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Realistic or Modern Roommates


sun bleached fly
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Amy Noelle

Amy stepped out of the Taxi with a few of her bags, she stared, confused, at the magnificent building in front of her, it was much bigger and. . . Magical, than she had expected. The Taxi driver beeped, which snapped her out of her trance. She turned around and smiled at him, her way of saying sorry. She was about to grab her things from the trunk when the Taxi driver just drove off, "Seriously?!" She screamed, luckily she had her wallet, phone, laptop and chargers. Amy sat down on the curb, defeated. She could feel a panic attack coming on.​

Legs clad in torn tights were the first to hop out of the bus that parked a little down the street from Oakwood Dormhouse, which were then followed by the rest of the female's body, revealed as she moved away from the vehicle and the other figures pouring out. Kaede had chosen to wear dark shorts over those tights, along with her signature leather jacket. She was never much of a jeans person, for whatever reason. The blonde had a large enough, black case in her right hand, which quite clearly held a stringed instrument of some sort judging by its shape. A guitar, more specifically.

As she made her way up the footpath and towards the gates of the dormhouse, the soles of obsidian-hued combat boots scuffing against the concrete now and then, Kaede eyed another girl by the curb momentarily. It was difficult for her to judge whether there was something wrong with the other female, but again, such approaches weren't usually within her fort. Therefore Kaede kept walking. Leaving her gibson down on the street for even a moment was not something that she viewed as wise. The instrument was her prized possession.

I better not end up with someone totally insufferable, hoped the blonde as she wondered what kind of roommate she would be paired with.
Sarah McQueen

Sarah made her way down the busy street. Her tan sweater looked as if it was drowning her, though no one could deny the bliss on her face. Paired with black leggings and natural leather ankle boots, she felt quite stylish. Earbuds in her ears, she nearly collided with multiple people, but she's an expert at weaving through the crowds. The song shifted into one of her favorites, "Adagio for Strings."

She had a leather knapsack hooked over one shoulder and a large rolling suitcase clattered along behind her. As Sarah shifted the knapsack on her back, one of the many books contained within dug into her back. Finally she reached her destination. Oakwood dorms. Sighing, she glanced at a girl sitting at the curb, looking distraught.

"Ummm...are-are you okay?" Sarah asked the girl hesitantly.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa pulled out her two suitcases from her uncle's car by the curb. "I'm sorry again kiddo. I wish-" he said before he was interrupted by Aylessa. "Just stop. It's fine, really I'm just really grateful you tried." She said giving him a small smile. Her uncle looked at her and sighed. "Alright, but make sure you visit!" He said pointing his finger at her, which made her chuckle. "I will uncle. See ya later." Aylessa said waving. Aylessa's unlce waved back and drove off, further, further, gone. Aylessa sighed and she pulled the handles up on her rolling suitcases looking up at the dormhouse. She noticed the two girls on the curb already but decided not to make conversation. Aylessa walked up the stairs to the door and opened the door walking in.

Aria parked her car outside of the Oakwood Dormhouse, stepping out of it. She took out the news clipping that she had taken with her, using her baseball cap to block the sunlight from getting in her eyes. Confirming that this was the right place, and she hadn't gotten lost for the first time in her life, she gave herself a mental high-five. She walked towards the entrance of the building, before stopping, suddenly self-conscious.

She wore a blue graphic t-shirt with a panda on it, along with ripped jeans, and white tennis shoes. It was probably the most boring outfit she had worn in weeks, but she didn't want to make her dormmates think she was weird. The most important part though? The ring she had on her finger. It was silver with the Superman logo on it, she reached her hand up to admire it. People often assumed it was because she was a comic fan, but wearing the ring made her feel super empowered herself. Walking into the building, she now had a huge, confident smile on her face.

'New dorm, new opportunities.' Aria thought.

