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Realistic or Modern Rosemary Academy for Thaumetic Warriors (A Magical Girl/Boy RP) [Interest Check] [FULL]

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Six students at a school for Magical Girls/Boys/Other must learn how to master their powers to protect themselves and the world from a dangerous plot.


The Great Thief Yatagarasu!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
There is great debate among historians as to how long Magical Girls have been around. Some say that Magical Girls have been around as long as humanity itself and the tales and myths of long lost societies were, in fact, stories of Magical Girls fighting monsters or each other. Others believe that they are a recent phenomenon, dating back to Medieval times at most. Regardless, it is generally accepted that the first appearance of Magical Girls as we know them was sometime in the 1940s during World War II. These brightly clad warriors would defend the world against all manner of monsters that appeared alongside them and even pitch in to rescue people from disasters both natural and man made.

Of course, as one might expect, the governments of the world were quick to attempt to weaponize these girls and boys. That... didn't end well. The exact details are still heavily classified but something bad happened and at the end of WWII, the use of Magical Girls as weapons of war was banned by the Geneva Conventions as well as basic ethics.

Still, you had all these super powered living weapons lying around and you had to do something with them. You couldn't just let them run wild and do whatever they wanted. Some countries went for the quick and easy route of systemically murdering anybody who even showed signs of being a magical girl. Others, who recognized this as objectively terrible, had different solutions. In the 1960s, the US established the Thaumetic Warriors Program, called as such because the use of the phrase "Magical Girl" would embarrass the US government more than it already embarrasses itself. Any person of 18 or older with Magical Girl powers (referred to as Thaumaturgy by the government) may sign up for the project and go to one of several academies specifically designed to teach Magical Girls, Boys, and those who don't conform to a binary gender spectrum how to use their powers, essentially replacing college. In these schools, Thaumetic Warriors are separated into squads with whom they will train and once school is complete, these squads are sent out into the world to defend it from the monsters (and occasional supervillain) that threaten it.

The year is now 2035 and the program has been a rousing success. Despite a few (totally un-noteworthy, we promise) bumps along the way, the academies have produced many powerful squads of Thaumetic Warriors who have successfully protected the world from monsters and villains. And now its time for a new generation to rise. This is the story of Squad 7, six Thaumetic Warriors attending Rosemary Academy in New York City. Coming from all sorts of different background with a variety of different powers, these six students will soon find themselves embroiled in a plot of epic proportions, one that could spell doom for the entire world. With the help of their mentor, they must learn to master their powers and work together as a cohesive unit. The fate of the world could very well depend on it.

Hey hey! Guess who's back! Its BackSet! Did you miss me? I bet you missed me! Well I'm back and now I'm an adult with a whole new perspective on the world! And that perspective is damn some of you guys were real assholes to me back in the day and I shouldn't have taken that but also I was kind of an asshole too so I'm sorry. Aaaaanyways, I'm kicking things off by rebooting my old Magical Girl rp. Again. But, hey, its been a while, maybe we can finally get through a story arc.

So, to summarize, this is a world in which Magical Girls exist and there are special schools in the US for them to learn to use their powers. You play students at one of these Magical Girl Schools. Also, there's a big evil plot going on behind the scenes. Any questions?

So, there are six slots in this rp and one of them is filled by me so really there's only five. Instead of posting your character sheet in the CS thread, you'll send it straight to me via PM and I'll approve or deny it. This will not be first come first serve. Also, no specific roles need to be filled so don't worry about that, though I do suggest taking a look at the approved characters once we have a few to see what narrative roles might need filling. Character redundancy can kill a good rp.

One of those things that comes with my new perspective as an adult is I'm taking my role as a GM a bit more seriously now. Its my job to enforce the rules and to help drive the story so I'm gonna do that. If you ever have a problem with anybody else, make your grievances known.


