
Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Character Skeleton.







Body piercings/marks:


Weapons (only 3):

Gang?(are you in a gang):




Bio (Opt.): 

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/GIRL.jpg.97598a7bca801453534e1d3be3bd40cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/GIRL.jpg.97598a7bca801453534e1d3be3bd40cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Reyner Lien









Body piercings/marks:

None, except a singular diamond earring that marks her upper cartilage



Weapons (only 3):

A chain whip, dagger, and throwing darts.

Gang?(are you in a gang):

Nope, just a rouge


Thief, Auctioneer, and informant




Reyner acts giggly and absent minded at times, often speaking nonsense, and pretending to just be a dumb little girl. Though that is personally just a persona she puts on. In a world of darkness it is often bliss to fake ignorance, as she puts it. Truly though Reyner id hard headed and quiet sadistic, often having a little fun when her clients don't pay on time. She is know throughout the sister as little Twister, or The Pink raider because of her skills as a thief, and for other things that will be explained in the rp. Though most depict her as some tall gun wielding psychopath, she is not tall and prefers not to use guns, because the noise bothers her ears. Her being a psychopath, well I wouldn't call her sane.



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''Adam Archer, pleasure to meet you''


''I'm 17''


''Isn't it obvious?''


''I'm quite a tall guy, 6'8''


''I'm 153 lbs''

Body piercings/marks:

''I have a tiny piercing in my lower lip''


''I'm christian with all heart''

Weapons (only 3):

''I carry a knife everywhere with me''

(Always carries a backpack with a Desert Eagle and a smoke grenade, carries knife in pocket)

Gang?(are you in a gang):

''I don't get in that stuff''


''Just a survivor''





Really nice person when you get to know him. Always caring and supportive, unless you get him

In a bad mood, in that case, he can be a real threat. Knowing a lot of killing and hand to hand

combat, he can really take out a group. Never wanting to fight, but will if necessary.

Cares a lot about his friends and family, a really defensive person when it comes to his loved ones

Will not hesitate in killing anyone that harms his people.

Gonna give this a go!

Blending two of my characters for this!


Eyes:Startling blue, much like the blue arch within a flame.

Hair: Dirty blonde, darkening to mousey brown at the ends. Unkempt, wavy.

Appearance: An oval face shape, slight defined jawline, large blue eyes and full lips with a natural rosy shade gives Holic a classic sweetheart appearance. Skin of a milky coffee complexion may seem flawless but flecks of scars from fights past mar her face, although these have healed untouched and without infection they are hardly noticed unless one dares get close enough. Though a harsh personality she carries herself well, her head high and shoulders back with steps leading from the thigh that draws a natural sway to her hips, however this is often masked by a heavier step and a hunch of the shoulders, more of a habit than her natural posture. Her height in her legs, her stride is a little wide and purposeful. London's torso follows through with the classic curves of a feminine form, defined by her clothing without the intention.

Name: 'London.'

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5’6

Weight: about 140lbs

Body piercings/marks: Knot of scarring at her shoulder from being shot. Rakes of scars across her abdomen though she can’t recall how she got them. Various other battle wounds from white, shiny scars to delicate little flecks.

Religion: None.

Weapons (only 3): Hunting knife at her hip. Combat knife in her boot or somewhere else on her body. Poisons of her own creation within packets and vials, again, hidden about her person.

Gang?(are you in a gang): No, doesn’t get along well enough with others to last in a group.

Occupation: Thief.

Alliances/Friends/Family/Crushes?: Had a mother and older brother. Moved away from family for their sake.

Personality: Indifferent and unpredictable at times, from a violent childhood through a difficult adolescence, she’s killed once before and can get rather defensive, violent and brash acting more like a feral animal than a human, though she can be civil and will give TRY to not get into a fight. Saying that, London is a tricky girl to get along with, though she will act civil, if she doesn’t like something she’ll let you know.

Defensive and cautious she can swear and kick you in the teeth before you know it. As mentioned, London can get defensive; though she isn’t the best fighter she’ll use everything and do anything to get her attacker to back off.

She sorely lacks people skills, however after a life of solitude so far she’s beginning to feel that human urge for contact with others.

