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Active [ROTIA-Niflheim Village]- The Hailrend Disorder


RWBY Tuesdays
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
The Duchy's central grand central station had been packed that day for one occasion only, and that was the unveiling and subsequent send off of the Magia Express. Umbra had stayed in The Duchy undetected from most Monster sensors by staying low and decidedly choosing the lower ranked hospitality that the city of magic had to offer. He'd learned that poorer establishments didn't have the coin necessary to get any kind of detection for those who were of the monstrous type, which was exactly how a Demon like himself was able to afford a vacation right in the heart of the city.

It was coming to an end today, however. He'd enjoyed seeing the sights, but needed to return to Clockhaven to continue his work. His lone ditzy nurse couldn't handle much without him being there, so he booked the last train ride out of there to Clockhaven. Now, stood in the crowded and excitable station at night, he began to realize he might've missed some key information before he brought his ticket.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I'm pleased to announce that the Magia Express' once in a lifetime excursion through Rotia is prepared to happen TONIGHT!" A burly round conductor said to the adoring crowd of onlookers. "While this excusrion is simply just the Magia passing through Rotia's borders, it will be the first time in decades, nay centuries, that a commericial railway has been able to make it through such difficult terrain! The treachorous and hostile nation of Rotia will see the engine of The Magia coursing through that snow filled border! It is the first step in a long marathon towards creating connections between two distant nations." Umbra was not amused. All around him were smiling faces, and the palpable joy in the air was too heady and gross for him to bear. How foolish...I don't see the purpose in a trip like this, what an unnecessary detour. His thoughts were sour, but his face remained neutral. The conductor continued his speech, "The Magia will be conducted by the Magia Express' very own Alyss Orient! She's uh...not from The Duchy, but she's shown remarkable promise and interest in all things magic! Take it away, young Alyss!"

A young woman with short blue hair, dressed in the blue and white uniform of the railway nervously made her appearance. "Hello! I'm Alyss Orient, I'll be your conductor for this ride. It's to my understanding that only a select few could be allowed on the train since this is a special occassion after all. If you have a ticket for the Magia, please step forward so we can board!"

Only a few people had been given tickets it seemed, and Umbra was one of those lucky few. He didn't realize when he'd purchased the last train out of The Duchy that it'd also mean he'd be a part of this whole "once in a century" trip. He'd truly just planned on boarding peacefully at night on a small train back to Clockhaven, and hoped to not interact with any of the staffers or god forbid, the passengers.
Well I suppose now is the best time to go ahead and board...He raised a hand with his ticket, and walked forward with a cheery smile on his Designer (66).pngface.

"I'm one of the passengers, Miss Alyss. My name is Umbra Blackwell. It's an honor to have been awarded something like this, truly." Umbra kindly handed her his ticket, and stood next to the train doors.

"Nice to meet you too, sir! Where are from, by the way? You don't look exactly like a Duchy native, if I'm being honest." Alyss asked, punching a hole in his ticket.

"Clockhaven. I'm a doctor there, but my patients need me it seems. I have to cut my vacation short to return to work." He frowned and feigned a worried expression, "One of my patients is a young girl who's no older than 5 summers. She's got a bad leg from a horse riding accident, and I've just gotten a letter saying it got worse while I gone. Perhaps when I return, I can tell her all about this wonderful detour you've taken."

A few people in the crowd let out a few "aw's..." and touched their chests at Umbra's short introduction. No matter where he went, the "kind doctor" routine never failed to win anyone over. Alyss included, as she looked close to tears. "That's very sweet of you, sir. A doctors duty calls! We'll get you home soon enough!" she said with a confident smile. "Now, who is next! At the end, we'll take a photo with the press for newspaper purposes, so it might not hurt to also give a little introduction as well, just like Mr. Umbra here!"

Umbra could feel a rise of tension and anxiety from the crowd and smiled. The familiar tinge of hatred also followed, and he knew then his short plan had worked. Very rarely did people like having to do these sorts of public introductions, by going first Umbra had set the idea and plan into motion and now each of the passengers would have to follow up on his act alone.
Public speaking is a monster in it's own right, after all.

Hello it's me Lolory, welcome to The Magia Express! While this rp starts in a train station in the Duchy it is actually taking a scenic detour through Rotia for a short period, and your characters have won the chance to board this train! Umbra's evil though so now you all have to publicly embarass your characters by introducing them like this is a group interview (sucks, I know) If your character is a Monster (has a monster title etc) they're still allowed to participate as there is indeed an explanation in this RP for why monsters are able to slip through some of the cracks of the Duchy's detection system. Your character will also be allowed in Niflheim for another canon explanation that will be expanded upon once everyone boards and we make it to the village.

Some other things about this RP is that Freeposting is allowed. If you and another player or everyone wants to have a cute little conversation, you're more than allowed to. Just know that the story will advance every saturday (or sunday) and actions are disabled during freeposting. You're not obligated to freepost this is just an option for those of you who like to get a little silly in rp :3

The RP will have dice mechanics that will show up sometimes and your characters will be debuffed due to the things happening in Niflheim village. Certain skills may be decreased by 1 grade depending on the type of debuff your character has gotten. There are three different endings already planned depending on what everyone chooses to do. If you have any questions feel free to ask me :3


Mundane Human, Attentive Student F​

Gabriel knew better than to settle down so soon, no matter how impressive the Duchy seemed with its mix of magic and technology. There was nothing wrong with the place, but in a world as fantastical as this, he was certain there were grander opportunities waiting to be discovered. The last thing he wanted was to miss out by getting too comfortable too quickly. As he prepared for the long journey ahead, Gabriel overheard whispers about an actual train, likely powered by magic. While surprising, it wasn't entirely unexpected given the things he'd seen so far. With a bit of cunning and a dash of deceit, he managed to secure a ticket for the next train to Rotia.

At the station, Gabriel quickly realized the exclusivity of the trip he’d just bargained his way onto. Relief washed over him, knowing that his ticket was acquired through legal - if not entirely ethical - means. But that was a story for another day. As the passengers were called to board, it became clear that a brief introduction was required from each traveler. Gabriel had no love for mingling, but he knew better than to refuse. Besides, he hadn't done anything wrong - recently, anyway. There was no need for lies this time. All he needed was a simple introduction that wouldn’t attract attention.

When his turn came, Gabriel presented his ticket to the conductor, maintaining a calm demeanor. “Good day. Gabriel Mason, a budding mage ready to see the world. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He offered a polite smile, hoping to move on without further questioning. As he was ready to walk away, he thought to himself with a touch of condescension, "Very demure, very mindful."
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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Lolory Lolory
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: | "Common" | "[Terran]" |


In a time of Idleness, he found himself growing restless. Within a burning desire to protect his home, ability to lend immediate aid clashed with growing fear of stagnation. He had to grow. And he had to be productive. Simply sitting in the reserve was not enough.

Better dead than useless.

So it was that in Rotia, use was sought. It started here, in the Duchy.




Within the crowd, one's approach began to grow louder. Every step forward was accentuated by the rattling of joints. One might be comically tempted to compare the approach of a Man-At-Arms wearing full plate armor and helmet to the rattling of pots and pans. He never shoved nor moved. And the way he moved seemed delberate, as though he knew exactly where he was going, yet casual in the way that the metal encasing his form did not slow him down at all.

