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Realistic or Modern Room for One More (Closed group)


RpN's Resident Catechist
OOC: Role Players: @Flack @FreeMustang and myself. All plotting will take place in OOC tab so everyone can see it. Also, we can change the last name if we want. I was just trying to get it up since someone! I wont give a name *Looks at sister* said I should have already done it... So here it goes...


"Mommy mommy!" a small voice called running in the kitchen door.

Rose Allen turned from the stove to see her daughter standing in front of her, arms covered in mud up to her elbows, holding three pitiful looking tulips up to her with both hands. She sighed as she came down to the child's level.

"I picked these for you mommy!" the three year old giggled.

Rose smiled taking them from her, "Thank you" she said. They were the last flowers left in the flowerbed, or at lest they had been.

"Put them in water mommy! I want them by Mary!"

"Okay Sophie..." Rose said getting a glass and filling it with water and placing them inside. She propped them up as best she could, but they still looked sad. Sophie must have pulled on them pretty hard. "Alright, before we take them to Mary we better clean you up!" Rose said turning the stove down so the meat for the spaghetti would not burn in her absents. She checked the timer and saw the bread had about five more minuets before it would be done. She had plenty of time. She got a clean dish rag and soaked it in worm water and on her knees began cleaning Sophie's arms and hands, "Sophie" she said in a child like voice, "What did mommy say about picking flowers?"

Sophie giggled, "I don't know!" she lied.

Rose chuckled a little too, "Yes you do!"

"No I don't!"

She sighed still smiling, "Mommy said that she loves the flowers, but does not want you to pick them."

Sophie stuck out her bottom lip looking sad, "Sorry..." she sounded like she might cry.

Rose hugged her the kissed her on the forehead, "It's okay, don't do it again." she said knowing full well Sophie would do it again. She'd have to watch her more closely and have her older siblings watch more. She was concerned Sophie might try to pick flowers at the house next door.

"You want to go give these flowers to Mary now?" Rose asked her.

Sophie started giggling again, forgetting the trouble she just been in. "YES!" she exclaimed.

Rose picked the glass of tulips up and the two of them placed them in the living room with the family's statue of Mary.

Just then the timer went off and Rose had to run to take the bread out. She herd the front door open and she wondered how her husband, if that was him, would react to the news. She was excited, but was not so sure he'd feel the same way.


OOC: Lets try not to go too far between just two of us.
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He was finally off work and that meant being able to go home to his wife and children. Mostly though it meant spending time with his kids, which was wonderful it just didn't leave a lot of quality time for Rose and himself. Hopefully that would change now that the youngest was was three and was sleeping through the night most nights. He pulled into the driveway and mentally prepared for the whatever waited him behind the front door. As long as no one was bleeding or sick it would be fine. Matthew was used to the chaos of having small children, and he enjoyed all the time they had together he just wished he was able to have more time with his wife.

As he opened the front door he was hit with the wonderful scent of dinner. Nothing beat a good home cooked meal, especially with fresh bread if he wasn't mistaken. "Hello, I'm home." Matthew called and set down his briefcase and sighed when he saw the flowers by Mary. It was wonderful, but it also meant that the last of the flowers were now gone from Rose's flowerbed.

David came into the living room and smiled, "Hi Dad." He said waved and walked into the kitchen as that was where dinner was. "Mom, Dad is home can we eat now?" He asked.

Matthew soon joined his son I the kitchen and smiled, "I think it wold be better if we waited for your mother to finish cooking it don't you?" He asked.

" But it dinged, that means it is cooked." David said matter of factly.
OOC: I got permission to go out of turn once.

"Daddy!" Sophie yelled running into the kitchen and latching onto his leg giggling, "I picked flowers for mommy!" she informed him. The child had not yet figured out the difference between her mother and Mary yet. Rose had explained it to her multiple times and she just did not understand. She held up her arms, her way of asking to be picked up.

