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Active [ROTIA-Niflheim Village]- The Hailrend Disorder

Hiroshi Nakamura
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory @Egde Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rev IX Rev IX

The yakuza then arched one eyebrow with the information received from both Marcus and Griffin about Rotia’s royalty being the ones who actually piloted the fullers. Also, how they could also be used to move the train back on top of the rail. “Putting themselves out there like the rest of the army, color me impressed… well, not exactly like them, but still.” He remarked, keeping an even tone. He thought these medieval-like rulers would all rather stay cooped in their keeps and whatnot, so the surprise was quite refreshing.

Hiroshi’s expression was hard to decipher as soon as Niflheim came into view, only changing to curiosity as the man received one odd-looking stone. “Thermastones, huh? Don’t mind if I hold one of these. Don’t quite fancy becoming one of those things, thank you very much.” With a grin, he accepted one of them, feeling the warmth that was produced by the stone. He would spend a moment longer, running his fingers through the surface of the mineral, before tucking it inside his jacket.

Inside the town, the situation was quite grim. With the villagers practically surrounded by those creatures, it was no surprise with how disheartened they seemed to be, according to Bryn. The martial artist didn’t particularly feel any need to help the people in there, but if that could be done without any ‘extra’ from him, he didn’t particularly mind getting them out of there. “Now, now, don’t go in throwing the towel just yet. We need someone to get that train in working order.” Hiroshi mumbled as he fetched a cigarette and placed it between his lips, lighting it in the next moment.

Taking a deep, long drag of it, he would blow the smoke towards the skies, its grayness matching the same of the skies, dull and lifeless. “I’m heading to the miner’s guild office. The pilot said about drinks, and I’m eager to see what kind of booze is available in here.” Turning on his heel, he began walking towards the office, intending to get the drink he had been denied when the bar in the train had been destroyed.

1 - Visit the Miner's Guild

Thermastones: 1
The Hailrend Disorder.png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Umbra hid the frown that wanted to appear on his face at Marcus who had opted to join him. Oh well, he supposed he could use this as an opportunity to unwind finally after a rather harrowing day. Umbra would be surrounded by other people for hours it seemed, so it would be better to try to find something to do with his time, mostly at the expense of those around him. Marcus and Umbra traveled down the snowy village street until they both stopped at one of the few buildings that had been turned into a patient holding room. It was a squat looking brick house that had a simple gas lamp that hung from outside, frost covered the windows and totally obscured the inside.

Umbra turned the doorknob and entered without so much as a knock, and was immediately hit with that same strange feeling from when he fell into the snow. Similarly, Marcus would also be able to feel it as well, though the room looked completely harmless. It was a standard med bay with beds, curtains and shelves of various medical equipment along the wall. There were only 3 patients in this medbay, they all seemed to be asleep.

A small elderly woman dressed in linen scrubs came to greet them, a mask over her face as she hurried to close the door. "Close that, won't you? Someone could catch the doubt by passing by, you know!? I can sense neither of you have masks, here." She shoved two cloth masks into their hands with a huff, before turning to go back to one of the shelves where she'd been preparing some kind of salve in a jar. Umbra pocketed the mask, and inspected the elderly woman. Instantly, he realized that while she was one of the only people this village had to a doctor, she was also totally blind. "Are you two the volunteers that I was promised would come and help? It's been almost 2 months with no help, and that Fuller pilot said she'd get me some volunteers soon!" The old woman went to one of the bedsides of the patients to administer the medicine she'd conjured up.

"Yes we are." Umbra said with a smile on his face, "We can both see that you desperately need some assistance here. What with your uh...condition." Umbra walked to the first bedside patient to go and assist them.

1. Go to patient#1 (+2Doubt)
2. Go to patient#2 (+2Doubt)
3. Inspect the shelves

  • "Demonic Diagnosis" Medicine F, Appraisal F- User can accurately diagnose the source of an illness or injury at a glance. F grade, 0 post cooldown.

