Rominov School for Vampires


Four Thousand Club
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Anastasiya Viktoria Rominov sat at her elegant white marble desk. She had just sent away another satisfied student with their new schedule and dorm number. Writing some more information in a small pamphlet assigned to said student, she quickly filed it away and prepared for the next student's appointment.

The elder Vampire - not that she looked old at all - brushed a long strand of midnight black hair behind her ear. Her crimson eyes studied the next student's file, preparing for them to enter. This evening the headmistress of Rominov School for Vampires wore an elegant asian-inspired gown, which was form fitting, floor length, and low in the back so as to reveal her many tattoos.

Her office was filled with hundreds of near-ancient artifacts, scrolls, texts, you name it. She loved her family heirlooms and it showed. Fine tapestries hung on the red brick walls, and stands holding treasures littered the mahogany hardwood floors. Hearing the door creak slightly open, she looked up.

"Hello, dear. Come in."


Liliya Vasilisa Rominov, daughter of Headmistress Rominov, was just getting used to her new dorm. The girl she was with until now had asked her to transfer so that one of her friends could move into the room. Being the people-pleaser she was, Liliya couldn't find the heart to object.

So here she was, waiting for her new room mate to arrive. She gingerly unpacked her belongings, placing them in the same spots they'd laid in her other room. She wore her hair, which was the same jet black as her mothers and her mother's mother before her, into a long, tangle free ponytail. Two strands of the elbow length hair stayed out. Her blood red eyes stood out against her pale, delicate features. She wore a simple white dress shirt and a black skirt, which puffed out so slightly, making her look less thin than she really was. Her boots clicked against the hardwood floor as she walked around the room.

Finally situated, she plopped down on her bed with a book.


Dimitri Aleksandr Rominov was sitting outside. The sun had set just awhile ago, meaning it was the beginning of the Vampire "day". Being bothered if they're out in the sun too long, Vampires are on a schedule opposite to humans, which begins at dusk. Dimitri sat in one of the gardens, admiring the stars as they slowly became visible. Tomorrow would be the first day that students at the Academy would start back into their regular training schedules. Since there was really nowhere for them to go, many students stayed at the school all summer, while a few went home to their parents (if they were lucky enough to be born, not bitten).

Most of the students were already back from their mini vacation, ready to start the new fall semester. But Dimitri was indifferent as always. His classes seemed a bit of a bore last semester, since he'd soared up in the ranks above the vast majority of his classmates. He only stuck around because of his duty. He had to graduate and take over the academy when his mother was ready to move on. Being the older of the two siblings, he'd automatically inherit Rominov School for Vampires, which he honestly wasn't thrilled about.

Bram steadied his breathing and straightened up as he placed his hand on the cold golden doorknob clicking it open he proceeded to enter. You must do this, you need to do this, to destroy them.

"Hello, dear. Come in." A female voice entreated Bram from the other side."Sorry to disturb." Bram forced out as he unclicked the door handle and opened the door further. There she sat the headmaster of this night walker academy Anastasiya Viktoria Rominov, one of the highest targets on the orders Kill on Sight list. Her raven hair was as dark as night and her eyes burned like cinder her soft ashen skin seemed that of smooth milk. He walked in the sound of his leather shoes brushing and stepping on carpet rang out throughout this elegantly dark room. The rug was dyed a blood red with gold fringes. They may be monsters but they were prone to aristocratic tendencies, Bram laughed in his head.

He reached about 5 feet away from his desk and bowed. This was needed of him to bow his head to such a demon, he was trying to infiltrate the school for the good of mankind. He had passed all their initial exam requests and physicals, he had suffered and worked so hard for this moment. Now Bram was here today to receive his class schedule and dorm assignment...

The final step for him to begin his mission. He unbowed his head and stared at her his arms tucked safely behind his back almost as an officer stands at attention.
Anastasiya smiled slightly, keeping her fangs hidden behind her strawberry lips as many Vampires learned to do. When around humans, hiding your fangs was crucial, and the majority of Vampires kept their smiles small in order to do so. "Please, sit." She said, gesturing to an ornate chair on the other side of the desk. "And your name is... Bram, correct?" She asked, though she already knew who he was.