Rose bit her lip as she slipped the chocolate cake into the oven. She only did that when she had news she did not think Mathew would like. She had meant to talk to him about it before hand, but it all just happened so quickly and now there was just no going back. She tried to convince herself it was not her fault, after all the only time they had together alone one or both of them were asleep. "No dinners not done yet, David and your sister isn't home yet." Rose said turning the heat back up on the stove again. "The timer was for the bread." she said, "Why don't you tell your father about your English grade?" she said handing Mathew the report card from the table, "It went up." Rose was going to use any piece of good news to get him in the best mood possible.
Lucia walked into the house and slammed the door behind her, frustrated with school and her teachers. She had worked so hard on her presentation and Mr. Heckle had just torn her apart right and left with every detail "Dam it!" she cursed loudly right before the smell of cake smacked her in the face "Mom?! Who died this time? Was it grandma? I wish it were my teacher that was the one being put in the ground! He's such a UHG!!!" she screamed, increasingly frustrated as she thought about it, so much so that she kicked the table that Mary and the vase of flowers were on, busting one of the flimsy legs and sending both items crashing towards the ground. Lucia barely managed to catch Mary before the vase shattered into a million pieces and the water spilled all over the hard wood floor "Shit!" she muttered, looking around for some logical reason that would make this not her fault or at least seem plausible that it might not be her fault, finding none however she was forced to owe up to her mistake when everyone ran to see what had happened "I saved Mary?" she smiled a little, hoping to keep from getting yelled at too much "She forgave me."
Matthew smiled at his youngest, "You did? I think I saw them by Mary, they are really pretty." He replied and picked her up. The chocolate cake didn't escape his notice, either they were celebrating or he was about to get some news he wouldn't like. Matthew was hoping for the later, he smiled more at the mention of a grade going up. "That's wonderful, see what some extra studying can do?"He said to David.

"Better grades?" He asked, but didn't wait for an answer he was more focused on when dinner was and turned to his mother, "So when everybody gets here and the cake gets all done then can we eat?" He asked dramatically.

Thus far Matthew was in a pretty good mood, then the door slammed and he heard his daughter curse. He took a deep breath before he was going to say anything. As if that wasn't bad enough now she was shouting about death, he'd have to wash her mouth out with soap. He cleared his throat looked at Rose and smiled, "Teenagers." He said in a hushed irritated tone and put Sophie down. Just as he was about to go talk with his oldest he heard the glass shatter and sighed. "Are you alright Lucia?" He called and made his way into the living to see what had happened. "At least Mary is safe, after we clean this up you and I are going to have a talk you lady." He said sternly and turned towards the kitchen, "Rose keep Sophie in there with you there's glass everywhere." He called and took another deep breath.
Lucia bit her lip as she saw her dad taking deep breaths multiple times! That was never a good sign. "Well actually.... Umm.... After I clean this up I have WAY too much home work and I should just get right to it or I'll never finish" she rambled and went to grab the broom and dust pan. She really didn't want him to find out about the detention she had gotten after school that made her late coming home nor did she want anyone knowing that she had gotten her report card and the grades were deplorable. She worked so hard on everything and nothing seemed to get any better for her. It was so frustrating being the only one in the family failing school when everyone else at least made C's to get by.
Rose heard the glass shatter and quickly grabbed Sophie, balancing her on her hip. The girl started crying, "Flowers... Lulu broke flowers." Rose sighed, "Shhh" she said hearing the pot over boil suddenly. She put Sophie with David, "Just keep her in the kitchen!" she asked having to go back to the stove. She took the pot off the burner and turned it off. Then she added the tomato sauce to the meat, onions, and green peppers she had been cooking in the pan. She kept her eye on Sophie who was upset and crying to David about her flowers being broken. Her face was red and soaked with tears. She bit her lip, so much for the good mood. She had to think of a way to calm everything down.

Rose set the table quickly and place all the food in dishes with serving spoons. She had learned that doing this prevented her from having to get up and get things for people other then Sophie. She even had a pitcher of juice on the table. Once she was finished she picked Sophie up and buckled her into the booster seat.