-You must be 18 or older to apply. Its not that we're gonna be doing anything super nsfw or adult, I just don't really like working with kids, sorry.
-No controlling other people's characters.
-Communicate, communicate, communicate. Discuss things with your fellow players. Its the key to a healthy roleplay.
-Posts must be at least a paragraph.
-Using BBCode is fine so long as it works on mobile and is legible.
-No real life faceclaims
-If you have a faceclaim that you yourself did not make, you must have permission from the original artist. This is non-negotiable.
Use of Picrew is allowed as long as you link to the Picrew you used.
-AI art is not allowed. I expect that you'll all have the common sense to not use AI art but I'll say it just in case.
-Don't be an asshole. I'm not gonna give a list of dos and don'ts just use common sense.
-As GM, I have final say on most things. My word is law.
-New rules may be added to the list as I think of them.
-Have Fun

Like I said, it's my job as a GM to enforce the rules so I will do that. Most of them, at least. I can't really force you to have fun but I really hope you do. And I guess I can't make you communicate either but you really should.

One last thing, do you think I should make a Discord for the OOC? The rp's gonna be hosted onsite but I think a Discord OOC instead of an on-site one might be better for communication. I guess it'll depend on who gets accepted. Oh! And if you're interested, please reply to this thread. It'll keep it on the top page so I can get even more interest and I won't be jumpscared by you PMing me.
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BackSet BackSet while I'm at it,a couple of worldbuilding questions for this iteration.

1) Is there a consistent time range for when and how a thaumaturge gets their powers? Do they have an idea of how and why or do they just wake up one day like that?

2) What happens if someone manifests but doesn't choose to attend an academy? Is there a way to depower/seal them or is it kind of a "don't use your powers or we'll come get you" thing?
Welcome back BackSet!! Missed ya, hope you're doing well

Magical Girl RPs are always so fun, so I might try to whip up a character sheet sometime soon
BackSet BackSet while I'm at it,a couple of worldbuilding questions for this iteration.

1) Is there a consistent time range for when and how a thaumaturge gets their powers? Do they have an idea of how and why or do they just wake up one day like that?

2) What happens if someone manifests but doesn't choose to attend an academy? Is there a way to depower/seal them or is it kind of a "don't use your powers or we'll come get you" thing?
1) I wouldn't say there's a specific age range but its usually after puberty. Nobody knows why some people just manifest magical girl powers but there's more ways than just that to get powers. Like, there are very real gods in this world who you could get blessed by and aliens for sure exist and other things. Sort of a smorgasbord.

2) Yeah, its kinda just a "Don't use your powers or we'll come get you" thing. I'm not sure what the punishment is currently. In the past they'd just straight up incarcerate you which is terrible and they stopped doing that after people understandably objected so now they only do that if you use your powers to cause problems (wow the political undertones of this are a lot clearer to me now then they were 2 years ago) but they probably, like, fine you or assign a parole officer to watch you or something. They have depowering collars but they don't always work and are usually saved for prisoners.
With that said,because sheets aren't going into the CS thread until approved,it probably can't hurt for each applicant to discuss character ideas broadly first here or in an OOC thread?
So you mention that there are multiple different ways to become a magical girl, but does that have any effect? Does a character that is empowered by an alien differ in any way from one who is empowered by a god?
With that said,because sheets aren't going into the CS thread until approved,it probably can't hurt for each applicant to discuss character ideas broadly first here or in an OOC thread?
I agree. I think we should discuss that kind of stuff here for now because I haven't decided whether the OOC'll be on-site or Discord yet. On-site is more accessible but I find Discord generally better for communication.
So you mention that there are multiple different ways to become a magical girl, but does that have any effect? Does a character that is empowered by an alien differ in any way from one who is empowered by a god?
I don't have, like, a set list of power sources because I wanna let people play around with different backstories but hypothetically speaking I imagine a character empowered by aliens is more likely to have their powers from genetic modification or from straight up being a member of an alien species (why yes this does have the potential to cause conflict with the "no using powers unless you join up" rule) whereas a character empowered by gods would be much more straight up magical. Sort of a Sorcerer vs. Cleric situation, if that makes sense. Hypothetically speaking.

