roommates (twi x change)

Nichole held his hand and they soon made it to a medium sized white house. Nichole got out her key and walked in. "Hey everyone! " she got tackled by her littlw sisters.
"Nee-chan!" Nichole giggled and hugged them standing. Her mother said"hi drake, Nichole. Cmon show me the ring."smiling and Nichole showed her blushing.
Ciara said"great job." Hugging them. "So did you get to third base?" She asked while Nichole was drinking some juice. "PFFFF!!!! MAMA!" she said blushing.
Nichole said"mom why would you ask that?!" Flailing. "Cmon please tell me! Please please please?!" Ciara said then told the little ones to go upstairs.

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