Rose Academy (Accepting romance/highschool)

(( Decided to take Cinder's path and have one of my characters have a crush on my characters. #sweg

Apparently, with Russian surnames, the suffix -ski is for men, while -skaya is for women. I don't know, I'm basing this on Hetalia. ))

Name: Nikolai Aleksander Arlovski

Nickname: Niko, Aleks

Age: 18

Gender: Male



"Is that a camera?"
Class Year: 3

Dorm number: 43

Personality: Seemingly gruff, blunt and insensitive at first glance. Nikolai doesn't particularly care about other people's feelings... or so he thinks. In truth, his initial personality was the result of his difficult upbringing in Belarus. Inside, he's just as sensitive as normal people, who needs a little bit of love - and perhaps a little bit of vodka.

Background: Life in Belarus is hard. His mother was a seamstress there, his father an unemployed drunkard. With the harshness of life there, he and his mother immigrated to Japan when he was thirteen, where his mother got a stable job and a residence for them. Unfortunately, like his father, Nikolai drinks hard vodka like it was plain water, so he often gets in trouble with the police due to alcohol possession at a minor age - and a sarcastic attitude with authority.

Crush: Hi, Hazel. -waves-

Fun fact: He got the same dorm room as Hazel, for some odd reason.
Name: Sasha

Nickname: Stash

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Class Year: 3

Dorm number: 1 (OH SO ORIGINAL xD )

Personality: Sasha is quiet and giggly most of the time, she has ADD so she has trouble keeping her mind on one thing. She also has a split personality, most of the time shes kind and funny, but when certain things happen reminding her of her past she goes bitter and dark, this stage usually lasts a couple hours unless there's someone that can calm her down.

Background: Sasha was abused by her father when she was a young age. It quickly progressed from a gentle slap on her rear to full on whips with a belt, punches in the face. Her father came home, drunk, as usual and approached her in a different way; sexually. He began sexually abusing her until she turned 15. She called the police and was sent into foster care, which ended her up in Japan.

Crush: N/A
Name: Dana

Nickname: None.

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Class Year: 2

Dorm number: 29

Personality: Dana is a skater girl. She's laid back and cool. She had more guy friends then girls, but now she has to get used to other people, since she's new here. Dana always has her skateboard with her. Sometimes, if she is late to class she'll skateboard down the halls.

Background: Dana has lived with her parents, and five siblings. She is the oldest so she usually has to watch the two youngest siblings when her parents are out or drunk (which is almost 3 times a week).

Crush: None.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/dannaa.jpg.d63a391bd112c748e3f051288a655978.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/dannaa.jpg.d63a391bd112c748e3f051288a655978.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_mb3dn7tRxb1rbysdvo1_500.jpg.45b1015ba58fe69e56f6065245a82028.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2103" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_mb3dn7tRxb1rbysdvo1_500.jpg.45b1015ba58fe69e56f6065245a82028.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class Year:4

Dorm number:40

Personality:Koby is an outgoing person and loves to be around friends and family.He loves to joke around but sometimes goes overboard.He isn't the person to bully someone but if you bully him he bullies back.He doesn't let anyone push him around or his friends/family.He does drink but doesn't go to the point where he goes wild.

Background:Koby was raised by two dads.He did have a mom but she walked out when he was born.His dad's would never let him do anything that he wanted to do and never let him go to a school outside of home.He was homeschooled ever since he could start school till now.Koby never got to wear the clothes he wanted to wear because his parents wouldn't let him.They always made him wear "proper" and formal clothes.So he would always sneak out his window at night and buy the clothes he wanted.One day his parents found the clothes he was hiding and started to abuse him just for disobeying what they wanted.Ever since Koby did that his parents raped him eachday.He would try to fight them off but they were to strong for him.He would sit in his room every night shivering and crying.(Sorry its so long).He adventually gather his things and ran away.He did have alot of money saved up since when his mom left she hide money in his closet with a note knowing it was his and it was giving by his mother.He is now living in his own apartment and is starting a new life.




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Name: Cylia Terphus

Nickname: None

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Class Year: 4

Dorm Number: 52

Personality: Cylia was always one of those bad treated girls with a father that had drug and alchohol addictions and other cruel things. With that said, she has trouble trusting people because they may have certain addictions. Other than that, she is really fun to be around and sarcastic.

Backround: Like I said, her father was a drug and alcoholic addict, and her mother was killed by her dad. Her life was pretty hard when she was little, and now she mostly lives in an apartment.

Crush: Koby.
Name: Alora Kiddens

Nickname: Lora




Class Year: 3

Dorm number: 32

Personality: doesn't talk much and is a rebel type chick. Loves to party and hates it when people act like they care and don't.

Background: Parents died in a fire and has lived with her grandparents in japan ever since. Never really cared about life .thought of people as roach that eventually died at the end of its journey.

Crush: Riley Daniels<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Cute_Girl.png.ff9a8349519d8ea56fbbbf9691fdaf61.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Cute_Girl.png.ff9a8349519d8ea56fbbbf9691fdaf61.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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