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Realistic or Modern Room for One More (Closed group)

"I guess I do, standing in the corner is boring." David replied and thought for a moment, "Okay I'll help you but only cause you need it." He said and looked over as hid mother came back into the room.

"I told you after Lucia was born we had become goldfish in a bowl." He replied and nodded, "The park sounds like it'll be fun." Matthew commented and followed Rose back into the kitchen. Not even one full day to get ready this was going to be very interesting, but it was only for two weeks so it was doable. He kept reminding himself. Seeing Sophie covered in her dinner he sighed, it could have been worse so he'd just be happy it hadn't ended up on the ceiling.

David looked at his mother, "Why is she coming to stay with us? And how are do we make her feel welcome, is it like sharing my toys?"
Rose placed the plastic fork back into Sophie's hand. David was rattling off questions, which she expected. "David, you are so blessed to have a mom and dad who love you and can take care of you. This girl's mom and dad may have loved her lots, but could not take care of her. So they had to give her up so that families like ours can help take care of them. It can be scary to come into a new house full of people you don't know. She has to do that a lot." Rose explained, "Yes, it could mean sharing your toys. How else do you think you could make her feel welcome?" she asked turning the question around on him. "Put yourself in her shoes. What do you think might make you feel better if you were in a strange place far from your family?" she added.

Sophie made a loud inaudible noise as she hit her plastic plate with her fork for not reason. "Shhh" Rose said softly taking the fork from her and picking up a bit of the food and placing it into Sophie's mouth, "Do I have to feed you now?" she asked.

"No!" she said, "Yes!" she added with the same confidence.

Rose gave her the fork back and Sophie tried to use it finally eating the food. Rose turned back to her food and manged to get her first bite of food since dinner had begun. It was cold, but she was used to that.
"Thanks David" Lucia smiled happy that she had won that argument with him. "Well I think doing stuff with her would be what she'll really want, you know? Attention and all that? Or at least including her in everything. Unless she really just wants space... I can't imagine only being in 1 place for 2 weeks before being thrown some where else..." She said biting her lip "So umm if she needs any help with her home work or needs her hair braided I could do that.... Or David could help with the home work...." she suggested a little sheepishly, not wanting her grades to be brought up. Hopefully she hadn't slipped up too much there.
David thought about it and nodded, "Yeah Lucia right, and we should be nice to her and maybe we could make some of the food that she really likes too. Oh! And we can show her around so she doesn't get lost." He added and quickly looked to his mother for confirmation that he was right.

Matthew smiled well at least they were being helpful for now then he looked at Sophie. "What about you, young how are you going to our guest feel welcome, Sophie?" He asked with a smile. And looked at Lucia, "I think some of her homework would be over David'shead but that would be nice of you to help her. By the way weren't we supposed to get your report card?" He asked a bit confused he wasn't sure if it was this week or next.
"Color picture!" Sophie answered her father holding her fork up, "And and and flowers!" she added excited. Rose nodded, "These are all good ideas and I want you each to remember them when she comes tomorrow." she smiled standing up to ice the cake before letting everyone have a piece. "I am told that she likes pancakes for breakfast. Maybe Lucia could make some tomorrow morning? David, you could help." she said knowing full well she'd be making them herself by the end of it, she just wanted to get them involved some how. Rose collected the plats from the table and placed them in the sink. Then she cut the cake and gave everyone a piece.

She looked at each of the children and then at Mathew. She could not believe just how well it had gone. Sure the announcement was a little shaky, that was her fault, but listening to her kids talk about what they could do to help the girl feel better made her feel she had made a good decision. If nothing else, the three of them would learn empathy from the experience.
Lucia just ate her spaghetti, not wanting to answer her father's question but she could feel his eyes on him "Umm.... Yeah I did...." she admitted "But you really don't have to look at it.... I mean grades don't really matter. What am I going to do with math and science and English and history is a total joke" she tried to laugh it off though it clearly wasn't working.
David smiled and nodded, "Okay I'll help, can I stir the batter?" He asked hopefully.