She dug through his file a moment longer, pulling out a piece of parchment with his schedule on it. "Here you go. Odd, I've never heard of your family name before. Are you from outside the U.S ?" It wasn't odd or rude for her to ask, it was actually quite common among their race to be curious about each other. She didn't recognize his last name from either America or Russia, and thought maybe he was a transfer student from one of the newer Rominov Schools.
Bram entirely dismissed her gesture for him to sit."My name is Abraham Van Helsing. My family is from a small city in Romania called Biertan. We left the province and headed to America where I was born." He moved forwards to her to receive the piece of paper. He could feel an ill intent in her aura around her. He could feel a slight quake in the floor around him a low tremble of some sort. Magic... is she testing me or is this just commonplace due to her immense power. He outstretched his hand towards the paper in her hands. He looked dead in her eyes his gaze unwavering. "But, Surely you have read my file Madam so you already know the answers to your questions..." Bram paused "Is there anything else." Brams eyes had a glint of defiance towards her. Showing her he was unwilling to step down. He hated these demons more than anything else having to bow his head was enough but to dabble in pleasantries with one was pushing him.
Anastasia sensed that something was off with him. He seemed much different than all of the other students here, neither seeming happy to learn their attributes nor outright mad to be here in the first place. Her smile dropped, and she observed him curiously for a few moments. Older Vampires such as herself had additional gifts such as compulsion and mind reading, but she considered it offensive for faculty to use it on students or for experienced students to use it on their peers. So she held back slightly, only trying to read his emotions rather than his thoughts. He seemed.... Off. Something wasn't right, for sure, but she had no time to worry about it. There were too many appointments to keep the first week of classes. "Well, then, Abraham Van Helsing, welcome to Rominov."
He snatched the paper from her and proceeded to leave the room about halfway out he added "It's been a Pleasure." He left the room the doors closed behind him with a creak and a thud like heavy doors clicking together. He looked at all the vampires outside of her office. Tsch ill have to avoid her. His personal effects would already be in the dorm she assigned him. He would wonder if he would run into his dorm mate or if he even had one. His heart made two heavy beats as he made his way down the hallway to his room. Not Now! His breath escaped him as he tried to heave for some air his hand clasped to his heart as a surge of pain pulsed through him. He collaped into the side of the wall hold himself up with his shoulder as he clutched his chest. His breathing was heavy and his vision becoming a dull blur. He was close to his dorm room he had to get inside. He staggered the rest of the way stopping only a short time before falling into his room. He crawled to his bags placed on the floor sweat dripping from his face. His breath became little whisps. He tore open his bag with furious purpose and quickly rummaged for a steel case. He clicked it open his mind slowly failing him his eyes falling darker and darker. He grabbed a glass syringe that was filled with a liquid of some sort. He threw off his jacket and frantically pulled his shirt arm up. He stabbed the syringe into his arm and dropped onto the floor, his body convulsing and seizing slightly. His breathing became regular as he laid there staring at the ceiling. He lifted his hand infront of his face and watched the color returning to it.
Anastsiya watched him carefully as he exited. She would have to make sure to keep a close eye on that one... He didn't seem quite the same as the others. She'd let the professors know that he was to be watched. Waiting for the next student, she returned to her paperwork.
Damon pushed open the door to a room. He looked around and set his things on the bed. He had already seen the headmistress. He looked over to the other side of the room and seen things from someone else but no one was in the room. I wonder who... He pulled his hood over his head and sat on his bed pulling out his things. Might as well start unpacking. Damon thought.

