Rosseta House For The Musically Gifted [Inactive]


Jess pulls up the mansion in her little bug ("punch buggy"), with her mouth hung open in awe. She's never seen something so luxurious and beautiful. She comes to a stop in the drive way and looks around at all the beautiful plants and at the house. Everything was just so amazing, but that's just the outside. She quickly opened the trunk of her car and took out three suitcases. A butler pulls out a brass trolley like what they have at hotels and takes her bags inside. She slowly follows, to take in the site as they enter the house. "Wooow this is amazing" she says to herself. The mans leads her to a small elevator, "the third floor has all the bedrooms, the second floor has the bar, kitchen and dining room, and the 1st floor has the master bathroom and living room. In the basement there is a little "chill out" area that also has a bar and the recording studio is down there too. If you ever forget there is a map on every floor." The butler explains.


Austin gets out after his best friend Jess. Like she does, he stands there in awe. The only luxurious thing that he has ever witnessed is the lilac garden at this grandmothers house. But this? This is just amazing. He smiles at Jess and listens to the butler and what he has to say. The first thing Austin is gonna do is check out the drum set in the recording studio...After he gets unpacked, "so who owns this house?" Austin asked the butler curiously, the butler just replies with a smile and leads them to their bedrooms. Austin walks into his bedroom and drops his bags in shock. He quickly went over to the window and saw the forest view, but beyond the forest is a lake. "Better get unpacked" he says to himself and starts unpacking his bags.
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Devon ||

Devon pulled up to the large mansion in her old beat up truck. Slapping the gear into park she stared at the mansion in awe. She had finally made it. Her dreams were finally going to come true. All of her life she hoped to make it to the big stage and this was finally her shot. She was not about to waste it. Pulling the key's out of the ignition she slammed the creaky truck door shut. Brushing a few loose hair out of her face she continued to stare at the mansion she was about to start calling home. Finally snapping out of it she pulled down the lift gate and yanked out the couple of bags she had packed. Using her knee she kicked up the lift gate; she had owned the truck long enough that she knew how to work it inside and out.

She walked with confidence up to the front door, it there was one thing that her mother engrained in her, it was to always walk like you have a purpose. Stepping up to the front door she was welcomed by a butler opening the door for her. Flashing him a smile she entered, she turned down his offer to take her bags. But she followed his directions pointing her to the third floor bedrooms. Nodding and smiling, she headed up the grand stair case. Small clicks from her heels hitting the tile rang out across the foyer. The sides of her lips curled up with every step; it was all sinking in.

Upon reaching the third floor she peaked in each of the rooms looking for the one assigned to her. In one of the rooms she saw a boy about her age starting to unpack. Giving him a small smile and a wave she continued on her way. There was time for introductions later. She had unpacking and exploring to do now. Finally finding her room she let out a gasp. It was perfect. Dropping her bag on the floor she stared out the large window over looking the lake. It was breath taking. Just the kind of get away she needed.

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Placing the final shirt he had to unpack into that closet of his new room, Cove would find that he finally finished setting all of his stuff up properly. What was there left to do? See what was up with the rest of the populous in the mansion, of course. He grabbed the acoustic guitar from the side of his bed, before his feet led him out of his room. Locking the door behind him, he would look around the corridor where his brand new abode was located. It was loaded with different rooms, but did they all look the same on the inside? Time would give him his answer, for sure.

First step, getting downstairs. He would walk through the front doors belonging to the main floor of the vicinity, to those same luxurious cement steps. Running down both sides of the mini-staircase was more cement, as thick as it was wide. He was able to sit at the top of those steps, his back pressed against the guard-rail near the left side. He placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it, before retrieving the pick out of the area between the strings and the neck of his guitar. Immediately after that was when he began tuning his guitar.

Within mere seconds, he was playing an actual tune. Smoke billowed out of his nostrils, covering his face for a slight second as he bobbed his head along with the tune. Soon, he was tapping his foot against the floor with it. Then, his torso began to groove along with the beat he had created outside.

Music school, right? What else to do but make some music?

Liu drove up in front of the house a little impressed. It was something different than

what he saw back home.” This is different. Well I mean it’s a bigger house,” he said to himself

opening the door of his 2012 Jeep Wrangler. He grabbed his four suitcases one by one. The last things

he grabbed were his guitar case and skate board. A butler came out with a trolley and put his

bags on it. Liu carried his guitar and followed the butler inside. The h*ll a trolley now that’s different. He thought

before the butler explained everything about where everything was located and everything like that.

