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Realistic or Modern 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞-𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬

orey reinhardt.
he was a planet without an atmosphere.
The further the conversation began to stray away from his very practical suggestion, the more subtly irritated Orey became. He started to listen with some disinterest as his desperate classmates did their best to defend their unlucky assignments. Of course they could all be useful in some hypothetical situation, but they still hadn’t gotten anywhere: without agreeing on a hypothetical disaster, the young man thought they were just going to keep going in these unhelpful, unproductive circles.

But perhaps they did have a point. The more he began to consider the essence of a disaster situation, the less the situation itself mattered: who was absolutely essential in both remedying the situation and supporting life afterwards? Maybe this really wasn’t as complicated as he was trying to make it—Orey was self-aware enough to know that he often overthought and overcomplicated rather simple situations.

He folded his arms across his chest, debating on when exactly to jump back in this conversation.

“I suppose what this situation boils down to at its very core is the following,” Orey began, “Who is going to help this group of people survive immediately, long-term, and rebuild afterwards? Sure, I mean—“ He gestured towards the two girls who had just been defending their positions, Fatima and Soraya— “Having lawyers and astronauts, would no doubt be important to rebuild society as we knew it, but are they really going to be essential in that first stage? I’d argue we could do without them for quite some time.”

As he spoke, a creeping anxiety rose in his chest that he was definitely irritating the people who had less essential roles assigned to them. He did his best to not let it bother him too much, because they did have a task to complete, and all he was trying to do was see it through. That being said, Orey pushed his thoughts of how he’d be feeling if he was in their position aside.

Glancing around the room, he continued on. “Right away, I believe a survivalist and an engineer would be vital to the survival of the group as a whole. The paper slip wasn’t specific on what type of engineer this is, but they could be useful in purifying water, erecting walls, and perhaps even mechanizing more menial tasks so people can do less manual labor.”

“… And less work for more people means that society can expand into the less dire, but still essential work.” Orey paused briefly. “As in, educating themselves and future generations.” A self reference, though certainly a justified one. “Properly defending those accused of crimes, and collecting and disseminating vital information to the masses.”

“So… That leaves us with survivalist, engineer, teacher, lawyer, and journalist.” He shifted in his stance, uncomfortable with the silence. “Those are my top choices. What are all your thoughts?”
calmly confident | the tower | all classmates |

coded by weldherwings.
Soraya Rush
escapism becomes them
Normally, Sora would have given others more of an opportunity to offer their wisdom on the subject of discussion. Or... maybe not actually. This was a debate of sorts after all, and she didn't want her points to be trampled out by the shadowing of others words.

Orey didn't waste time being the first to disclose his election of careers he deemed most valuable. Rush nodded slowly, eyes fixed on the tiled floor as she heard his point of view. His words instantly sparked inspiration for counter argument. She found it harder than ignoring an intense itch to remain quiet any longer after he finished presenting his point.

She lifted her gaze, setting her jade gaze on his scholarly features. "You make a fair point. I can get that you're concerned for the immediate recovery. But if that's how we're looking at things, then I have to say my thoughts on that." Soraya straightened up, crossing one leg over the left. "You chose survivalist, engineer, teacher, lawyer, and journalist."

"If you're basing that on the belief that these roles would be vital for educating future generations, especially in the case of essential work, then I would replace teacher with astronaut." She began, slowly resting the spot between her shoulderblades against the chair. It hurt against her pointy bones. "Each of these jobs covers an essential spread of knowledge that's vital to the future of civilization. Each career could offer up the teachings of their profession on their own accord. It would be an even more in depth teaching experience, and especially on the things that would be most beneficial to humankind."

She paused to toy with finished glasswork in her pockets before adding a final point. "Besides. If a big concern of yours is how beneficial these jobs would be immediately, a teacher would take a good deal of time to become useful under those circumstances. So I say replacing your career with astronaut is a wise decision, as an astronaut could offer more immediate assistance over a larger area of survival needs."
code by fudgecakez
camilla rossi.
la vita è un sogno.
Fatima made a fair point, she noted. She really didn't have much to counter what she was saying. Camilla wracked her brain for something, but she couldn't find anything. But, her thoughts were interrupted by a series of vibrations from her cell phone. She glanced at her screen. A party? That's something Camilla was always open to. She needed a non-structured activity to get to know her classmates. So, she figured that the party was the perfect opportunity for it.