In one hand, he held very large spear -- the blade atop it wrapped a leather sheath, along with the spike at the other end. At the moment, he used it similar as to how one might use a walking stick. He was quiet as he waited his turn. Though asking more of why he was here, prompted him to speak up as he offered a ticket.

"Hello, Ms. Orient." He spoke with a slight accent, his helmet concealing his face, save for a pair of eyes. But he sounded polite beneath the armor.

"My name is Marcus Banecroft. I hail from the Eastern Empire. I am a warrior, seeking to aide the people of Rotia in their plight for a time, before I return to my home. It seems one of the better ways my blade might be put too use." He says, sparing her much in the realm of detail.

"Thank you for allowing me this ride, Ms. Orient. It would be quite the walk. May the three fates bless you." He nodded his head to her, as a sign of respect.

A camera was leveled, and someone had to explain what the device was to him. "A.....camera is it? I see." Agreeing to take a pose. One could see the warrior resting the spear on his shoulder casually.


"I hope this will suffice." Without further delay, he would walk away and then board the train with the others got on the train. His eyes would scan his surroundings a bit as he counted the rows of seats. And then he would sit. The cushion denting noticeably, in response to his concentrated weight.

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: Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six
Construct, Bow Apprentice, Ryken Adventurer E, Buged, Republic Adventurer E, Soft Hearted

Griffin hadn’t understood what happened at his last task from the Fae See adventurers guild. There was a wish and a woosh then suddenly at the Grand Duchy he was. It was unfortunate but he did end up finding the country quite interesting and far more advanced than most the other countries seemed to be. He had bought a ticket from the Magia Express because his whole entire travels thus far were on foot. From Ryke, to the Republic to the Fae See he had walked or flew the way. This seemed like a good way to travel without the physical stress. Upon learning they would end up going to Rotia he thought.

‘I could work with that, yeah! Not like I have a particular destination in mind anyway at the moment…’

It was that moment Griffin realized just how much of a Vagabond was. He should probably get a home at some point and find somewhere settle but even now he knew it would be awhile. When the others introduced themselves Griffin looked at Marcus for a moment before looking away.

‘It’s okay…he doesn’t need to know…’

He thinks before standing up and turning in his ticket. Introductions…right.

“Greetings I suppose! I go by two names which are Griffin and Aurora. I’m a construct that hails from the outskirts of Ryke! I work with the adventurers guild and I protect people to the best of my abilities.”

That should suffice for a introduction shouldn’t? But he still felt awkward and embarrassed he shouldn’t be honestly he was 17 now—well at least his soul was he was probably 1 year old now as a construct. At this point Griffin realizes age might as well be irrelevant for him. A little camera shy he was reluctant before taking a photo. This world had cameras as well? There was more this world than he ever thought.

[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

How wonderful was the trip from Widersia to the Grand Duchy, passing through the war-torn borders of The See and the East Empire. Not that Hiroshi had a taste for mindless slaughter or anything along those lines, mind you. Yet, external conflicts, in more ways than one, open all sorts of doors for illegal activities and, for those, the yakuza had plenty of taste.

With steady steps, his black shoes clicked against the floor of the train station, smoke slowly being puffed from the corner of his mouth with each long, deliberate drag of his cigarette. His hazel eyes, behind the dark shades, scanned the area, looking at the ground that had been formed. Until his gaze shifted somewhere else, as his hand left the pocket of his jacket, producing a curious ticket.

To think I would be contemplated with this ticket to Rotia. I guess I should get acquainted with all the countries in this land.

His thoughts were broken, as some lively woman, blue hair and uniform, started to interview the people who were boarding the train.

Waiting his own turn, Hiroshi listened to each one of the introductions.

The first man, Umbra Blackwell, didn't enact much of a reaction from Hiroshi, aside from rolling of eyes, behind the shades. That was just too soppy for his taste.

The second man, Gabriel Mason, made the yakuza tilt his head slightly.
A mage... like that stuff that Whizziemin uses? He thought, still not that familiar with magic in general.

The third man, Marcus Banecroft, earned the crossing of his arms and a slight nod. He appeared to be competent in a fight.

The fourth man, Griffin and Aurora... Griffin Aurora? Griffin or Aurora? The whole dealo made Hiroshi arch his eyebrow. The young man looked older than the kid, but his embarrassed demeanor made him appear younger.

Finally, when it was his turn, Hiroshi stepped forward, keeping a confident gait with each step.
"Hey there, sweet cakes." Addressing Alyss with a shit-eating grin across his face, he continued, but not before taking a long drag from his cigarette once again. "Name's Hiroshi Nakamura, a traveler from far away..." From his tone, he was clearly enjoying the attention. "... I'm an entrepreneur, always looking to do some lucrative business." Turning towards the camera, knowing the usage of the apparatus, he straightened his posture, bringing his right hand up and making a V with his index and middle fingers.

Turning towards Alyss again, he brought his glasses down to the bridge of his nose, just enough to make it possible for his eyes to be seen. "See ya around." Giving her a wink, he strutted into the train.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham wasn't even sure how he ended up in the Duchy with a ticket for a 'magical' train ride. With low tier gig after low tier gig, he was making just enough to not be considered a vagrant. While mildly annoying, he was glad that his most recent cat tracking quest was paid with the ticket. The rich guy probably thought it was cheaper than paying him in coin.

The past is the past, though. Arkham's present was him calmly walking through the crowd, weaving between the curious bystanders. Apparently this train ride was a big deal. He didn't care much for making a big scene. Unlike Sickeningly Sweet Doctor or Obnoxious Ladies Man. The other passengers were none of his business, though, so he simply stepped forward without any fanfare once it was his turn. "Well met, conductor. I'm Schwarz, a sword for hire, looking for a job wherever the wind takes me." He patted both of his swords, sheathed on each side of his hips, which were mostly hidden under his burgundy tattered coat. His tone was monotonous and distant, but not strikingly rude.

Arkham would go through with the picture nonsense with an expression matching his voice, then he handed his ticket for punching, and sat down near a window unceremoniously.
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
"Wow a real knight everybody! Here in The Duchy we're almost always surrounded by mages and wizards, ha! I've never seen an actual Knight, even when I made trips to Ryke and The Empire." Alyss said with an impressed tone. Even though Alyss' cheery tone was palpable, the air around Marcus Banecroft was anything but, and Umbra could sense that much. What a depressing aura, I guess knighthood has it's challenges for everyone. He thought as he gave the knight a smile. The introductions continued onward.

"A construct, why that's really neat! I'm from Widersia so Constructs are pretty intriguing to me." She said to Griffin, though Umbra noticed she paused before trying to land on a name to call him. What an unfortunate middle name for a man, Aurora. Umbra wanted to laugh but that'd be seen as too strange, so he held back on it. "And uh...nice to meet you too, Mr. Hiroshi was it?" She said, with a slight blush. To Umbra, he seemed like the kind of person who was always looking for trouble, and one with a serious temper. That could be interesting...Umbra thought, pleased. He favored those who were quick to anger. "I'm sure you'll find plenty of...business in the future! Whatever that 'business' is anyways." Alyss also got the sense this guy was a bit rough around the edges, and perhaps was less of a businessman and more of a bruiser.