Matthew smiled at least they were willing to help out, now if only they'd stay until the end of the task but that was a bit much at times he knew. "I would like to see your report card after dinner, and grades do matter. If you are having a hard time I'll help you study." He replied, "Oh and I use math, English, and science in my job everyday. For history if you don't know it you are doomed to repeat it."
"All I do is study.... I know the stuff, my teachers just don't like me" Lucia muttered, pushing around her dinner with her fork "Can I be excused? I'm not really hungry...." she said, getting up and going to her room before she got an answer.
Rose sighed looking down at the cake she had just passed out to everyone. She got Lucia's piece and slid it into a Tupperware container. Maybe someone would take it for lunch? She sat it in the fridge with the rest of the cake.

Sophie was licking the icing off her small piece, getting it all over her face. Rose looked back at Mathew and sighed. She had gotten a call from Lucia's teacher around lunch time. "I think we both need to help her study more..." she said not wanting to say too much with David there. Lucia was failing most of her classes and getting Cs in the rest.

"want to color!" Sophie said then fake cried. Rose ignored her, not wanting to always give into the child.
Matthew sighed and watched his oldest leave, it just sounded like excuses to him, but he didn't press the issue he didn't need to add fight with his teenage daughter to his overflowing plate. He looked at Rose curiously, "Oh? You do? Why do you think that?" He asked, and looked over at Sophie. "Sweetheart, you are big girl now and big girls ask nicely why they want to do something, they don't cry. So if you calm down and ask again then maybe mommy of I will help you." Matthew said softly and calmly.

David was to engrossed in hi piece of cake to pay much attention to anything else he take a bite of cake and then a bite of frosting. He repeated this until he was done with the cake, " Thank you mom. Dinner was good and the cake was too, can I go play now?" He asked eager to get back to putting his puzzle back together.
(Should we skip to the next day?)

Lucia grabbed a piece of paper and started trying to work on her math, checking the answers in the back of her text book. She seemed to be getting most of them right, how was she not getting decent grades though? It had to be because her teacher hated her guts. He had said she was dumb enough for special classes and she really didn't want to be in that! She wouldn't be able to do anything if she was thrown in there!
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"Mmmm" Sophie said sticking her bottom lip out. Rose sighed, "You can color for the girl in the morning" she said knowing that was what it was.

"You finished all of your homework, so I don't see why not." she replied to David.

When he was out of earshot Rose turned back to Mathew, "The school called. She is failing almost every class." she pursed her lips, "Lucia is smart, I've seen it." she said, "He thinks she might have a learning disability. He wasn't all that nice about telling me either." she said leaning forward to rest her arms on the table to hold her glass of water.
"Thanks." David replied and got off the chair and walked to his romantic and promptly sat down to his puzzle together.

"What?" He said stunned. "So should we get her tested then, I mean if she has a learning disability then we should find out what it is, so we and her teachers can help her succeed." Matthew replied, he knew his daughter was smart but if she was struggling he wanted to help her. "So what exactly did this teacher say and what is his name?" He asked as he was going to have word with the man later.
"Mr. Heckle" Rose said then giggled a bit, "Grate name, don't you think?" she bit her lip before going on, "He had a vary rude tone. I told him she has been doing her homework and I have seen her studying. He told me I did not know what I was talking about." She huffed a bit feeling upset about the whole conversation again. She had been so busy with getting ready for the foster child that she had forgotten about everything Mr. Heckle had said to her. "I think Mr. Heckle said he had to put the paper work in to have her tested by the school, but he did not seem to be in a hurry to get it done." she said hoping Mathew could help her hurry the man along. "I think at lest one of us needs to go in and see about having her moved to a different class. I think he might be part of the problem." she explained, "I mean, if he acted that way talking to me I can't imagine how he might treat Lulu." she said using their daughter's childhood nickname.

Sophie was sitting in her booster seat pouting, her arms crossed.
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The social worker knocked on the door. Her eyes had dark bags under them after another emergency call from Shyann's last foster home. They had gotten sick of her beating up on their kids and waking them up at night screaming. Now all she could hope for was that the Allens would agree to take her tonight rather than having her sleep at the police station "Shyann... This is your last chance" she snapped annoyedly at the young girl "If you can't make it work with this family then you're going to have it real rough growing up in Juvenal hall behind bars!" she snapped at the 12 year old "I'm sick of having to come and get you early just because you can't ignore some little name calling! You're a trouble maker! A bully! And you are going to end up in jail sooner or later! And it won't just be a slap on the wrist like juvy will be like! There are REAL bad people in this world and you better grow a back bone before you meet them!" she scolded relentlessly, straitening up when he heard the door knob turn and smiled when she saw Mathew "Hello! I'm Mrs. Elton, Shyann's social worker" she introduced her self, motioning to the little girl who was wiping tears from her eyes "Her last foster family had an emergency and they couldn't keep her any longer and well I was hoping you might be persuaded to take her in tonight.... Other wise.... Policy states that she'll have to sleep at the police station since I can't take her in my self..."