He listened to the directions to his room and simply followed them. When he got to

his room he wasn't exactly impressed. It was the same as his room back

home but he brushed it off and began unpacking. Was too eager to take a look around and

see what everything else looked like and just threw things in random places. He walked down the hall

and past a room with someone in it. She was indeed pretty but was she nice?

Liu smiled and knock and the wall he felt stupid when he smiled.

((Sorry it's so short!!))


Devon became lost in thought as she looked out the window. She had no idea how long it was going to be until she saw her family again. They were the ones who brought sanity to her, she wasn't sure how she would cope without them. But that's the price you pay when you go after your dreams, right? Snapping herself back to reality she turned on her heels and headed straight for the door. She had time to unpack later, exploring sounded much better. Heading down the hall and the multiple stair cases she grabbed a map. Her eyes flickered over it, nothing inside sparked her fancy. So outside she went.

As soon as she stepped out of the house she was greeted by the scent of cigarette smoke and the sound of a guitar. Two things she couldn't resist. As much as she loved playing piano, she had always wished that she picked up on the guitar. Following the sound she turned the corner to be greeted by the man behind the music.
"Hey." She said with a raspy voice. Even though she was young, her voice was weathered from the years of smoking and singing.

His eyelids open, before those hues peered up to the woman who had just made her presence known. Cove flashed a bit of those pearly whites, immediately stopping what he was playing. Leaning his guitar to the side, he dug his hand into his pocket to retrieve a pack of Newports. Inside, was a bunch of joints, layered into the other half, which was filled with cigarettes.

Easily distinguishable, considering one had a bright orange filter, and the other had none at all. Chucking his half of a cigarette left, Cove decided to trade up; he removed a spliff and lit it, offering the female the pack by means of sliding it across the ground toward her. He put his right hand up to his hair, running it through those dark strands momentarily.

"You waiting for an invitation? Feel free to sit."

He brought his legs back in, toward his body; crossing them indian-style. The voice that escaped his lips sounded as though he was of Spanish decent - and he was. His accent wasn't horrific, he was pretty much doing the best he could. When he sang himself, it was a bit different. For some reason, everyone with an accent who sings happens to do so in an American accent. He always found it weird, despite the fact that he was guilty of this action. He couldn't help it, because it sounded better in addition to being easier to sound out syllables.
Jess heard a knock and a mans voice, turning around she saw a gorgeous man talking to her "oh uh hi" she smiled and kept unpacking, trying to be nonchalant, but obviously failing, "so what's your name?" She closed the dresser drawer and turned to the man, tucking a little strand of hair behind her ear. It was something she did when she was nervous around a guy.

Austin heard the sound of a guitar. He smiled and finished unpacking, then headed toward the sound of the guitar. He came upon a boy and a girl, a sexy girl too, the boy stopped playing and handed the girl a pack of cigarettes, shaking his head with a smile he went to go look around. He made his way to the basement and into the recording studio where there was a set of drums. He smirked and went and sat down in the stoll behind them, then just started pounding away at them.

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Liu smiled and looked at the girl.” My name is Liu. Liu Johnson,” he said walking partially in

the room.” What’s your name? Why are you here?” he said watching her unpack her stuff

just remembering how he threw things everywhere. Well at least I’m getting to talk to this girl.

((Sorry it's so short!! Again!))

Jess smiled slightly "well I don't mean to brag, but I have am amazing voice" she giggled and looked at him "My name's Jess Malcom" she held out her hand to shake his. There was a bit of a blush on her cheeks because she's been here ten minutes and already a handsome man was talking to her. She giggled a bit from her thought

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“ Jess huh? Cute name I like it,” Liu said looking at her” and I know that you didn’t ask but I’m a guitarist,” he said walking around the room.” So where do you come from? I mean like what kind of family do you come from?” he said walking back over to the door.” What kind of friends did you have? When did you start singing? Do you like the house so far? This is too many questions isn’t it?” Liu said with a half hearted laugh.

The edges of her lips curled up at his invitation to sit. "What? Can't even hand the pack to a lady?" She said with a sarcastic tone in her voice. She would be the first one to admit that she was the farthest thing from a lady. The only thing lady like about her was her anatomical set up. Snatching the box of cigarettes up she pulled one out, letting it hang from her lips she pulled a lighter out from her cardigan pocket. Lighting it she took in a deep breath, letting the smoke fill her lungs. Her exhale was a mixture of letting the smoke flow out by itself and her forceful explosion. "So I take it you're here for guitar? Anything else?" She asked inquisitively as she raised an eyebrow.

Evelyn stared in awe at the massive structure of the Rosseta House as she pulled her tan Taurus into the driveway. With the name "Rosseta House", she was expecting something like a boarding house, but nothing of this caliber!