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah decided to have her older sister drop her off a little ways before the dorm house, she only had a large suit case and a ninja turtle backpack, which went nice with her nice white dress she put her black beats headphones on and started looking around, definitely different from where she grew up. As she got closer she noticed the two girls on the curb then another girl who just walked into the building. At first Neveah was going to go right over to the other girls and see what was wrong. She walked in to the building and her favorite song came on so immediately she just started singing well sorta it was a hip hop song so she tried, after a minute she stopped then put the headphones around her neck and turned the music all the way up. She noticed that two girls were already here, so she introduced herself "Hi I'm Neveah"​

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Amy looked up at the girl who was standing in front of her, "Yea," she started, "Yea, yea. I'm fine, but that stupid Taxi," she pointed down the street, "Drove away with almost all of my stuff!" Amy was wearing an aquamarine button up tank top and plain skinny jeans, she wore a necklace with an axe charm in memory of her late father who was a fireman. Her black combat boots dragged on the cement as she stood up. In her mind she was screaming, crying, but on the outside she was calm and collected. Amy took a deep breath and turned to the girl who had arrived, "Hi, I'm Amy." She smiled at Navaeh.





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Aria was just looking around when she started to hear music blasting. Before she knew it, she was tapping her feet to the beat, and started following the sound. When she noticed the three girls talking, she decided to introduce herself. "Hey, what's up?" she asked, with a tip of her cap.
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Sarah McQueen

"I'm Sarah," she said, smiling timidly at the girl. "I'm sorry about your stuff. Was there anything of value in it? And I'm sure you could call the taxi company..." She trailed off, running out of idea that could be construed as helpful. Again she readjusted her bag on her shoulder and pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. At least she handling it well...? Sarah thought as the girl stood up. "If you need to borrow some stuff until you can get yours back, your welcome to borrow some of mine. We look about the same size..." She smiled and nodded hesitantly at the girl, Navaeh, who had just walked up.

(@Fantasy Crazy , @Tsiwentiio )

Neveah Jacobs

" I may be able to help" Neveah stopped playing her music and unplugged her headphones and walked a few feet away, she called the taxi company at least the only one around here, she knows who the supervisor is during this shift. She called him and told him what happened, the call only lasted about a minute. She hung up and walked back over to the others "well Amy your stuff should be arriving in about 5-10 minutes" she put her phone back in her pocket. "Nice to meet you Sara" she smiled at her then she could see another girl come over to them the first thing she noticed was her blue shirt " ooohhh I love your shirt, I'm Neveah"

@Fantasy Crazy @sarahbella @jadafun

Driving around the corner James finally found the building.Trying to find a parking spot he noticed three girls were talking and another one was approaching them.Getting in the parking spot he found he unlocked the trunk and started collecting his stuff which was only a large suitcase and a mario backpack "Well today is a new day"he mumbled to himself walking up to the door and going inside to see another girl."Hey"he said waving at her.
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Connor Sines

As Connor rounded a corner and the Oakwood building came into view, he slipped his hands from his jacket pocket and stretched his arms to the sky. The driver of the bus he had taken to get there had dropped him off a stop too early, but he didn't really mind the walk, although he'd been hoping for rain. He was grateful for the chance to stay at Oakwood, after his previous roommate had kicked him out after suspecting that Connor may have had feelings for him, and it still stung, because maybe he had. But that was just the way it was, he supposed. Not that he absolutely hated sleeping on park benches and in subway tunnels; maybe he'd just gotten kind of lonely.

When he approached the building, he saw a group of girls standing out front. He waved in their direction, but decided it best to go inside and look around before introducing himself. After all, there was always the chance that this place wouldn't be his cup of tea, though by the looks of it, he honestly didn't feel like that would be a problem. He smiled slightly as he stepped inside.

"Thanks! I'm Aria, but you can call me Ari." she replied. "That was nice of you to help 'em out like that." Aria looked around, noticing a few more people appearing. "I wonder how many people are going to show up... Meh, the more, the merrier!"

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Amy smiled at Navaeh and Sara, "Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." She calmed down and was ecstatic that she had avoided a panic attack. She smiled brightly and waved back to the boy who had waved to the girls. Amy pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear and fidgeted with her necklace absentmindedly.



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Neveah Jacobs

" nice to meet you Ari, I hope a lot of people get here, it will definitely be interesting" Neveah took her headphones off of her shoulders and placed them in her book bag, when the guy walked by them she tried to zip up her bag and wave at the same time almost dropping the bag but caught it before it fell "skills" she said to herself, she turned back towards Amy " No problem" she smiled at her and looked around to see if anyone else was coming

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa looked at the boy who just walked in greeting her. She gave a small wave and then looked around searching for a chart or something. She finally spotted a list of names and walked over to it, setting her suitcases by her sides. Aylessa used her finger to trace down the list to her name. "So I'm bunking with some guy name James." She said and shrugged grabbing her suitcases' handles once more. @Raidenxp


"For my mother's sake, I hope I don't have a male roommate." she said, letting out a chuckle. "Ay stupid, if you're sleeping next to a boy he better be putting a ring on your finger!" she added, mimicking an Indian accent.