Nicolai walked quickly through the halls and up to the doors to Anastasia's office. "Miss. Anastasia? My I come in?" The teacher asks. He awaited at the door, no expression. He usually held no expressions on his face when he was around many people. When he was alone with one or two people he would show emotion.
Anastasiya sensed a familiar person outside her door. "Yes, Nicolai," she said, "Come in." She smiled as she greeted him. He was one of the few people that could make her smile enough to show her fangs on occasion. He was much younger than she was, but was very mature all the same. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

Dimitri stood and walked back to his room, deciding that maybe he should unpack the rest of his belongings. Unlike his younger sister, he'd been gone for a short time over the summer and hadn't unpacked the things he'd taken along. Walking into the dorm room, he saw that his new room mate had arrived (Damon). "Oh?" He said curiously. "I didn't realize you were here." He said, sending Damon a friendly greeting nod. "I'm Dimitri Rominov... You must be... Damon?"
Nicolai let a smile for over his lips now that he was in the safety of her office. "No nothing is wrong." He walked over to her desk and sat down. "Do you have roll sheets for my class?" He smiles and eyes her. He was never one to show so much emotion toward one person but he knew her very well.

Damon looked up to the person who walked in. "Huh?" He snapped out of his daze he was in and nodded. "Yea. thats me." He looked down at his bags and just set them on the ground, shoving them under the bed. He was not organized but he always seemed to stay that way. He held out his hand for a greeting. "Nice to meet you."
Anastasiya nodded. "I do, it's righhhht.... Here." She said, fumbling through a desk drawer filled with folders. She handed him one of the yellowed folders, which contained lists of students for all of his classes. "Speaking of which, I believe you have a young man named Abraham Van Helsing in some of your classes, please keep an eye on him, will you? He doesn't seem quite right and something about him makes me uneasy." She shook her head. "I may be losing it, though." She crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair.

Dimitri took Damon's hand, shaking it firmly. "Oh don't mind me," he said when Damon kicked his bag under the bed. "I didn't mean to interrupt your settling in. Are you new here? I don't recognize you."
Nicolai nodded his head. "Of course Ill keep an eye on him for you." He ran his tongue over his fangs and smiled again. "If I see any thing wrong I'll let you know Anastasiya." He stood up and turned to leave. Once he got to the door he grinned and spoke softly. "You look amazing today." with that he left.

Damon shrugged "Naw its fine and yea just got here really." He plopped on his bed and kicked up his feet. Damon looked over to Dimitri and eyed him. "So were you born or bit?"
"Thank you," she replied as he was standing up. He walked over to the door and gave her a compliment. He was gone before she could react, and gone before she blushed. "Thank you," she said again softly. Sighing, she ran a slender hand through her long hair, still leaning back in her seat.

Dimitri gave him an odd look, but then realized maybe Damon hadn't made the connection with his last name. "Born," he replied. "My mother currently owns the school. It gets passed down through our family. He would never admit his secret, and he would never let anything slip. It was for his- and his mother's- own good. But everyone here seemed to accept him as perfectly normal, so he never had to cover anything up. "I'm supposed to take over after graduation and become headmaster. Well, after some additional training, of course."
Nicolai made it to his classroom and begin to move things around. He wrote on a paper and taped it on the door saying 'ALL CLASSES MEET IN THE COURT YARD' He moved outside and grabbed some weapons. He then sat down and pulled out a book, reading it.

Damon nodded. "Lucky you... I was bit." He smiled as he glanced over at his room mate. "Was havin' sex and the B**ch bit the f**k out of me. I woke up in a ally way and just went home." He chuckled and sat up. "Parents found out, tried to kill me, and I ran." He stood up and stretched.
Bram shakily lifted his upper torso off the ground and placed his head in his hand and began a decrepit chuckle as he slowly gained his composure. He settled down and put the steel box back in his bag sliding it back into the compartment he looked at his skin it was no longer losing its life it came back to its soft peach color. after putting the box away he reached in and grabbed one of his bright blue steel revolvers with gold embroidery flowing throughout the outside of the chamber. He began to twirl it as he paced the room he looked to the other bed seeing his roommates luggage placed neatly beside it. I'll have to make sure an attack doesn't happen when he is here. He looked at his class list a professor Nicolai was laden throughout it. Heh... Nicolai Azarov.... Bram chuckled to himself... Nicolai Azarov, He is feared by many in the order, many knights have stead fast in his way and many have died. He is a savant of the sword and skilled in other weapons as well. Bram smiled as he thought of this his grip tightened on the paper making it crinkle to his will. Nicolai Azarov the harbinger of death. Bram began to laugh loudly the thought of him being his teacher amused him, he savored this new found fear something he had never tasted. I will kill this man!
Izio was walking towerds the headmaster's room. "This is so exciting getting to be in a school where I don't have to hide myself! I can already tell this year is going to be awesome!" Izio's heart started pacing faster and faster. He was also really nervouse who his room mate would be. "I wonder if my room mate and I will get along great or just totaly hate each other I hope he is a nice guy. There it is the Headmaster's door!" Izio walked up to the door and opened the door. "Ms. Headmaster I am Izio Arentino pleased to meet your aqueantence." Izio bowed and rose back up and smiled at the headmaster with his vampire teeth showing.
Dimitri raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. That's the first time I've heard that one, and I've heard some pretty crazy bite stories." He managed a small smile, a huge feat for him. "So, are you a combat or a mage?" He asked curiously. He was going to room with this guy all year, might as well get to know him.