And lastly, was a young man who seemed polite enough. And too calm to rile up for Umbra's liking. There was nothing interesting to him about those Adventurer types, but Alyss welcomed him all the same. "Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll find plenty of work where you're going. The Guild has spread pretty far and wide these days!" She said, and soon they were all gathered to take a group photo in front of said train. Umbra smiled for the camera, and barely blinked at the bright flash. The portly train conductor man from earlier announced that the train would soon be taking off, as they each boarded.

The inside of the train was luxurious, and quiet as this train ride was only for four people who had lucked out. There was plush leather seats, tables, and even a small bar for alcohol to be served with drinks waiting to be poured. Though Umbra noted that there was no one to staff the train besides Alyss herself, who had busied herself in the front of the train to run it. Soon, the familiar chug and rumble of the engine stirred to life, and the train moved slowly out of the station. It wasn't long before it was gliding down the railway, and out of The Duchy Grand Station. Umbra decided to sit down,
and relax himself for the time being. After a short while of Designer (45).pngsilence, Alyss came from the front of the train.

"Alright! The Magia Express is at full power now, and unlike a common non-magitech train I don't actually have to sit up there in the engine room making sure things are going smoothly." She said with a sigh, as she too plopped down on one of the passenger seats with the rest of the group. "So for the time being we can all sit back and relax and enjoy the view! You know, I had no idea I'd luck out so hard and get to Conduct the Magia Express until a few days ago. I'm not from The Duchy, like I said earlier, and uh...I can't really use magic unfortunately." She said with a shrug. "I'm from Widersia, so machines are my strong suit, but I really, really love trains! So the Station master decided to let me work here anyways!"

"Ah so that's what you meant when you said I didn't look like a Duchy native. Because you aren't one either?" Umbra said with a coy smile.

Alyss nodded, "Yep. It takes one to know one, Mr. Blackwell! By the way, I should mention our itinerary..." She dug around in her jacket for a bit before coming out with a small round object. She placed it on a table for everyone to see, and it projected an image above itself, a map of the trains route. "We're not actually going to stop in Rotia, we'll be stopping at an outpost that's been built right on the border. The idea is that it's technically 'in Rotia' so it'll still count as a trip there." She explained. "Once we make it there, we'll take a set of new tracks that was just placed a while ago, and head to Clockhaven like normal! That's why we've been advertising it as a 'scenic detour'." She laughed sheepishly. "You can see some of Rotia when we get there, but do to safety concerns the Magia Express will indeed have to keep on rolling."

Umbra was a little disappointed, he'd never been to Rotia before and had wanted to travel a bit outside before returning home. Though he supposed it made sense, what with how dangerous Rotia was supposed to be. "In the meantime, feel free to enjoy yourselves! The Station master said that the bar was complimentary but uh...only for this trip, heh..." She said. "We can't afford to have free drinks every train ride, especially since this whole Rotia thing took a lot of the Railway's money." Just as Alyss was about to go behind the bar to serve herself and anyone else a drink, the train rumbled and veered dangerously to the side, knocking every one off balance.

A loud bang could be heard from the side of the train, and before Umbra could react the entire train car was tipped to the side and completely derailed. Alyss yelled as she was thrown about and the train violently slid across the icey expanse. A chilly breeze ran through the train car that wasn't there a moment ago, and it was as if winter had snuck its way with them. When Umbra was finally able to right himself, he realized he had landed on a window, and that the train was now on it's side. Hardened ice pressed against the window, which let Umbra know they certainly weren't anywhere near the Duchy anymore. Or Widersia for that matter, winter wasn't for another 2 months. All of the glass bottles from the bar had unfortunately shattered, and the acrid smell of wine and booze filled the air. The lights in the train had gone dark, so the car was completely shrouded now. Alyss' small voice called out to the rest of the passengers, "Oh my gears, is everyone okay! L-let's do a quick roll call!" She said.

"I'm here." Umbra said with an annoyed tone. He'd gotten glass and wine all over his jacket. "What a day this is turning out to be, hm...? I believe we've made it to our destination, judging by the snow outside."

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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX Egde Egde
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: | "Common" | "[Terran]"


Technically, Marcus was not a Knight. He did not hail from any noble bloodline. His being well read was a result of his religious background. But it had been such a common mistake that many would call him "Sir" Marcus -- he'd grown to just accept it. Given Ms. Ayssa's cheer and praise, he could hardly bring himself to correct her. When Umbra smiled at him, Marcus' eyes simply locked with his own for a brief, moment....before he nodded at him in acknowledgement and continued walking.

This Doctor reminds me of a merchant....

As he took a seat, he would look around him and take in the features of the others.

A few of them appeared to blend in. Indeed, he noted two whom seemed to share his own background. Gabriel sought to travel. And "Schwarz" sought to do battle as well, like an adventurer. Yet, Marcus could not claim to be aligned with the guild, nor with money. Such things as that were but a means to the end. Relatability had stopped there.
A winged boy looked to Marcus for reasons unknown. A glance in his direction could mean anything, but the sharpness in which he seemed to look away, it made him almost seem uneasy when it came to him. Marcus' gaze turned slowly away, but he listened to the young lad given his introduction. Another adventurer it seemed, and quite the altruistic one at that. He almost seemed to have an air of idealism about.

Another walked on named Hiroshi Nakamura -- who flirted quite boldly with the conductor. He seemed bold enough to be businessman just as he claims. However, Marcus couldn't help but wonder what sort of business the man might want to do in Rotia. The place was monster infested, frigid wasteland. The man looked to be neither farmer nor blacksmith. The warrior could also tell the man's physique was very well developed.

He slid his spear under several sets of seats. That way it couldn't fall on anyone. For a time, he would sit quietly -- gazing at the outside as they entered into Rotia Such a snow-y place made him contemplate taking out a good book.. While he was quiet at first, he responded as Ms. Orient spoke to the group.

"I'm from Widersia, so machines are my strong suit, but I really, really love trains! So the Station master decided to let me work here anyways!"

"We all have our passions. I cannot claim to know of your abilities. But it seems you are in the right place." He says, watching as the train carried them all seamlessly along the icy tracks. "Perhaps it's a bit cliche, but if you follow your heart and are of use, then I would say you are on the right path, Miss Orient. Not everyone is destined to be a warrior or wizards. But people like you do make life a little better, for many." He said, his palm motioning upwards, in part shedding light on what motivated him to do as he did. A world filled with War was hardly one worth living in. There had to people to run the cities, run the trains, make amusement parks, perform music, doctors to heal and so on. Without those things, it hardly felt as though life was worth living.

But sometimes, to defend these things, required violence.

Unfortunately, the Man-At-Arms keens senses would eventually alert him to just that. A loud BANG was heard and he reflexively shot his hands at both sides, his gauntlet clad fingers gripping into the seats with superhuman strength as the train tipped over. Marcus jerked violently in place as he held on to prevent himself from being thrown about. During this time, he said nothing -- as his breathing picked up and he tried to ascertain his bearings.

After a brief bout of dizziness, he found himself sideways as he clung to the seat yet still. Practically holding himself up midair -- he twisted and reoriented himself rightside up before letting go. A loud and heavy clank heard as he landed on his feet.

