Rose Academy (Accepting romance/highschool)


Ten Thousand Club
Hello and welcome to Rose Academy. We are located right in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Here at Rose Academy we have a great athletics program along with academics too. We have some of the highest ranking students from the whole district. We would like for you to enjoy school here and be worry and problem free. We do have on campus housing, rest assured you will be in great hands.


Principal Akiko


Keep it PG-13 please!

Cursing is allowed, just please dont over do it

Romance is very much allowed

No Mary Sue's/Gary Stu's (Nobody is perfect you guys)

Most importantly: Have FUN!



Nickname: (optional)

Age: (15-18)



Class Year: (1,2,3,4)

Dorm number: (optional)



Crush: (optional)

My Application:

Name: Arisa Wilson

Nickname: Ari

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Class Year: 2

Dorm Number: 36

Personality: Caring, hard worker, VERY stuborn, athletic, hates math

Background: Arisa is from a little town in Japan. When her father got a new job, it required them to move to Tokyo. Arisa's mother died when Arisa was only 7, ever since then its been just her and her dad. She had a childhood friend who she later on finds out he attends Rose Academy as well. Arisa loves to play sports, but she is also into orchestra.

(would anyone like to be my childhood friend)

Name:Natalie Black

Nickname: (optional): Nat

Age: (15-18):16



Class Year: (1,2,3,4):2

Dorm number: (optional)

Personality: She's a hipster, and a artist (Street Artist and a Regular Artist)

Background:She grew up in the city of Aussie, and dosent have a mom, and her dad abuses her and her sisters. She's moving now to Rose Academy to get away from the drama.

Crush: (optional)
Name: Samantha Lane

Nickname: Sam. Never call her Samantha

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Has green eyes)


Class Year: 2

Dorm number: 28

Personality: She is quiet but friendly.

Background: She lives with only her mom. Her dad left her when he found out that her mother was pregnant. Soon after she was born her mom became an alcoholic, and Lidia usually took care of her. Once Lidia got older she started going out with a boy she thinks she loves. At first he treated her good, but later he started beating her and doing other things to her. Then her mother went to rehab and she moved to the Academy.

Crush: She is still with her abusive boy friend... 
(I hope it's okay...) 
Name: Conner Mason


Age: 16

Gender: Male



Class Year: 2

Dorm number: 12

Personality: He tries to stay positive and loves to keep people happy.

Background: His mother and father are very strikt and they want him to be their perfect child. His father was the hardest. He beat him, called him names, saying he wasn't good enough. Being here at the academy will give him a break.

Crush: (optional)
(( Sounds interesting~! ))

Name: Hazel Monique Grace

Nickname: Elmo

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Class Year: 3

Dorm number: 43

Personality: Quiet and friendly, Hazel enjoys the presence of friends and even acquaintances. She is, to an extent, an extrovert, and is as outgoing as she can be. Sometimes, though, she prefers solitude, especially when figuring out what to do in life. She is generally indecisive, finding it difficult to settle on one choice only, which can sometimes lead to her downfall.

Background: Hazel's parents are from America; Palo Alto, California, to be exact. Her father is a big shot politician in America and her mother is a businesswoman. They are rich, but they never spoiled their daughter, in fear of her turning out like most of the teenagers in their area. I.e., spoiled brats, whining about the littlest stuff, and all that. She grew up a normal childhood, albeit she grew up lavishly compared to some children. She lived in California up until the end of middle school, until she was transferred to Tokyo, to study in Rose Academy for her high school years. It's currently her third year in school.

Crush: Riley Daniels
Name: Riley Daniels

Nickname: Riles or Ri

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Class Year: 4

Dorm number: 38

Personality: Riley can be rude sometimes and is rather defiant. Although he has friends, he's not very close to any of them. Most of the time he'd be seen sitting by himself under the shade, reading a book or trying to write something. He isn't very social and tends to drift off into thought whenever nothing very exciting is going on around him. He can actually be very kind and protective if he ever cares enough to do so.

Background: Riley never had been close to his parents. He lived in New York with them before they got fed up with his late night partying and his defiance. One day, when he was fifteen, he shoplifted and got caught, his parents gave up and decided to ship him off to Japan to live with his Uncle Logan. Now, at the age of eighteen, he'll be starting his fourth and last year at Rose Academy.

Crush: N/A

Name:Maxwell Alexanders

Nickname: Max, Maxxie

Age: 18


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.ae3636a5ec829e6ed745d82b0c834be8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.ae3636a5ec829e6ed745d82b0c834be8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.2916acba4d126e7020fd6b8155242a1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.2916acba4d126e7020fd6b8155242a1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.c1a8d57bc780a62286c672f290660546.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.c1a8d57bc780a62286c672f290660546.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class Year: (1,2,3,4)4

Dorm number: (optional)

Personality:Max is really a sweet guy, but he has his moment just like us all. He can be a bit cocky, and his humor can be taken the wrong way, but As long as you're not overly sensitive you and him will be fine as friends, maybe even more.