Shyann looked up at Mathew and forced a smile despite noticing the shock and perhaps disgust on his face when he saw her. Things surely weren't going to turn out any better here and she'd be gone in a couple weeks, no one wanted her.
"Don't worry I'll take care of him and see about getting Lucia moved to a new class." Matthew replied and proceeded to get things ready for bed time. He drop in on this Mr. Heckle, Monday after school.

He was startled to hear someone at the door this late. But he went to the door and smiled, at the two strangers on his door step. "It's nice to meet you." He replied and nodded as he listened to yet another story to soften him up. The young girl's appearance was a bit startling, but she was a scared little girl and that was all that really mattered. Matthew smiled at Shyann, "I can't let you stay at the police station now can I?" He replied and looked back at Mrs. Elton, "She's welcome to come early. I'll get my wife Rose and we'll get her all settled in." He replied and turned slightly, "Rose can you come help me, our guest is here early." He called into the house.
Rose had cleaned Sophie up and was about to carry her upstairs to get her ready for bed when she heard Mathew call her. With Sophie balanced on her hip she went to the door to see the 12 year old. Rose reached out and was genital as she guided the girl inside. She was not surprised by the way she looked.

"Why she cry, Mommy?" Sophie asked not understanding.

Once she had her inside Rose knelt in front of the girl looking her in the eyes as she let Sophie go. Sophie ran away to, grabbed her plastic baggy of crayons and a coloring book. She throw them on the floor and began scribbling.

"Hey there Shyann, right?" she asked her. She saw that Mathew was handling things pretty well with the social worker, so she put all of her attention on Shyann, "Did you have dinner yet?" she asked with a soft smile.

Sophie tore a page out of her book and came running back to her Mother's side, fake panting as if she were out of breath, which she was not. "I color this!" she announced shoving it in Shyann's face, "For you! Don't be- don't be..." she stammered forgetting the word, "Scared!" she smiled hugging onto her Mother's arm.
"Fantastic!" Mrs. Elton said, handing Mathew her small bag of clothes "Here, these are her things and I really have to go see to another child I'm working with" she made up an excuse to get away from the ugly brat the system had stuck her with.

Shyann watched as her social worker dumped her at the new house and left as quickly as she could. She'd do anything if only she had a stable home. But the pattern always repeated and no one would keep her longer than they had to. "Why? It's where I'll end up in a couple weeks any way...." she shrugged, trying to distance her self so she wouldn't be let down in the end. She shook her head when Rose asked her about dinner, they had tried to send her to bed with out dinner before the fight "No, I'm not hungry" she lied, jerking back when Sophie shoved the paper in her face "Uhh... Thanks?" she said, looking at the scribbled on princess
Matthew took the the girls things and nodded as her social worker left. He closed the door and was happy that Sophie was being well behaved especially for a three year old. "I'll go put her things in her room, and I'll get the other kids to come down and introduce themselves." He said and went to the guest room and set her bag on the bed he'd let her unpack the things herself. Then he knocked on Lucia's door, "Shyann, the girl who will be staying with us for a couple of weeks is here, you should go introduce yourself now, and be on your best behavior." He said and went to David's room and did the same.

David put his puzzle piece down got up and hurried to the living room, he look at Shyann and smiled, "Hi I'm David and that's Mom, and that'd Sophie, and that Dad coming down the stairs." He said pointing at everyone as he introduced them. "What's your name do you like puzzles?" He asked remembering he was supposed to share his toys.
"I'm Shyann...." She introduced her self, feeling really vulnerable just being polite towards him. He'd just end up making fun of her! "No, I don't really like puzzles, there's too many tiny pieces and it's so impossible to find where they all go" she muttered, finding that David sounded really spoiled. She never got anything fun to play with. But maybe they'd share for a bit, that would be nice...

