
Kiro Akira

Kagura's Yarn
The day was calm and nice, the sun shone brightly in the evening sky, a few clouds passing by. Everyone was doing their jobs amongst the small town. Clanking of objects and laughter could be heard throughout the town. Next to the Tavern, located in the middle of the town, there was a large fountain statue of a girl holding a rose to her chest, along with a diary. Beneath the statue in a marble like stone was her name "Rose Lockheart". She had been the founder of the town, and had helped build it to the beautiful state that it had once been. Now there are a few cracks in the buildings, and a couple abandoned houses. Behind the Tavern was a small path that lead into a forested place with a waterfall streaming into a small pond. Beyond the Tavern, there was a small Market Place area that sold many different things.

There were many people entering the town as well as exiting the town. Guards stood at each gate to inspect the people coming and going, to keep danger out of the town. Crime was rare in Roseville, but it did occasionally happen, although it was never anything more serious than a drunken fight.

The town had been one of the most peaceful towns around. A lot of people loved to come here just for the view and all of the wonderful foods and drinks, as well as hand crafted items. And it hasn't aged since god only knows when, so that made it such more peaceful. The only change was the stands that did improve with the future slightly. They did sell some modern technology but also the older technology. Just on the outskirts of Roseville there were numerous water wheels rolling allowing a stream that had moved from the lake just outside of town. This allowed the houses near this section of town to have electricity while the rest of the town used torches and candles of sorts to light up the houses.

And from here on, this wonderful story begins as a great adventure.

  1. No god modding
  2. No auto hit/blocking
  3. Minimum 3 sentence posting.
  4. No one liners please? :)
  5. No meta-gaming please..... Meta gaming means if you PM me or something and I tell you whats going to happen, you know this your character does not on the other hand.
  6. I know I'm not the best at grammar and I'm sure theres others like that, but please try?
  7. Keep it going, meaning if you intend on leaving the rp make an exit post for your character. Don't just assume he/she is now gone and expect everyone to know this and keep going like you didn't exist.
  8. OOC to a minimum and post here if you have questions :/
  9. Follow the rules >.<

Kiro wandered through the village smiling widely as he scanned the areas. His dragon pendant was up and in his mouth as he chewed on it. He had been here a few times before but it had been so long. The statue still stood, the stands were still there, everything looked the same like it hasn't changed one little bit with the world. Kiro enjoyed this yet it sparked his curiosity on why. He didn't mind it tho, Kiro sighed softly as he sat on the edge of the fountain placing one of his hands in the water running his hands through it, he had scanned the village from where he sat trying to find the group he was waiting on.

Night walked through the village his eyes searching for his aunt and Kiro he was told to meet them at this town and they would be here near the center of town, Night sighed softly as he looked to the sky his off coloured eyes staring up at the clouds. Hopefully they would be able have fun this time, the last time he saw them Midnight seemed to cause quite the trouble. Night soon glanced back to the street ahead of him walking towards what seemed to be the center of town.Night smiled and grinned when he reached the center of town looking to the large statue of the female he then looked to the base of it seeing Kiro and quickly rushed over to meet him. "Kiro! Yay, I didn't think you would be here. Do you know where my aunt is?"
"Lira! Go and buy some food for us, will ya?"

The girl with crimson red hair who had been resting at the window's frame frowned softly as she opened her midnight blue eyes and looked to her side at the man who had spoken to her. The sunlight fell right into her face and she liked that way, last time they had been forced to stay at a cloudy and pretty gloomy city because of their previous job. She sighed as she nodded.

"Ok" She said lazily as she stretched and jumped out of the window.

She stuffed her hands on her dark blue bloomer shorts as she walked down the street, a relaxed and calm smile on her face. It felt so good to live there. She passed right before the fountain on her way to the shop and her smile grew warmer as she glanced at it. Yep.. Living there would be so nice..