Background:Max's life was fine up until he turned 5, and his mother died. It was then that his father grew withdrawn and spent of his time working, leaving max with nannies, and the various women he slept with. Around the age 13 max usually spent his time, without adult supervision, and ended up getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. He started using drugs, at 13, some weed, and a little bit of coke, never really getting mixed up with the harder things, like meth till he turned 16, when he also started selling weed. He had to support his habit someway. At 17 his father finally snapped out of being a neglectful parent, and put him in rehab, getting off meth and coke were really hard for, him but he has happily been 1 year sober. Max still struggles with his addictions, and everyday not doing them is hard, but he tries his best. He still sale's, and smokes pot, but weed was never an addiction just a hobbie.

Crush: (optional)



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Name: Ariana Lister

Nickname: Ria

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Class year: 3

Dorm Number: 38

Personality: Ariana is an energetic person who get s alittle over exited at times. She is extremely unaware, not realising if someone dosn't like her untill they are basically beating her up. She is also very friendly, though may startle or even annoy people by her energy and enthusiasm. She is quite intelligent in acedemic studies, but completely lacking in common sense and the social aspects of life. She is also VERY Bipolar.

Background: Ariana's parents came into good fortune shortly before they had Ariana, so her whole life Ria was spoiled with sweets, presents, love and popularity. When she was in year 4, she heard her best friend talking to their mother. They said they didn't like playing with Ria. The mother replied by telling them to take a necklace and run. After that, Ria was put off a little, but due to her hyper-activeness made friends with new people. Ariana is very child-like as a result of her pampered childhood.

Crush: None at the moment. 
Pic won't post :S

Ah well, she looks like Ariana Grande.
Accepted!~ Would you like to be my friend in the rp? my character has like two sides to her though.
Name: William Sanderson

Nickname: Bat

Age: 18


Class/Year: 4

Dorm Number: 42


Personality: If you had to describe Will with one word, you wouldn't be able to do it. He may be a soccer ace, but he is not a jock either. He is impulsive and outgoing, and could not care less of what you thought about him.

Bio: His nickname came from his best friend Jack, because when he first met Will in first grade, he was hanging from his feet from a branch at least two stories above the ground, and was completely unfazed by it. Will was a regular rich kid, spoiled and ignorant up until the seventh grade when his father, an FBI agent, moved them to Chicago. Will soon learned the ways of the criminal game after being beat up countless times until he joined a gang, then started one of his own. He dabbled in the drug dealing business for a while, before switching to being a group of freelance mercenaries. The name Bat stuck, as he has a nasty skill to unknowingly sneak up on his enemies before disposing of them, and he needed an alias anyway.

As a former gang leader at 17, his father gave him two options when he discovered the other side of his son; Rose Academy...or abandonment on the rough streets of Chicago. He chose to spend his senior year in Japan, as the new kid. He has also vowed to change the "new kid" part - to resident badass. He has connections all over the world, and continues to communicate with his own personal mafia. He songwrites in his free time, but not many people get to see this side of him. His prized possessions: twin Desert Eagles.

Crush: Riley Daniels
We've already started. O.o

Link -----> 
Name: Hunter Wells

Nickname: Hunt (or commonly used by Riley: Idiot or Whatthef***areyoudoing?!?)

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Class/Year: 4

Dorm Number: 40

Personality: Hunter can seem scary when he's woken up. So don't wake him up. Other than that, he is really energetic, though a bit dense. He's always out to make new friends, resulting in his popularity. He can be slow and stupid, but picks up on when people don't want him around. He's very possessive of his close friends, including Riley, who doesn't seem to like him very much.

Bio: Hunter has lived in Japan for most of his life, due to his parents wanting him to have a "different" type of living style than they did. He started high school at Rose Academy at the age of 15 because his mother had fallen ill and he took a year off after middle school. She died half a year later and Hunter's father became distant and detached, causing Hunter to want some sort of comfort, and he became very clingy.

He was the first person who officially met Riley. They had been both rushing, Hunter to class and Riley out to his favorite tree, when they collided. They were 15 and 16 at the time, and Hunter hasn't left Riley's side since then.

His father is the Chief of Police.

Crush: Riley Daniels 
Yeah, I totally had one of my characters have a crush on another of my characters. xD I went there.
Name: Jackson Pete

Nickname: Jack, Jackie

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Year: 4


Personality: Jack is an easygoing kind of guy. The only problem with him is...he never shuts the hell up. He has the ability to find the funny side of any situation.

Bio: A typical New Yorker. Will's best friend, to the point where he would scrap his own senior year to move halfway across the world just to follow him. Is severely worried about the possibility of not being able to get hamburgers in Japan.

Crush: He has a girlfriend.
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