The Blacksmith
Niflheim had one Blacksmith who worked very diligently to keep the town up and running, and as Arkham traveled to her shop he would be able to hear the loud incessant yet familiar sound of a hammer on steel. The Blacksmith's shop was conveniently the only place in the village who's windows weren't frosted and covered in ice, as the forge was hot enough to keep it somewhat warm. This meant that some of the villagers also liked to mill about the Blacksmith's shop during the day just to keep warm. A small group of children could be seen playing near the steps, while the local blacksmith hammered away beside the open forge. Leonardo_Anime_XL_A_friendly_blacksmith_woman_with_dreadlocks_0.jpg

She waved at Arkham, hammer still in hand. "Hey! A new face for the first time in years! Bryn sent you didn't she?" Said the blacksmith. "I'm Orissa, nice to meet you. If you'd like, you can stay as long as the forge is on, but I will have to cut it off at the end of the day. Conserve the last fuel I have for it, you know." She told him. "I see you've got yourself a thermastone too, we don't have many of those. The Miner's are gonna have to go and get more soon. Anyways, if there's anything that needs fixing, I can help you out."

There were a few options at Arkham's disposal, he could even seek out Orissa for help with rebuilding the train, if she had enough materials for it anyways.

The Mining Guild

The miner's guild was probably the liveliest place in the village, as music poured from the open hall. Inside were many miners, who were all sat at tables enjoying a drink and bowls of mysterious soup. A large hearth sat at the front, upon which a giant pot of perpetual stew sat simmering while the old cook stirred it every once in a while. One miner in particular was the life of the party as he stood on a table with a mug of ale in hand, laughing merrily. He spotted Griffin and Hiroshi by the entrance, and welcomed them warmly to the guild hall.

"Hey everyone, visitors! I've never seen you before, so you must be new in town, which is quite rare." He said. "Last time we had new faces in the village was over 10 years ago, ha! My name's Brody Sedona, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He passed two bowls of warm herbal soup to Griffin and Hiroshi and lead them to a table with the other miners. "We were gonna go to the mines later today, but it's not particularly safe for every day people. Your welcome to join but only if you're an Adventurer or with a guild of some kind, got that?"

Arkham Koenig

Arkham grimaced upon noticing the state of the workshop. It was nothing short of a miracle there were still people not frozen to death when they had to resort to something like this to get heat.

"Well met, Orissa. I'm Schwarz. And yes, Bryn pointed me this way..." Arkham chose not to openly show his lack of trust on this situation anymore, replacing it with a feigned mild sympathy. "You folk sure have it rough in here. I guess fate has decided we should help each other." After a brief pause, the bounty hunter elaborated "The people that came with me to this village come from a train wreck. The train derailed and I'm sure some parts were damaged. We could use some help".

Arkham decided to lessen the blow of the difficult task by asking for advice on a more simple request. He detached the sheath of his older sword, the one with lesser quality, and showed it to Orissa. "Do you think you could make something out of this? I already have a better weapon, so something with a different purpose would be nice."
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist, [Murderer F], [Abuser F] - #b80926

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

A wide smile appeared on Hiroshi’s lips as soon as the music from the Miner’s Guild reached his ears. The yakuza certainly loved merriment and fun, along with drinking. He hoped that place would have some nice alcohol to fill his belly.

“This place looks pretty fun! Miles better than the misery appearing to be going on outside of it.” He told Griffin in a cheery tone, being the first to cross the threshold inside the guild hall. His hazel eyes darted around, falling upon a particular fellow, who appeared to have had too many drinks already, standing up on one of the tables.

“That is quite right, we aren’t from this village. The bo-... gir… eh…” Hiroshi’s gaze darted towards Griffin, bringing a hand to his own head and scratching a few times. “... my companion and I are new in this place. If I had known you guys were knee-deep in shit with these undead creatures, I sure wouldn’t have taken that train!” The man would let out a booming laugh, accepting the bowl with the mysterious soup, looking at its contents with skepticism.

“Nice to meet you, Seodan-san. I’m Hiroshi Nakamura, a perspective businessman…” Introducing himself while sitting down on the table, a grin tugged at the corner of his lips. Grabbing the bowl, the yakuza brought its edge to his lips, tilting it slightly and slurping its contents. After a few gulps, he placed the bowl back on the table, licking his lips clean.

“Going into the mines would be good. Maybe we can find more of these… Thermastones, right? They seem pretty useful.” Leaning back slightly, the man began rotating his right shoulder, making his bones crack slightly. “Don’t you worry about the danger, I can take care of myself.”

Thermastones: 1

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