Anastasiya looked up to see a new student enter the room. "Hello, you must be Izio?" She asked. He seemed much more excited to be here than the last student that was in here. "I have your paper right here, there's a schedule and your room number is on there as well. Classes start first thing in the 'morning', so don't be late." She smiled slightly, not revealing her fangs as usual. "I hope it is everything you are expecting it to be." She said sincerely. She knew a lot of students would already be preparing for the first week, and the teachers would definitely be planning way in advance to prepare for the first night of classes.
Damon smiled and sat on his bed pulling his guitar over and messing with the strings. "Combat." He spoke and pointed over to his crossbow. "Thats my girl." He chuckled a bit because he gave a sex to his crossbow. He looked up to Dimitri and raised an eyebrow. "And you?"
"Yay thank you Ms. Anastasiya!" Kite walked out trying to controll his excitement and as soon as he got outsidee he jumped for joy. "Now lets see where am I going. Ok got it this way, no wait this way, no yep this way defently this way." After a while of wondering around the building with his bags he found his room. "Finally found you new home!" Kite ran over to the door and slammed it open and yelled. "I'm home!" Kite threw his stuff on the floor and jumped on the bed.

(Does Bram have a roommate if not I'll be his room mate.)
Bram noticed as a new person entered the room and totally disregarded him as he entered. That pissed him off... this little runt. Bram sat at the edge of his bed looking at this new jolly fool jumping on top of his bed. Bram sat there watching polishing his silver pistol dwelling in anger.
Izio looked over at Bram. "Oh there is already someone here." Izio quickly got up and ran over to Bram. "Hi there my name is Izio Arentino I'm going to be your room mate I hope we get along great." He held out his hand and smiled at Bram showing his vampire teeth.
A clean click could be heard as cold steel pushed against Izio's hand that was extended towards him. "Nice to meet you." Bram looked up at him and smiled his finger resting on the steel sliver that is the trigger. "Do you need anything?" His eyes turned into a glare staring down Izio.
"Oh nothing right now. By the way what are you a magic user or a fighter? I'm a magic user I use water." Izio walked back to his luggage and started unpacking. "So is this your first year? It's my first year." Asked Izio.
Brams eye twitched in annoyance. is he just blind or stupid. "Combat and Yes." he sighed, He was short and cold to his new roommate. This guy is an idiot and far to happy. Fate would have it, that i have him be my roommate... my worst enemy my polar opposite. He grinned as he laid down on his bed spinning his pistol. He thought about the boys name he had never heard of it, so he wasn't a pure blood. "So how did you become a vampire?" He asked seemingly just to end the silence. He was always interested in the turning stories of vampires... He usually asked before he killed them. Hearing of the cruel actions the monsters took on the innocent fueled his anger and rage. This time though he couldn't kill him after he told him.

([MENTION=4608]Haseo[/MENTION]​ i added more)
"That is a secret that I will not tell you. Haha." Izio stoped unpacking just to laugh. "How did you become a vampire? It's always fun to see how others became vampires isn't it Bram?" He looked at Bram and chuckled. "This is going to be a good year." Izio had just finished unpacking. "Hey Bram right? I'm going out to explore the area wanna come with it will be fun!" Izio raised his eyebrows and smiled at Bram. "Come on there are bound to be some girls to talk to while we are out." Said Izio while he walked out the room.

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