Sophie screamed unhappy to be trapped. Rose sighed glancing over at David, "Your the only behaved one..." she said, "Now just wait for everyone to get to the table and pray." she said anticipating that he might try to eat right away, "Some times I wonder if they feed you at school."
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David Look at his Mom and nodded he took a hold of Sophie's hand. He stood there and listened to his sister cry and wondered why he had to do this. "It's okay." he kept saying not really sure what else he could say or do.

Matthew eyed his daughter, "Your homework can wait a few minutes, and do not think I have forgotten the manner in which you entered this house." He replied hearing Sophie crying. He watched Lucia get the broom and dust pan and raised his eyebrow, "Why did you get home after I did?" he asked curiously. She should have gotten home before he had and the bad attitude was making him a bit suspicious.

David looked at his mother confused, "Aren't you behaved and isn't Dad behaved too? Did Dad do something bad?" he asked with a mischievous grin. He sighed and nodded then took his seat at the table and waited to pray. "They do but not a lot and it's not your food." He answered with a small pout.
Lucia swept up the glass slowly then grabbed a towel and started wiping up the water so it wouldn't be slick "Uhmm.... Mr. Heckle kept me over..." she muttered in response "He just doesn't like me! I mean I didn't do anything wrong, what excuse does he have?" she rambled, blaming it all on the teacher before she dumped the glass in the trash and tossed the towel in the laundry "I don't know why I even try so hard, nothing seem to impress him" she muttered, matter a fact it was just the opposite, Mr. Heckle was very impressed with how stupid she was. Never had he had a student that could twist his curriculum into utter non-since! Especially math!
Rose gave David the look, "You know what I mean" she snapped. She went over to Sophie, "Shhh" she said running her hand through the little girl's hair, "We'll get new flowers." she promised her, "Tomorrow we can go to the park and you can pick some." Sophie stopped crying but was still visibly upset. Rose wiped Sophie's eyes and went to the living room to see what had happened. The mess was already cleaned up and Rose took a breath, "Year of mercy" she said as she stood next to Mathew, "Matt, it's okay." she said smoothing things over, "She just had a bad day at school, no use in making it worse." She kissed Mathew on the cheek, "Come on, I made your favorite. Lets have a nice dinner together and we can talk about our days." she said in a sweet voice, "Dinner is done and a cake is in the oven." she said trying everything to make everyone forget what Lucia had done.
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David went silent at the look and looked at the floor he didn't want to get into trouble. Matthew was about to continue his investigation into what was going on but Rose came to their daughter's aid. The not so subtle reminder about it being the year of mercy didn't escape his notice, either. "No it's not okay, there has to be some sort of order, Rose." He sighed, he knew he'd lost all his got when she kissed his cheek. "Alright, let's eat, after dinner you and I need to talk in private my dear." He said softly, doing his very best to hide the fact he was still irritated. She made his favorite and cake Rose had bad news too, he could just feel it. Hopefully it wasn't something to big or expensive, tiny like Sophie colored on the wall or something along those lines.
Lucia looked very much relieved when her mother came in to calm dad down. Now she didn't have to talk about the detention or the fact that she was probably going to have to repeat her grade. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing for her, sure, she'd loose all her friends but she might get a different teacher that might be able to help her more. Lucia put her book bag in the closet and washed her hands before sitting down at the dinner table with the rest of the family "So whats going on here? Mom? You never bake cake unless..." she trailed off, knowing her father seemed to be irritated by the mention of death, at least right now.
Rose sat down next Sophie who was smacking her hands on the table like a drum yelling that she was hungry. Rose gently placed her hands on Sophie's, holding them down and looking at her, "What do we do before we eat?"

"Pray?" she asked.

"Mhmm." Rose nodded. She had heard Lucia's question, was she really that predictable? All at once the family bowed their heads and prayed the meal time prayer together in perfect sync.

Once they finished with the sign of the cross they began passing plats and food around the table. Rose served Sophie a small portion of spaghetti and tried to convince her to try using her plastic fork instead of her hands.

