Rosseta House For The Musically Gifted [Inactive]

After unpacking and placing all she had in her bags in the correct place, Evelyn stepped out of her room and proceeded downstairs.

Perhaps I can get a snack before dinner," she wondered out loud with a small frown, softly patting her stomach as she heard its quiet grumble and felt the light ripples under her fingers. She went into the dining room and paused for a moment to count the number of seats surrounding the long table.

I wonder how many people have been invited here and how many actually showed up,' Evelyn thought to herself. Figuring that she'd find out soon, Evelyn just shrugged and made her way into the kitchen. Even though the room was gorgeous, like everything else in the place, Evelyn wasted no time in rummaging through the fridge for some food. It didn't take her long to find a nice, red apple that seemed ripe enough to eat. After washing the fruit, Evelyn leaned against the kitchen counter and ate in silence as she glanced around the area in amazement. Absentmindedly, her free hand began tapping and smacking various rhythms on the counter top.
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" I think we'd both be better off in middle class!" he said falling on to his back." I wonder what the recording studio looks like," he said standing up. He looked back at her " Do you want to go check it out with me? I mean only if you want to," he offered as he began walking back to the door.

Jess smiled and stood. "Yea I'll come. I think my friend is down there" she shrugged and followed behind him. She locked the door behind her and followed him down to the recording studio.

((Like I said before everyone is just walking around meeting people, arriving, checking out the house.))

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With a suitcase that was going to burst open any minute rolling behind her and the huge case that encapsulated her bassoon on the floor next to her, Henrietta pushed the key of her new room into the key hole and twisted the lock open. She shoved the door open, grabbed her case and went in. Flicking the lights on in her new room, Henrietta grinned from ear to ear, dropped all of her belongings, and jumped on the bed like a little girl. She laughed rolled around the bed enjoying its puffiness and softness. "I made it!"

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