Also gods being a real thing isn't, like, well known among the general populace, that much I do know for sure. Aliens are slightly more known but earth hasn't stepped onto the galactic stage yet so there's no interplanetary society stuff going on. But there is a nifty moon base.
[...] but hypothetically speaking I imagine a character empowered by aliens is more likely to have their powers from genetic modification or from straight up being a member of an alien species (why yes this does have the potential to cause conflict with the "no using powers unless you join up" rule) whereas a character empowered by gods would be much more straight up magical.
Okay, but is there a difference between the powers depending on what source you get it from?
Anyway,if we're doing it here I'll just say my ideas. Will have my decided upon application in DMs within 24 hours from this post at the earliest.

1) Ice-powered magical girl themed around Snegurochka from Russian folklore. Can create snow-based constructs and small "gifts" out of ice that happen to be helpful in a given situation.

2) Mecha musume who has fighter jet parts attached to her that look mechanical but are magical in nature. Can fly,has enhanced vision,and a selection of heavy weaponry.

3) Eldritch magical girl acting as a sort of vessel for the Color Out Of Space. Can empower and command animals and plants,but they tend to deteriorate and deform rapidly after the effect ends,so it's not an ability to use on humans.
Ooo, just one question rq. How do you feel about magical familiar type buddies?
I might go back on this later but for now I'm gonna say its fine as long as they aren't sapient. So you can have a magic cat but the magic cat can't talk. I don't have anything against the sapient magical sidekick type trope I'm just not feeling it for this particular rp.
Okay, but is there a difference between the powers depending on what source you get it from?
That's really up to you. Speaking personally, if I was writing it, a divinely powered character who shoots lightning might do extra damage to demonic type entities while an alien character who shoots lightning wouldn't. That's just an example.
Anyway,if we're doing it here I'll just say my ideas. Will have my decided upon application in DMs within 24 hours from this post at the earliest.

1) Ice-powered magical girl themed around Snegurochka from Russian folklore. Can create snow-based constructs and small "gifts" out of ice that happen to be helpful in a given situation.

2) Mecha musume who has fighter jet parts attached to her that look mechanical but are magical in nature. Can fly,has enhanced vision,and a selection of heavy weaponry.

3) Eldritch magical girl acting as a sort of vessel for the Color Out Of Space. Can empower and command animals and plants,but they tend to deteriorate and deform rapidly after the effect ends,so it's not an ability to use on humans.
Oh that last one sounds really cool.
Got it. I was just trying to figure out how exactly my chara knows how she got her powers or whatever. I'll probably end up handwaving it

Current plan for my character is a kinda strange take on the chuunibyou archetype? And her powers are pretty much the complete opposite of her act tho. Solar Guardian Spirit is quite a bit different from a demon of the night lmao
I'm gonna go with my usual, Adrian Thane aka Phantasm, who has ghost powers. But this time, he also has a gender crisis. And also Shanon who is not part of the Squad, she's their mentor so she's more like an NPC who happens to get a character sheet because I put a lot of effort into her.

It's gonna take longer than usual to get my CSes up because I gotta do four arts, two for each character. By the way, between leaving and now I learned how to draw.
While on the subject of characters, how long do we have to send you our applications?
I'd say... about a week. Maybe more if you're almost finished but just need, like, another day and you ask really nicely.

Oh god I sound like a teacher.
The gist of the current idea is muscle magical girl, whose attacks etc are all just raw force/strength but with flair and names.
Hi everyone, finally posted Adrian's sheet so we've got an example of a filled out character sheet (note: I'm not expecting you to do BBCode that's just how I do mine).

I'm mostly just posting this because I want you all to look at the art I did.

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