"Is everyone alright?" He said, scanning over all the other passengers.

"Keep your wits about you. It seems we are in Rotia yet still. This place is monster country. It is not like Ryke or other places. Villages never last long here and towns must be built like fortresses." He informed them, giving them his knowledge of the place that he'd learned all but second hand.

Marcus would retrieve his gear and his weapon -- already having his mind set on one action: Getting out.

Not thinking himself small enough to fit through a window, Marcus jumped up for a second as he gripped into the door. And he would pull. [Herculean Task]


The metal of the train door could be heard buckling. His fingers dented into the steel as they pressed. A foot pushed against the floor. Bolts which held the door in the place began. Before with a loud screech, the door was ripped cleanly off. Marcus fell and landed on his feet, then chucked the door aside. An additional cold would enter the cabin, but now they were free to escape.

With a great leap, Marcus propels his fully armored for 8 feet into the air [Jumping F, Energize F] and lands at the top of the train -- shaking the car a bit. With spear in one hand and bag of things in another -- he surveys his surrounds with his senses [Perception F, Energize F] and an open mind for what he might possibly see.

Actions: 3/3
  1. Herculean Task - Super Strength F, Athletics F, Energize F - Marcus dedicates his might to a task, be it manipulating heavy objects, carrying things easily or applying pressure. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Strength C] [Marcus rips off the train car door]
2. Marcus uses [Jumping F, Energize F] to jump over 8 feet into the air.​

3. Marcus uses his [Perception F, Energize F] to see what's happening outside the train.​

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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX

Unceremoniously, Hiroshi walked straight towards the small bar, instead of taking a seat, eyes darting around as he looked at the selection of alcohol available. “Well, well, well, just take a look at this.” He said, a grin plastered on his face, as the gray smoke slowly left the corner of his mouth, after a drag of his cigarette.

Taking a hold of a bottle of whiskey, he began pouring the liquid into a glass, filling it up almost to the brim. Turning around, still standing up, he gazed upon his fellow passengers from behind his dark shades, giving them another long, attentive look, before strutting into a free seat, sitting himself comfortable upon the plush leathery.

With one hand, he removed the cigarette from his lips, bringing the other one which held the glass to his mouth. He slipped deeply, his eyes focused on the conductor as she spoke with Umbra. After a few gulps, feeling the warm sensation of the liquid go down his throat, putting a fire in his belly, Hiroshi would let out a sigh of satisfaction. “I’m already enjoying myself… very much so.” He said, in a low, husky tone, looking directly at Alyss as she talked about the drinks.

And, just as he brought the cigarette back to his lips to take another drag from it, he heard the sudden, loud bang. Reflexively, his hand tightened around the glass, making it shatter with the strength he put into it, small cuts being made on his palm. But that was the least of his worries, as he was thrown around, first forward, to the seat in front of him, then back to the one was sitting previously.

A low grunt left his throat, his back having hit the leathery sit at full force. Slowly, the yakuza began getting his bearings, eyes becoming focused once more. “I am fine…” Getting up to his feet, he fixed his sunglasses back on his face, before doing the same with his suit and hair. “... tch, that drink was a good one.” Cursing, he ignored the light burning sensation of his hand, the cuts drenched in whiskey.

“Do all Magia Express rides stop like this?” Hiroshi asked sarcastically, with a scoff, feeling the new chilly air that permeated the train. With his cigarette nowhere to be seen, he certainly wasn’t worried about the littering of the train.

His attention shifted towards Marcus, taking the lead and forcing the door of the train open. “Nice work there, big guy.” He said, with narrowing eyes upon hearing the extra information which the armored man shared. “Will do.” Walking towards the direction of Alyss’ voice, he would offer her his unhurt hand to help her get up, if she needed it, before heading outside the train by climbing up the door which had been opened.
: Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six Rev IX Rev IX Maxxob Maxxob Egde Egde
Construct, Bow Apprentice, Ryken Adventurer E, Buged, Republic Adventurer E, Soft Hearted


Griffin shouted at the roll call raising his hand but quickly standing up. However, he had been too slow as the Eastern Empire knight was quick enough and ended up busting down the door. He pointed at Alyss, Arkham and Gabriel.

“Try to stick beside me, if you are capable of combat do what you must just know you have my backing, I’ll do what I can to help keep the group safe.”

The fact two passengers just moved forward without further panicking kind of bugged him a bit. Not that he was surprised one of them was from the East as far as he was aware. Griffin then tells the others

“Let’s follow them out, but I have heard things about Rotia so Caution is extremely advised”

He said hoping they would follow him out the train door that was ripped open. At the least he waited for them outside the space.
Arkham Koenig

Instead of a verbal answer, all Alyss got as an answer was an intentionally loud groan. Wonderful, all he had gained from that rich guy was a growing pain in his rear. Arkham jumped to his feet and dusted off his coat. After a few moments of checking on his swords, he sighed with relief. They were intact.

The smell of all the mixed liquors splashed around the cart was mildly nauseating, so Arkham was quick to get out of it. A mild shiver noted him of the harsh weather, which made him glad his coat was still in one piece. Acknowledging Hiroshi with a subtle nod, he echoed him nonchalantly "Yeah, nice job with the door". Then turned to Griffin "I can hold my own, but help is appreciated"

While adjusting his coat to brave the weather better, Arkham took a glance of what surrounded them. Looking for either something of help, or an immediate danger.
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Umbra was glad someone was able to at least open the door of the train for them to leave, it seemed he'd lucked out in journeying with a group of adventurer's rather than normal every day folk. Alyss took Hiroshi's hand and was able to peel herself off of the train car thanks to him. Snow drifted down into the train from the open train door, and Alyss sighed. "This is a catastrophe! There's no telling how to get out of here with the train derailed." She said. "We're going to have to radio in to an outpost nearby for help, but...is it just me, or is the wind rather strong?"

She was right, the wind outside howled violently and was enough to gently rock the train car further into the densely packed ice and snowy ground. One by one, the group exited the train car with Marcus in front and spear at the ready, on top of the train. Umbra and Alyss dropped down onto the snowy ground for a better look of the area. The snow storm around them resulted in dark gray clouds that blocked the sun, and the snow was so thick that seeing in front of you was nearly impossible. Umbra noticed the others scanning their surroundings, but nothing immediately struck out as dangerous so far.

A low, mechanical rumble could be heard just beneath the howl of the wind. Umbra squinted as in the distance along the side of the train, a large silhouette meandered towards them. It's shape was completely unfamiliar to all of them, except for Alyss who seemed confused. "Is that...a Fuller?" She muttered as she stared at the strange machine coming towards them.

While Umbra was distracted, he felt something else beneath his foot and curiously looked down. The snow beneath his feet shot up as an icy cold hand violently gripped onto his leg and pulled. "What the hell?! There's something beneath the-" His words were cut off as he was promptly pushed over by a person who burst from the snow and toppled onto him. Their grip was freezing even through the thick jacket he wore and he could feel them trying to pull him even further into the snow. The person's face was decayed beyond repair, and their skin had been equal parts frost burnt and rotted off with a vibrant blue hue. Umbra tried to give a harsh kick, but was too weak to throw the corpse off. The frozen zombie let loose a deafening groan as it tried to pull Umbra beneath the ice, but he had grabbed a hold of the train to stay above ground at least.