Honestly, her mind wandered for a bit after that. She tuned in at the end of Orey's argument, when he listed his top five choices. She couldn't say she disagreed, especially because her role was on that list, but she hadn't thought too hard about the other roles. She hadn't thought as hard as she should have about the importance of other roles, more focused on arguing why her role was important. As she took a moment to consider everyone's arguments for their own roles from earlier, she came to the same conclusion as Orey.

She furrowed her brows as she listened to Soroya argue against the teacher role. While she had some merit to her argument, Camilla couldn't bring herself to fully agree. She, admittedly, missed out on her defense of the astronaut earlier, so she could be making a fool out of herself, but she decided to speak up then.

"I can't say I agree with you. I feel like a teacher is probably one of the most vital roles. Not because they necessarily add to surviving like the others, but there is an aspect that you have not considered. Sure, each role can pass on their knowledge to others, but not everyone is capable of breaking down complicated concepts into easily understandable lessons. This could fully eliminate the value of what they are attempting to teach. It's the same reason why people like Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson are popular with the general public. They can make complicated topics interesting and understandable to the average person. So, in my opinion, teachers play one of the most important roles," she explained.

Camilla's eyes wandered to the clock to see how much time there was left to make a decision. Making note of the time, she looked back at the group. She crossed her arms and stated, "I agree with Orey. Survivalist, teacher, lawyer, journalist, and engineer are my top five."
location: the tower | outfit: here | tag: everyone

coded by weldherwings.
Fatima Khatri
the attorney

Fatima should be pleased with the results, and yet she felt the complete opposite. The key points of her argument had resonated with those in the classroom, no one decided to counter her in any possible way. Additionally, she was undoubtedly added to the final line-up of the crisis-intervention group. Fatima got what she desired, so why was she unsatisfied? She had tried to wrap her brain around it, figuring out if it had anything to do with the way she pleaded her case. Impossible, Fatima believed she had hit all of the necessary points for her argument to make sense. Then it came to her, a rude awakening to her obliviousness when Orey begun to speak. Fatima had so recently pointed out that some roles were deemed worthless in a state of emergency, both a teacher and a survivalist were amongst those roles. Immediately Fatima’s index fingers, accompanied by their respective middle fingers, begun gently massaging her temples. Did they or did they not listen to anything she said?

As Fatima continued listening to the discussion, she acknowledged that Soraya had made good points as well. She hit what Fatima would have in that particular moment. However, as soon as Camilla spoke, Fatima grew rather restless. She grinded her teeth and chewed on her tongue in order to prevent any rude interjections. A buzz went off in Fatima’s pocket, dividing her attention between Camilla’s counterargument and the text message she had received. Swiftly Fatima pulled her phone out, glancing briefly at Duke’s message. Why would she want to go to a party when there were more serious matters to attend to? She then pushed the phone back into the deep pockets of her sweater with a roll of her eyes. By that time, Camilla was already moving on to how teachers could break down concepts for average people. Average people?

Fatima tapped her foot in waiting and once Camilla had agreed with Orey, she promptly reinserted herself into the discussion.

“I am terribly sorry, but it seems that some of the key points in my argument went unnoticed. I will quote myself once more: please do keep in mind that I said academic disciplines. Anything other than that would fit more in a zombie apocalypse, nuclear disaster, or should not be involved in a national or international crisis at all.” Fatima’s usually stoic expression had morphed into that of pure annoyance. “A survivalist is not a part of the academic disciplines, mind you. Neither is it essential for a crisis. As I’ve said, they would work more in a zombie apocalypse—or more romanticized versions of a crisis, similar to that of movies. If we really wanted to go back to our Neanderthal roots, then a survivalist would be perfect, but I see that as not being the case for this assignment.” Survivalists knew the ins and outs of surviving in dangerous situations. However, where would that come into play when most of our problems to date require people of skill and intellect to solve the world’s issues, not some guy who lived in a shed in the mountains because he hates technology. Would the world really go to him of all people to solve a crisis?

Fatima moved on to Camilla, her brown gaze settled right onto her own blue eyes. She had to make sure this girl was listening attentively this time. “As for a teacher… again, I said academic disciplines. Not to say a qualified teacher is not well-informed of these disciplines, but rather that the rest of the group will be a part of these disciplines. In other words, they are not average people.” Needless to say, teachers do have their roles in society. They are pivotal when teaching the younger ones of our generation, but to be vital in a crisis? If the world were to place teachers at the front lines of an international crisis, humanity as we knew it would fall apart. These careers did not need someone to teach them the basics of what they have been working on for their entire lives. As Soraya said, these careers are more than intellectual enough to break down simple concepts for their fellow group members. They did not need a separate role or career to do that in their stead.

