spent hours in his workshop learning the ins and outs of smithing and chemistry. She had an unending fascination with the world’s mechanics that, unfortunately, wasn’t supported by her mother. “Arcana needs soldiers, not scientists” were the woman’s exact words every time she caught her daughter experimenting in the yard. The negative energy between them only grew worse as Celeste got older. Her mother put her through training similar to what she received as an army recruit. It was her mother’s every intention to beat the dweeb out of her daughter early on so that she might grow to be someone that wouldn’t sully the family name. Celeste’s father never intervened out of respect for his wife, but he was always there to pick up the pieces afterwards. This tension between Celeste and her mother colored her view of the relationship between witches and fonts and between fonts and society.

Celeste’s life took a turn eight years ago when her mother was paralyzed from the waist-down in a skirmish against the blight. She was able to get around with use of her magic, but her injury rendered her unable to fight in the army. The sudden loss of income had a tremendous impact on the family. Daniel took on more work to keep up with their expenses but he couldn’t pay their bills all on his own. Rather than watch her husband break his back to keep up appearances, Mariel decided to move the family away from the city into Arcana’s cheaper, more vulnerable parts. Celeste resented the move. Being just seven years old at the time, she grew to fear what the downgrade would mean for her future. She became obsessed with finances and costs, unhealthily so. She would hiss at her mother for spending the family’s mother wastefully and urge her father to somehow do more, with her help. For months, panic brewed inside of her without a sufficient outlet until an idea struck her one afternoon. A neighbor returned to their small village toting a fancy new blunderbuss.

It was a combination of her craftsmanship and her fear of destitution that drove Celeste further from her mother’s ideal and deeper into the world of science. She knew from experiences that she would never make a good soldier. Chances of her ascending to the top through acts of valor were slimmer than her crippled mother’s. A life doing odd jobs wouldn’t cut it either. She could set up a crystal shop, but that only amounted to a lifetime of vending and penny-pinching just to make it through. The only thing profitable she had going for her was her mind so when she first set eyes on her neighbor’s new toy, she knew she had to do something with it. Celeste had heard of the ‘fire guns’-as her mother called them-from stories, but had never seen one up close. With some ego petting she was able to get her neighbor to show it off to her, even offering demonstrations of how to fire it and how to load it. It was clear to Celeste that the blunderbuss was the future; she only needed to figure out how to make it hers.

She took what she learned and performed experiments of her own. She drew up a blueprint and set her efforts on making the drawing a reality. It took many months and a birthday present just to gather the scrap, much less put them together and test if it worked. Celeste spent all of her time in the forge refusing to eat and sleep some nights. She didn’t tell anyone when she was finished with it, not even her father. She hid it for fear of her mother snatching it away and breaking it apart. It was her little secret to keep until she earned enough funds to take it to Sylva. Celeste worked in the local crystal shop to save up money for a trip to the capital. Her parents assumed she was coming to terms with her fate until she broke the news that she was going to Sylva, whether they agreed to it or not. Both of them accompanied her; her father for being curious, and her mother for not wanting to be left in the house alone. Once there, Celeste requested an audience with a representative from either guild. She presented her weapon to a woman from the black magic guild, who sent her proposal up the chain of command till it reached the eyes and ears of a Grand Matriarch. Her presentations ultimately earned her a twelve-petal license as well as a patent. Celeste was invited to stay in Sylva, where her learning could be fostered. She opted not to return home with her parents and she has been in the capital ever since.


Mariel Solarin: mother, a blue witch. Former soldier in the army, handicapped. Doesn't support Celeste.

Daniel Larue: father, a practicing blacksmith. Will do anything he can to see his girls happy.

The McKinley Family: landlord(s). Agreed to let Celeste board in their home while she studies.


Eyes: Crimson; she dislikes them and often gets picked on for having them.

Hair: Navy with violet highlights; she splurged during the high she felt after receiving her license.

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Build: A slim, underdeveloped frame lacking in all things feminine. It's not likely that she will 'bloom' anymore than this. The only muscles Celeste can claim to have are in her arms. Though they appear spindly, they can support the weight of most common smithing tools.

Image: Characters/Celeste 0.jpg.htmlCeleste Characters/Celeste 0.jpg.html



The advent of gunpowder and, later, the blunderbuss may not have had much impact on witch combat tactics, but Celeste saw in them the opportunity to revolutionize warfare for fonts. Perhaps the first of its kind, she’s modified an ordinary blunderbuss to fire via energy released from a manaburst rather than an ignition of gunpowder. The result is a more reliable, less expensive weapon customized for font combat roles; however, her modifications don’t end there. Celeste has developed crystal ammunition to replace metal pellets. It requires taking otherwise small and undesirable shard fragments and repurposing them by encasing them in a blown glass pellet to fit the firearm. This is the first of Celeste’s ideas to be patented and made public. A number of them have been made available to the army for testing purposes, but the product is not yet main-stream. Celeste, of course, owns one herself but it’s mostly for show.