Alyss made as if to stomp on the creatures head as to dislodge it from Umbra, but to her horror a second corpse like monster shot from the snow and accosted her by the leg, pulling her into the snow as well. With quick thinking, Alyss reached into her jacket and pulled forth a gun of all things. It was a simple flare gun meant for emergencies such as this and she let it go directly in the face of the zombie, who was knocked in the head from the force. All the while, the Fuller slowly advanced towards them through the snow, and by the looks of it, it was approaching faster.

Umbra and Alyss have fallen in the snow, and the effects of the Hailrend have already grasped onto them it seems. Try as they'd like to struggle from the snow, there's something telling them "To struggle is pointless".
+1 Doubt
to Umbra. Strength Stat decreased by 1 grade.

Mentions: @ Egde Egde @ Maverick Six Maverick Six @ Rev IX Rev IX @ Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

1. Leave the train car.
2. Spot the Fuller in the distance.
3. Try to hold onto the train car (F Grade Strength)
Wow Umbra is in quite the pickle unless someone tries to pull him from the snow lol. Anyways, "Doubt" is the debuff mechanic for this RP. During this RP, if your character is exposed to the snow storm for too long or are exposed to the dangerous scary zombies beneath the snow, they'll become infected with the Hailrend Disorder. The Hailrend Disorder causes things like confusion, agitation, but most importantly "Doubt". When your characters enter a combat or other kind of event, if your character has any "Doubt" an important stat will be decreased by 1 grade. Worry not! There are multiple ways to decrease the amount of Doubt your character acrewed over the course of the RP. You can Decrease it by resting for a turn, or using a tool. You can also choose to roll 1d6 to "Overcome the Doubt" you've acrewed or to get past a difficult event, but your roll must match or roll higher than the amount of Doubt is presented in the event.


"Umbra needs to tend to someone's wound but the doubt is getting to him!"
+ 3 Doubt (Roll 1d6 to overcome?)

Umbra would need to roll a 3 or higher to "win" this encounter.

If your Character acrews too much Doubt you will in turn risk becoming infected with the second deadly virus in this RP (the same one that turned those poor folks into ice zombies YIKES!) so be mindful of your Doubt! For the sake of this post I have decided to not roll just so you all can see what the mechanic is like. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX Egde Egde
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: | "Common" | "[Terran]" |

It was cold, as expected of this place. For once, he was somewhat glad to be encased in full plate. Softer layers of padding underneath served as some degree of warmth, but Marcus could already feel himself craving to start a fire. It was simply a matter of where. They needed to at least have some measure of shelter to do so.


"I see now why there seem to be no trains in Rotia." He commented with a hint of dry and grim humor at their situation. It seemed being stranded out here meant not only that they had the monsters to deal with but the land itself.

Marcus sought to remain high up atop the train car at first. It seemed a better vantage point. But he could feel as the wind seemed to almost push the train car. Eventually, he spotted off in the distance: A large fuller.

"A fuller? I didn't think I'd be seeing such a war machine anywhere besides the battlefield. We should be careful it doesn't step on us." All of a sudden, Marcus saw as the others were attacked. Something had sprung from the snow and grasped at Umbra. He sprung from the It was his nature as a hospitaller to protect the sick, the weak and healers. Despite the very real and partially unknown dangers, he felt driven to act.

Words ceased as Marcus sprang into action -- quite literally. With a powerful leap, Marcus explosively propelled his armored form through the air. Hundreds of pounds of metal, muscle and blade would hover in the air for a moment, creating a shadow over the undead which snatched umbra before he'd land spear first on the zombie which held him. [Mercury's Grace]


Snow would erupt into the air from combination of landing and strike. He'd seek to impale the creature with his spear to hold it in place. In his other hand, his sword would fly out of it's sheath and swing at the zombie's neck to take it's head. [Attack] Marcus turned his head as Ms. Orient was attacked as well, though she managed to repel said attacker.

"Griffin." He said recalling a name of the beast-looking thing who'd introduced himself earlier, all keeping his eyes on his target. "You can fly, yes? Be weary of the ground." He advised. Though ultimately, it was his choice.

"Blackwell. Orient. Are you hurt?" He asked them, though regardless of their answer, he gave a suggestion in some attempt to orient the group.

"We must find shelter soon. We are as they say "sitting ducks." And the automaton approaches."

Actions: 3/3

1. and 2. Mercury's Grace - Jumping F, Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear, Energize F, Range F, Super Strength F - A mobile attack which combines a leap with a strike. Can jump up to 8'4" high and up to 25 feet away and strike from a distance of 10 feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - (8+1 = 9 Effectiveness)

3. Attack - Marcus swings his sword at the zombie's neck to decapitate it. (+1 Action 1)

F - 0 Post Remaining
E - 0 Post Remaining
D- 0 Post Remaining

Resilient Surprise F
Duration Reduction F

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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX

Outside the tilted train cart, Hiroshi felt a rush of cold win blow through him, flapping his shirt and jacket open. Luckily, the drink he had managed to have already had some lingering effect, masking the coldness of the chilly weather with the alcohol which now ran through his system. "So, this is Rotia, huh?" By his tone, it was clear that the yakuza was neither impressed nor glad about the place, seeing only the snowy grounds around him. Well, the ground and a machine at the distance, who appeared to be approaching them.

"That thing is called 'fuller'?" Hiroshi inquired, arching a single eyebrow as his hazel eyes gazed towards it, having not a single idea what that was about. The word 'battlefield' coming from the armored one gave him some sort of hint about it... would that machine-looking vehicle something akin to a tank, perhaps? Having grown in the American occupied Japan, the Martial Artist knew plenty about those.

His attention would only be broken when the Blackwell man complained about something, making the yakuza turn towards him and witness something dragging him into the snow. And, alongside the man, Alyss appeared to begin suffering the same fate, with even a gunshot ringing throughout the snow.

With Marcus leaping into the air to attack the unseen, underground creatures, Hiroshi was quick on his feet to work getting both out of the snow. First approaching Alyss, he would extend his right arm into the snow, towards her, to try and pull her towards the surface. If successful, he would do the exact same thing with Umbra. In both cases, leveraging his strength [Strength B]. And, while doing so, he attempted to get a good look on what was pulling them into the snow.

"What the hell? A corpse? Walking and acting?" The criminal furrowed his eyebrows, never having heard of anything like that. His muscles tensed, thanks to the situation he found himself in. And what about the 'fuller' thing? Was it hostile? Only time would tell.

1 - Attempt to pull Alyss to the surface of the snow.
2 - Attempt to pull Umbra to the surface of the snow.
: Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six Rev IX Rev IX Maxxob Maxxob Egde Egde
Construct, Bow Apprentice, Ryken Adventurer E, Buged, Republic Adventurer E, Soft Hearted

He nods at Marcus’s words and opened his wings and begun to flap them. Using [Flight [F] he kept himself on the ground. He then picked up his bow and grabbing a hold of an arrow he pulled it back and used a [Mundane] attack on the creature attacking Umbra and giving Marcus backup. it reminded Griffin of something. He didn’t remember what exactly he was reminded of exactly it was like he could recall something similar from before…


The Pig.

Or was it the pig?