She allowed the family to begin eating before she began. "So ah... You know that Mom's group I go to once a month at St. Anthony's?"
Matthew went it the kitchen, relieved that his oldest had enough sense to not finish her question. Once at the table he sat by David to make sure he behaved. After they finished their prayers he was happy to start eating and making sure his son didn't take huge bites. Matthew looked at Rose and nodded, "Yes I do, and if they need help putting cribs together again, I'll help but I am only available on the weekend, preferably Saturday." He said hoping that was all there was to this question. Matthew was more than happy to volunteer to help the ladies out, but that just meant even less time with his family especially his wife.
Rose looked down at her food, her hands in her lap, "No, it's not that..." she said. She could not help but look over at the spare chair they had sitting in the corner of the kitchen. Mathew and Rose had gotten the kitchen table a year ago, when Rose was last pregnant. They got six chairs because they figured they would eventually need six, but Rose miscarried. She looked at her hands sitting in her lap for a moment asking God to take the memories out of her mind for the moment.

"Last month one of the mothers gave a presentation..." she began, "She's a social worker. She works to find temporary foster care for orphans and abandoned children." she look up at Mathew, "And their desperate and none of the other mothers were willing." she explained a bit more confident, "And I was thinking, we have room for one more... and before I knew it all the papers were signed..." she said looking at Mathew just as the timer for the cake went off. She got up and pulled it out of the oven setting it on top of the counter to cool. She wished it were done already.
He raised his eyebrow, "Oh?" He replied and noted she was looking over at the empty chair and wondered if that had something to do with it. What that was he didn't have any idea. Matthew nodded, of course there was a story to go with whatever it was wheneverit was something he probably wouldn't like there was story to soften him up. He listened closely to her and as the story progressed he took a deep breath as he saw where it was going.

"So what you are telling me is you didn't discuss this whole foster family thing with me yet we are now signed up and I shouldn't be suprised if I get a phone call to temporarily house and care for children. Is that whats going on?" He asked looking at her as she got the cake, "There isn't anymore to this is there, I mean, I think you and I should talk in private now away from the children." Matthew said knowing he'd probably say things that they didn't need to hear, if they kept talking about this foster care thing.
Rose sighed, it was not going vary well. She looked over at the two older children, "Watch your little sister..." she said before following her husband into the next room and shutting the door. "Matt, I was going to talk to you... To be quite honest I forgot." she said folding her hands together in front of her chin. "I even told the women I needed to speak with you first and hadn't gotten the chance to." she swallowed and she looked directly into Mathew's eyes, "But the girl is only 12, she's been to over 100 homes because no one wants her because she's disfigured." she searched his eyes for some kind of compaction, "I couldn't say no. Matt she has no where to go." she said, "Do you remember when Lucia was 12?"
He followed her out and and sighed, "See that's exactly why we can't do it we don't see each other often enough to talk about things, now you want to bring in another mouth to feed and body to dress." Matthew replied, and sure he felt a bit bad that people cared so much about appearances that the girl had been to 100 homes he couldn't imagine going through that. Matthew looked at Rose and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Yes if course I remember when Lucia was 12." He replied and bit his lip, "Fine she can stay but it's only temporary alright until they find her a permanent home, then she goes and we get taken off that foster family list, Alright?" He said, feeling that he was comprising more than enough giving the situation.
"Matt, we were supposed to have four anyway..." she looked down holding her arm. All of the emotions began flooding back. She had been told so meany times to just get over it, but she still struggled with it. She felt like it was so much easier for everyone else to move on, after all none of them knew the baby like she had. Her hand went instinctively to her stomach. She looked like she could fall apart at any moment. "I'm happy with the children we have, I guess I still feel a hole. I'm supposed to have another mouth to feed and another body to dress." she looked up at him, "It's only for two weeks. They will move her again after that unless we say other wise. Apparently a permanent home is near impossible for her." she explained pulling herself together again, "I only learned all of this today..."
"I know that this has been hard on you." He said softly and slid his arms to her biceps. "Rose it isn't good to dwell on the past, God has a plan and apparently it involved you finding someone who needed help. So we will for two weeks then, I think we should take some time to really talk with one another again." He replied and lightly kissed her forehead, "Why is finding her a permanent home impossible? Oh and when is she going to get here so we can get ready for her?" He asked gently he didn't want Rose reduced to tears.
Rose hid her face in Mathew's chest as he embraced her, her hands on his chest. She listened to what he said and then looked up at him when he kissed her forehead. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Lucia is old enough to babysit now." she said in a soft voice, "Maybe we should let her." she said pulling away a little. She hated not having time with him to connect and discuses things.