“And if teaching others about concepts is the teacher’s job, then they only have one use— and that use or purpose that can be easily distributed amongst the other careers. These careers have gone to college, earned their bachelors or even masters, and have been working for years on their career path. Does a well-informed engineer—” Fatima glanced over to Orey, making eye contact with him as well. “—need a teacher to explain to them about concepts that they already knew about? If so, then they shouldn’t be in that line of work in the first place. That goes for all of these careers. We may be forever learning, but we can have each other as our teachers, not one specific person to teach everyone about their life’s work. All-in-all, I will have to disagree with both of you, though you did make valid claims.” Fatima sighed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear lobe and took a moment to look up at the ceiling before planning her next course of action.

“I will now state my top five choices: engineer, journalist, researcher, astronaut, and lawyer. Does anyone wish to counter my decision? We may be in a time crunch at the moment, but I will welcome any challengers.”

Manco's Classroom



tags/interactions/mentions Everyone (more specifically shapeshifter shapeshifter & timshel timshel )
coded by natasha.
x X X XX X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


tagged: everyone // mentions: lot of peoples // loc. maco's class

A notification of a new post from one of the supernatural threads she'd been obsessed with had popped up. The title was, "Newest Signs from my Wife"

The temptation to click on it was strong, but glancing up, she decided that this was probably the wrong time and place to delve into the supernatural forums. She knew that if she read it anyways, most of the 'signs' would be ones that were probably backwards, and then she'd feel obligated to type out a long paragraph based on facts that she felt were true, and yadda, yadda ...

Most of the newest posts in the forums had become farther and farther from what she felt were accurate anyways, so...

A new text message realigned her attention.

There was some kind of party thing going on tonight, or 'club promo' with free drinks. 'y'all invited if u wanna come' was the last parting text from their RA.

She was about to ask aloud if anyone was planning on going, but she quickly stopped herself when she remembered the possibility of hidden camera's. She didn't need Mr. Manco to get a bad impression of her attentiveness. Stuffing her phone back in her pocket, she tuned back into the debate.

She couldn't deny Soraya's back-up argument. The background training for an astronaut was pretty hardcore, and extensive. And then there was Fatima's argument which was damn near a debate champions level.

She noticed the light hit Fatima's eyes a little differently during her methodical performance of diplomacy.

A few other ones thrown in were above the average 'good' too. But two or so bandwagon answers were forming, and she needed to figure out which one to hop on. It seemed like the surviving jobs might be survivalist, teacher, lawyer, journalist, and engineer. Did she totally agree that this was an accurate team to bring back a collapsed society?

Not really. But was this exercise probably more about their abilities to decision make, over real accuracy? Yeah, probably.

Her own title, along with her new bud Orey, being included on the list of passing five also might've made it a bit easier to get behind the list.

Realistically, she'd probably throw in researcher and astronaut over journalist and lawyer - but she was ready to bring this assignment to a close.

She wanted to go swimming, there was a party later, and there was... homework to do, or something.

"Yeah, I third that vote. My five would be survivalist, teacher, engineer, lawyer, and uh - journalist, yeah." she paused for a second, mulling over the options. She traced the ceiling with her gaze, doing another take for some kind of camera or hidden mic, before continuing with a voice raised a few octaves louder than before.

"And, you know, if MR. MANCO IS somehow LISTENING TO US, then he should know that the arguments that were made during this assignment, all deserve at least passing grades."

The final jobs weren't really set in stone, yet. But she wanted to at least make some kind of effort to... put the idea out there that all of them should pass anyways?

Okay, well. Maybe she did feel a little guilty.

"I mean, this is an exercise on reasoning and decision making. We've all been great examples of doing just that, so... why the hell not pass everyone."

Someone like Molly, who drew 'artist', legit had no chance. Life wasn't fair, but now that Marcy somewhat secured her spot, she felt kinda obligated to at least try to make it more, somewhat fair.

If not, then... a least the suggestion was kind of out there? Maybe she'd even have to leave a note for Mr. Manco, just in case there really wasn't any sort of shady camera situation going on.

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