"They should call this 'Rosseta Château' or something, not 'Maison'," she spoke to herself, her French accent noticeable through her airy voice, as she parked her car and slowly stepped out, still amazed by grandeur of the architecture. Finally tearing her staring away from the building, she went to her trunk to open it up, slinging her brown messenger bag over her shoulder and placing a large luggage bag on the ground beside her feet. She made sure to lock her car before pulling on her bags into the mansion.

Evelyn slowly made her way through the place, taking in as much detail as she could as she went to her designated room. Amazement and excitement shone in her blue eyes as she made her way through and stared, making sure to give a polite nod in greeting to those she passed by. She figured that introductions were going to be given at dinner or something like in those movies.

Coming up to her room, Evelyn couldn't help but grin at the beautiful decor and furnishing. "
J'aime, j'aime," she said with an appreciative nod as she looked around, opening every drawer, looking into the closet, and inspecting the bathroom. Once she was done covering her room, she began to unpack her bag, the silly grin on her face never ceasing.
"They say chivalry is dead." He responded jokingly. The young man put his guitar down to his side for the moment, before he parted his lips once more to respond to her question. "When it comes down to it, I'm a garbage can. I play the guitar best, but i can do a bit of singing. I play the drums decently enough. I can even produce." He wasn't trying to be a show off, but they were both at the mansion for the same type of art, weren't they? Cove took a deep drag of his J, using his thumb and pointer fingers to grab the end out of his mouth afterwards.

"How 'bout you, missy? What's your story? "

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The wind was blowing the small loose pieces of Devon's hair around. Tucking them behind her ear she pulled her round John Lennon like sunglasses down to the bridge of her nose. Shooting him a small toothy smile, "So you're a Jack of all trades. Nice." Her voice was flat as she gave him a small "I'm impressed" nod. "I sing and play piano." Taking a long drag she exhaled, sending smoke out her mouth and nose.

Smoking was one of her many bad habits, but with her being a singer she knew it was the worst. But after being a regular smoker for the past 4 years it wasn't easy for her to kick.

"I'm Devon by the way." She outstretched her arm for a shake. Might as well make some friend while she was here.

Jess blushed from all the questions he's asking "id rather not talk about my family. But its cool that your a guitarist. I didn't have many friends, but I did come here with my friend Austin, I started singing when I was young, I love this house. And no, it's not a lot of questions, you're just curious." She smiled again, "so what about you? You're life" she leaned against the dresser looking at him.

((Everyone is just getting there, unpacking, checking out the house, etc.))

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(Oasis, i'm totally stealing one of your posting habits.)

"Something like that. I just love music, really." All corners, aside from country. Country was absolutely horrible. Dubstep was also horrific, but Cove was never really subjected to it much. He barely associated himself with people who enjoyed it, because they were usually so annoying.

Bringing the joint back up to his lips so he could take a quick hit, Cove would respond to her offering of information. Nodding his chin up slightly in response, his lips would part. He extended his arm and placed his hand into hers, briefly. "My name's Cove. It's a pleasure, really." Soon after speaking, he used that same hand to flick the roach of his joint away.

"You sing and play piano? Well, you must be pretty good to be here, right?" He asked, his head slightly cocked to the side before he turned those hues to that wooden instrument of his. Grabbing his acoustic guitar up off of the floor beside him, Cove's free hand would provide the pick which he previously had stuffed into his pocket. He began strumming something simple, his eyes both lifting from the frame of his tool to her face.

With a wink, Cove spoke once more.
"Something off the top? Show me what you've got."
“ Let’s just say that my life was practically hand to me on a silver platter. My parents are billionaires and gave me anything I wanted. Until I was 7 then they started trying to control me and my life. I hate being a rich kid really I do,” he said walking over to Jess’s bed.” You don’t mind if I sit here right? I’ll get up if you don’t want me sitting here,” he asked sitting on her bed then leaning back on his elbows.” Because I mean I don’t want to invade!” he exclaimed sitting up again.

She shook her head "oh not at all, go ahead" she smiled "well my grandma taught me to sing. I would sing while she played piano. I really loved her, but she passed. So I just sing to make people happy like she did. She practically raised me" Jess explained "you're lucky you're a rich kid. This is the most luxury I've had in my life" Jess shrugged. Seeing the tattoo on his hand she smiled "I like that" she pointed to his tattoo, "I wish i was brave enough to get something that extreme" Jess smiled and looked at the small tattoo of a music note on her middle finger.