"They wanted to bring her tonight, but I did not want to spring her onto you like that. This was already bad enough. so she will be here in the morning." she said, "And I already fixed up the guest room for her. I even put some of Lucia's old things in there for her." Rose smiled a little straining Mathew's caller a little. "Matt, she's 12 and disfigured. Everyone wants a babies with pretty blue eyes and blond hair." Rose felt a pain in her heart, she could not understand why someone would turn a child away.
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Lucia had been peeking out the door between the kitchen and the living room the entire time, her smile growing bigger as she listened and relayed the information back to her siblings, giggling a little bit "Oh now mom and dad said that I'll be baby sitting you David! So now you HAVE to do what I tell you to" she smirked, punching him playfully on the shoulder "So we'll go over your chores tonight" she smirked, planning to dump everything on him. She was really glad they were getting a sister! Especially one close to her age. It wasn't that great having a little sister as annoying as Sophie was though she would eventually grow out of it.
"I suppose we can, it'll be good to give her some extra responsibilities." He replied and smiled. "Great, first thing tomorrow then I'll be sure to be on my best behavior. We should tell the kids what's happening, I only know you didn't tell them yet because David or Sophie would have let slip they knew already." Matthew replied and ran hiz hand through his hair. This was going to be quite the adjustment.

David shook his head, "No I don't, you aren't mom or dad." He replied and scooted away from Lucia, "I'm only gonna do the chores I'm supposed to, and if you're mean I'll tell mom." He threatened.
Rose tilted her head looking back at the kitchen door and strait into Lucia's eyes. She looked back at Mathew, "Our children are spies and Lucia is their leader." she smiled. "It works out, her coming on a Saturday. Your off from work." she commented, "We can spend some time with her and see what she's like. I already promised Sophie to go to the park." She said heading with Mathew back into the kitchen to finish dinner. Rose still felt bad for not talking to Mathew first, but it was done now and she was thankful he was forgiving.

"Da do do do da da do!!!" Sophie sung playing with her spaghetti, slinging noodles in the air. Her hands were covered in sauce. "Mommy! I want to hug you mommy!" she exclaimed holing her hands up as her mother entered the room.

"You do?" Rose asked, "Lets clean you up first!" she said with a big smile. She got a clean dish rag and soaked it in warm water and begun cleaning the small girl up again. "Thanks for watching her Lucia..." Rose said giving her the look as she whipped Sophie's arm off.

"Uhm, sooo tomorrow morning we are going to have a girl come stay with us for a little bit." Rose explained to her children, "She has been through a lot. She has not been as blessed as you three have been. So we need to make her feel welcome." Rose said looking primarily at David and Lucia.
"My dear little brother.... I wouldn't be mean to you if you didn't do what I told you... But.... If I remember correctly... You really like to do more than just stand in the corner in your free time don't you?" Lucia said a bit impishly "Besides, I have to keep Soph from burning down the house so I'll actually NEED that help" she explained before her parents came into the kitchen. "Umm sorry mom... she just kinda does that on her own and I can't stop her... I would have just given her the noodles, no sauce. At least that's easier to clean up." she shrugged feeling a little nervous when her mom gave her that look of 'I'll make you pay for this' "I'll try to stop her next time" she promised "I'll treat her well. I'm glad we're getting another sister.... At least for a while"

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