Didn’t matter he supposed if it was anything besides the pig then it was likely from his past life as Aurora and debatable on if that knowledge was even useful. On another note at least these were smaller then the pig from that small village in Kuridan. But if he had a nickel for everytime he came across undead creatures he’d have two nickels not a lot but strange it happened twice. He sent another [Mundane] attack at the creature going after Alyss.

Action 1: use Flight [F]
Action 2: back up Marcus with a [Mundane] attack on the creature sttacking Umbra [Note Percision is being used as D grade to prevent his bow from breaking]
Action 3:use a [Mundane] attack on the creature going after Alyss [Note Percision is being D grade in this instant[​
Arkham Koenig

Arkham observed pandemonium ensue without giving them a chance to even get a proper grasp of their surroundings. Everyone jumped into the fray without a second thought. Admirable, but a tad too risky for his taste. The would-be assassin observed both the frozen undead, as well as the strange machine of sorts that was approaching towards them. Trying to get the best possible assessment of how dangerous they were, prioritizing the immediate danger first. He also readied his sword and took a low stance to gain balance and not be as hindered by cold, merciless winds.

1 - Sixth Sense F [Danger Sense], Appraisal D - Trying to gather as much information about the zombie and the danger it represented
2 - Sixth Sense F [Danger Sense], Appraisal E - Trying to gather as much information about the "fuller" and the danger it represented
3 - Sixth Sense F [Danger Sense] - Prepare himself for action against any other danger that tried to approach him

C - 0/3
D - 2/2
E - 1/1
F - 0/0
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Umbra was, for the first time in his existence, thankful for someone's help as Hiroshi and Marcus helped the two of them up from the snow. The creatures that had gripped onto Alyss and Umbra had seemingly burrowed themselves back into the snow at the onslaught of attacks, though they were still not alone despite the two zombies retreating. He brushed the snow off of his coat, and wondered what was wrong with him then. "Normally I'd be able to get myself out of something like that...how embarrassing." Umbra said with a sigh.

"I'm just glad I wasn't pulled under! Look, the Fuller is approaching, maybe they can help?" She looked around in the snow for the flare gun, and loaded it with another round, before firing it into the air. "That was my last round unfortunately...The others are in the train somewhere, and well..." The Fuller rumbled forth before stopping in front of them. The hatch opened, and inside was a woman dressed in the standard Rotia militia uniform.

"Oh thank god, are you folks alright? Please step out of the snow if you can!" She called down to them. "Hop on to the sled, I can bring you to town where it's safe!" Her eyes grew wide then, and she reached down into the cockpit of her Fuller, and pointed a pistol at the group. Firing quickly, she shot three rounds into a quiet zombie that had meandered far too close to the group without them knowing. "Quickly! There's more hiding in the snow, we have to get going." Behind the Fuller was a sled that was quite unlike any Umbra had seen. It was built like a tank, made out of tough and frigid iron rather than warm wood. It was 4 walls and was like a coach carriage, albeit with uncomfortable seating. Umbra decided to waste no time and clambered inside after Alyss. Arkham who was still on the train surveying things would be able to help the others with knowing where to step. He'd be able to see disturbances in the snow as more of the creatures slowly but surely tried to make their way above ground.

After everyone had entered the sled box, a voice came from a radio built into one of the walls. "Hello? Are you all okay back there? Good!" Said the woman piloting the Fuller. "I'm sorry we had to meet this way. And even sorrier about your train...but that doesn't matter right now, I'll explain your predicament once we get to Niflheim. In the mean time, my name's Bryn Regita. I'm a Fuller Pilot who was stationed out here, and then promptly abandoned once the seasons changed. Those things that attacked you are part of why I haven't been able to get any help in years...But I'm close to getting everyone out of here, I would just need some help. I know you all probably just want to leave and go home, but I could use the extra hands!"

"Help? With what exactly?" Alyss asked confused. "All of the supplies I could use to get that train back on the rails is still back at the wreck. Including the Aurora Dial, its a weather device only sent out in extreme weather emergencies like this one. I didn't deploy it when we set off because I obviously didn't expect a weather Designer (7).pngcatastrophe such as this one to occur!"

"I'm surprised you can even repair the train in it's state, Miss Alyss. But perhaps we can discuss what to do next once we reach this...Niflheim." Umbra suggested, but truthfully he just didn't feel like dealing with it then. There were other matters to wonder about, like the strange feeling he felt when he had been pulled into the snow.

"If you have an Aurora Dial on that train wreck I can go back and get it, but I'd need to refuel the Fuller first." Bryn said. "Magitech like that is just what we need to get out of here. And by we, I of course mean me and the rest of Niflheim Village...there's not many of us left, and that train was huge, so there's gotta be space for us at least! We won't cause any trouble, honestly! In fact, when I surveyed the train my Fuller sensed some debris scattered about. Fixing the train is an option, but it'd mean we'd have to find the parts first."

What a relief, we just have to find the parts and put this thing back together...but what knocked the train over in the first place? Was it really just the storms winds that did it? Umbra wondered to himself.


Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: | "Common" | "[Terran]" |


"Would you?" Marcus mentioned to Umbra. "How strange. Let me see if you are bitten, when we get the chance."

With him free, he decided it might be best to find a clearing of some type where the ambush was more difficult. For a while, he was ready to go through as he could. But soon, the matter of the fuller drew upon his attention as it got nearer and nearer. He didn't expect it to be outwardly hostile, even if the thought existed in the back of his mind -- but he did believe it capable of neglecting their presence. Thankfully, it presented no hazard as the pilot simply showed herself.

"Well met pilot." He yelled up to the woman -- as she showed herself to the top of the mech. He turned around to the zombie which been shot from the snow for a second...then simply turned his attention back to her.

"It is a relief to see you, I must say."

When she suggested they get onto a metallic, tank-like sled, Marcus would board the thing without question once it presented itself, moving forward and hopping on with a metallic clank of metal-on-metal. He took a seat where he could, not minding the discomfort.

Some things remained a mystery as they were hauled off on the reinforced thread and spoken to. "I find it hard to believe you've been sitting out here unaided for so long. Particularly of noble blood. But that's what I'm here for." Being paid for it would a be a nice bonus. But ultimately, not all the people who needed help the most were going to be able to pay. He lived frugally to accommodate the ability to do such things.

"I will assist you and the residents of Niffleheim in this matter, Bryn Regita. Hopefully I can at least provide adequate protection, should we set ourselves to looking for parts. Though I'm unsure of whether or not that's viable. Are the train tracks in tact....?"He said, wondering if there was a point to it.

If the train tracks were indeed in-tact...it would certainly bring a up a good question concerning what exactly derailed them.
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX

"Being caught by surprise sure is a bitch. But don't sweat, things like these happen." Hiroshi commented about Umbra's perilous situation, before his eyes set towards the skies, seeing one of his companions taking flight. "Well, well, well, that certainly is a surprise." The human mused to himself, knowing now that Griffin's wings were not simply for show. Preparing himself for combat against the approaching metallic menace, the yakuza set himself into a defensive stance.

With its hatch being opened, revealing its pilot, the Hiroshi's eyebrow raised. He was unsure what to make of it, but it seems whatever intentions the woman piloting it had appeared to be benign. That didn't stop his heart from beating faster as she suddenly opened fire, turning with Marcus, in unison, to check what she had just fired upon, eyeing down the creature. "That was a close one..." Closer than what he would have liked it to be, that was for sure.