If she’s hiding a soft, sweet spot it’ll take proof of a loyal and genuine person to coax it out of her, however once befriended her commitment to that person is fierce.

Bio (Opt.): Family life was average until her father left them. She doesn’t blame him as she didn’t care for his treatment of her mother, the only thing she inherited from him was his sense of ‘all for one’. Her mother was weak and foolish enough to re-marry to a guy London could stand less than her father, coming to blows with him often enough that she upped and left for her own sake. She doesn’t dwell on her past, nor agonizes over her choices. They are at rest and there they remain.

Since leaving home she’s been flying solo, her often defiant and brash personality making it hard for her or anyone to develop any kind of relationship or bond, her trade as a thief being the one path she could possibly follow for survival.



Appearance: A bunch of floppy hair sits atop his head. It was cut as short as possible though now it's growing out again, framing his plain face and giving him something to hide under. His complexion is pale, almost a sickly sort of pale. To be expected, since he hasn't found much to eat these days. He is quite skinny, if he lifted his shirt up you would be able to see his ribs sticking out like a sore thumb. His hair is a dark black, unnatural. He dyed it, hoping that would help him blend in. His eyes are brown, so dark that his eye color seems to be black. He's tall, lanky, and his gait is rather clumsy thanks to that.

Name: Asher Jander(Or, AJ)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: He doesn't know, but he'd place it around 140-150 lbs.

Body piercings/marks: A tattoo showing the mark of his gang, right on his forearm. A scar on his face, above his eyebrow. He has a few piercings in his left ear, but nothing other than that.

Religion: He'd rather not talk about that; these are dangerous times, and he has enough to think about as it is.

Weapons: A hunting knife, given to him by his father. He carries it around with him rather lovingly. Also yes, he carries a gun on him. His gang gave it to him and he doesn't care what type it is or if it's any good. He just knows that it shoots, and that's enough for him. It's protection and he'll use it if needed.

Gang?: Yes indeed! He's with the Rkyes, mainly in order to receive protection.

Occupation: Occupation? Gang member, he'd sheepishly say. A bandit.

Alliances/Friends/Family/Crushes?: Why yes, his alliance is with the Rkyes. He's not really a part of their gang, they just have a deal with him. Friends... used to. But in this world, you tend not to think about friends. Your own survival comes first, you can't get attached to anybody. Anybody at all. He ran away from his family a long time ago and has been living by himself ever since. They're all a bunch of garbage. A crush? Not with this guy. No attachments, I said.

Personality: A coward. That's the best way to describe him. He's not courageous, never has been, and would rather hide behind a gang than stand up and fight by himself. Holding a gun even seems overwhelming to him. He's a rather shaky guy and hates what the world has become as a result of war. But smart! Ah yes, Asher is a smart guy. He knows how to get out of tough situations, usually. However, his cowardice leaves him rather panicky. He may look stupid at times, though he knows how to survive. It may not be the bravest way, but it's survival. What can you do? Antisocial. People? Not Asher's thing, at all. Touching them, communicating with them, even having to look at them is enough to get his knees shaking and for him to break out into a sweat. The cowardly factor plays a big role in his personality, as you can see. A user of bad words. When the world's going insane around him and there's nothing he can do, he swears. He believes it keeps his head steady and gets his anger out. Not the healthiest method, but does that really matter?

Bio: You don't really want to know this crap, do you? But well... Here's my dumb life. A (rotten apple).

Asher was born into this world of corruption and chaos. He developed his fears at an early age, his parents deciding to make him cautious of every single little thing out there because they thought it was for the best. They lived in fear as well, his whole family did, and so he quickly learned to do the same thing. His identity was actually female at the time. He was born female, lived as a female for many years. Not comfortable in his own skin, though, the skin of a girl just wasn't right for his soul. His parents didn't understand him at all, even grew scared of him because that's what they had learned. They had learned to be scared of anything that was different from their own little world. So, he simply ran away after not being able to take them anymore. Screw them.

It was simple enough to pass off as a boy. He dressed as a boy and it didn't take much convincing at all. People just didn't see the girl he had been born as. He was comfortable this way, it made him feel better. However, his cowardice stuck with him so he soon joined a gang in order to get some protection. Being alone in this world scared him. Still, lonely is all I've ever really been.

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