Fighting style:

Celeste would technically be a ranged combat fighter if she were ever called to arms. Her experience is limited to unsuccessful training sessions with her mother.

Spells or magic items, if any:

Mari - Incendiary

Description: A number of black infused shards encased in a blown glass shell. Detonation sends the shards outwards in all directions, indiscriminately damaging anything within range. Lethal.

Urchin - Mine In Development

Description: Celeste’s first project exploring the effect of mana interactions on explosions. Mana Proportions: three parts white, one part black. Details: A single honeycomb-shaped shard infused with white mana encased in glass alongside a black mana shard. Precision cuts in the stone direct mana outwards when set off. The intermingling of white mana’s tendril-like quality combined with the hardiness of black mana results in a bright, urchin-shaped burst that quickly fades. Untested and unfinished; theoretically intended to slow enemies by mangling legs and warn of their locations at night. Non-lethal.
Derora ‘Rori’ Norstrum

Blue Witch and Tracker for the Queen’s Army


Age: 21


Rank: Private First Class/Journeywoman

License: Six Petals – Two Colors


A generally restless soul, Derora tends to flit from one place to another unless otherwise occupied, finding peace only when she marches out to do her duty to the queen. Despite being a blue witch, Rori rarely exhibits the gentleness and delicacy expected of one who wields the gentler magics. Rather, she possesses a fierce streak of loyalty to queen and country, and a meticulously developed need for independence. Though she’s a friendly enough sort, her fallback is more often than not witty sarcasm than sincerity, a tone she developed in childhood and perfected after becoming blind at the age of nineteen.


The third of four children and the youngest daughter of a school teacher and a florist, Derora grew up in relative comfort as one who was neither the firstborn prodigy nor the lastborn coddled baby. Fascinated by the freedom of the wind, and with no patience for schoolbooks and flowers that grew only when one seemed not to be looking, Derora spent her formative years racing about within the confines of a child’s boundaries, trying to see where the wind ended. Believing it was a wild phase that she would grow out of, her parents allowed the energetic child to stretch those boundaries more and more, quietly delighted when new discoveries brought on questions and a desire for knowledge.

By sixteen, Derora was fighting her way tooth and nail through an apprenticeship, having shown considerable control and talent for her magic, and a memory for the fine details of spells. It was during this apprenticeship that Derora took what she considered to be the most important step in her life: joining the queen’s army. Though her parents were rather appalled at the thought of their daughter marching off, armed and ready for war, they were comforted by the fact that her magical specialty made her less likely to engage in close combat, particularly as she’d been assigned the position of tracker.

However, at nineteen, months before she was to complete her apprenticeship, Derora was involved in a grave mishap in the midst of battle. An ill-timed attack, a tracker standing in just the wrong place, and Derora found herself on the receiving end of a blast of friendly fire. The attack would blind her, leaving scars on her eyelids and just below her eyebrows. It took Derora exactly six months to get back in the field, during which time she trained herself to live without vision. Refusing to disappear into an abrupt retirement from service, she taught herself how to use the wind and water to determine her surroundings, firm in her belief that, when she returned to the queen’s service, she would do so as an even better tracker than she had been. There are many who would say she far surpassed even that goal. And, six months after that, at the age of twenty, Derora completed her exams and gained some notoriety as the blind blue witch who became a journeywoman.


Amity Norstrum: Mother, teacher for the local school. Uneasy relationship with her youngest daughter highlighted by confusion, bafflement, and mild disappointment.

Oliver Norstrum: Father, florist and garden enthusiast. Easier relationship with his youngest daughter due to his quiet sense of humor and his unwavering faith that “everything will turn out all right in the end.”

Wisteria Norstrum: Sister, eldest sibling. Shows an affinity for gardening, works alongside her father.

Cade Norstrum: Brother, and second sibling. Followed in his mother’s footsteps to become a teacher to young children.

Felix Norstrum: Brother, and the youngest of the Norstrum siblings, studying language and poetry at the university.


Eyes: Green (Blind)

Hair: Brown

Height: 5’8”

Build: Slim, but sturdy.

Notable features: Scars on her eyelids, knees and palms. The eyelids from the attack that left her blind, the knees and palms from all the times she fell down trying to learn how to walk without her vision.



Weapons: Derora uses no physical weapon, as this generally requires actually being able to see a target and their vulnerable points.

Fighting style: Very rarely does Rori actually physically engage in combat. More often than not, she sets traps or simply points out the enemy’s hiding places rather than place herself in a situation that includes close combat.

Spells or magic items, if any: Derora carries only a staff, embedded with tiny raised crystals that, when translated in Braille, spell out basic defensive spells. Travelling with her is also her hawk, Dristi, who acts as her eyes.
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Emily Rochester

Red Font; Devoted Royal Guard

"Here I come. Entrance: stage...CENTRE!"

  • Full Name: Emily Rochester

    Age: 22

    Sex: Female

    Occupation: Royal Guard

    Color: Red

    Class: Witch



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