Lucia was right behind David as they ran down the stairs. The first thing she thought when she saw Shyann was that she needed a bath to get the mud splattered all over her off but the more she looked at it she realized that it was just her skin and that those splotches where like huge moles or something along those lines. "Hi" she said after a moment, smiling at her a bit "I'm Lucia, I guess this makes us sisters, huh?" she said, still happy with the idea of having a sister.

Shyann glared at Lucia "No, it doesn't make us sisters!" she snapped "It's 2 weeks then I'm gone... Again"
Rose bit her lip pulling Sophie away from the girl. "Shyann" she began in the voice she used when one of her children had just scrapped up their knee, "I can hear your stomach growling." Rose said concerned, "Please tell me the truth." She heard how she was already treating the children and it worried her, but she was sure it would soon get better. She would just have to keep an eye on them and make sure her children remembered to behave. She did not want to address the part about this only being for two weeks. She knew the girl needed a stable home and she just did not see that happening, but she hoped to give her the best two weeks they could manage to give her. She would make sure her family would pray for Shyann's long after she was gone from their lives. She wished she could offer her more then that, but it was something.
"Well what do you want me to say? No, I didn't eat... But I'm fine, I'm not hungry" Shyann repeated too afraid to admit she needed anything from anyone that would just push her out in the end "Can I just go to bed?" she asked, looking down at her feet now. Her shoes were new but rather dirty from where the last family had taken her out shopping to find them and she had just messed them up walking in the mud, that was what started the fights with them and led them to getting rid of her. Her blue jeans she got from the family before that, just a hand-me-down but they said that they had been worn by all the kids they loved until she came along and ripped them on accident when she had tried climbing a tree only to break a branch which hit a window and busted that. Her purple princess t-shirt was from several families before that. They had told her that she was their first and would be their only child because they only wanted one perfect kid. When they found out they were pregnant 4 days later they called and got rid of her because now they would actually have a perfect child, free of the ugly splotches she had. Every thing reminded her of just how much no one would ever want her and just how hopeless life was in general. Rose just reminded her of a family she was with when she was 10 and in the end they had told her that she should kill her self. She had to go to a counselor after she had tried in their care only to be told that since obama care was coming out that soon it would be legal to end her life and painless and that if that was what she wanted then it would be arranged as soon as possible. A painless death, that was what she wanted, it would be better than the miserable life she was living.
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Rose tilted her head as the girl's stomach growled again. "Your hungry..." She said standing up and taking Shyann's hand gently and leading her slowly into the kitchen. She got pulled one of the the chairs out, "Sit here, I'll get the food out." she told her before turning to the fridge and getting the felt overs. She put some spaghetti on a plate and while it was in the microwave she pored a glass of milk and sat it in front of Shyann. She placed two slices of her home made bread on the plate of food before giving it to her as well. "So what's your favorite class at school?" she asked cutting a piece of cake for the girl and giving it to her too. Rose sat down at the chair beside her to make sure the girl eat.

Sophie came running in with printer paper and her crayons. She climbed up into one of the other chairs and stood on the seat slamming the paper down before scribbling all over it, "I draw you!" she smiled.
David wasnt really sure what to do next so he just shrugged. "Oh okay." He replied softly and decided that he would have to find another toy that they could play with.

Matthew was a bit concerned but he couldn't really expect the girl to be the mst well behaved since he highly doubted that she had, had any sort of structure growing up. At the very least he hoped that may giving her a schedule would help her feel more comfortable and give her a chance to make a good impression on the next family. Matthew joined rose in the kitchen, and sat down across from Shyann, he'd let Rose do most of the talking she was better with the touchy feely stuff. He would just use what he learned to help connect with her and see if he couldn't help her find some stability.
"I said I'm not hungry" Shyann repeated as she was taken into the kitchen, the food looked so good that she eventually relented after staring at it for what seemed like the longest time to her. She had to admit, Rose was a good cook. She shrugged at the question "I don't like school.... Every teacher is always talking about something different and they expect you to know everything from the entire year" she muttered "I hate having to go, it's a waste of time"

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