Without preamble, thanks to Arkham's ability to scout the area, Hiroshi would climb into the metal box being pulled by the Fuller "Nice senses you got there, wouldn't want to step on one of those things." He told the sellsword, looking towards the man on top of the train, with a smile present on his lips.

More and more, the thing looked like a tank, in two legs. Curious design... was it more efficient than threads? Bah! As if Hiroshi knew anything about engineering. Sitting himself in the uncomfortable seat, it beat being left in that dangerous snow by a long shot. "Everything dandy, thanks for the help." He answered Bryn, his attention being caught by something uttered by the armored spearman. "Noble blood?" Asking inquisitively, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to remember any cue of the pilot's royal origins.

Plans were being made: the possible repair of the train to help the town's evacuation. It seemed like the best, and only, way to make sure everyone get out in one piece. "I'll lend a hand as well... or better said, a foot. Bet this big golem would be able to tip the train back into its tracks, right?" He sure hoped that it would be the case.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham felt relieved he made the right call. While there was a fight to be had, the nearby snow screamed danger. Most of it. The bounty hunter wasn't sure if to feel relieved that there was some safe spots down there, or concerned that the rest of it was likely infested of moving corpses.

Nevertheless, the mech proved to be no danger. Quite the opposite. Although he was not particularly fond of having a weapon aimed at him without warning, even if well intentioned. Arkham guided the people below to the safety of the peculiar sled, nodding to the compliment thrown his way by ladies-man. Once they were all inside, he hopped himself, and they were on their way to one Niflheim Village.

Arkham listened to the chat within the iron cage they were in with his eyes closed, ruminating on the recent turn of events. "So we either help, or die..." the fledgling assassin thought out loud. "That won't do" He opened his eyes, discreetly looking at the rest of the people in the sled, as well as the source of the pilot's voice. "I want to know what I'm against while I still have..." Arkham looked at the sled's door "A small chance to avoid a trap." He then crossed his arms. "Awfully convenient circumstances have piled up for this situation to occur, no?" Right place, right time, right equipment, unknown situation. Nothing good will come out of this, he thought to himself.
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: Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six
Construct, Bow Apprentice, Ryken Adventurer E, Buged, Republic Adventurer E, Soft Hearted
With [Flight [F] Griffin had flown into the sled his first course of action was to ask everyone else.

“Is everyone okay?”

Before listening to Bryn on the entire situation he weighed his options, he tried to understand the situation and sat down contemplating what to do next. The train wrecked they were saved by a Rotian Noble in a fuller Alyss was missing an ‘Aurora dial’ thing whatever that was but hearing ‘aurora’ in that context did kind of make him cringe a little bit. Griffin spoke.

“I’ll help as well, protecting is what I was made to do.”

Whether or not it was of his own violation sometimes felt debatable the more he thought on it, sometimes he felt like his body moved before he react or he was only doing these things as a distraction it was onky as of recently did he believe that this vessel was made to protect and his soul never complained. At Hiroshi’s confusion of ‘Noble Blood’ Griffin nodded.

“I’ve heard about it during my travels in this world so far, Rotian Nobility is what pilots the fullers. Rotia is also very strict with military rules due to them constantly fighting monsters especially due to some event that happens in the winter.”

He shrugs.

“But That’s all I’ve heard…”

He did look at Alyss questionably…how had she not heard of weather like this? It seemed to be one of the things Rotia was known for. Though he didn’t voice that. He did however say,

“Those things looked undead. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen something like that however these are very different from the looks of it… the last undead thing I had to deal with was a giant undead pig with four heads these are creatures that seem more like undead people in appearance they might have better strength in numbers then again I am not an expert.”

He nods muttering to himself

“Okay so get the train back on track and save people”

In his experience saving people was often easier said than done. But when in doubt remember that bug queen and the four headed pig.​
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Alyss sat glumly in silence while the sled was pulled. Umbra guessed she was distraught what with this supposedly being her first time conducting a train for the station. He smiled, but not to console her even if that's how it appeared. He didn't like the idea of scrounging around in the snow for loose parts to fix a train of all things, but he supposed if he wanted to get home it'd be his only option. However, the whole situation did seem quite strange to Umbra the more he thought about it. The train had tipped over, seemingly from the storm, and Bryn Regita was there to help them miraculously.

How did she know they were even here? What was she doing so close to the border of Rotia in the first place? It concerned him because she was the only lifeline they had at the moment. And Alyss didn't seem quite useful currently, what with all her moping and depressed attitude.

Soon the sled had stopped and Bryn's voice came from the tinny speaker built into the wall. "We've arrived at the gates. I'll have to ring the bell so they can let us in." She told them, and soon the hatch of the Fuller was opened. Shortly afterwards, the sound of footsteps made their way around the sled and Bryn opened the door to greet all of them. "The snow isn't dangerous here, we've sure of it. It's safe to walk on." She said with a comforting smile.

In front of the group, lay a large iron gate that had been covered in slight frost. Along the rails of the gate were large, red stones that emitted a soft orange glow. A wooden container and a large iron post that hung a silver bell stood by the gates entrance. Bryn walked up to the bell, and rung it three times, before dipping into the container box and coming back out with the same orange stones on the gate. "Perfect! There's enough for everyone today it seems. We'll have to head to the mines for more...but until then, here. You can all hold onto these." She said, giving Umbra one of the small orange stones. He could feel it's slight warmth through his gloves.

"What are these?" he asked curiously.

"They're called Thermastones. It's a special ore that's found in the mountain ranges here in Rotia, and thankfully in Niflheim's mines too. They'll keep you warm, and also stop you from turning into...one of those things back there." She explained. "The creatures in the snow are unfortunate victims of the Hailrend, you can end up like that too if you're not careful."

Hm...what a grim world they all live in. I think I'll like staying here. Umbra thought as he tucked the stone away in his jacket, it's warm pulse abating the harsh chilly wind slowly. He smiled at Bryn and thanked her for the stone. The gates to Niflheim opened then, and a waft of negativity came from the village's entrance. A total sense of despair and abject terror was in the air, though the others couldn't sense it at all, they weren't actual Monster's like Umbra after all.

Niflheim's sky was perpetually gray and clouded over by a never ending storm. Snow fell gently and covered the roofs and streets which were already slick with ice. There weren't many people walking about, despite being a village it was quite barren and Umbra almost wondered if Bryn was the only person who actually lived here. Bryn lead them all to a building built up on in the city's center, it was the tallest in the small village, so it was likely their town hall or something similar. Bryn turned to the group, "We'll need some supplies first before we can head out and collect parts of the train. And I still need to refuel. In the mean time, please make yourselves at home! the villagers are very friendly, they're just a little...disheartened." Bryn said.

"There's a blacksmith and a miner's guild just down the road from where we came. They've got plenty of food and drink too, so don't be afraid to ask! If you see the Blacksmith, tell her I'll be coming by soon as well with the Fuller." Bryn entered the town hall alone, leaving the group to explore by themselves for the time being. Alyss sighed dejectedly again and slid down the side of the wall, her head in her hands.