When she noticed the two males by the fountain she smiled at them as if in a greeting before looking back to the front again.
The sun felt soothing against her skin, warming her bones. She'd been sleeping there since the sun first appeared over the horizon. The sound of the fountain relaxing her mind and muscles into a peaceful slumber. This was her favorite spot in town to escape to. Her eyes soon fluttered open, the sound of footsteps approaching waking her. She moved quickly to the other side of the statue, peaking around it at the one who'd come. Her emerald and saphire eyes sparkled bright with excitement at the sight before her. It was her friend, Kiro. It'd been a long time since she'd seen a friend. She was about to move back around the statue when another figure came over. She scowled, her plans to tackle the neko ruined. Only when she noticed who the other figure was did her smile return. Without hesitation, shejumped from the statue, landing gracefully on her feet. She stepped around the statue to ths two awaiting males, a grin lighting her face. "Ne, Kiro! Night!"
" No.. Please don't ! " A man was crying for mercy a he was about to be killed by a man with a dark blue hair. The sun was shining this morning, And if he killed him in the town, Atleast someone will notice. The man with the blue hair smiles as he unsheathes his katana from his scabbard. " N-no ! Please ! " The man on the ground started to cry as he begged for mercy. This time, The man crawled up to the blue haired man's leg holding on to it. Without any mercy, The blue haired man kicked him away. " You see.. " The blue haired man began to speak in a cold and dark tone, still with a smile on his face. " I am payed 'Good' money to kill you " he continues as the man's eyes widen from the words. " So be quiet, And I'll do this quick, And... " he raises his katana up in the air as it shines together with the sun. " Painfully " he finishes his words as he licks his lips. " AHH! " The man screamed in terror. There was a short painful sound of skin being sliced. And the screaming in the forests turns into a gurgle of blood. The blue haired man squats down and wipes the blood from his katana using the man's clothes. He then stands up and sheathes his katana as he walk back to the village to receive his reward.
He was sitting on a old chair at the entrance of Roseville. He’s duty was to protect the entrance but protecting the entrance was not that much of a challenge, so he felt asleep. After a while he heard some people talking and was quite confuse about it so he got up and the sunshine illuminated his entire body and his armor was shining and could be seen from afar. He narrowed his eyes to see who was talking and what where they doing over there.
Joss walked slowly into the city,his charge telling him about stuff that in no way excited him but he was polite and listened.He had been hired to transport a lady from her old village here to visit a family member.As they passed the gate the woman turned and smiling offered him the small bit she and her husband had gotten together."Thank you but you keep it,I was just doing that too help you out."He said and smiled then turned and walked toward the market.
Markus sank his teeth into the young lady he kidnapped for the night. A light moan came from her lips making him smile as he drank from her. He dropped her when he was done. Leaving her almost lifeless body in the ally. She will be fine later. She will get up and walk home. Markus stalked toward the entrance of Roseville. He glanced up at the guard as he stood up. Markus kept his eyes hidden from the male as he walked forward.
Kiro shrugged glancing to Night. "Actually no I don't know where she he she should show up soon tho." After a few moments he soon grinned as Shy perked from behind the fountain, now everyone was here he could find some food. "Thank you for finally showing up I was getting quite lonely here now." He spoke smiling and grinning. Kiro then looked away and with a soft smirk he stood up on the edge of the fountain and leaped towards Shy to tackle her to the ground hoping she would be caught off guard.

Night bowed to his aunt and the neko smiling. "Hello auntie Shy how are you this evening?" The angel smiled walking towards the two staring a the large statue and the water beneath it. "This place is so calming and so pretty, may I ask where you found it at?" He said looking to the two mainly to his aunt, some place as this must have been Shy's decision it looked as something his aunt would remember. "It's really pretty here too."
Kojima enters the town as he looks around with his dark blue eyes for anything interesting. The only things that interests him are people who are looking for something. Or someone to do their dirty work for them. With pay of course. Kojima doesn't do anything without any payment. He walks to the middle of town where he sees the statue of the founder of the place. He never really met her, But she must've been such a great person to build a place like this. He smiles as he thinks of what it would feel like stabbing an important person as her. Kojima licks his lips in lust. " Hm, You're the same as always, Kojima " a man with a dark and grouchy voice said as he approaches Kojima. He was wearing ragged cloaks and a hood to cover his face. No one knew this man's face, Except Kojima. " I've did what you've told me.. Duran.. Where's the money " he asks him as he walks closer and the man, Named Duran, Raises his hand at him meaning to say ' that's close enough ' . " Here, Just as promised " the man takes out a pouch of gold and hands it to him as he looks around trying not to be suspicious. " Duran, You'll be suspicious if you DO look around like that " Kojima sighs as he said that. " Shut up, Now, I'll contact you again when I've got more requests. 'till then, Try not to cause too much trouble " Duran warns him as he turns his back and starts to walk away.Kojima smiles as he watches him walk away, And as always, His smile would always be empty.
"Hey! For your information Kiro, I've been here since late last night, waiting for the two of you!" Shy spoke, slight irritation in her voice from her impatient friend who'd kept her waiting. "Finally showing up.. Pfft.." She crossed her arms, a frown evident of her face. Her smile only returned when she looked to Night. "Night! I've been go-" She stopped, being cut off by her neko friend tackling her, nearly hitting the girl with crimson hair who was passing by. She'd expected it but didn't expect it at the same time. Her back hit the ground and her eyes seemed to swirl as she watched the stars circle her head. Shaking the stars away, she blinked up at her friend, her grin back. "Kiro you stupid cat!" She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him back before shoving him off and moving to her feet. She dust off her clothes, her attention moving to the girl, "So sorry..." she half-smiled, shrugging before turning back to her nephew. "Well, before Kiro so rudely interrupted us; I've been doing well, thank you Night." She looked to the statue, her smile fading slightly. There weren't many things she remembered but this place, she'd never forget. "Yes, quite beautiful... So!" She placed her hands on her hips and turned to the two male. "Shall we go get some food? I'm starvin over here and I'm sure Kiro is ready for his catnip!"
After a long journey stoked away in the back of a wagon she had snuck onto, it comes to a stop. Voices sound from just outside the wagon, two men and a woman. She sits up after laying down on a blanket she had found and stretches. When done she crawls over to the opening of the wagon and peeks out, no sight of anyone. Without hesitation she jumps out of the wagon and calmly begins walking to the city just ahead of her. It took her three months to travel from the last city she was in to this one. She had entered the city through the front gates and noticed someone who had seemed to be sleeping right next to them. She shook her head at the sight. It wasn't the first time she witnessed a guard sleeping on the job. She had spotted the fountain and the statute just a few feet in front of her. And to what she could see, she noticed a small group of people standing near it. It must be quite the popular meeting place. When she got closer she stood in front of the statute, looking up at the beauty in stone. She ignored the people around it as she tried to make out the direction she had been told to go.

