Royal Warstrider and Permanence.


Bust :(
I'm stating out a high first age royal warstrider that has been recovered in my game. As I have been reading Wonders of the Lost Age the question occurs to me, would a royal made by the deliberative have been made with the lost art of permanence or would it have a repair rating like any other warstrider?
Unless the warstrider is somehow unique, say, the personal machine of the leader of the Deliberative, I'd say it still needs a repair rating. It's not like there is any lack of resources to keep one fixed up back then.
I guess, it just seems like repair is a Shogunate era problem, resulting from the DB attempts to continue producing wonders like their former masters did. The personal gear of the Solars, like the celestial power armor, had no need of maintenance. On the other hand the section on repair seems to generalized for all classes and all eras with an exception for scouts requiring less maintenance.
Many of the other larger toys still appear to have required maintenance as well. The Five Metal Shrike does, for example, as do many vehicles. Warstriders are kind of a cross between Powered Armor and Vehicle...and not really just personal armor anymore. since it doesn't say that they do not require maintenance, I would say that they do in fact require such.
ah ok, that sells it for me. :)

The Shrike requires maintenance? I thought the thing is flying around in the desert on its own since the usurpation.

Positives of a Royal Warstrider: The ultimate expression in armored fighting and artifact weapon strategy. Sick of being a small time wandering hero? Pilot this thing to the nearest nation state and crown yourself king.

Negatives of a Royal Warstrider: No subtlety, hard to hide, hard to protect when you can't bring it with you, nations will mobilize their armies when you stride across their lands, limited range from a base of operations, needs a support staff. Ends you days as a small time wandering hero. Of course I think there are high essence charms to overcome a lot of these.

heh fun.
What I might suggest for a Royal Warstrider to be maintenance free is a few different approaches. One, an Artifact NA Royal Warstrider. Simple, effective, and lets you get away with a lot, but, well, it's artifact NA, with many a price all its own, and you're unlikely to be getting that anywhere near character generation, unless playing in a pre-Usurpation game. Two, a second artifact module, similar to the various warstrider add on systems, which handles maintenance for you. Three, use your other backgrounds to supply a maintenance technician/crew. Whether this be a Henchman or Ally technician, an Artifact Automaton Robot capable of maintaining the coolest of Magitechnology, or what have you. strong enough to lift the thing over your shoulders, and use Incantation of Effective Restoration. You might want to be a Yeddim or Mammoth at the time. :)
We'll just go with maintenance and let the chips fall as they may. So here it is.

Pillar of Radiance: Royal Orichalcum Warstrider of the First Age

Height: 25'

Soak: 24 (Bashing, Lethal, and Aggravated)

Hardness: 12

Strength: 16 (Replaces, does not augment the users Str.)

Mobility: -2

Fatigue: 2

Attune: 15

Hearthstone Sockets: 3 ( requires 1 level 3 hearth stone)

"Brother" A Warstrider Animating Intelligence (AI)

Essence: 3 Compassion: 2

Motes: 30 Conviction: 1

Cha: 4 Temperance: 3

Man: 2 Valor: 3

App: 2

Per: 2

Int: 2

Wit: 3

Can communicate with its pilot telepathically up to five miles away.

Can project a phantasmal image to the pilot inside the fuselage.


1. Measure the Wind: Scanning Mode

2. Essence Bite: Damage Field (3m, One Scene, Val + Ess to add to the pilot's dam) WotLA P. 146

3. Camouflage: Stealth Mode (10m, One Scene, Wit + Ess stacks w/ any stealth roll and/or charm of pilot)

4. Donning Spiritual Armor: Integrity Field (5m, One Scene, B/L soak up by Temp + Ess roll) Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit is thrown in for free with the charm cause a Solar needs his AC.

5. Uncanny Prowess: Perfection Enhancement (2m, Special duration, Add dice = to Valor to any single Dex roll of the pilot, including extended rolls)

6. Spirit-Cutting: Spiritual Field (1m, Instant, single attack can strike against unmanifested spirits)

Maintenance and Repair: One hour per 10 of operation.

Orichalcum warstrider grand daiklave, "Incandescent Athame"

Speed: 5

Acc: +2

Dam: +24L/8

Def: +0

Rate: 2

Minimums: Str 14

Attune: 8

Tags: Two-handed, Overwhelming, Piercing, Reach

Hearthstone Sockets: 4

Am I missing anything?

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