Click, click, click. It was the first sounds that could be heard from him. The sound of his fingers snapping together in a repetitive rhythm, followed by string of laughter from two different voices. The teen seemed to be playfully pushed out of the the taxi with an amused smile plastered on his face and a bag slung around his shoulders. The low-hanging bag and a guitar case were the only luggage he carried with him aside from his unusual attire of black loose fitting skinny jeans, faded boots, a white baggy tank top, and a wide variety of accessories that didn't seem to fit in- all of which looked to be damaged, or aged by time. He caught his footing on the sidewalk and waved goodbye to the familiar person seated in the back of the vehicle before walking towards Oakwood. Kita pushed his sunglasses farther up his nose as he took in the sight of the building. It was nicer than the last place he stayed at, and much bigger. It bemused him for a moment. Should he be happy that it was bigger, or not? After all, bigger usually meant more people, 'I guess we'll see.' He could see that there already people there, and waved slightly to the people as he passed whilst he made way to the entrance. "Oh boy," he whispered to himself, and bit the tip of his tongue gently.
Sarah McQueen

Sarah smiled at Ari and mumbled a slight hi. A boy then walked up to the house, sending a wave their way. Sarah gave a small wave in return before focusing on the group of girls that had formed. Ari's next statement stopped her cold. Rooming...with a boy?! The thought had never occurred to her. A blush formed on her cheeks and she began to nervously pick at her fingernails.

Lugging her guitar case after her, Kaede jogged up the steps leading towards the front entrance of the building before stepping inside. An few inhalations of breath followed, and she made a mental note to get back to doing a bit more exercise of some sort.
I guess I should tell them I've arrived. The blonde made her way towards the receptionist who was of course, seated behind a counter. After signing a form and receiving a key, Kaede was ready to go check out her dorm. There was still no sign of her supposed roommate. Maybe they won't come, and I'll have a room to myself. Things never occurred in Kaede's favour, though.

Dropping the key into the right pocket of her jacket
, she also spotted the list of what seemed to be names on the wall. Approaching, she peered at the list, hazel gaze skimming over the text until they fell on her own name. It seemed she was paired with a male, named Nathaniel. Well, that was certainly strange. Most places kept same genders together, she noted while adjusting her grip on the guitar case. Her shoulder was beginning to numb, so she figured she should drop her things off at her dorm in the next few minutes or so, before her arm fell off and added to the things she would have to carry.

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Amy sighed, "I don't really mind rooming with a guy as long as they're not a total dickhead." Amy smiled a bit, but she knew that if she was roomed with a guy it would most likely be very awkward, but she'd try to make the best of it.​



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Neveah Jacobs

Neveah couldn't help but start laughing at what Ari said "my dad would probably say the same thing or go on those long rants about how bad boys are and all that boring stuff" Neveah really didn't mind having to room with a guy, what her parents didn't know wouldn't kill them. "We should probably go and check and see who our roommates are, once all of Amy's stuff comes back"

Walking around looking at the building he ended up finding a board with names on it for whos bunking with who.Looking at the board he found his name"Aylessa huh ok"he said to himself looking around.He saw the girl who he waved at by a named board to and approached her.Walking up beside he asked"You wouldnt be Aylessa would you"he said in a questioning tone also a bit nervous. @Aero

Connor Sines

When Connor had entered the building, he walked over to the side wall, where a list of assigned roommates was hanging. He scanned the paper, trailing his finger down the side as he looked for his name. He seemed to be rooming with a girl named Aria Singh. Although he found it strange that the owners of the place would allow opposite genders to share a room, he figured that it was just as well. At least it would prevent a repeat of his last dorming experience. Connor went up to the reception to receive his key, but decided to hang out for a while to watch who came in before heading off to find his room. So he sat down against the wall in the corner, holding the small duffel bag that contained all of his belongings in his lap. He slipped in his earbuds, turned on The Smiths, and watched.

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