roommates (twi x change)

Nichole whimpered and hid behind drake. The football team walked over and laughed. "Have a good fall nerd?" Nichole hiccuped and shook her head no.
He cursed and growled. One grabbed drake by the collar of his shirt. "You'll pay for that nerd!" Pulling his fist back. Nichole gasped and ran at him. "Leave him alone!" She tackled him and held her side in pain. "You little! " one picked her up and punched her in the stomach. "COUGH GASP!" blood ran down her chin and she started to heave blood.
Drake gasped and kicked the one who picked him up and karate chopped the one who punched Nichole and tripped him and kicked another in the chest and got punched once or twice himself he picked Nichole up and ran to the nurse figuring the others would be gone by the time Drake and Nichole were back.
Drake explained to the nurse quickly and excused himself he exited the room and went to check if the other football players were still there.

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