"In the city of Roseville stands a statue and fountain, to the East lies a small merchant store that sells spell books. There you will find what your looking for."

She looked to the East, only to find a weapons merchant. Surely that wasn't the place, so she looked to the West and to her surprise no store was there. Frowning she looked back to the weapons merchant and sighed.

"Why would a weapons merchant have a book?"

Either way she turned and began walking for the store. Hopefully she would find what she was looking for.
After a long nap at work. He got up from his chair and walked slowly to the group that was gathered in front of the Roseville statue. His body was numb because of all the time he expended sleeping in an uncomfortable position, at the moment he got in front of the small group, he said with a shy and soft voice “Are there new people arriving to town?” He stood his face to the people and tried to smile with a shy face.
Airion's just working on the abandoned house he is turning into his home. "Alright, now that I got the kitchen cleaned, its time to work on the bedroom so I can finaly stop sleeping on the hard floor." He said, wiping a bit of sweat from his face. He then headed up the stairs, and started checking the beds, seeing which was in the best condition. "No, not this one," he said, as he checked the 1st bedroom. "It's worn out way too much." Airion then checked the 2nd room, but to no avail, because that bed was messed up even more. However when he got to the 3rd room, he was surprised by how little there was to do in there compared to the rest, it was like it was built on only a year ago, even though it was obviously part of the original upstairs. "Alright," he said, "time to make this room liveable.

By the time it was done, it was the break of dawn and Airion was worn out. "Phew, glad thats finally done, now it's time to get some rest." he said, walking over to the bed to lay down. "After I wake up, I'm thinking of tackling the other 2 bedrooms right after I get a good meal." he said, passing out not long after.
Lira had took a single step back on reflex when she saw the course the girl and the neko guy would take, getting away by just a little bit. She then raised her eyebrow as she saw the little show of affection between the two people and just smiled kindly at the girl's apologies.

"Don't mind it" She said with her usual soothing and calm voice before walking away as her hair dangled softly against her back because of the breeze.

Now what should she get for food? That was her main worry at the time. Her group members were lazy and wouldn't really cook a thing if she just brought the ingredients home and even though she didn't dislike it she was not in the mood to cook for them at the moment. Maybe she should just go to the market and bring them a simple thing...
"Anya, would you mind managing the register for a little while? Grandmama's going to go take her afternoon nap, and your sister is out playing with her little friends," Anya heard her Grandother Edith whisper inside her head.

Taken by surprise, it having been silent inside the little shop, Anya Rae lost focus of the small bowl she'd been practicing her telekenesis with (as there were currently no customers in the shop) and it dropped to the floor, shattering into many pieces; with an exasperated sigh, she gently closed her eyes and responded to her grandmother's request. "Grandma, you know I hate it when you do that. Yes, I'll be fine," she assured her grandmother as the grabbed the broom from its spot under the counter and went to sweep up the mess she'd made when she dropped the bowl, sweeping it up and disposing of it into the waste bin beside the front desk.