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“ Lucky to be a rich kid?! No way, when you’re a rich kid you don’t get to be who you want to be. You don’t get to do what you want to do. You have to be who your parents want you to be you don’t get to choose your own life. You never get a challenge you always get what your parents want to give you. It’s never fun they treat you like a doll. Like some toy that they get to use and manipulate,” he shook his head.” Sorry I didn't mean to be so rude. Thanks by the way. I got to show my parents they don’t own me. That I’m my own person but it just got me grounded from my guitar for a year,” he said looking at his hand.

Raiki stood in front of the house, her mouth agape. She had never seen a place so huge. She offloaded her bags onto the trolley that the nice man had brought for her and she walked inside. She walked up to the third floor where all the rooms where and walked into the room with her name on the front. It had a beautiful ceiling that revealed the teal bedroom. She sat on the bed and gazed in awe for a while.

Giving him a small grin she replied, "I'm okay." She knew she was good, but she was never one to gloat about herself. She always thought it would make her look cocky and arrogant. She would deny every compliment that came her way.

Cocking her head to the side, slightly puzzled by his comment,
"You want me to sing while you play?" This was something new to her. She had always considered herself as a solo artist. Writing her own songs and playing them. Never had she imagined that she would be playing with someone. In all honestly it freaked her out a bit. Turning her head down the ground she rubbed the ash end of the cigarette into the ground, flicking the butt away.

Jess shrugged "id kind of like that. Except for the being a toy part. You see, I'm that poor girl who wants just one thing but can never have. I asked my auntie if I could have a tattoo and she said we don't have the money. I saved up enough to get two" Jess shyly moved her skirt up a little to show the music line tied into a bow on her thigh. She quickly put her skirt back down and blushed more "my auntie didn't like my tattoos" she giggled a bit. "And I have to say one thing. At least you had your parents there, one day I took a nap and when I woke up, they weren't there. I was five then, my grandma raised me for a year, but when she passed I lived with my aunt" she went over and sat on the bed beside him.

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Rosalina sighed. She had been in that taxi for almost three hours and just wanted to get to Rosseta's. When she finally arrived, her dull and humdrum expression became nothing but a beautiful and bright smile. She hurried out of the oddly colored taxi and quickly grabbed her suitcases from the trunk. She then stood outside the amazing house gazed at it for a few moments. She had never been anywhere quite as astonishing and breathtaking. She was thrilled as to what future was ahead of her. Whatever it may be, she was confident and believed she was ready for anything soon to come. She then walked into the gorgeous house and hurried to her room. She then unpacked her things, walked downstairs, and made her way to the backyard. She couldn't help but smile at it's beauty. She sat down at the edge, dipping her feet into the water.


Johnathan grinned as he drove down the road, going way past the speed limit. He had taken a few shots before leaving home and he was ready to start a new. When he arrived, he jumped out of his car and grabbed his two suitcases, one filled with his favorite alcohol. He smirked at the stunning house and walked inside. He quickly made his way up to his bedroom and unpacked a few of his things. He then went back downstairs and explored the rooms throughout the house, starting with the living room.
Lucy pulled up to the curb, her old Ford truck rumbling reliably. She grabbed the keys from the ignition and tossed them haphazardly inside her bag, exiting the car. She made a point to cover her eyes so she wouldn't see the mansion until she crossed the street. The surprise only got better if she waited the whole time, the way she figured it, so she ducked, hiding behind the car, to pull her drums from the back. The kits were heavy, but she was used to it by now; she pulled them from the bed and set them on the road. She turned her head towards the ground as she crossed the street, and just as she couldn't take it anymore, she looked up. Her jaw dropped, and she had to stand her kits upright to make sure they wouldn't clatter to the ground. "Well, holy sh*t."

Everything past then seemed to move in a blur. She ran as fast as the kits and bags would allow to the front door, and when it opened she paid the butler little attention. She just nodded and scurried up to the highest floor leaving everything but the drums with the bellboy. She took those up personally, finding her room with ease. She waited until the rest of her baggage came up, packing away everything in the closet except, of course, what she was currently wearing. A lot of the clothes she brought were new, as her mother had always said it meant a new start, but also that it was important to keep a piece of where you left with you. She had acquired her current dress when she was moving out to college.

She had plenty of places she wanted to explore, the bar in particular, but decided to work her way around. She bounded to the living room, stopping in her tracks when she almost bumped into a man standing there. "Oh. Um, hi. Sorry, was that you?" She continued muttering, but this time to herself: "Of course it was him, you dummy. Who else would it be? Well, I don't know, give me some credit, man!" She continued arguing with herself for a moment before remembering the man. "Right. Well. Now that that's over with." She stuck out her hand in greeting. "Lucy Wilder. And you are?"

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