"She seems nice, but this is an actual DISASTER! And this village certainly has seen better days...If we do get out of here, we might have to call in an emergency rescue for these people." Alyss looked around the street they were all on. Many of the buildings were closed, but a few had their lights on and medical signage hanging from their windows or doors.

"Well It seems we have three options." Umbra commented. "We can go and run errands for our savior at the Blacksmith, visit a bunch of rowdy miners...or see who's being personally afflicted by this 'Hailrend' she mentioned. As a doctor, I feel more comfortable around the sick, so I'll be visiting the patients." Truthfully he just wanted to feed off of their suffering by being in close proximity, but he wasn't going to say that aloud obviously. And he was curious just what this Hailrend disorder did to people in the middle stages. "Anyone care to join?" He hoped not, since he'd rather be alone and didn't actually want to entertain any of them for the day. That, and he still felt...unsually weak after being pulled from the snow an hour or two ago. Perhaps he needed to rest.

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. Visit the Miner's Guild.
3. Visit the Patients (Umbra)

1. Get off the Sled.
2. Enter Niflheim
3. Visit the patients

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Rev IX Rev IX | Maxxob Maxxob | Maverick Six Maverick Six

Welcome to Niflheim! Thermastones are a special ore that can keep you warm and keep the Hailrend Disorder at bay. This also means you can use your Thermastone to get rid of any Doubt your character may have had. Everyone only gets ONE Thermastone however, and finding more is really hard. So be wise about how you use yours. If your Doubt has accumulated too much, you can use your Thermastone as a get out of jail free card to get rid of the Doubt all together, rather than resting to get rid of it day by day. You're allowed to do whatever you want with the Thermastone as well, such as give it away or throw it out for whatever reason.

If you have any questions about Thermastones, feel free to ask!

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: | "Common" | "[Terran]" |


During the quiet train ride -- the others seemed to remain in quite decent experience. Hiroshi appeared mellow, orienting himself towards solutions. The beast-looking boy griffith apepared to be quite chipper despite the situation, mentioning an adventure he had similarly disturbing to this. Arkham seemed to remain calm and yet also aware -- almost appearing battle hardened himself. Marcus' expression was mostly concealed by his helm, but his voice alluded to what it was he felt.

A comment to Hiroshi. "Indeed. I suspect the fuller to be quite well suited to manipulating something like a train. We use Golems in the Eastern Empire for construction purposes. This thing appears even more advanced than that." He then moved to answering his question of nobility. "It is as Griffin says. Fullers are something funded and operated by Rotian nobility. Like unto Knights or Samurai, many nobles of Rotia are trained in the ways of Martial Combat from a young age...." It was something he could find himself respecting, in a way. To hone the body is to hone the mind, to some degree.

Another comment to Arkham. "Mm. Yes, it is all awfully convenient. I wouldn't put it above monsters to plan such a thing like this. Despite their tendencies to chaos and destruction, they can be quite sophisticated. We should keep our wits about us for greater plots..."

He found himself looking toward the fuller....and then towards Alyss. She and Umbra both appeared to be quite down. But it was understandable. Not everyone was accustomed to this sort of thing.


Marcus watched as they were welcomed into the gates of a snowy, somber-looking village. A bit of relief washed over him as he was brought on. The residents didn't seem too particularly happy but it was what he expected. Marcus was used to such somber scenes, given his own visiting of the aftermaths of war. He had seen many of his own people, slaughtered indiscriminately. Men, women, and children alike were buried within the earth by soldiers of the Fae See and their mighty earth dragons. Fortunately or unfortunately, he was accustomed to this kind of air.

And these people were surrounded by undead on all sides. Supplies would be dwindling assuredly, and an eerie affliction would affect them. They were dying a slow death. Yet, in being accustomed to this, it did not shake his will.

When Alyss spoke he replied in a manner firm. "The situation is dire. Yet there is a path forward." Marcus gently puts an armored hand upon her shoulder. "I believe you may be of help yet. The task before you requires you as much, if not more so, than any blade. We might be able to save these people yet."

As they were brought to the town's center, Marcus thought of the options he was presented with.


The drawing of a sword. Marcus looked over two of the three weapons. One being his spear. And the other being his forged, rune inscribed sword. There was no damage to either, so he returned it to his sheathe.

"My weapons do not require repair. Thus I shall pay a visit to the people who are being afflicted. I may not look it, but I am a former Hospitaller. A guardian and aide to healers." Unfortunately for Umbra's desires, it was very consistent with Marcus' behavior and job description to aid doctors, both on the battlefield and within the bloody aftermath of it.

"You yourself seem due for an assessment, Mr. Blackwell. You seem rather unwell. I will give you a thorough look once I learn more of this so-called "Hailrend." I will convey my findings, to you all." With that Marcus began to department for the Doctor in search of knowledge concerning this disease and the patients it afflicted.

"Those thermastones seem as though they might be useful. Maybe the miners can give you some. Particularly given we are here to help."

One final suggestion, before he separated from the group, going to the Doctor with Umbra likely being his company.

Actions: 3/3

1. Marcus chooses to to visit the patients.
2. Marcus suggests visiting the mine in search of "Thermastones"

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Arkham Koenig

Arkham clicked his tongue, holding back his irritation. This person decided to simply ignore him. Which helped to his lack of trust towards the pilot and her so called "people in need". At least one person in the armored spearman acknowledge his concerns. Good. At least one person here wasn't blind to the circumstances. The hunter nodded at him, acknowledging his comment.

Once out of the metal box, they were all given this strange stone. It was warm to the touch, so its name was fitting. Then again, Arkham opted to not put his faith on it, nonchalantly burying it in one of his pockets.

This Niflheim place sure was a sorry sight. Bordering on a ghost town, the few residents walking about looked in terrible shape. Arkham sighed, wondering how exactly did it come to this. Regardless, he was not a tourist, so while Bryn explained their options, the swordsman drew his older blade and examined it. He started to walk in the pointed direction while speaking to nobody in particular "I'm going to the blacksmith."
: Lolory Lolory Egde Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six
Construct, Bow Apprentice, Ryken Adventurer E, Buged, Republic Adventurer E, Soft Hearted

Griffin had weighed his options before deciding.

“I can go visit the Miner’s Guild, I am not a doctor so it might make less sense for me to visit when there are other capable hands there…”

In truth, Griffin did not like the idea of visiting them because of what a painful reminder that may be. His cause of death was cancer in his past life. Sometimes the sounds of the flatline. The last thing he recalled hearing in the hospital room before standing in front of an unknown god haunted him at times. Hailrend a condition he didn’t know anything about seemed like it could be worse he decided it would be best if he was only there if needed to be. If he was injured or something but visiting without any medical knowledge or supplies seemed unwise.

“I’ll look for these Thermastones for everyone, see if I can’t grab any. My bow does not need repair at the moment and won’t as long as I am careful. I trust Marcus to have control of the situation should anything happen.”

Trusting the team had been something he learned on his journey, even when circumstances had him team up with people he potentially may not have gotten along with otherwise His bow, his old bow that’s been with him since he woke up…seems to only be getting weaker as Griffin’s shots became more precise he would need a new bow eventually maybe he would keep the old one as memorabilia. But for now, it will do.

1: decides to look for the Thermastones
2: goes to the Miner’s guild​

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