Deciding to take a break from practicing her abilities, she settled into her position behind the register and peered outside of the window of her grandmother's book shop, admiring the magnificence of the stone fountain in the center of Roseville and watching all the other residents of Roseville mill about the town square, meeting with their friends and purchasing merchandise from the stalls.
Joss looked at the group that was beginning to form around the statue.He bought some food from a stall and walked out.He yawned and went to a bench,setting his things down and taking out his phone.He looked at the caller ID and frowned before answering."What the hell do you want?"He asked."Oh come on kid don't be like....."A voice said,but Joss cut the voice off with a violent hiss,"Look I don't care what you need,I came to Roseville to get away from all the killing,not to keep doing it so bye."He said and was about to hang up before the voice stopped him,"Look Joss I know this but.....bro I need your help....please."The voice said but Joss shook his head,"Yeah I know but you won't learn if I do."He said and hung up.His brother was a junkie and had wanted him to kill hos dealers so he wouldn't be in debt but it never worked.He frowned and grabbing a candy bar walked over to the fountain.
She knew it was stupid, she just should have never listened to that man from the other city. Jett walked back out of the weapons shop and sighed heavily. A frown set on her face. She was tired, she needed to find a pace to stay, but her first and top priority was finding that book. She made her way back to the statue, watching the small group that had formed. The man sleeping by the gate had even joined in now. She noticed the neko in the small group. From all her travels, this might have been only the second time she's seen one. She was about to turn away from the statue once more when she noticed the bookstore on the other side from where she stood. A smile lit her face. "A bookstore! Perfect. I bet that's where I'll find it." She took for the shop, not making any stops along the way.
Kiro grinned as she hugged him then called him a stupid cat. "Hehe." He then smiled gently. "If you had listened I said today not last night. So that meant it's you who has caused yourself to wait. Besides I had to spend some money to get me some food and a place to stay, I didn't feel like sleeping outside." Kiro then looked to the guard who had approached them asking about new people. "Actually I believe I'm what you would call old. But I have just entered the town moments ago. So yes new people" His ears perked slightly hearing the word catnip come into sound. "Catnip?" He glanced back at Shy grinning as he tackled her again. "Catnip!"

Night watched the havoc of Kiro tackling Shy and such as she said she was doing well. "Well that is good." He said smiling gently then nodded agreeing with her when she said something about food. "I believe food would be nice, I haven't eaten in almost a full day." His eyes shortly averted to the male walking over with a candy bar. "Hello sir. How are you this day?" Night smiled bowing to him gently showing much happiness in his tone. "I'm Night may I ask who you are? And you sir?" He said this glancing to the guard.
Foreseeing a new customer inside her grandmother's little book shop, Anya Rae glances at one of the town's several newcomers making her way across the square. As the girl enters the shop, making the bell over the door jingle, Anya whispers, "Looking for a spell book, per chance?" she grins knowingly and peers at the girl from under her eyelashes. She marks her place in her book and lays it on the counter as she moves from behind the desk in a welcoming gesture as she looks curiously at the girl, having not seen her in town before.
Jett walks into the shop, a bell above the door initiating her enter. She looks around for a moment before noticing a girl behind a desk. She nods in her direction and walks up to her.

"Hello. I'm hoping you have what I'm looking for."

She looks around once more before looking back at the girl

"I'm looking for a book on spells. Spells that focus mainly on the element of fire."
Kojima looks around, He makes sure that no one noticed the conversation between two shady men. He smiles blankly again, As he sees a couple of young people having a conversation. He thinks for a moment and decides to act innocent and all and decides to join their conversation. He walks towards them with a smile, Still blank as a paper. He then raises his left hand waving a little, " Ahh, Good morning, My name's Kojima, Do you know any nearby Inn ? " he smiles as he asks them that. Of course he knows where the Inn is, But he is just doing this to kill some time before his next Target.
Anya studies the girl intently and whispers into her thoughts, focusing all her energy on conveying her message to the girl through telepathy.

"Are you a witch?" she whispers and considers the girl's request, knowing that her family has all of the original copies of any spellbooks desired; Anya also knows that she must validate the girl's status as well as her experience, knowing full well that a powerful spell in the wrong hands could easily spell disaster for many.
A bit shocked from the telepathic message, Jett jumps just a bit. But at hearing the girls question she quickly shakes her head. She knew witches. And a witch was definitely not who she was, nor would she want to be around one. She spoke up quietly from where she remained standing.

"No, I'm not a witch. I am though, a mage."
Airion woke up later that day. Yawning, he said "I think I'm gonna go and look around town and explore a little." Airion got up out of bed, and headed downstairs and out the door. "Alright, I think I'm gonna look at the places around the statue 1st." He said, heading towards the statue. When he got to the statue of the founder, he saw a group of people standing around it. Airion walked up to them, waving a little and saying "Hi."
Anya Rae looks into the girl's eyes and grins as she pulls a key off of a hook behind the counter and heads toward the back of the shop, beckoning the girl to follow her into the back room where all four walls are filled with spell books of every sort. In the center of the room are several display cases containing the first original spell books, ancient and fragile, once written and passed down by the greatest mages/witches of all time. As she walks into the shadowed room, the lights hanging above flicker on automatically to light the room. "You will find what you need and more within this room," Anya whispers to the girl as she points to the shelves on the right wall. "Those ones contain spells about pyromancy."

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